Targovax Key Opinion Leader Symposium on Oncolytic Viruses

TRVX 11.10.2018 kl 07:44 13956

Invitasjon til eigen tråd med kommentarar kring seminaret i New York i dag. Spennande dag i dobbel forstand. Her er børsmeldinga/programmet:

Targovax Key Opinion Leader Symposium on Oncolytic Viruses in New York City today, 11 October, 2018

Symposium faculty to include Dmitriy Zamarin, MD, PhD, and Alexander N. Shoushtari, MD, medical oncologists from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Oslo, Norway, 11 October 2018 – Targovax ASA (OSE: TRVX), a clinical stage biotechnology company developing immune activators to target hard to treat solid tumors, is hosting a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) symposium in New York City today, featuring two renowned immunotherapy experts from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

The meeting will consist of presentations from world leading experts on oncolytic viruses, as well as presentations from the Targovax senior management team. Presentations and discussion will include an overview of oncolytic viruses in general and the potential of this emerging technology in the treatment of cancer, including how the engineered ONCOS adenovirus fits into the broader landscape

The event starts at 12:00 EST / 18:00 CET. Agenda:
12:00 – 12:10: Welcome remarks, Øystein Soug, CEO, Targovax
12:10 – 12:50: Oncolytic virus overview, Dr. Dmitriy Zamarin
12:50 – 13:30: Melanoma: the disease, CPIs, and lack of treatment options; Early ONCOS-102 data,
Dr. Alexander Shoushtari
13:30 – 13:50: Mesothelioma ORR data, Dr. Magnus Jäderberg, CMO, Targovax

Symposium Faculty participants:
Dmitriy Zamarin, MD, PhD, Medical Oncologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Dr. Zamarin’s research is focused on the development of novel ways to use the immune system to treat cancer, including evaluation of novel immunotherapy drugs. He has published several landmark papers on oncolytic viruses and is the Study Chair on the ONCOS-102 trial in peritoneal cancer, in collaboration with Cancer Research Institute (CRI), Ludwig Cancer Research and MedImmune/AstraZeneca.

Alexander N. Shoushtari, MD, Medical Oncologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Dr. Shoushtari is a renowned expert in melanoma, with a research focus on uveal and mucosal melanomas. He has been part of several immunotherapy trials at MSKCC and is the Principal Investigator on the ONCOS-102 phase I trial in CPI refractory advanced melanoma.

Drs. Zamarin and Shoushtari are both members of the research team of Dr. Jedd Wolchok, MD, PhD, Chief, Melanoma and Immunotherapeutics Service at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

A live webcast of the symposium will be available in the Events and Presentations section of the Targovax website. To register for the event, please contact jporcelli@troutgroup.com or visit www.troutaccess.com.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.10.2018 kl 07:23 4304

God morgon.
Og mandag er det Capital Market Day i Oslo:
Agenda for Targovax Capital Markets Day 15 October 2018, in Oslo, Norway

Presentation of full TG01 phase I/II clinical trial results in resected pancreatic cancer, by Professor Daniel Palmer
Update on the TG mutRAS neoantigen vaccine development strategy
Review of recent ONCOS-102 interim data in melanoma and mesothelioma

Oslo, Norway, 12 October 2018 – Targovax ASA (OSE: TRVX), a clinical stage biotechnology company developing immune activators to target hard to treat solid tumors, will host a Capital Markets Day in Oslo on Monday 15 October 2018, from 08:30 – 10:15

The event will include a presentation by a world leading expert on pancreatic cancer, Professor Daniel Palmer, who is the Chair of Medical Oncology at the University of Liverpool and Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. Professor Palmer has been involved in a number of large international clinical studies in pancreatic cancer and was the Principal Investigator of Targovax’s TG01 phase I/II trial in resected pancreatic cancer, in combination with adjuvant gemcitabine. Top-line survival data from the trial were released in May 2018 (see press release here) and at the upcoming event Professor Palmer will present the full study results.

Event venue: Hotel Continental, Oslo, Norway
Date: 15 October 2018
Time: 08:30 – 10:15 CET

08:15 – 08:30: Registration and breakfast
08:30 – 08:40: Welcome remarks, Øystein Soug, CEO, Targovax
08:40 – 09:20: Resected pancreatic cancer: overview and TG01 full data, Prof. Daniel Palmer
09:20 – 09:40: Update on TG strategy, Øystein Soug, CEO, Targovax
09:40 – 09:50: ONCOS overview, Dr. Erik Digman Wiklund, CBO, Targovax
09:50 – 10:10: ONCOS-102 interim data in melanoma and mesothelioma, Dr. Magnus Jäderberg, CMO, Targovax
10:10 – 10:20: Financial and closing remarks, Dr. Torbjørn Furuseth, CFO, Targovax

A live webcast of the symposium will be available in the Events and Presentations section of the Targovax website.
To register for the event, please contact renate.birkeli@targovax.com.

Ha ein god dag.
Redigert 12.10.2018 kl 07:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.10.2018 kl 07:58 4198

Virkelig "top key opinion leders" som snakker om samarbeide med Targovax.

Skal de risikere med sitt renomé hvis de ikke har tro på saken?
Betryggende i alle fall.

12.10.2018 kl 09:19 3990

11,70 .. der er åbenbart nogen i markedet, der havde intelligens til at forstå budskabet fra gårsdagens præsentation .. jeg har en længere opsummering undervejs, men kan først færdiggøre dette efter en række møder i dag.
Slettet bruker
12.10.2018 kl 11:37 3794

11.00 nå, -2.83%
12.10.2018 kl 11:54 3744

På en fredag i en skikkelig d****uke som dette tror jeg ikke man kan lese spesielt mye ut av markedets reaksjoner. Det er nok frykt og tvangssalg som råder og viljen til å gå inn med nye penger er tydeligvis ikke eksisterende.

La oss håpe dette glir over og at neste uke kan gi oss ett annet klima.
12.10.2018 kl 14:36 3543

Markedet er præget af uro - folk må jo sælge, hvis de mener selskabet ikke kan levere positive statements mandag omkring TG-01 og de øvrige kliniske programmer. For eget vedkommende var gårsdagens KOL en bekræftende event, hvor jeg som investor fik en bedre føling med, i hvilken retning ONCOS-platformen bevæger sig. Husk at TG-01 er fuldstændigt afskrevet i markedet og ONCOS-102 (plus øvrige varianter) stort set ikke er indpriset. Dagens pris giver en aktionær 200 mio NOK i kontanter og hele porteføljen for 400 mio NOK .. til en pris af 11,36 pr. aktie.
12.10.2018 kl 14:47 3504

11,44 nå,fin trend i surt marked,ingen pyser her.