Government ID and Financial Inclusion IDEX + Infineon

IDEX 07.03.2021 kl 23:42 5217

Jag tror att nedan är IDEX sensor med Infineon SE tillverkas av Dongwoon Anatech rätta mig om jag har fel 😑

Thames Technology Is one of the Europe largest card manufacturers and makes ID cards for IDEMIA som jag har läst ( grävt 🙏)

Thames Technology’s established pilot programme enables the issuer and end client to set up a controlled trial alongside the scheme within just a few months from agreement. Our specially developed programme supports pilot schemes from conception (selecting the customer base, agreeing its timelines, identifying the scope of testing and decision factors) through to implementation and follow up questionnaires to ensure card providers are armed with the data to move to a successful launch.

This advanced solution connects the digital data recorded on blockchain to the physical item, allowing for comprehensive verification of the identity of items – eliminating the challenge of product substitution and heightening supply chain transparency.

Dongwoon Anatech

Oslo, Norway, 16 October 2020: IDEX Biometrics ASA, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, has received volume production orders for both its current and next generation, TrustedBio™, fingerprint sensors from Dongwoon Anatech (DWA), a global smart card integrator headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.
08.03.2021 kl 06:56 5099

Bildet ligner ikke på en idex sensor...
08.03.2021 kl 09:24 4914

Synes det ikke ligner på noe sånn som denne dropper!! RT: 2,64
08.03.2021 kl 09:26 4911

Hva er det som skjer ??
08.03.2021 kl 09:26 4894

Dårlig nyhet jeg ikke har fått med meg?
08.03.2021 kl 10:43 4780

IDEX Biometrics og Zwipe samarbeider om Zwipe Pay One-plattformen

Oslo, Norge, 20. april 2020: IDEX Biometrics ASA, en ledende leverandør av avanserte fingeravtrykkidentifikasjons- og autentiseringsløsninger, og Zwipe, et ledende fintech-selskap, kunngjør at de har signert en avtale som vil gjøre at Zwipe kombinerer IDEX Biometrics sensorprodukter med Zwipe Betal EN plattform for å muliggjøre en komplett systemløsning for biometriske betalingskort.

Zwipe Pay ONE er en teknologiplattform basert på et enkelt-chip biometrisk sikkert element med operativsystem og relevant programvare. Resultatet blir et overbevisende biometrisk betalingskorttilbud til kortprodusenter i det globale markedet.

De to selskapene planlegger også å formalisere krysslisensiering av immateriell eiendom og en felles markedsføringsmetode når Zwipe Pay ONE med IDEX-sensor blir tilgjengelig for pilotering.

“Vi er glade for å jobbe tett med Zwipe, en pioner innen det biometriske betalingskortmarkedet. Vi tror kombinasjonen av Zwipe Pay ONE med IDEX neste generasjons sensor har sterkt potensiale for å bli en markedsledende løsning. IDEX tilbyr fingeravtrykksensorer og teknisk ekspertise mot det felles målet om å akselerere adopsjon av biometriske betalingskort, ”sa Vincent Graziani, administrerende direktør i IDEX Biometrics.

“IDEX Biometrics har utviklet en neste generasjons fingeravtrykkssensor. Vi er ideelt posisjonert for å ta en ledende posisjon i det biometriske betalingsmarkedet, og gir smartkortprodusenter et overlegen tilbud når det gjelder energieffektivitet og biometrisk ytelse til bransjeledende produksjonskostnader, ”sa André Løvestam, administrerende direktør i Zwipe.
08.03.2021 kl 10:53 4736

Gammelt nytt !
08.03.2021 kl 11:03 4695

Zwipes Trump-kort fortsetter å tiltrekke seg nye partnere
Redeye Research Update 2021/03/08

Redeye hever verdsettelsen av Zwipe på grunn av raskere markedsadopsjon og nye kortprodusentpartnere som er tiltrukket av Zwipes trumfkort (Pay ONE). Totalt har Zwipe nå avtaler med 21 av de 50 største aktørene.
Redigert 08.03.2021 kl 11:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.03.2021 kl 11:12 4654

Er IDEX en del av Thrump kortet ?
08.03.2021 kl 11:46 4559

De to selskapene planlegger også å formalisere krysslisensiering av immateriell eiendom og en felles markedsføringsmetode når Zwipe Pay ONE med IDEX-sensor blir tilgjengelig for pilotering.
Slettet bruker
08.03.2021 kl 13:55 4390

«Rep emi» her nå.
08.03.2021 kl 14:02 4359

Går ofte bratt og fort opp igjen i IDEX, hvis man ser på tidligere handlemønster.
Forutsetninger er ikke endret siden 3,5kr, så lurt å holde på aksjene her.
08.03.2021 kl 14:34 4269

Cash Circulation – the Most Challenging Aspect for the Elderly in a Post Covid World
Welcome to the fourth and final post in our series on digital exclusion. In this post, Art Stewart, Global Head of Sales & Marketing at IDEX Biometrics, discusses cash circulation being the most challenging aspect for the elderly in a post Covid world.

Research indicates that vulnerable members of society, especially the elderly who have remained unbanked or those without smartphones or unaccustomed with online transactions are reliant on cash which could become a risk.

The switch to contactless

Just how easy it is to catch Covid-19 from a dollar bill is still controversial, but following government warnings, many people have switched to contactless cards (if they could get them), mobile apps or online shopping – but fewer elderly people are accustomed to these technologies.

While about 50% of Americans regularly make online payments, that figure falls to just 32% in the over-sixties. In fact, over a quarter of the over-65s do not regularly use the internet, period, and that doubles in the over-75s. Surprisingly perhaps, those who are disabled use it even less than those who are relatively fit and active.

Data from the American Bankers Association also shows that although older people usually own more cards, they use them less (mainly because they shop less online). They also shop around less frequently for new ones so they are more likely to have an older card that lacks touch-free capability.

A survey conducted by found that the over sixties are significantly more likely to rely on cash for small value purchases compared to younger people, more than half of whom still use their card for a purchase under $5.

The elderly are also more likely to reach for a debit rather than credit card. That exposes them to higher risks from fraud because credit cards provide more protections. Sadly, thieves know that the elderly and the disabled are easier to exploit and defraud and less likely to report incidents to the police. Often the thief is known to the victim and tricked into revealing their PIN by an offer to fetch cash from an ATM.

How biometric identification helps the elderly?

Following years of development, biometric identification can be installed into plastic payment cards in the form of a fingerprint scanner. Without the legitimate owner’s finger on the scanner, the card will not work. Cards with biometric identification also have touch-free capability, eliminating the need to use a PIN – something that can be a struggle to use for those with visual or memory impairments. Together these two features eliminate most possibilities for fraud and obviate the need for banks to place low spending caps on contactless payments.

Because a safe tap-and-go card is so quick and easy to use, cards with biometric identification will also help to encourage people out of the habit of using health-threatening cash for those small everyday purchases.

An arguably greater bonus is that thieves and muggers will have far less incentive to target the elderly and disabled. They will no longer be carrying cash nor cards that enable fraud.

09.03.2021 kl 11:19 3887

Thames Technology kortet som det refereres til i første innlegg er lik dette kortet:
09.03.2021 kl 12:40 3763

Dongwoon Anatech

Oslo, Norway, 16 October 2020: IDEX Biometrics ASA, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, has received volume production orders for both its current and next generation, TrustedBio™, fingerprint sensors from Dongwoon Anatech (DWA), a global smart card integrator headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.
09.03.2021 kl 15:08 3617

IDEX kommer med Gov ID

Need for one card, one nation
The use of biometric identity card depends on your cards, software and data. And what creates its value is how you extract and use this data. In this technology advanced world, identity of a person is so valuable. In more than 100 nations, it is currently mandatory to obtain a national identification card containing a unique number and biometric identity profile. The purpose of issuing these national identification cards in most cases is:
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 15:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
09.03.2021 kl 15:11 3609

Kan bli helt vilt om IDEX blir valgt til å levere GOV ID cards til alle land i verden! MEGA BULL!
Slettet bruker
09.03.2021 kl 16:20 3514

Da tar det virkelig av.
såpe i øynene
09.03.2021 kl 16:30 3475

Forstår ikke de som snakker om 4 til 6 kroner når det gjelder denne. De har forsket i 10 år. Nå skal fruktene høstes i løpet av 1 til 2 år. Markedet er enormt og pandemien vil sette fortgang i denne sikre måten og identifisere seg på. Utrullingen har knapt startet. Regner med haugevis med meldinger om kontrakter fremover. Aksjen bør skyte skikkelig fart, og en tidobling er ikke usannsynlig. Selv tror jeg dessverre selskapet blir kjøpt opp lenge før den tid.
09.03.2021 kl 17:04 3421

Kjøpt opp, da håper jeg til en god pris 😂
Slettet bruker
09.03.2021 kl 18:19 3309

Vi får med oss en del av den festen først da hvis det blir oppkjøpt. Det er noe, det! Da kan vi eventuelt ta gevinsten og kjøpe opp Zwipe 😊
Men jeg har en liten magefølelse om at Vince har lyst til å ta denne så langt han kan, selv. For sin egen karriere. Han har ihvertfall gjort en bra jobb det siste året og hadde da fått gullstjerne for å snu Idex til success.
10 dobler seg? jaja, ikke umulig! den svenske konkurrenten er jo opp i den prisen nå. Og Idex sensor er rimeligere i kostnad enn den
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 18:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.03.2021 kl 19:22 3223

Foreløpig ligger Idex omregnet på 2,746 nkr på Nasdaq:

24.29+0.96 (+4.11%)
As of 12:56PM EST. Market open.
09.03.2021 kl 21:04 3083

Mastercard launch crypto and debit Today

Today is the launch of the @wirexapp Debit Mastercard, another example of how we are empowering consumers with more choice and peace of mind in the way they shop and pay. #Crypto #Payments #Innovation
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 21:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.03.2021 kl 21:16 3042

IDEX Biometrics ASA American Depositary Shares (IDBA)
Nasdaq Listed
+0.98 (+4.20%)
DATA AS OF MAR 09, 2021 3:15 PM ET
09.03.2021 kl 22:44 2864

I Japan / Korea också ett annat bolag men vet inte vilken sensor den har. ?
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 22:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
09.03.2021 kl 22:49 2836

Stengte +4,11% på Nasdaq.
Kan bli hjelpsom på morgendagen
09.03.2021 kl 22:58 2805

Hvis du finner målene på sensoren eller DPI kan vi si noe om hvilken produsent det er.
F.eks. sensor som er 8x8mm og 508 DPI er ikke Idex.
09.03.2021 kl 23:27 2729

Alt ligger til rette for rask vei tilbake over 3kr, får håpe det blir siste gang vi ser 2 tallet, før 12kr,😎
Blir spennende å se om konferanse fredag høster noen flere investorer, men foretrekker store ordre omsider, det er gamechangeren, hold på hatten
10.03.2021 kl 07:31 2448

Ja ja ja, blir nesten gal av slike innlegg etterhvert... Kursen sendes jo nedover stort sett.. Ordre vi må ha 😤😤😤
10.03.2021 kl 08:09 2366

IDEX Biometrics: Subscription Rights Exercise – 10 March 2021
The board of directors of IDEX Biometrics ASA has resolved to issue in total 298,884 ordinary shares at average price NOK 0.72 per share to certain employees. The employees have exercised incentive subscription rights issued under the company’s 2019 incentive subscription rights plan, which plan was approved by the annual general meeting on 9 May 2019.

The employees have paid the subscription amount to the company.

Following the issue, the company’s share capital will be NOK 137,508,072.75 divided into 916,720,485 shares each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15. Following the exercise, there are a total of 57,032,259 incentive subscription rights outstanding.

For further information contact:
Marianne Bøe, Investor Relations
Tel: + 47 918 00186
10.03.2021 kl 08:49 2258

Slettet bruker
10.03.2021 kl 08:52 2231

Patience, Alby
he he ;-)
10.03.2021 kl 08:59 2174

10.03.2021 kl 09:16 2118

Some IDEX partners

Today we are working with over 40 major players as we recognize that embedding biometric technology into smart cards and devices is not simple, so we make it a painless process by having everything already set-up and tried and tested.

Some of our partners include:

CEC Huada Electronic Design Co.,Ltd– HED is the largest Chinese SE company, with a dominant position across several verticals, including national ID, social security, banking cards, and ships more than 1.5 billion pieces annually
Chutian Dragon Co.,Ltd– one of Asia’s largest smart card manufacturers
Dongwoon Anatech– a specialist inlay and biometric algorithm supplier in Asia
Feitian Technologies Co.,Ltd– one of China’s largest smart card integrators and in recent years has established itself as a leading manufacturer of high-volume pre-lam inlays
Goldpac Group Ltd– one of the five largest card integrators globally, and the only secure payment solution provider in China to hold simultaneous certifications by China UnionPay, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, JCB and Diners
Hengbao– one of the biggest card companies based in China, covering the banking, telecoms and security sectors
IDEMIA– the global leader in Augmented Identity, provides a trusted environment enabling citizens and consumers alike to perform their daily critical activities (such as pay, connect and travel), in the physical as well as digital space
Infineon Technologies AG– the global leader in smart card payment solutions
Quest Payment Systems– Australia’s largest full-service payment technology supplier
Shenzhen Excelsecu Data Technology Co.,Ltd– a leading Chinese supplier and solution provider of data security
Sian Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd– a leading Chinese smart card manufacturer, specializing in the development, design, manufacturing and sale of dual-interface smart cards
Silone Cardtech– a leading smart card integrator specializing in the development, design, manufacturing and sale of high quality dual-interface smart cards
Tongxin Microelectronics Co.,Ltd– a major secure element vendor in China focusing on the smart card industry
Visionox– China’s largest OLED display manufacturer
XH Smartcard– the leading provider of solutions on IoT and blockchain technologies which are both data user and data centric
Zwipe – Zwipe is a technology solution provider that enables battery-less, ultra-low-power, self-contained biometric authentication solutions.
Redigert 10.03.2021 kl 09:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
10.03.2021 kl 09:36 2051

Små endringer på top 50, kun noen nordnett kunder som har solgt litt aksjer.