Contemplated Private Placement

PNOR 11.03.2021 kl 16:34 21745

Contemplated Private Placement

11 March 2021

PetroNor E&P Limited
(“PetroNor” or the “Company”)

PetroNor E&P Limited Announces Contemplated Private Placement


With reference to the press release dated 18 February 2021, PetroNor E&P Limited (“PetroNor” or the “Company” with OSE ticker: “PNOR"), the independent oil and gas exploration and production company with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa, is pleased to announce a contemplated equity private placement of between NOK 275 million to NOK 340 (million (the “Offer Size”) (the "Private Placement") by issuing new shares (the "Offer Shares") in the Company through an accelerated book-building process.

The Company has mandated Arctic Securities AS, Pareto Securities AS and SpareBank1 Markets AS as joint managers and joint bookrunners for the Private Placement (the "Managers").

Petromal Sole Proprietorship LLC and related group companies (“Petromal”), the Company’s main shareholder owning 38.28% of all issued and outstanding shares in the Company, has committed to subscribe for Offer Shares at the Offer Price (as defined below) for an amount of minimum NOK 105.3 million and maximum NOK 130.2 million, which corresponds to their pro-rata share of the Private Placement. As disclosed in the press release dated 18 February 2021, subject to certain condition precedents, PetroNor will acquire Symero Limited’s ("Symero") shares in Hemla Africa Holding AS ("HAH") representing 29.293% of the share capital of HAH, equivalent to a 4.93% indirect interest in PNGF Sud, for a consideration of USD 18 million (converted into NOK 152.6 million) to be paid in-kind through issuance of new shares in PetroNor at a price equivalent to the Offer Price (the "Symero Transaction"). Symero is a company owned by NOR Energy AS, which in turn is controlled by Knut Søvold (CEO) and Gerhard Ludvigsen. Following completion of the Symero Transaction, PetroNor will own 100% of HAH.

In addition to Petromal and Symero, Snake Oil AS, a company owned by primary insider Claus Frimann-Dahl (CTO), will subscribe for and be allocated Offer Shares at the Offer Price for an amount of NOK 500,000.

The net proceeds from the Private Placement will be used to finance drilling of infill wells and other increased oil recovery initiatives on PNGF Sud and general corporate purposes, as well as to issue the consideration shares for the Symero Transaction. Following completion of the Private Placement, and as a result of an increase in oil prices and budget revisions, PetroNor will be in a robust financial position and fully funded for all sanctioned activities with significant flexibility to adjust its capital expenditure in a low oil price environment.

The subscription price per Offer Share (the “Offer Price”) and the final number of Offer Shares to be issued in the Private Placement will be determined by the Board of Directors or a subcommittee thereof (the "Board") in consultation with the Managers on the basis of an accelerated book-building process. The application period for the Private Placement commences today on 11 March 2021 at 16:30 hours (CET) and will close tomorrow on 12 March 2021 at 08:00 hours (CET) (the “Application Period”). The Company, together with the Managers, reserves the right to close or extend the Application Period at any time at their sole discretion, at short notice.

The allocation of the Offer Shares will be determined at the end of the book-building process. The final allocation will be made at the discretion of the Board in consultation with the Managers. Allocation will be based on criteria such as (but not limited to) existing ownership in the Company, price leadership, timeliness of order, relative order size, perceived investor quality, sector knowledge and investment horizon. Existing shareholders (except Petromal) will, to the extent possible, be allocated a number of Offer Shares which, assuming full subscription under the Subsequent Offering (as defined below), result in such shareholders retaining its respective pro rata ownership post completion of the Subsequent Offering. No allocation will be made for amounts less than a NOK amount equivalent to EUR 100,000, other than in accordance with applicable exemptions from relevant prospectus requirements.

The Private Placement will be divided into two tranches: Tranche 1 ("Tranche 1") consisting of Offer Shares for between NOK 27.8 million and NOK 92.8 million to be allocated to existing and new investors, including Petromal. The remaining Offer Shares will be subscribed by and allocated to Symero (for an amount equal to NOK 152.6 million (USD 18 million) ("Tranche 2a") and Petromal (for an amount equal to NOK 94.6 million) in order to retain its ~38.28% ownership ("Tranche 2b").

Delivery of the new shares allocated in the Private Placement, other than shares allocated to Petromal, will, in order to facilitate delivery-versus-payment and timely delivery of already listed shares to subscribers in the Private Placement, be made by delivery of existing and unencumbered shares in the Company, pursuant to a share lending agreement entered into between the Company, Arctic Securities AS (on behalf of the Managers) and NOR Energy AS and certain other shareholders of the Company (as lenders). The borrowed shares will be redelivered by the Managers to the lenders in the form of new shares in the Company to be issued in connection with the Private Placement, some of which may be issued on a separate ISIN pending approval of a prospectus for listing of the new shares on Oslo Euronext Expand.

The completion of the Private Placement is subject to all necessary corporate resolutions being validly made by the Company. Issuance of the Offer Shares pertaining to Tranche 1 and Tranche 2b will be subject to approval by the Board, provided however that issuance of Offer Shares in Tranche 2b is conditional upon completion of Tranche 2a. Offer Shares pertaining to Tranche 2a will be subject to approval by an extraordinary general meeting of the Company expected to be held on or about 26 April 2021 (the "EGM") and conditional upon completion of Tranche 1. Consequently, Tranche 2a and Tranche 2b will not complete unless Tranche 1 is completed and EGM approval is obtained. Completion of Tranche 1 is not conditional upon completion of Tranche 2a and Trance 2b, and hence allocations in Tranche 1 will be final and binding even if Tranche 2a and Tranche 2b should not be completed.

Further, the Symero Transaction is subject to successful completion of the Private Placement, and as previously disclosed, the Symero Transaction is a related party transaction, and the transaction is therefore subject to approval by ordinary resolution at the EGM. In connection with the Symero Transaction, the Company will publish an independent expert report (“Expert Report”) as required pursuant to the Australian Corporations Act. The Expert Report will be attached to the calling notice for the EGM. The shareholders’ approval required will include an approval in accordance with Chapter 2E of the Australian Corporations Act of 2001 as a related party transaction and potentially a separate approval under section 611 item 7 of the Australian Corporations Act of 2001 to permit an increase in the voting power in the Company that would exceed the thresholds. As an Australian domiciled company, PetroNor has been granted an exemption from the Norwegian take-over rules from the Oslo Stock Exchange. The Company has obtained voting undertakings for approval of the Symero Transaction from Petromal, members of the Company's Board of Directors and executive management, representing 19.90% of the existing shares (193,361,392 shares). While additional voting undertakings cannot be provided for regulatory reasons, Petromal has further confirmed its strong support of the Symero Transaction and the Private Placement. As the Symero Transaction is considered a transaction with related parties, 34.8% of the shareholders are not eligible to vote. Subject to shareholder approval and satisfaction of all conditions precedent, the Symero Transaction is expected to close by end of April 2021.

The Company has considered the Private Placement in light of the equal treatment obligations under the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the rules on equal treatment under Oslo Rule Book II for companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and the Oslo Stock Exchange's Guidelines on the rule of equal treatment, and the Board is of the opinion that the contemplated Private Placement is in compliance with these requirements and guidelines. Taking into consideration the time, costs and expected terms of alternative methods of the securing the desired funding, the Board has concluded that offering new shares in a private placement on acceptable terms at this time is in the common interest of the shareholders of the Company. The Company may, subject to completion of the Private Placement, and certain other conditions, resolve to carry out a subsequent repair offering of new shares (the "Subsequent Offering") which, subject to applicable securities law, will be directed towards existing shareholders in the Company as of 11 March 2021 (as registered in the VPS two trading days thereafter), who (i) were not invited to subscribe for shares in the pre-sounding of the private placement, (ii) were not allocated Offer Shares in the Private Placement, (iii) are n
Redigert 14.03.2021 kl 09:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.03.2021 kl 09:25 2429

Tror det er et meget viktig poeng du tar opp her. Alle som har kjøpt sine aksjer før 11.mars via nominee bør nok kontakte sin tilbyder for å være med i mai.
15.03.2021 kl 09:33 2381

Fra Investtech:
PetroNor E&P Limited ligger i en fallende trendkanal på mellomlang sikt. Dette signaliserer økende pessimisme blant investorene og indikerer videre kursnedgang for PetroNor E&P Limited. Kursen har brutt gjennom gulvet ved 1.16 kroner i en rektangelformasjon. Etablert brudd vil signalisere videre nedgang til 1.02 kroner eller lavere. Aksjen har støtte ved cirka 0.92 kroner og motstand ved cirka 1.36 kroner. Volumet har tidligere vært høyt rundt kurstopper og lavt rundt kursbunner. Dette svekker den fallende trenden og kan være et tidlig signal om et kommende trendbrudd. RSI-kurven viser en fallende trend, noe som understøtter det negative trendbildet. Aksjen anses samlet sett teknisk negativ på mellomlang sikt.
Anbefaling en til seks måneders sikt: Selg (Score: -89)
15.03.2021 kl 09:36 2360

Ja, så feil som dette kan rene tekniske analyser være når de ikke tar hensyn til hva som faktisk skjer i selskapet.
15.03.2021 kl 09:41 2331

Det er lige præcis det her, som vi har manglet :-) Kursen skal være mere volatil, så traderne også får interesse for aktien, hvilket betyder stor omsætning.
Fastholdelsen af kursen gør den simpelthen for kedelig og uinteressant, hvorfor der heller ikke skabes interesse for nye købere ;)
15.03.2021 kl 09:41 2327

Må si jeg selv ble noe overrasket over at de "tar sjansen" på å nærmest bruke denne tekniske analysen som dagens anbefaling.
15.03.2021 kl 09:45 2302

Det behøver de altså ikke FKL. Når det drejer sig om den type aktieudvidelse, så sker det automatisk. Nordnet og andre har pligt til at informere om muligheden for at tegne aktier til den selvfølgelig skal man holde øje og følge den gode debat her :-)
15.03.2021 kl 09:48 2277

Jeg har hele tiden siddet på sidelinjen og fulgt med!
Der er ingen tvivl om at Apcl,s historik har påvirket det (nye) selskab big time "kurs mæssigt"....MEN PNOR casen er jo vanvittig billig og attraktiv....First they took A4 Back and sosp is next😇
Anyway A4-Sosp ser jeg bare som en sidegevinst!!!
Det er produktions GROWTH som er en GAMECHANGER 💰💰💰
15.03.2021 kl 09:51 2256

Ok, men BørsBjarne fikk jo ikke muligheten til å delta i den opprinnelige emisjonen. Det hadde han nok fått dersom kan hadde kontaktet sin tilbyder.
15.03.2021 kl 09:53 2243

Lige præcis Hifi , men vi tager jo alt med med kyshånd, så det vil da lune big time, hvis de lige melder Senegal i box sooooooon :-)
15.03.2021 kl 09:59 2198

Ja men det er også noget andet med en "privat placement". Der går man ud til de største ejere personligt , altså dem, som er registreret i norsk VPS, hvilket vi normalt ikke er, når vi handler her fra DK.
Når næste etape sættes i gang, er det jo alle resterende, som får tilbud om at deltage, hvilket som skrevet foregår automatisk via din udbyder.
Børsbjarne burde jo også være på top20 personligt med det antal aktier, men han står formentlig under Danske Banks åbne konto.
Jeg har prøvet dette flere gange, og det giver ikkeproblemer, når der skal tegnes nye aktier ;-)
15.03.2021 kl 10:05 2166

Flott, da er den i boks :)
15.03.2021 kl 11:10 2021

Velkommen tilbake. Tror det er riktig tid å komme tilbake på, hvis man først var ute . Ser ikke idiotien i det du har gjort, bare en god porsjon sunn fornuft ;)
15.03.2021 kl 11:28 1976

Tak 👍 Jeg solgte til lidt over 1 kr og daytraded i en kort periode flere forskellige selskaber....I April 2020 gik jeg ind i Northern Ocean Limited og er i +140 % dags dato 👍
Min investering i Pnor er "NYE PENGE"
Jeg Sidder stadig tungt lastet i Nol😇
Anyway, Alle mine penge står i Nol...Så jeg havde desværre kun råd til 45000 Aktier i Pnor🤯 Men lidt er bedre end Nothing....
Redigert 15.03.2021 kl 11:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.03.2021 kl 11:38 1947

Fikk med meg kjøpet du gjorde i NOL. Uansett gøy at du ser potensialet her igjen. Er ingen tvil om at det har skjedd en del siden sist, så å få muligheten til inngang på disse prisene syntes jeg er veldig bra. Hadde dog vært godt om den nærmet seg 1,1 , så man kan laste opp enda litt til. Får aldri nok PNOR aksjer :-)
15.03.2021 kl 11:48 1911

Det er faktisk WILD at Corona har kunne eliminere kurs stigninger i Pnor og faktisk er Pnor jo faldet temmelig meget på trods af Gambia/A4 og alle de andre positive news.....
Det må være en combi af Corona/oil price/Apcl historik...
15.03.2021 kl 11:57 1882

Du skal også lige have en vigtig brik med = Telinet, som har solgt og solgt og solgt. Det kan ikke undgå at vise sig i kursen, når volumen er så lav, som den har været siden november :-(
15.03.2021 kl 12:03 1857

Helt enig, og syntes PNOR fortjener en høyere kurs. Tror det er en bred enighet om akkurat dette. Men totalt sett, så har jo PNOR klart seg bra gjennom Corona også. Det er veldig mange faktorer, men skal man sitte en gode stund fremover, blir dette bare små hindringer/utfordringer, som jeg har stor tro på at vi skal langt forbi :-)
Hadde det ikke vært for at vi er så underpriset, tror jeg faktisk at PNOR beholdningen min hadde vært betraktelig mindre. Corona kan sånn sett være noe av det bedre som har skjedd økonomisk sett for min del, om kursen går de prosentene vi alltid har håpet på. Da isolerer jeg så klart dette kun til aksjer, alt annet har vært kjedelig og surt mtp. Corona.
15.03.2021 kl 12:25 1803

Det er rigtigt...

Jeg ser frem til at der måske kommer en oil SUPERCYCLE 💥😇

North Sea Oil Faces A Drilling Rig Supply Crunch.

A Major Oil Rally Could Be On The Horizon.
two reasons to stick with oil:
#1 Vaccine optimism will keep driving things forward .
#2 Our Energy Transition Won't Happen Without Oil & Gas.
It's science fiction to imagine that oil and gas will suddenly disappear because of renewable energy progress.

Why The World Might Not Have Enough Oil To Meet Demand Trough 2050.
The global exploration success ratio has dropped sharply, from about 72% in 2010 to 17% in 2020

Oil Stocks Are Finally Bouncing Back.
The U.S. and global energy sectors have been deeply out of favor for the past six years--so much so that the sector could now be significantly undervalued.
In fact, the sector now trades at a price-to-book ratio below one,
the lowest in about seven decades.

Oil Markets Are Finally Ready To Recover.

Here’s How Oil Could Skyrocket By 138%
Redigert 15.03.2021 kl 12:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.03.2021 kl 16:20 1632

Tranche 1 Of Private Placement Share Capital Issued
PetroNor E&P Limited
(“PetroNor” or the “Company”)

Tranche 1 Of Private Placement Share Capital Issued

Reference is made to the announcement released by PetroNor on 12 March 2021, regarding completion of NOK 340 million Private Placement. The 84,363,636 ordinary shares for Tranche 1 of the Offer Shares of the Private Placement have now been issued.

The Company’s issued and outstanding share capital is 1,056,028,924 shares of no par value. This figure may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in the Company. The new shares have been issued on the Company’s ordinary ISIN AU0000057408.

A separate announcement will be made when the new shares are registered with the VPS in the form of depositary receipts and tradable on Oslo Euronext Expand. The new shares have been validly and legally issued as fully paid shares in accordance with Australian law and the Constitution of the Company.

This announcement is made pursuant to section 5-12 of the Securities Trading Act.


For further information, please contact:
Knut Søvold, Chief Executive Officer
Chris Butler, Group Financial Controller

Media Contacts:
Ben Romney
Tel: +44 207 466 5000

About PetroNor E&P

PetroNor E&P Limited is a sub-Saharan focused independent oil and gas exploration and production company listed on Oslo Euronext Expand (previously Oslo Axess) with the ticker PNOR. PetroNor holds exploration and production assets offshore West Africa, specifically the PNGF Sud licenses in Congo Brazzaville, A4 license in The Gambia, the Rufisque Offshore Profond and Senegal Offshore Sud Profond in Senegal, OML 113 in Nigeria (subject to completion) and the Sinapa (Block 2A) and Esperança (Blocks 4A and 5A) licenses in Guinea Bissau (subject to regulatory approval).
27.07.2021 kl 09:44 1007

Der må være mange investors som sælger old aktier til at finansiere rep emi aktier🤔 Det er jo crazy at kursen er så lav🤯