07.03.2022 kl 12:58 1386

Artikkelen viser slik jeg har forstått det fordelene ved å “fintune” kjemien i litium ion batteri med silisium anode.

Redigert 07.03.2022 kl 13:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.02.2022 kl 21:16 1926

De bruker silangass så spennende saker ☺️
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17.02.2022 kl 20:54 2041

"A new silicon battery design just beat Tesla's energy density
And it's already going to market.

After the first batch of commercially available lithium-ion battery cells were shipped out last week, Amprius Technologies is being called the "leading provider of the highest energy density cells available." "

14. Februar
Redigert 17.02.2022 kl 20:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.02.2022 kl 21:33 2617

Og du lurer på hvorfor du blir mislikt Nemis? Du klarte ikke dy deg? Ynkelige bittelille menneske.
15.02.2022 kl 21:07 2786

Enevate-anlegget kjem i California, også på USA sin vestkyst, som Moses Lake:
«Enevate vil bruke det nye anlegget til å øke sin batteripre-produksjonslinje betraktelig, som vil tjene som et demonstrasjonsanlegg for bilprodusenter og batteriprodusenter som ønsker å produsere batterier i industrielle batterifabrikker, inkludert store gigafabrikker». (Google Translate)
Alt ligg til rette for at USA si batteri-satsing blir eit ekstra bein å stå på for Rec i åra framover, som råstoff-leverandør til anodar.
15.02.2022 kl 20:51 2879

Gled deg over at Enevate har annonsert hvor sitt anlegg nå skal bygges.
15.02.2022 kl 20:40 2958

Nok en dag med meget spennende news. Særlig lovforslaget i Washington State som vil gi skattelette til solar-produsenter, virker ekstremt lovende.
Går dette gjennom - alt tyder på det - så ligger veien åpen for ML-åpning. Og det tipper jeg er bare starten på triggerne rundt batterifabrikker, solarprodusenter, JV - ah,
for et år vi har foran oss!
Bob Macahan
15.02.2022 kl 20:29 3042

Nu när pusselbitarna med batterier faller på plats för REC är det dags att plocka fram den här analysen med riktkurs på 100+NOK.
Man ska justera för emissionen med Hanwha. Allt pekar i rätt riktning 😀
Redigert 15.02.2022 kl 20:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
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15.02.2022 kl 20:19 3110

Skulle vært gjort i fjor høst.
15.02.2022 kl 19:57 3254

Kor tid blir plasseringa av Sila Nano sine fabrikkar kunngjort?
15.02.2022 kl 19:34 3382

SILA white paper

Some believe policy consensus is the biggest barrier to our #energystorage future. The U.S. Department of Energy announced $3B in investment for the #battery supply chain. This is game changing. 

Near and long-term manufacturing
R&D & Pilot Lines | Capacity up to 5 & 500 kWh/year respectively
Sila has filed 150+ patents across the areas of cell architectures, materials, components, and processes. Sila’s R&D and pilot lines offer materials for continued innovation to enhance safety and dramatically
extend the cycle and calendar life of LIBs. The developed material is used for new consumer and EV products as well as new applications, including long-haul trucking and in grid-scale storage.
Plant 1 | Capacity up to 50 MWh/year
With automated, 24/7 production, Plant 1 is planned to be a 3-10,000x scale up from the R&D line and produce superior Si-anode material using a highly-specialized process that allows for batch production. Plant 1 will produce enough Si-anode material for millions of LIBs for small consumer devices, including wearables and earbuds. Plant 1 will also produce qualification batches for the first auto launches that will originate from Plant 2.
Plant 2 | Capacity up to 10 GWh/year | Designing Now, Start-Up in 2024
For Plant 2, Sila will scale-up advanced reactor designs with continuous material processing, on-line diagnostics, improved utilization of precursors, and improved material handling to increase efficiency and throughput of its synthesis platform. Plant 2 will scale to annually produce Si-anode material for up to 50k EVs and 500 million larger consumer devices, like mobile phones, tablets, and headsets.
To mitigate the lengthy qualification process, Plant 2 build-out will be conducted in parallel with auto LIB cell qualification with our partners. Sila has already started working with EV customers (BMW and Daimler) and most of the major global cell suppliers.
Plant 3 | Capacity up to 100 GWh/year | 2026
Expanding further, Sila will build Plant 3 to meet EV demands and further reduce the anode cost of production. Plant 3 will produce Si-anode material for 1+ million EVs and will become the blueprint for all additional plants in the US and around the world.

Read our white paper on a path for U.S. innovation to lead
Redigert 15.02.2022 kl 19:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
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08.02.2022 kl 22:27 3859

Amprius is thrilled to announce the shipment of the first commercially available 450 Wh/kg, 1150 Wh/L lithium-ion battery cells to an industry leader of a new generation of High-Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS)

The newest product release from Amprius, which has been in commercial manufacturing since 2018 at its Fremont, CA facility, represents another proof point in the company’s unique ability to deliver breakthrough performance that enables optimal business cases for its customers. To support surging demand, Amprius Technologies, Inc. has embarked on constructing its first high volume manufacturing facility located in the United States. A mass production site will be selected in the first quarter of 2022.
Redigert 08.02.2022 kl 22:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
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28.01.2022 kl 18:53 4830

Bare hyggelig🙂
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28.01.2022 kl 00:03 5439

StoreDot, which makes ultra-fast, Tesla-like 4680 battery cells, develops tech to extend batteries’ first and second life
Michelle Lewis - Jan. 27th 2022 9:30 am @michelle0728

StoreDot, an Israel-based electric vehicle extreme fast charging (XFC) battery startup, today announced that it has advanced technology that extends the life span of batteries, making them highly effective not only during the vehicle life span, but also for second-life applications.

UnderstandSolar is a free service that links you to top-rated solar installers in your region for personalized solar estimates. Tesla now offers price matching, so it’s important to shop for the best quotes. Click here to learn more and get your quotes. — *ad.

The technology combines the electrochemistry system of the company’s silicon dominant cells to ensure that there is minimal drop-off in performance even as the battery ages.

StoreDot reports that a robust performance is maintained even after 1,000 cycles and 80% capacity, the point at which rival lithium-ion fast-charging technologies start to rapidly deteriorate in performance. Even after 1,700 cycles, long after the accepted industry norm, StoreDot claims its batteries can maintain 70% of their original capacity, making them effective in second-life usage for less dynamic applications such as in energy storage and grid load balancing systems.

Dr. Doron Myersdorf, StoreDot CEO, said:

StoreDot is well known for creating extreme fast charging technologies and helping drivers overcome charging anxiety, which is currently the biggest barrier to EV ownership.

But we believe in advancing the entire battery eco-system, ultimately delivering an optimum solution to sustain the transition to full EV electrification. This latest development is proof of that.

We now have the ability to hugely extend the life of our batteries, long after their vehicle service life. This not only has benefits for the drivers of EVs, allowing them to maintain performance of their vehicles for many more years, but also in second-life applications.

Not only will this transformative development encourage more people to drive EVs, but this technology has huge benefits for sustainability, too, reducing the need to retire and recycle an expensive component that can now serve in critical second-life applications.
StoreDot says it’s in advanced talks with global car makers. It also says it’s on track to deliver mass-produced XFC batteries, which provide a 50% reduction in charging time at the same cost, by 2024.

In early September 2021, StoreDot announced that it produced the first 4680 cylindrical cell, that it claims can charge in only 10 minutes.

In November, StoreDot claimed it had become the first company to produce XFC cells for electric vehicles on a mass production line. And on December 1, 2021, StoreDot announced new patented technology that uses a background repair mechanism to allow battery cells to regenerate while they are in use.

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19.01.2022 kl 19:10 6064

Spennende artikkel av Vincent Pluvinage CEO i OneD

The answer lies in a reevaluation of the supply chain in the following ways:

It will be critical to secure access to innovations that are well protected by global patent families so that large investments can be made with the so-called “freedom to operate.”
Material innovations must be analyzed in terms of access to large amounts of precursors and proven manufacturing equipment to reduce capex investment and scale-up risks.
The manufacturing processes must be compatible with multiple material suppliers and multiple cell suppliers on each continent, to avoid single sourcing issues and enable strategic localization.
Slettet bruker
19.01.2022 kl 08:29 6435

Takk for deling, SNES1:)
Ja, dette var jo meget interessant. Om det ikke skulle være i nabobygget, så vil vi i nærmeste fremtid få vite hvor denne fabrikken blir lokalisert, og det viser igjen at USA satser på batteri for fullt, selv uten BBB.
19.01.2022 kl 08:05 6572

Interessant. 7 dager siden er vel omtrent samtidig at nabobygget til REC gikk over til status «pending», altså at kjøper og selger hadde blitt enige om pris 🤠
Slettet bruker
18.01.2022 kl 23:17 5087

Denne ble lagt ut for 7 dager siden

Sila Nanotechnologies is seeking an experienced Staff Project Engineer for our Capital Projects team to play a leading role in the design and construction of new battery material manufacturing facilities. Your initial multi-year project will take on a variety of responsibilities to support the planning and building of Sila’s next-generation 100 GWh anode material factory. This is not your typical Project Engineering position; in our small team, you’ll be asked to take on broad project management and technical responsibilities to keep our projects on track. You’ll work closely with internal teams and external engineering and construction partners to effectively coordinate, execute, and close out large-scale capital projects at Sila.
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11.01.2022 kl 03:18 5904

Minner 🤣
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09.01.2022 kl 22:23 6688

Partnership With Amprius Gives Airbus Significant Advantage In Electric Aviation

Airbus partnered with Amprius in 2019.
Amprius makes the highest energy density cells in the world.
Recent results from Amprius are spot-on for electric aviation.
Electric aviation is predicted to take off in the next several years.

Mye som skjer i anode bransjen.

Se svaret til Amprius på denne artikkelen:
Thank you! We are happy to have brought our industry leading batteries to market and enable air mobility. We have even more breakthroughs coming soon and look forward to further pushing the boundaries of battery technologies available today!
05.01.2022 kl 23:51 7405

Sila har også sagt deres fabrikk i US skal ligge i «north america»
Og «east of the cascades»
Moses Lake treffer bra der.

Som TT sa « they have to come to us or go to China»
Silankapasiteten Sila Nano trenger er hele ML.
Og dersom ny fabrikk skal bygges i henhold til deres «rute» så blir det snakk om 2025/26 tidligst.

Det morsomme her er vell att Sila skal være i drift «big scale» i 2024.

Tror Sila og Rec har alt klart, venter bare på BBB/SEMA
Samme med G14.

Fant også nettopp ut Sila har CATL som «client»
Mulig CATL skal bruke anodene til både G14 og SilaN

Det sikres i alle ledd, men silanleveransen er på «hold»

Jeg er ikke overrasket hvorfor REC søker om utvidelse i ML
Redigert 06.01.2022 kl 00:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
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05.01.2022 kl 23:40 7466

Det kan bli mye penger å hente her om REC får kunder.

Commercial interest in silicon anodes and investments into start-up companies has continued through 2021 – IDTechEx estimates that $1.9B of funding has now made its way into silicon anode start-ups.

Demand from other EV segments and consumer devices still represent a significant opportunity for silicon anode material and IDTechEx forecast that by 2032, demand for silicon anode material will reach $12.9B.

Enevate entered into a license agreement with battery manufacturer EnerTech International
Enovix went public via a SPAC that valued the company at $1.1B
Elkem established a separate silicon anode company Vianode
Group 14 entered into a joint venture with SK materials for the supply of silane gas,
Sila Nano launched their battery technology in the Whoop fitness wearable

G14 har jo JV med SK, men de sier fortsatt at de ønsker å bygge flere fabrikker rundt i verden.

Drop-in factories will be one piece of the puzzle to help OEMs meet demand where it’s needed. With joint ventures taking center stage this year, we’re continuing to do our part to build out a domestic battery ecosystem here in Washington with our commercial-scale Battery Active Materials (BAM) factory – plus four additional factories in the works all over the globe – to help take control of supply chains.

Sila har fått inn penger til å bygge fabrikk så det blir spennende å se hvor de velger.

We launched our next generation material in the WHOOP 4.0—one of the most advanced, 24/7 health and fitness wearables. We also closed $600 million in Series F funding to begin development of a new North American 100 GWh plant.
Redigert 05.01.2022 kl 23:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
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04.01.2022 kl 13:26 7878

Skjer ting i både Storedot og Inobat. Group 14 er involvert i begge disse🙂
Slettet bruker
04.01.2022 kl 13:13 7963

HERZELIYA, Israel, Jan. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- StoreDot, the pioneer of extreme fast charging (XFC) battery technology for electric vehicles, has announced the first close of its Series D funding round of up to $80 million, the majority of which have already been secured. The round is led by key strategic investors, strengthening StoreDot's partnerships in the global automotive battery eco-system. The lead investor is the fast-growing flagship Vietnamese electric vehicle manufacturer, VinFast, which plans to scale up manufacturing and deploy StoreDot's Extreme Fast Charging in future EV architectures.

- The capital will be used for completion of StoreDot's R&D and mass production scale-up of silicon dominant extreme fast charging (XFC) battery cells by 2024

- StoreDot is currently shipping cell samples for real-world testing by leading automotive manufacturers

Participants include bp ventures, a current StoreDot investor and active partner, underpinning its purpose of reimaging energy for people and our planet. In addition, Golden Energy Global Investment Ltd., a wholly owned company by EVE Energy's founder, Dr. Liu Jincheng, will be one of the participants in the funding round.

The funds raised by this round will be used to complete StoreDot's research and development for its silicon-dominant extreme fast charge (XFC) battery cells for electric vehicles and continue its progress on Extreme Energy Density cells based on Solid State technology for future deployment. This funding also enables the company to ramp up its California-based R&D center and commence scale up operations in key global locations, in readiness for full mass production of cells in 2024.

Dr Doron Myersdorf, StoreDot CEO: "This strategic round of funding, with principal investors coming from leading automotive, energy and technology companies, is a huge vote of confidence in StoreDot, its XFC battery technologies, our long-term product roadmap and our world-class technology and innovation that are all aimed to solve the Range Anxiety of EV drivers.

"We are now properly funded to take our silicon-dominant XFC cells to the end of the R&D phase and into scale-up in readiness for mass production in 2024 for global vehicle manufacturers. It will help overcome the major barrier to EV ownership – charging times – providing a 50% reduction, and, ultimately, helping us all achieve a zero-emissions, clean world."

Pham Thuy Linh, Deputy CEO, VinFast: "Enhancing customer experience is our top priority. We have been making dedicated efforts in research, connecting global intelligence by forming partnerships with and investing in breakthrough technology companies, especially in EV battery such as StoreDot and its extreme fast charging (XFC) proprietary technology.

"StoreDot which is led by gifted scientists and experienced entrepreneurs, along with strong support from VinFast and other strategic investors, is believed to gear up for mass production globally in a very near term."

StoreDot is in advanced talks with leading global car makers for integration of its XFC technology into their future models. The Company demonstrates a clear technology roadmap including its next generation XED, extreme energy density solid state cells with planned mass production in 2028.
29.12.2021 kl 20:19 8845

Cenate ble tildelt 15 millioner kroner i forskningsmidler 17 desember.

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23.12.2021 kl 19:32 9243

Likte svaret hans i komentarfeltet🙂
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17.12.2021 kl 11:18 9621

Jeg har tidligere spekulert i det også. En BAM i Narvik følte jeg var sannsynlig etter at AKH lanserte sine planer innen batteri der. Jeg har tidligere sagt at det kan bli JV mellom AKH og G14 i ML, med REC som leverandør av silangass. Nå kan det godt tenkes at det blir noe i Narvik.

Absolutt noe som kan skje tror jeg :)
17.12.2021 kl 11:01 9688

Hvor skal Group 14 sin fjerde europeiske batterifabrikk ligge?

Ettersom REC og Group 14 allerede har et børsmeldt sammarbeid tipper jeg BAM 4 blir plassert i Narvik.

Jeg kjøpte ihvertfall mer REC på billigsalg i dag basert på den antagelsen.
Redigert 17.12.2021 kl 11:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.12.2021 kl 09:57 9774

Det sies at dagens litium ion-batteriene blir byttet ut med faststoffsbatterier i fremtiden. Kan RECSI's produkter også brukes her?
15.12.2021 kl 00:18 10295

Denne blev vidst begravet i dag - jeg fik ihvertfald ikke set den før nu :)

Mange tak for at dele Culibre!
ikke glem ikke glem!!!!!

18.11.2021 kl 17:06
Redigert 15.12.2021 kl 00:18 Du må logge inn for å svare