Ny melding iox nå tar det av

IOX 17.03.2021 kl 08:05 6889

Production report for February

17 March 2021
Production report for February 2021
Below please find average gross operated production in February 2021 and corresponding numbers for January 2021.
IOX operated February 2021 January 2021
Boepd(1) Bopd (2) Boepd(1) Bopd (2)
Colombia 885 612 901 615
Argentina (3) 2,545 279 2,548 270
Barrels of oil equivalents per day
Barrels of oil per day
Operated by Selva Maria Oil on behalf of IOX until local authorities approves operator’s licence.
Production in February 2021 was largely in line with that in January 2021.
In Colombia, the company is currently preparing the pulling rig which will be used to repair equipment in several wells at the Puli C field and bring production back to former levels. The rig is likely to be mobilised to the field around mid-April. Vikingo keeps its steady flow, and the oil deliveries continues as programmed. The oil spill remediation work is completed and Interoil is awaiting environmental authorities’ confirmation for a site visit prior to deploy clean new topsoil, which is still pending.
Preparations for Mazorca drilling, the commitment well on the Altair license, continues according to plan, and the company is expecting Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH) to approve drilling program soon. According to current licence terms this well should be drilled by April 2021. Conversations are continuing with potential farm-in partners for the drilling programme in LLA-47.
In Argentina, Interoil is working Velitec SA to develop a detailed plan for the reopening of oil production from 15 wells in the Mata Magallanes Oeste (MMO). A pulling rig has been identified and is currently being inspected and procurement of equipment and spare parts is underway.
17.03.2021 kl 17:17 3547

Ja så er det teknisk snakk om oppside. Da må vi se på
den horisontale lengden på 5 års rektangel. Den lengden kan i prinsippet snues på hode opp fra bruddet vi snakker om. Dette gidder ikke jeg. Man bør da se på skalleringen av horisontal og vertikal aksje slik at det er rimelig samsvar. Da blir det høyt :-). Ja det er en regel og inntreffer med stor sannsynlighet i hvertfall for store produkter og selskaper .

Etter tommeltotten ca 14 kr . Da må vi nok se olje i første boring.
Så blir det hvor meget olje finns og da vet dere like meget som meg hvordan det går samt inntjening.
Redigert 17.03.2021 kl 17:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.03.2021 kl 18:15 3472

Jeg ser at carsten1972 slettet sine innlegg i denne posten. Min kommentar var myntet mot hele denne tråden. Den bør slettes. Det er bare vrøvl og null substans som trådstarter innleder med. Faktainformasjonen vedkommende lister er ok, men analysen er bare tull. Resten av kommentarene er også totalt uten innhold.
17.03.2021 kl 18:29 3437

Ja den som lever får se :-))
29.03.2021 kl 08:39 2461

Signs new agreement in Colombia, plans further development activity in Argentina, and announces contemplated share issue
29 March 2021
Interoil Exploration and Production ASA (“Interoil” or the "Company") is pleased to announce a new transaction which adds further momentum to the Company’s exploration activity in Colombia. In addition, Interoil will invest in further development activity in Argentina.
In Colombia, Interoil has signed a participation agreement with SLS and Quantum Resources for the drilling of up to two exploration wells in LLA-47, namely Jaca.x-1 and Malevo.x-1. This agreement is subject to Interoil’s obtainment of the funding required to meet its obligations under the agreement.
In Argentina, Interoil will invest in the re-opening of the remaining 19 wells in the Mata Magallanes Oeste (“MMO”) oil field. The Company had earlier signed an agreement with Argentine drilling services company Velitec SA, for the re-opening of an initial 15 wells.
The contemplated issue of new shares in the Company (the “Share Issue”) announced herein is aimed at securing funding for the investments mentioned above. The Share Issue will be based on a Norwegian national prospectus covering the offering of new shares with gross proceeds of up to NOK 37 million.
29.03.2021 kl 09:38 2244

Boring på LLA-47🥳😎
Dette blir bra, endelig
29.03.2021 kl 10:21 2135

borren ar inte i marken och ser inte ngn deadline eller dato for starten eller jag ar dumm?
19.04.2021 kl 15:09 1327

Jaggu dumme de som selger på 1,7. Kan du poste listene som viser at de store øker? Ransen er mester på å påstå at de store øker uten et fnugg av bevis. Gleder meg til å se når 6,50 kommer.