Man vet at kortreist mat, sunnhet/renhet, fokus på miljø og mat sikkerhet er og blir en vinner fremover. Da skal man lete lenge etter et bedre case en Proximar Seafood. Med internasjonale industri aktører med på laget og en perfekt beliggenhet har vi mye å se frem til. Man kan bare se hva Nutreco sin CEO sier om saken:
Nutreco and Proximar partner to establish large-scale land-based Atlantic salmon farming facility in Japan
3 February 2021
Amersfoort, February 3, 2021: Nutreco today announces its investment in Norwegian land-based fish farming company, Proximar. Strategically located near the iconic Mount Fuji, Proximar’s Atlantic salmon farming facility will be a large-scale land-based fish farm helping to meet the large demand for salmon in Japan, using Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) technology.
Nutreco CEO Rob Koremans comments, “Our investment in Proximar is perfectly aligned with our mission of Feeding the Future. Japan has a large market and demand for Atlantic salmon in addition to limited possibilities for sea-based production, placing a large dependency on imports from other countries and increasing the environmental cost.”
Local land-based salmon production allows high quality fresh salmon to be produced closer to the consumer all the while reducing the CO2 footprint from airfreight, thereby reducing the entry cost to the market and securing fresher salmon for the consumer.
Nutreco’s Chief Innovation Officer Viggo Halseth comments, “We are delighted to partner with Proximar, we find the team strong and capable in delivering on land-based fish farming and like Nutreco, sustainability is a focus cornerstone for Proximar. Nutreco’s aquaculture division, Skretting, will work with Proximar bringing our knowledge in feeding and salmon production, while also building our own competence and customized fish feed to support all customers that produce RAS.”
“Since establishing Proximar in 2015, we have emphasized building a platform with an industrial footing. We believe this is crucial for success, and we’re therefore very excited to have Nutreco joining. This partnership contributes to further strengthen our platform according to our strategy. Nutreco represent valuable expertise and insights when it comes to operations, which is highly beneficial for Proximar. With Nutreco onboard, we now look forward to taking Proximar to the next stage,” says Joachim Nielsen, CEO of Proximar.
Today, Proximar began its first day on trading on Euronext Growth Oslo, the Oslo Stock Exchange’s marketplace for high-growth SMEs. The land-based Atlantic salmon farming facility is due to begin construction in Q1-2021 and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2023, with its first harvest during the first half of 2024.
Nutreco and Proximar partner to establish large-scale land-based Atlantic salmon farming facility in Japan
3 February 2021
Amersfoort, February 3, 2021: Nutreco today announces its investment in Norwegian land-based fish farming company, Proximar. Strategically located near the iconic Mount Fuji, Proximar’s Atlantic salmon farming facility will be a large-scale land-based fish farm helping to meet the large demand for salmon in Japan, using Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) technology.
Nutreco CEO Rob Koremans comments, “Our investment in Proximar is perfectly aligned with our mission of Feeding the Future. Japan has a large market and demand for Atlantic salmon in addition to limited possibilities for sea-based production, placing a large dependency on imports from other countries and increasing the environmental cost.”
Local land-based salmon production allows high quality fresh salmon to be produced closer to the consumer all the while reducing the CO2 footprint from airfreight, thereby reducing the entry cost to the market and securing fresher salmon for the consumer.
Nutreco’s Chief Innovation Officer Viggo Halseth comments, “We are delighted to partner with Proximar, we find the team strong and capable in delivering on land-based fish farming and like Nutreco, sustainability is a focus cornerstone for Proximar. Nutreco’s aquaculture division, Skretting, will work with Proximar bringing our knowledge in feeding and salmon production, while also building our own competence and customized fish feed to support all customers that produce RAS.”
“Since establishing Proximar in 2015, we have emphasized building a platform with an industrial footing. We believe this is crucial for success, and we’re therefore very excited to have Nutreco joining. This partnership contributes to further strengthen our platform according to our strategy. Nutreco represent valuable expertise and insights when it comes to operations, which is highly beneficial for Proximar. With Nutreco onboard, we now look forward to taking Proximar to the next stage,” says Joachim Nielsen, CEO of Proximar.
Today, Proximar began its first day on trading on Euronext Growth Oslo, the Oslo Stock Exchange’s marketplace for high-growth SMEs. The land-based Atlantic salmon farming facility is due to begin construction in Q1-2021 and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2023, with its first harvest during the first half of 2024.
25.03.2025 kl 14:59
klaesp, her er svaret:
Årsrapporten 21. mars:
.Cash flow generated from operations in 2025 is expected to be sufficient for operating the Group’s requirements for its 5,300 tonnes/year facility in Oyama, Japan. Some additional working capital following lower harvest in H1 is being addressed through debt facilities.
Q4 presentasjonen 28.feb:
Following the lower harvest in the first half of the year that Joakim has already mentioned, some additional working capital is needed and this is being addressed now through debt facilities.
On the financial side, we expect to reach positive EBITDA already in the first half of the year.
No major capex, is currently planned for 2025 and we are on track in terms of our target for full utilization.
Årsrapporten 21. mars:
.Cash flow generated from operations in 2025 is expected to be sufficient for operating the Group’s requirements for its 5,300 tonnes/year facility in Oyama, Japan. Some additional working capital following lower harvest in H1 is being addressed through debt facilities.
Q4 presentasjonen 28.feb:
Following the lower harvest in the first half of the year that Joakim has already mentioned, some additional working capital is needed and this is being addressed now through debt facilities.
On the financial side, we expect to reach positive EBITDA already in the first half of the year.
No major capex, is currently planned for 2025 and we are on track in terms of our target for full utilization.
Redigert 25.03.2025 kl 15:22
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25.03.2025 kl 15:20
Takk for tilbakemelding, Bulldog!!
Hvilke triggere finnes på kort og lang sikt?
Hvilke triggere finnes på kort og lang sikt?
25.03.2025 kl 15:40
Flere triggere men jeg fremhever refinansiering av gjeld som forfaller i Q3/Q4 og som de jobber med nå. Det konvertible obligasjonslånet forfaller i oktober og forsvinner det så slipper en den jævla turbulensen dette lånet har medført. Ledelsen i Bergen burde se hvordan ledelsen i Japan samhandler selv om en del er finans og en del drift. i selskapet. Da blir det veldig bra.
Faktisk rimelig spennende å se hva som skjer i konvertibel-lånet. Kjører de kursen til himmels over 4,07 og konverterer eller lar de seg bare innløse som lån.
Konvertering av lånet skjer godt over dagens kurs og tilfører selskapet kapital samt at kursen sannsynligvis vil l bli langt over 4,07.
Faktisk rimelig spennende å se hva som skjer i konvertibel-lånet. Kjører de kursen til himmels over 4,07 og konverterer eller lar de seg bare innløse som lån.
Konvertering av lånet skjer godt over dagens kurs og tilfører selskapet kapital samt at kursen sannsynligvis vil l bli langt over 4,07.
Redigert 25.03.2025 kl 15:50
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25.03.2025 kl 20:02
klaesp skrev Hvor står det i rapporten?
Det ble også bekreftet under Q/A sesjonen etter presentasjonen.
26.03.2025 kl 07:28
Tar vi et nytt steg i dag. Jeg tror på 3,7. En dag (snart) kommer budet… på minimum 6 kr
26.03.2025 kl 11:40
Bra du skrev MINIMUM 6 kr for den prisen må nok dobles. Tilsvarende anlegg koster vesentlig mer å bygge i dag enn da kontraktene ble inngått i 2021.
“We have now executed and signed all important contracts for the construction and installation of our state-of-the-art land-based facility in Japanand are on track to deliver on time and cost. We are pleased to see our many years of preparations and patience is paying off well”, says CEO Joachim Nielsen in Proximar Seafood.
The increase of material costs during the last year has not had any substantial impact on Proximar’s construction costs following the high level of fixed price contracts.
Noen kostnader har tilkommet pga "uhell" som det gjenståe å se om blir dekket av forsikringer.
To vesentlige uhell har det vært med utsping i denne:
Masse avansert utstyr og så er det det enkleste som svikter. Helheten teller uansett og uhell kan skje.
Nå er Proximar igjennom testfasen og sluttresultatet er i ferd med å danne seg med stødig produksjonsøkning. Husk at landbasert lakseoppdrett ble ansett som en risikosport i 2021. Noen må bevise og Proximar gjør det.
“We have now executed and signed all important contracts for the construction and installation of our state-of-the-art land-based facility in Japanand are on track to deliver on time and cost. We are pleased to see our many years of preparations and patience is paying off well”, says CEO Joachim Nielsen in Proximar Seafood.
The increase of material costs during the last year has not had any substantial impact on Proximar’s construction costs following the high level of fixed price contracts.
Noen kostnader har tilkommet pga "uhell" som det gjenståe å se om blir dekket av forsikringer.
To vesentlige uhell har det vært med utsping i denne:
Masse avansert utstyr og så er det det enkleste som svikter. Helheten teller uansett og uhell kan skje.
Nå er Proximar igjennom testfasen og sluttresultatet er i ferd med å danne seg med stødig produksjonsøkning. Husk at landbasert lakseoppdrett ble ansett som en risikosport i 2021. Noen må bevise og Proximar gjør det.
27.03.2025 kl 22:54
Var det her de endte opp?
SIIF Impact Capital Co., Ltd. (Representative Directors: Kazuhiro Umeda and Reiri Miura, Location: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as "SIIFIC") and the Foundation for the Promotion of Social Change (President: Shuichi Ohno, Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as "SIIF") through the jointly operated SIIFIC Wellness Investment Limited Partnership (hereinafter referred to as "SIIFIC Wellness Fund") Proximar Co., Ltd. (CEO: Joakim Nielsen, Location: Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, hereinafter referred to as "Proximar") has underwritten bonds with stock acquisition rights.
Var det her de endte opp?
SIIF Impact Capital Co., Ltd. (Representative Directors: Kazuhiro Umeda and Reiri Miura, Location: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as "SIIFIC") and the Foundation for the Promotion of Social Change (President: Shuichi Ohno, Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as "SIIF") through the jointly operated SIIFIC Wellness Investment Limited Partnership (hereinafter referred to as "SIIFIC Wellness Fund") Proximar Co., Ltd. (CEO: Joakim Nielsen, Location: Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, hereinafter referred to as "Proximar") has underwritten bonds with stock acquisition rights.
28.03.2025 kl 12:20
Jagbhar tittat igenom både info från 23 aug-24 och 25 mars-25 och det finns inget direkt som visar att det finns något samband.
Det är omöjligt att hitta villkoren för obligationens, 23 aug-24, inlösen eller konvertering till aktier. Hittar inte heller något på SIIF's hemsida som pekar mot obligationslånet från den 23 aug-24.
Refaat E-Sayed verksam med Fermenta AB i Sverige på 70-talet skulle ha sagt;"Det ligger en gravad hund här". Det var en av hans specialfraser.
Bra att du tar upp den här frågan Bulldog.
Villkoren för inlösen och konvertering till aktier skulle ha presenterats av Proximar när obligationerna 23 aug-24 lades ut på marknaden och skulle förstås även ha angetts när SIIF gjorde sin investering i Proximar den 25 mars-25. Marknaden vill säkert ha klarhet i det här och även vi på forumet.
Det är omöjligt att hitta villkoren för obligationens, 23 aug-24, inlösen eller konvertering till aktier. Hittar inte heller något på SIIF's hemsida som pekar mot obligationslånet från den 23 aug-24.
Refaat E-Sayed verksam med Fermenta AB i Sverige på 70-talet skulle ha sagt;"Det ligger en gravad hund här". Det var en av hans specialfraser.
Bra att du tar upp den här frågan Bulldog.
Villkoren för inlösen och konvertering till aktier skulle ha presenterats av Proximar när obligationerna 23 aug-24 lades ut på marknaden och skulle förstås även ha angetts när SIIF gjorde sin investering i Proximar den 25 mars-25. Marknaden vill säkert ha klarhet i det här och även vi på forumet.
Redigert 28.03.2025 kl 12:21
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28.03.2025 kl 13:01
Der er et konvertibelt lån, 7%, de har kjøpt av Selskapet. De sitter på lånet og kan konvertere til aksjer når de vil på NOK 4,07. Regner dermed med at de ikke konverterer enda om i de hele tatt gjør det. Egentlig litt merkelig at de kjøper i et obligasjonslån som forfaller i oktober. Derfor kan det være obligasjonene som Proximar solgte i august. Et nytt konvertibelt obligasjonslån må børsmeldes og det har ikke skjedd.
Men det er jo bra at de kjøpte.
Liten ekstra: Det finnes en mindre Fuji Salmon oppdretter fra før:
Men det er jo bra at de kjøpte.
Liten ekstra: Det finnes en mindre Fuji Salmon oppdretter fra før:
Redigert 28.03.2025 kl 13:34
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29.03.2025 kl 06:11
Dette er ferskvannsfisk. Som er en helt annen laks enn atlantisk laks som Proximar har i sine “merder”. Men de gjør det også veldig bra. Da alle vil ha laks som er lokalprodusert og har en tilknytning til Mt. Fuji🗻👍💵📈
Redigert 29.03.2025 kl 08:44
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