ZENA - Kataklysterisk oppgang i vente! KANAKAS!!
09.03.2021 kl 14:32
Her er det vel bare å vente på neste "utspill". Fikk dessverre ikke kjøpt flere i går under 0,13, men har nå noen i tilfellet toget plutselig skulle fare av sted.
Bull dog
09.03.2021 kl 14:34
Slettet brukerskrev Nå går toget👍👍👍👍
Hvis det er vy har vi enda litt tid....
09.03.2021 kl 14:36
Toget går på ingen måte! Vi får gå bak og dytte damplokomotivet fremover!
09.03.2021 kl 14:49
Men gamle dampen er så tjukk i ræva at den begynner å gli bakover..
Vi får ikke dyttet den fremover! That's just the repeating Zenstory!
Vi får ikke dyttet den fremover! That's just the repeating Zenstory!
Nano Rekyl
09.03.2021 kl 14:50
Aldara da få du dytte litt hardere for når du har fått gamle dampen over toppen så blir det fart :))))))
Jeg har troa. Zenith nye exxonmobil
09.03.2021 kl 15:05
Slettet brukerskrev Nå går toget👍👍👍👍
Tuuuttt tuuut. Nede på stasjonen står toget med motorstopp. Trenger deler. Går til høsten, kanskje
09.03.2021 kl 15:06
Fortsatt er ikke selskapene som har blitt tildelt lisenser i Nigerian Narginal Fields presentert.
Nigerian Marginal Fields Bid Round: Third Letter Out, Signature Bonus Called
« The country’s least transparent bid round in 20 years inches towards some closure
The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Nigeria’s regulatory agency for the hydrocarbon industry, has distributed the third letter in the series of correspondences it has been sending to, apparently, the 161 companies selected as winners of interests in the 57 marginal fields on offer in the country’s second marginal field bid round.
The third letter specifies the percentage awarded to the recipient and the signature bonus expected of it by government. The letters were emailed on March 2, 2021 and the authorities expect the signature bonus to be paid in 45 days, and it could be paid in either the local currency Naira or in US Dollars.»
Nigerian Marginal Fields Bid Round: Third Letter Out, Signature Bonus Called
« The country’s least transparent bid round in 20 years inches towards some closure
The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Nigeria’s regulatory agency for the hydrocarbon industry, has distributed the third letter in the series of correspondences it has been sending to, apparently, the 161 companies selected as winners of interests in the 57 marginal fields on offer in the country’s second marginal field bid round.
The third letter specifies the percentage awarded to the recipient and the signature bonus expected of it by government. The letters were emailed on March 2, 2021 and the authorities expect the signature bonus to be paid in 45 days, and it could be paid in either the local currency Naira or in US Dollars.»
09.03.2021 kl 15:11
Og hvorfor har ikke Zena sendt ut en børsmelding? Om de så har fått 5% andel, må de jo kommunisere med markedet. Kan det tenkes (ren spekulasjon) at i valget mellom en slik lisens og nye eventyr i Tunisia, kan de bare finansiere ett av dem?
09.03.2021 kl 15:19
Kanskje det har gått rett i spamfolderen til AC
"The letters were emailed on March 2, 2021 and the authorities expect the signature bonus to be paid in 45 days"
Minner litt om Nigeriabrev :-))
"The letters were emailed on March 2, 2021 and the authorities expect the signature bonus to be paid in 45 days"
Minner litt om Nigeriabrev :-))
09.03.2021 kl 15:23
Det står vel ikke her i klartekst at alle vinnerne har fått mail..ut fra artikkelen ser det ut som et salig rot i forbindelse med hele denne bid round..Ikke utypisk nigeria
09.03.2021 kl 15:29
"The Department of Resources has sent the first letters to inform the successful bidders of its choice".
Slik jeg forstår dette har de begynt å sende ut brevene, men det kan jo også bety at de har sendt ut de første av totalt flere brev, men hva er meningen med å sende flere brev om det samme tema?
Slik jeg forstår dette har de begynt å sende ut brevene, men det kan jo også bety at de har sendt ut de første av totalt flere brev, men hva er meningen med å sende flere brev om det samme tema?
Nano Rekyl
09.03.2021 kl 15:31
Kanskje det er her AC har hentet 1,5 M Euro for å betale signaturbonusen :)))))
09.03.2021 kl 15:37
Signaturbonusene i denne runden ligger vel på 5-10 mill usd per lisens, men hvis vi antar tre partnere per lisens og 60% lånefinansiering, blir det ikke så verst.
Nano Rekyl
09.03.2021 kl 15:38
Slettet brukerskrev Jeg har troa. Zenith nye exxonmobil
Det hadde ikke gjort noe overhode :))))) Da hadde pensjonen kommet rimelig kjapt!!
09.03.2021 kl 15:43
Dette ble nettopp postet av Fakevenues på LSE:
Nano Rekyl
09.03.2021 kl 15:45
Nå har AC mange baller i luften!!! Ingen av de er tatt ned enda, dessverre! Jeg håper han begynner å lande en del av disse ballene innen rimelig tid før 31. mars i forhold til verdiskrivningen på selskapet! Jeg har troa, men det er så sinnsykt viktig i forhold til tillitten til markedet!
09.03.2021 kl 15:55
Dette viser jo at det er en rotten og korrupt prosess, men at det er høyst sannsynlig at Zenith har fått beskjed om hva de er tilbudt. Det virker kanskje som de ikke får gå ut med dette før myndighetene har offentliggjort listen-who knows. Signaturbonusene høres veldig høye ut, men vanskelig å vurdere når vi ikke kjenner til feltenes potensial.
09.03.2021 kl 16:02
Fluefiskeren skrev Det ble postet av meg litt lenger opp i tråden.
09.03.2021 kl 16:18
Tror det må være noe feil med Zeniths epost. De hevder nå at de ikke har fått noe brev, og at de derfor ikke kan sende ut en børsmelding. Ikke mottat mail... hørt det før? :-)
Nano Rekyl
09.03.2021 kl 16:18
Gullhaugen skrev Ligger der en melding i morgen 0830??👀👀
Håper så inderlig at reisende AC poster et reisebrev på newsen innen kl 08.30 i morgen :))))
09.03.2021 kl 16:28
Iflg. artikkel skal det være sendt ut 3 (tre) eposter til 'vinnere'.
"The first of the three letters emailed to “winners” indicated that the addressee was qualified for a certain field."
"The first of the three letters emailed to “winners” indicated that the addressee was qualified for a certain field."
09.03.2021 kl 16:29
Tragisk kursutvikling av denne aksjen.
Hvem i helv... selger ned hele tiden..?
Storaksjonær eller alle hausserne på Zenithtrådene..?
Mvh 2 mill aksjer.
Hvem i helv... selger ned hele tiden..?
Storaksjonær eller alle hausserne på Zenithtrådene..?
Mvh 2 mill aksjer.
09.03.2021 kl 16:32
Jeg snakker om det siste brevet som i praksis er et tildelingsbrev. Har fått mail fra Zenith som bekrefter at de ikke har fått dette brevet. Ut fra det vi har lest skal jo alle de 160 selskapene få tilbud om en viss eierandel i en lisens, og derfor skal de jo få et offisielt brev i disse dager.
09.03.2021 kl 16:33
Ingen er fornøyd med kursen. Slutt å gnål hele tiden, det er jo det eneste du snakker om.
09.03.2021 kl 16:42
Hvis du leser en gang til det som jeg hentet fra artikkelen, så ser du at det der henvises til hvilken lisens de er kvalifisert for.
Og tildeling vil jo uansett ikke finne sted før de har betalt signerings-bonusen.
Men uansett så tenker jeg at det som myndighetene i Nigeria har kokt sammen vil være gjenstand for, og mye advokat-mat:
"The lack of knowledge of who your partners are raises the risk involved in the funding of the signature bonus. So does the instruction to awardees attached to every field to create a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to act as operator."
Og tildeling vil jo uansett ikke finne sted før de har betalt signerings-bonusen.
Men uansett så tenker jeg at det som myndighetene i Nigeria har kokt sammen vil være gjenstand for, og mye advokat-mat:
"The lack of knowledge of who your partners are raises the risk involved in the funding of the signature bonus. So does the instruction to awardees attached to every field to create a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to act as operator."
09.03.2021 kl 16:47
Der kan jo være at det er operatørene som har fått dem. Samtlige av disse er jo nigerianske selskaper.
09.03.2021 kl 16:48
Ordet «tildelingsbrev» var nok feil, burde stå tilbud om spesifisert eierandel i en spesifisert lisens. Dette er en forpliktelse fra myndighetenes side, og følgelig en viktig milepæl selv om det sikkert gjenstår mye før alt er på plass. Om Zenith et best tjent med å satse sine ressurser i andre markeder er jo en annen sak. Virker merkelig hele prosessen.
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 16:53
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09.03.2021 kl 16:50
Vet ikke, tror ikke det. Fra dagens epost:
«In line with our market announcements, we are still awaiting an official response regarding our participation in the Nigerian Marginal Bid Round which explains why there has been no regulatory announcement.»
«In line with our market announcements, we are still awaiting an official response regarding our participation in the Nigerian Marginal Bid Round which explains why there has been no regulatory announcement.»
Rote seg borti 3 land i Afrika, dette vil ta årevis før noe i det hele kan materialisere seg på noe som helst vis, om det i det hele tatt lar seg gjøre
09.03.2021 kl 18:16
Florida, thanks for your response. Yes, the SLK concession and the N Kairouan Permit have a great deal more potential than just work-overs of the current producing wells. I mentioned aspects of this potential in posts dated 14.06.2020 & 13.09.2020 but there is much more. The permit area, excluding SLK, has been targeted by 22 exploration wells, 6 of which flowed oil to surface from the Abiod and/or Bireno-Douleb reservoirs, so with the recent advances in seismic interpretation could well justify further exploration and development drilling. . The adjacent 536 sq km Bouhajla Permit could also be on ZEN's radar following the $7m BHN-1 failed intervention by DualEx as it leaves at least 3 other targets immediately west of the SLK Field. However all this is potential mid to long-term so I will not enlarge further at this stage.
What is currently more relevant is that on the assumption that ZEN would only be interested in acquiring additional onshore fields with mature oil production, and preferably with associated developmental and prospective potential, there are approximately 33 possible candidates. ETAP, the Tunisian national oil company, has an interest in all but 9 of these.
Sidi El Kilani, the first acquisition, was an obvious target, being the only field in which two global O & G companies had their sole Tunisian representation, so at the time a prime candidate for divestment of minority interests. With both KUFPEC and CNPC thus out of the picture, that leaves ENI [ENI Tunisia BV] and Total [CFTP] the only national majors with interests, those of the former being by far the most significant.
ENI are diversifying into solar, and gas to electricity conversion, and have major offshore O & G production [Maamoura, Baraka.] and exploration interests in the marine extension of the Pelagian Basin [ a geological construct] between Tunisia and Sicily. They are also active in further developing the major MLD [Makhrouga, Laarich, Debbech] and El Borma Fields in the south. Of the remaining 5 or 6 onshore legacy fields, all in the far south, Oued Zar/ Hammouda may be on offer as it is the subject of a July 2019 Wood Mackenzie report, but with both oil and gas production in steep decline from a 9500bopd peak in 1999 [5150bopd by 2010] and an associated gas to power plant to maintain, I doubt ZEN would be tempted. Likewise for any of the other southern fields.
Total's interests are now largely upstream, so CFTP its Tunisian subsidiary, has relatively limited O & G production and that committed to maintaining its upstream services. So highly unlikely to be offloading any of its onshore fields, all 100% owned.
OMV, the Austrian conglomerate has already disposed of most of its former interests in Tunisia, mostly to Perenco in 2017/18, but retains a stake in 8 southern fields producing a net total of 5000 boe/d, comprised of Chourouq 50% [ETAP 50%] 160bopd, Durra 50% [ETAP 50%] 600bopd, Nawara 50% [ETAP 50%] 2500bopd, Anaguid Est 50% [ETAP 50%] 290bopd, Jinane 50% [ETAP 50%] 123bopd, Banafsej Sud 50% [ETAP 50%], Adam 20% and Sondes 40% [ETAP 50%] zero production. Nawara includes a major gas'condensate project of considerable strategic importance to the country and forms part of OMV's growth strategy. The Durra/Mona Field may however be negotiable and of interest to ZEN as Wood Mackenzie issued a report on it in September 2020, it being two oil finds brought onstream in 2011 within a previously known gas/condensate Silurian reservoir. The oil is trucked to the nearby Cherouq facilities.
Perenco, a rapidly growing mid-tier global, has since 2002 increased its Tunisian interests to 10,000boed of condensate and substantial LPG and gas production. Following a swathe of acquisitions in 2017 & 2018, including 50% of SEREPT, a JV with ETAP, and considerable investment in 3D onshore seismic, Perenco is unlikely to be offloading any of its interests. More likely it will be competing to acquire further interests and is a likely candidate for the UPL Saouaf farm-in.
Panoro Energy reported 2020 production of 4000bopd [1160bopd net] from its 29.4% share of the TPS assets, ie 3 onshore fields and 2 in shallow waters offshore from the city of Sfax. It also has a 52.5% interest in the Sfax Offshore Exploration Permit and the Ras El Besh concession, including 3 recent oil finds, P50 estimates of 250m barrels in place and very considerable exploration potential. Panoro is currently acquiring massive offshore interests in Equatorial Guinea and Gabon from Tullow Oil so with its Tunisian focus apparently also on the offshore potential, there is the possibility of it offloading the three onshore fields of Gremda/El Ain, Rhemoura 390 bopd and Guebiba/El Hajeb 2500-3000bopd, all ETAP 51% and Panora 49% interest. These fields have similar geotechnical characteristics to those of Sidi El Kilani so might be of interest to ZEN.
Mazarine Energy, a private equity enterprise backed by Carlyle Group, wants a partner to help finance up to half of its interests in the Ghrib, SMG-1, Zaafrane and Douiret concessions. Current production is 1400 boed and new wells are planned in association with ETAP which has a 50% interest. I doubt AC would be interested in any private enterprise partnerships.
Serinus Energy in its most recent presentation [Jan 2021] appears positive about future development of its Sabria, Chouech Es Saida and Ech Chouech concessions. Its 100% WI in the none-producing Zinnia Field which expired Dec 2020, does not however seem to have been renewed so is presumably now open for negotiation.
If ZEN acquire one or more additional fields in Tunisia, it will be to build production and enhance the potential for further development of those assets, The next few months will probably reveal the extent to which they are successful in that objective.
What is currently more relevant is that on the assumption that ZEN would only be interested in acquiring additional onshore fields with mature oil production, and preferably with associated developmental and prospective potential, there are approximately 33 possible candidates. ETAP, the Tunisian national oil company, has an interest in all but 9 of these.
Sidi El Kilani, the first acquisition, was an obvious target, being the only field in which two global O & G companies had their sole Tunisian representation, so at the time a prime candidate for divestment of minority interests. With both KUFPEC and CNPC thus out of the picture, that leaves ENI [ENI Tunisia BV] and Total [CFTP] the only national majors with interests, those of the former being by far the most significant.
ENI are diversifying into solar, and gas to electricity conversion, and have major offshore O & G production [Maamoura, Baraka.] and exploration interests in the marine extension of the Pelagian Basin [ a geological construct] between Tunisia and Sicily. They are also active in further developing the major MLD [Makhrouga, Laarich, Debbech] and El Borma Fields in the south. Of the remaining 5 or 6 onshore legacy fields, all in the far south, Oued Zar/ Hammouda may be on offer as it is the subject of a July 2019 Wood Mackenzie report, but with both oil and gas production in steep decline from a 9500bopd peak in 1999 [5150bopd by 2010] and an associated gas to power plant to maintain, I doubt ZEN would be tempted. Likewise for any of the other southern fields.
Total's interests are now largely upstream, so CFTP its Tunisian subsidiary, has relatively limited O & G production and that committed to maintaining its upstream services. So highly unlikely to be offloading any of its onshore fields, all 100% owned.
OMV, the Austrian conglomerate has already disposed of most of its former interests in Tunisia, mostly to Perenco in 2017/18, but retains a stake in 8 southern fields producing a net total of 5000 boe/d, comprised of Chourouq 50% [ETAP 50%] 160bopd, Durra 50% [ETAP 50%] 600bopd, Nawara 50% [ETAP 50%] 2500bopd, Anaguid Est 50% [ETAP 50%] 290bopd, Jinane 50% [ETAP 50%] 123bopd, Banafsej Sud 50% [ETAP 50%], Adam 20% and Sondes 40% [ETAP 50%] zero production. Nawara includes a major gas'condensate project of considerable strategic importance to the country and forms part of OMV's growth strategy. The Durra/Mona Field may however be negotiable and of interest to ZEN as Wood Mackenzie issued a report on it in September 2020, it being two oil finds brought onstream in 2011 within a previously known gas/condensate Silurian reservoir. The oil is trucked to the nearby Cherouq facilities.
Perenco, a rapidly growing mid-tier global, has since 2002 increased its Tunisian interests to 10,000boed of condensate and substantial LPG and gas production. Following a swathe of acquisitions in 2017 & 2018, including 50% of SEREPT, a JV with ETAP, and considerable investment in 3D onshore seismic, Perenco is unlikely to be offloading any of its interests. More likely it will be competing to acquire further interests and is a likely candidate for the UPL Saouaf farm-in.
Panoro Energy reported 2020 production of 4000bopd [1160bopd net] from its 29.4% share of the TPS assets, ie 3 onshore fields and 2 in shallow waters offshore from the city of Sfax. It also has a 52.5% interest in the Sfax Offshore Exploration Permit and the Ras El Besh concession, including 3 recent oil finds, P50 estimates of 250m barrels in place and very considerable exploration potential. Panoro is currently acquiring massive offshore interests in Equatorial Guinea and Gabon from Tullow Oil so with its Tunisian focus apparently also on the offshore potential, there is the possibility of it offloading the three onshore fields of Gremda/El Ain, Rhemoura 390 bopd and Guebiba/El Hajeb 2500-3000bopd, all ETAP 51% and Panora 49% interest. These fields have similar geotechnical characteristics to those of Sidi El Kilani so might be of interest to ZEN.
Mazarine Energy, a private equity enterprise backed by Carlyle Group, wants a partner to help finance up to half of its interests in the Ghrib, SMG-1, Zaafrane and Douiret concessions. Current production is 1400 boed and new wells are planned in association with ETAP which has a 50% interest. I doubt AC would be interested in any private enterprise partnerships.
Serinus Energy in its most recent presentation [Jan 2021] appears positive about future development of its Sabria, Chouech Es Saida and Ech Chouech concessions. Its 100% WI in the none-producing Zinnia Field which expired Dec 2020, does not however seem to have been renewed so is presumably now open for negotiation.
If ZEN acquire one or more additional fields in Tunisia, it will be to build production and enhance the potential for further development of those assets, The next few months will probably reveal the extent to which they are successful in that objective.
09.03.2021 kl 19:44
Tenkt og gjøre samme tabben.......???? :-)
BØRSBLEMME: Konsernsjef Anders Opedal og Equinor gikk glipp av firedobling av Athabasca-aksjen.
09.03.2021 kl 19:47
Siste ord er vel neppe sagt i lisensrunden i Nigeria. Med litt tålmodighet så kan kanskje AC gjøre en virkelig god avtale her også:
"Partner and Head of Odujinrin & Adefulu’s Energy Practice & Real Estate and Mining Teams, Adeoye Adefulu believed that a lot of the people, who were awarded the first set of marginal field licenses lack financial and technical capacity, adding that they saw the licences as an end in itself.
Adefulu said: “The companies did not have the money. They were not prepared. The companies also had board issues. Most people thought the marginal field licence was the end in its self. A lot of people do not have the technical and financial capacity.”"
"Partner and Head of Odujinrin & Adefulu’s Energy Practice & Real Estate and Mining Teams, Adeoye Adefulu believed that a lot of the people, who were awarded the first set of marginal field licenses lack financial and technical capacity, adding that they saw the licences as an end in itself.
Adefulu said: “The companies did not have the money. They were not prepared. The companies also had board issues. Most people thought the marginal field licence was the end in its self. A lot of people do not have the technical and financial capacity.”"
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 19:47
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09.03.2021 kl 20:11
Adeoie Adefulu sier om flere av lisenssøkerene at " they saw the licences as an end in it self." Det gjelder selvfølgelig ikke ZENITH .. LOL
09.03.2021 kl 20:44
Slik jeg tolker dagens nyheter/artikler, vil da Zenith få et tilbud om et eller annet som en av de 160 som gikk gjennom til siste runde. Deretter spekuleres det av lokale eksperter at flere av disse selskapene ikke vil klare å finansiere signaturbonusen, noe som åpner opp for nye muligheter for Zenith og andre.
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 21:25
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09.03.2021 kl 21:47
Ligger noen godbiter i form av et ekstremt pengesluk. Utvikle disse områdene er ikke noe annet enn umulig for en mini som ZE
Nigeria er Nigeria....I've been there
Nigeria er Nigeria....I've been there
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 21:50
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09.03.2021 kl 22:06
Nå er det heller ikke et prosjekt for Zenith alene men i samarbeid med flere partnere.
Er det meldeplikt for 5% eierskap nå?
Ser det har kommet melding om at Nordnet er under 5 %.
Ser det har kommet melding om at Nordnet er under 5 %.
09.03.2021 kl 23:06
Kom melding 03.03 om at de bikket over 5 %. Nå er det vel et par som har solgt igjen. Får ikke kjedeligere RNS enn det.
10.03.2021 kl 07:19
Merkelig om de ikke har mottatt info om tildelingen. Kan set hende noen fortsatt er sur??
10.03.2021 kl 07:50
Det var jo i Congo at de hadde ertet på seg en kvinnelig topp byråkrat. I Nigeria derimot har det ikke lekket ut noe info om at Zenith har trakket noen på tærne.