International Battery Seminar, March 9 -11 2021

RECSI 09.03.2021 kl 08:39 16114

March 9-11
International Battery Seminar hosted by Cambridge EnerTech!

🔋 Group14 will be joining
Group14 CTO Rick Costantino will be sharing how Group14 is scaling up manufacturing
to meet demand for lithium-silicon battery technology in the Lithium-Ion Development & Commercialization track.
Tune into Rick’s session on March 11 at 2:10 p.m.
EST to hear more about Group14's innovative silicon-carbon composite battery material.

ROUNDTABLE 2: Silicon Anodes and Cells
Benjamin Park, PhD, Founder & CTO, Enevate Corp.
What is the maturity level of Si today for use in EVs?
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 09:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.03.2021 kl 09:29 13084

Det var litt dyrt

(Includes real-time Access to All Conferences and Tutorials, virtual event benefits, plus On-Demand access for one year)
Academic, Government
Late Registration Rate After March 5
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 09:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.03.2021 kl 09:35 12984

Det blir jo spennende. Burde komme litt info som kan være relevant for hva Rec sin posisjon i alt dette kan bli. Hvertfall indirekte.

Er vi heldige blir leverandørindustrien til batteri nevnt og Rec spesifikt.
Slettet bruker
10.03.2021 kl 16:25 11402

ROUNDTABLE 2: The Future Direction of the Binder Market in the Wake of the Silicon Anode

Manuel Wieser, Head of Energy Division, AnteoTech
Silicon anode active material market is set to quadruple from 2020 to 2030
Performance requirements for anode binders are changing rapidly (considering low to high silicon content anode designs)
Binder material evolution: SBR functionalization, vs. PAA derivatization vs. return to organic solvent-based binders?
Surface chemistry challenge: Various silicon anode systems with different surface properties (SiOx, micro-silicon, silicon-carbon composites,…)
Greater diversification in future binder market or is one-size fits it all possible?​
Slettet bruker
10.03.2021 kl 17:22 11058

We aim to increase the anode’s storage capacity and allow lithium ion batteries to be manufactured cost effectively, lighter and more compact by using a proprietary nanotechnology platform featuring a unique suite of multi-functional compounds used to create high value anode components.

At Anteotech we have developed a scalable silicon composite that will allow for the simple integration of larger quantities of silicon into the anode driving up storage capacity. Complementary to the silicon composite as the active material, our cross-linked binder program supports silicon anode development to further drive battery performance.
Redigert 10.03.2021 kl 17:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
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10.03.2021 kl 21:34 10541

Er det noen som har info de kan dele ang G14 og deres presentasjon på batteridagen? Presentasjonen deres er ferdig nå.
10.03.2021 kl 21:44 10413

Presentasjonen til Group14 er i morgen kl. 2.10 pm
Slettet bruker
10.03.2021 kl 21:45 10387

Ok, takker.
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11.03.2021 kl 13:02 9642

1:30 pm Innovations in Scalable Electrode Processing for
Thiophosphate-Based All-Solid-State-Batteries
Felix Hippauf, PhD, Battery Scientist, Center for Battery Research,
Fraunhofer Institute for Material & Beam Technology
In this lecture, scalable concepts for positive and negative high energy
electrodes are presented. A dry process is shown that replaces slurrybased
binders by a fibrous PTFE binder and reduces the binder amount
to an absolute minimum. Furthermore, we combined the solid-state
technology with PVD-based, scalable silicon anode concepts developed
at Fraunhofer IWS.
11.03.2021 kl 13:41 9343

Glem solid state batterier de neste tiårene....
«Furthermore, we combined the solid-state with PVD-based, scalable silicon anode concepts developed
at Fraunhofer IWS.»
Prøver de seg med «Silicon anodes» i solid state conceptet...høres rart ut, men uansett bra for RECSI
Slettet bruker
11.03.2021 kl 13:44 9292

Det er ikke et helt nytt konsept, flere solid state-utviklere jobber med silisiumanoder. Men, ja, solid state er nok lenger unna enn mange tror.
Slettet bruker
11.03.2021 kl 14:40 9086

Er enig i at solid state er fram i tid, men som REC-aksjonær liker jeg at silisium er aktuelt i den diskusjonen også. Ellers er det mye på gang nå på batterifronten, og det er spennende.

BUFFALO, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Unifrax, the leading manufacturer of high-performance specialty materials, today introduced its latest proprietary technology, SiFAB™ Silicon Fiber Anode Battery Technology by Unifrax. SiFAB, currently in advanced testing after years of research and development, has shown promising performance in multiple battery systems. This anode technology enables significantly higher energy density in lithium ion battery systems and has successfully been tested with incremental Si loadings of greater than 40 percent.

SiFAB is Unifrax’s first step into silicon fiber for the lithium ion battery manufacturing market, building on its deep history of fiber-based technology and manufacturing. Unifrax, the inventor of specialty ceramic fibers, has a 75+ year track record of developing and supplying engineered inorganic materials at large scale to advanced industries worldwide including electric vehicles, aerospace, and chemical processing. The company expects production to come online in early 2022 with plans to build thousands of tons of long-term manufacturing capacity.
Slettet bruker
11.03.2021 kl 16:36 8429

Etter å ha hørt på CEO fra Sila.......Blir dette en stor en kunde av REC så....... Sannsynligvis...... Og herre gud...... Sånn blir det bare.
Redigert 11.03.2021 kl 16:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
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11.03.2021 kl 17:02 8361

Wow, spennede tider! Og tenk om dette skulle slå til..

Noen som kan være brydd med å dra et kort resymé av hva vi vet om kontakten Sila og RECSI til nå?

I korthet så er dette hva jeg mener å ha plukket opp.. Sila er allerede en (mindre) kunde av RECSI, er de ikke? Om jeg husker rett så har de fått levert mindre "prøvemengder" som er anvendt til forskningen?

Og så fikk nylig selskapet en stor finansiering på plass nylig, var det 6 milliarder som ble nevnt her? Vet vi at de (også) har tenkt å lokalisere seg i USA, eller er dette spekulasjoner?
11.03.2021 kl 17:04 8327

Group 14 får mye plass på wiki siden nå:–silicon_battery

"Silicon carbon composite anodes were first reported in 2002 by Yoshio[7] Studies of these composite materials has shown that the capacities are a weighted average of the two end members (graphite and silicon). On cycling, electronic isolation of the silicon particles tends to occur with the capacity falling off to the capacity of the graphite component. This effect has been tempered using alternative synthetic methodologies or morphologies that can be created to help maintain contact with the current collector. This has been identified in studies involving grown silicon nanowires that are chemical bonded to the metal current collector by alloy formation. Sample production of batteries using a silicon nanowire-graphite composite electrode were produced by Amprius in 2014.[8] The same company claims to have sold several hundred thousand of these batteries as of 2014.[9] In 2016, Stanford University researchers presented a method of encapsulating silicon microparticles in a graphene shell, which confines fractured particles and also acts as a stable solid electrolyte interphase layer. These microparticles reached an energy density of 3,300 mAh/g.[10]

In 2015, Tesla founder Elon Musk claimed that silicon in Model S batteries increased the car’s range by 6%.[11]

As of 2018, products by startups Sila Nanotechnologies, Global Graphene Group, Enovix, Enevate, Group14 Technologies and others were undergoing tests by the battery manufacturers, car companies, and consumer-electronics companies. Sila clients include BMW and Amperex Technology, battery supplier to companies including Apple and Samsung. BMW plans to incorporate Sila technology by 2023 and increase battery-pack capacity by 10-15%. [12] [13] [14] As of 2021, Enovix was the first company to ship finished silicon anode batteries to end customers.[15]

Group14 Technologies has patented a silicon-carbon composite SCC55™, which enables 50% more in fully lithiated volumetric energy density than graphite used in conventional lithium-ion battery anodes. Group14 is backed by Amperex Technology Limited, Showa Denko and SK materials. [16] [17]"

On September 22, 2020, Tesla revealed its plans for gradually increasing the amounts of silicon in its future batteries, focusing on the anodes. Tesla's approach is to encapsulate the silicon particles with an elastic, ion-permeable coating. In this way, the silicon-swelling concern is accommodated, thereby enabling the desired increase in battery capacity to be achieved. Overall battery life expectancy is expected to remain unimpacted by this change. The reason for the gradual (instead of sudden) increases in silicon usage is to enable testing and confirmation of the stepwise changes
Slettet bruker
11.03.2021 kl 17:05 8303

Intressant intervju, men Husk at dette er over ett år gammelt
11.03.2021 kl 17:09 8243

Ser ut til at delen om Group 14 ble lagt til wikipedia idag.
Slettet bruker
11.03.2021 kl 17:31 8011

Hva var det Tore Torvund sa? Come to us or go to China..
Slettet bruker
11.03.2021 kl 18:06 7733

... vi bør kanskje være glad for hver dag kursen holder seg her nede, slik at vi kan stadig kjøpe noen ekstra aksjer til en billig penge. Det er jo et tidsspørsmål for noe håndfast kommer, og da må jo nødvendigvis kursen stikke fra oss.

Batterimuligheten RECsi står midt i er større enn jeg hadde klart å forestille meg.
11.03.2021 kl 18:11 7675

Så fremst ikke Sila skal handle fra Kina, noe jeg utelukker med 90% sikkerhet så må de handle med Recsi. Det er ingen annen mulighet.
Tygg på den.

Lykke til.
Slettet bruker
11.03.2021 kl 18:16 7603

Tja.. men det er vel ikke produskonskapasitet nok til å tilfredsstille både Group 14 og sila på ML?
De må i tilfelle lage noen reaktorer til, slik at de kan øke kapasiteten.

Når TT sier de forhandler med flere batteriprodusenter, så er det sannsynlig at Sila er en av dem. Sila logoen har vært framme på en av kvartalspresentasjonene, og de er allerede en liten kunde av RECsi i form av at de har forsket med RECsi sine produkter fra ML.

Spennende tider?
Redigert 11.03.2021 kl 18:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
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11.03.2021 kl 18:46 7312

Tror Kina ligger tynt an i sol- og batteriindustrien som bygges i US. Dette er for sentralt i 'Made in America'.

Biden-Harris Administration Commits to Investing in American Workers and Companies
Today, while many American businesses are on the brink of having to close their doors because of the crises that our country faces, President Biden will sign an Executive Order to support manufacturers, businesses, and workers to ensure that our future is made in all of America by all of America’s workers.
Biden is focused on creating the clean energy economy of the future with millions of solar and wind power jobs that are safer, healthier and pay very competitively. He recognizes the coal industry had an important role to play in the 20th century, but he knows his job is not to prop up old and dying industries of the past. Instead, we need to invest in new technologies that make our environment cleaner and our economy stronger.
11.03.2021 kl 18:56 7189

Hva tenker dere om Lithium anoder vs silicon anoder?

«Lithium-metal batteries substitute heavy graphite in the anode with a lighter metal to cut down on weight, and thus improve gravimetric energy density. Swapping graphite from the anode renders conventional electrolytes unusable, however. A problem that Cuberg claims to have solved with its electrolyte technology that provides stability comparable to that offered by solid-state batteries in its devices.»

Cuberg er et firma som mener at de kan levere det:

De ble nylig kjøpt opp av den svenske batteriprodusenten Northvolt.
Redigert 11.03.2021 kl 19:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
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11.03.2021 kl 19:31 6881

Ren lithium-anode er egentlig et annet navn på solid state, i følge Sila Nanotechnologies:

"Reasons for the Dream. Calling the technology “solid state” doesn’t tell the real story - the reason to use “solid state”, refers to replacing the electrolyte which in conventional Li-ion is a liquid, with a solid. The reason to do this is to enable the use of a lithium metal anode that would replace the graphite anode entirely. A better name would be “lithium metal anode” technology, which has a long ~40 year history of major technical and commercial challenges pre-dating conventional Li-ion."

I dag bruker vi grafitt-anoder, som holder en god del lithium. Lithiumet er det som holder på energien. Silisiumanoder holder enda mer lithium og har dermed høyere energitetthet.

Ren lithium har teoretisk mye høyere energitetthet, men har veldig mange utfordringer. Derfor tror mange vi ikke vil se slike batterier i stor kommersiell utbredelse på mange år.
11.03.2021 kl 19:53 6698

Takk Grabein, jeg håper du har rett. Blir litt bekymret når jeg leser på hjemmesiden til Cuberg hvor de sier at de kan levere batterier med Lithium anoder.
11.03.2021 kl 20:03 6576

Da er det vel bare 10 min til Group14 entrer scenen...spent på hva som kommer:-)
Slettet bruker
11.03.2021 kl 20:12 6467

Som Røkke sier det skjer utrolig mye spennende på batteri fronten nå og det går raskt som dem sier:))
11.03.2021 kl 20:25 6298

Kostet rundt 1400$ for ett pass, så ikke noe jeg følger med på. Men er jo inne på siden som er nevnt i innlegget
Slettet bruker
11.03.2021 kl 22:24 5567

Noe nytt fra det her nevnte seminar ?.
12.03.2021 kl 09:43 4894

Fant noe vedr seminaret Q&A session i en chat......her svares det på spørsmål ifra deltagerne: Dette må spesialistene her inne tolke for oss.

Xue, I just sent you a private message, look forward to discussing with you

Xue Wei
13 hours ago
Any contact info if I would like to evaluate this mterial?

Rick Costantino
13 hours ago
Ran, SCC55 is not a coated material (i.e., there is no terminal coating). Therefore, the outer surface has nature of both carbon (from the scaffold) and silicon (from filled carbon pores).

1 Reply
Last reply 13 hours ago

Rick Costantino
13 hours ago
Xue, we are currently commissioning our commercial launch facility (120 ton/y scale), and it should be completed soon! In the meanwhile, we are shipping materials produced in plot scale equipment and we have already shipped 100s of kg of material to customers for evaluations.

Rick Costantino
13 hours ago
James, our customers are using various graphite types (synthetic, natural, mixtures thereof, etc) and particle sizes, we dont see any limitations there. There might be implications for electrode density/packing depending on the graphite size.

Ran Yi
13 hours ago
Could you share what is on the outer surface? Is it carbon or Si?

Xue Wei
13 hours ago
Is SCC55 commercially available?

James Dong
13 hours ago
One quick question and I hope it was not answered in your slides. When mixing graphite and SCC55, are you aware of any particle size impact from graphite?

He Li
13 hours ago
Hello Rick, thank you for your presentation, it is very interesting. Looking forwards to take to you soon.

Rick Costantino
13 hours ago
Hello James, good to see you too!

James Dong
13 hours ago
Hello Rick. Good to see you today.

Cindy Crowninshield
Slettet bruker
12.03.2021 kl 09:46 4866

"we are currently commissioning our commercial launch facility"
Dette er nok nabotomta til Tore!
Slettet bruker
12.03.2021 kl 09:58 4755

we are currently commissioning our commercial launch facility (120 ton/y scale), and it should be completed soon!

Commissioning is the process of planning, documenting, scheduling, testing, adjusting, verifying, and training, to provide a facility that operates as a fully functional system per the Owner's Project Requirements.

Når vi leser hva status betyr på salget på nabo tomten som står på
Contract from buyer has been accepted
Pending Feasibility – Contract from buyer has been accepted. The seller is awaiting satisfaction of the buyer's feasibility study. Similar to Pending Inspection, but most frequently used for land purchases that include lengthy and detailed feasibility studies

Da kan vi vel anta med stor sikkerhet at det er G14 som skal ha den nabo tomta til REC i moses lake? Alt heller mot dette :-)))) Dette blir gøy ;)
En større bekreftelse på at ML åpner går vel ikke ann å få hvis dette er tilfellet?? Det er jo det samme som om vi skulle fått en reel åpningsdato av ML. Burde berolige alle, og større investorer kan dermed ta plass videre :-)

Vi burde ha klart finne utav dette før markedet... er fullastet allerede så hadde ikke gjort noen forskjell for min del.. Kjøper det jeg kan om dagen

Redigert 12.03.2021 kl 10:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.03.2021 kl 10:00 4732

Stjeler denne fra xtrainvestor, podcast med Sila nano CEO "Are Batteries at a Turning Point?" :

Podcast publisert den 11.03.2021
Slettet bruker
12.03.2021 kl 10:00 4730

Wei, Yi, Dong, Li -- alle kinesiske navn. Hmm...
Slettet bruker
12.03.2021 kl 10:15 4604

Den commisioningen jeg har deltatt på, så er anlegget bygget og klart for uttesting, altså commissioning. Ser ikke for meg at det er en ferdig fabrikk på nabotomta i ML!?
Redigert 12.03.2021 kl 10:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
12.03.2021 kl 10:17 4587

Da tror jeg du har mistforstått ordet 'commissioning'. Er vel bare ønsketenking uansett, kun børsmeldinger er verdt noe i denne aksjen.