Nyheter som angår Rec

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RECSI 28.03.2021 kl 18:14 781968

Helgelesning fra pv-magazine:
Redigert 18.01.2022 kl 19:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.08.2021 kl 10:40 15255

Til info:

North America is a continent entirely within the Northern Hemisphere and almost all within the Western Hemisphere. It can also be described as the northern subcontinent of the Americas. It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea, and to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean. Because it is on the North American Tectonic Plate, Greenland is included as part of North America geographically.

Altså flere som kan levere silangass i North America. Håper selvsagt det er rec, men det blir ren spekulasjon
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31.08.2021 kl 10:57 15121

Ja vel. Hvem har slik kapasitet?

Det er uttalt - klart og tydelig - fra TT at RECsi er eneste reelle produsent av Silangass utenfor Kina - så enten må de komme til oss «or they have to go to China»

Så, hvem er det som kan produsere Silangass til batteri utenom RECsi i nord Amerika?
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31.08.2021 kl 11:27 14968

DOW har ved siden av Hemlock, fasiliteter for å produsere 4000 tonn silangass, det er jo veldig mye mindre enn hva ML kan produsere og den kapasiteten blir allerede brukt i markedet vil jeg tro, hvertfall noe av det. Akkurat som at Butte sin kapasitet er brukt opp.

ML er eneste brukbare løsning i hele Nord Amerika pdd for en fullskala anodefabrikk. Såvidt jeg kan google meg frem til.

Risikoen ligger mest i at DOW gjør en avtale med f.eks SilaN om at de går med på å bygge ut kapasiteten, om SilaN inngår en avtale med de. Hvor sannsynlig det er kan diskuteres.
Redigert 31.08.2021 kl 13:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.08.2021 kl 13:55 14476



Mange tak for at dele, Boldor!
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31.08.2021 kl 15:03 14263

Det er den veien det går. Snart kan nok RECsi velge og vrake av kunder. Med Bidens «made in America» tror jeg RECsi om ikke lenge må vurdere å bygge ny kapasitet for å tilfredsstille etterspørselen fra solar og batteri.

Vi går en spennende høst i møte🔆
31.08.2021 kl 15:24 14285

Ja, ganske utrolig at man kan kjøpe aksjer til 15-16kr…👍
I tillegg vil vel Butte sin produksjon dobles neste år etter at den pågående oppgraderingen av fabrikken blir ferdig 🤩
Redigert 31.08.2021 kl 15:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.08.2021 kl 22:01 13812

Flere aktører leverer silangas i N Amerika. Jeg tenker behovet for silangas hos anode produsentene kommer gradvis over flere år. 2022-2025. Så her det det mange muligheter bla oppskalering hos eksiterende ettersom etterspørselen øker, rec er selvsagt en mulighet og er godt alternativ.
Slettet bruker
01.09.2021 kl 07:35 13150

Breaking: Tesla Is Looking For Partners To Build 4680 & Possibly 4690 Batteries In China

(Man tror Tesla kan begynne å masseprodusere sine 4680 "Battery Day" batterier tidligst i 2023)

01.09.2021 kl 07:56 13060

Det mest interresante der var:
"Tesla changed the anode material from graphite to silicon. Silicon’s chemical properties allow it to store significantly more lithium ions than graphite per a given mass. This once again means better energy density plus lower cost since silicon is basically sand and is widely and easily available."

"Tesla is currently ironing out the production process at the company’s Keto Road facility close to its Fremont California plant. And once everything is sorted out, Tesla is expected to begin volume battery production at the company’s mile-long Texas Gigafactory and the currently under construction Giga Berlin Battery factory."
01.09.2021 kl 08:03 13117

Det Tesla håper på å få til er en billigere fremstillingsmetode uten å gå veien om silangass — men de vil ikke oppnå samme energitettheten / forbedringen. Hvis de lykkes så vil jeg anta denne produksjonen vil finne sin plass side om side med litt mer high-end batterier hvor det benyttes renere silisium.
Slettet bruker
01.09.2021 kl 08:48 12963

Jada, men silisiumanoden i 4680 er jo kjent fra før. Poenget mitt er at enkelte tror at Tesla kommer til å spenne beina under alle andre produsenter av si-anode-batterier, fordi de andre er så treige men Tesla "kommer nå". Vel, det ser ikke ut til at Tesla er noe lenger fremme enn enkelte andre likevel, når det kommer til masseproduksjon.

Nå sår man tvil om Panasonic i det hele tatt vil være i stand til å masseprodusere disse cellene. Det vil i så fall være et stort tilbakefall.

Uansett blir tiden frem til 2025 ulidelig spennende! Jeg tipper et par lovende batteriteknologier vil bli parkert i mellomtiden.
Slettet bruker
01.09.2021 kl 08:49 12890

Ja, det er sant, Tesla ønsker å bygge et lavkostbatteri for å få ned prisene på elbiler generelt. Men når de silangassbaserte teknologiene oppnår masseproduksjon, bør også de komme ned i pris. I hvert fall i forhold til dagens batterier.
01.09.2021 kl 08:56 12921

Hverken Wacker eller Hemlock semi produserer Monosilan gass Sih4 selv, de produserer triklosorilan, dette er enklere å produsere.

Det er monosilan gass SiH4 som benyttes som innsatsfaktor edit: for anodemateriale, ikke triklorosilan.

Dow bistår har et joint venture for produksjon av Monosilan som innsatsfaktor for Semiconductor grade polysilicon, med ca 4000 tonn kapasitet, dvs under 20% av kapasiteten i Moses Lake alene.

Semimarkedet er glohett i lang tid fremover, så jeg tviler de har fokus på å skaffe tanker ekspandere og ta opp kampen med REC.

REC har patenter for kostnadseffektiv og miljøvennlig produksjon, og Moses Lake har mye renere strøm en anlegget til Hemlock i Michigan.

Det var nok ikke uten grunn at det var REC ble invitert til Roundtable av Department of Energy, når fremtidens batterier ble diskutert.

REC var den enste produsenten av Silisium/Silangass råmateriale som var representert.

Redigert 01.09.2021 kl 11:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.09.2021 kl 18:42 12359

En sølle 0.06% af nuværende shortpositioner dækket ind

Polypriser uændret

Item High Low Average AvgChg AvgChg%
PV Grade PolySilicon (9N/9N+) 29.950 20.000 28.000 No Change Sign0 No Change Sign 0%
N Mono Grade PolySilicon in China (12N/12N+) 29.950 29.100 29.500 No Change Sign0 No Change Sign 0%
Mono Grade PolySilicon in China (11N/11N+) 29.950 28.100 28.810 No Change Sign0 No Change Sign 0%
Last Update: 2021-09-01

Global EV sales nearly triple in H1 2021 – Wood Mackenzie
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01.09.2021 kl 18:48 12335

Group14 Technologies:
Counting down the days until @NanoShowUSA, where our CEO
@RickLuebbe will be discussing the challenges & opportunities of manufacturing at the nanoscale on 10/14.

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01.09.2021 kl 23:52 11661

You heard it here: we’ve got big plans to kill gasmobiles. Honored to be featured in an incredible piece from @TinaMCasey at @cleantechnica highlighting our recent partnership with @Ino_Bat to bring high energy density, customizable EV batteries globally:

USA’s Group14 Rockets Into EV Batteries With Slovakia Mashup
With a little assist from the US Department of Energy, new EV batteries featuring silicon are about to hit the road.
02.09.2021 kl 06:48 11332

The United States Can Cast Light on China’s Shadowy Solar Industry


Several of the industrial parks in the region that offer preferential treatment (often facilitated by XPCC-owned companies) are hot spots for human rights abuses. Hoshine’s facilities in Shanshan County’s Stone Industrial Park, for example, are near two reported detention centers. In October 2018, JinkoSolar’s Xinjiang-based subsidiary opened a polysilicon facility in the Xinyuan Industrial Park, which also contains a high-security prison and a detention center.

The XPCC also administers several special economic areas connected to the solar industry. These include the Shihezi Economic and Technological Development Zone, where Hoshine and Daqo maintain facilities, and the Zhundong Economic and Technological Development Zone, where GCL-Poly and East Hope operate polysilicon plants.

Chinese solar firms actively promote their support for Beijing’s agenda in the region. Most have self-reported participating in state-sponsored poverty alleviation programs, which are notionally aimed at expanding economic opportunities for local communities but coerce minorities into work assignments they cannot easily refuse or escape. This targeting of vulnerable populations is often shrouded with euphemisms, including “staff localization plans” and “surplus labor transfers,” which have become red flags for potential human rights abuses.

Beijing, of course, flatly denies that human rights abuses are occurring in Xinjiang, opting instead to paint foreign criticism as anti-Chinese propaganda. Earlier this year, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian asserted that Washington uses “human rights as a disguise to … cripple the industrial development in Xinjiang.”

All four of the companies sanctioned by the Biden administration have participated in supposed poverty alleviation programs, as have the other major polysilicon producers in Xinjiang, along with many subsidiaries of leading suppliers of solar goods such as Longi, JinkoSolar, and Trina Solar.

What does this all add up to? Are all Chinese solar goods tainted by human rights abuses? Not necessarily, but the policies driving development in Xinjiang leave companies operating in the region exposed to such abuses, creating a prickly policy challenge for U.S. leaders.

A comprehensive survey of the solar supply chain, similar to the review conducted for other critical products under Executive Order 14017, may identify additional entities that warrant sanctioning and further bolster the integrity of U.S. supply chains. Yet, American policymakers must acknowledge that there are real limits to what they can accomplish. China has committed significant resources to building up the solar industry in Xinjiang, and pressure from Washington will not force Beijing to step back from its investments.

Should the United States take a more assertive stance, there are real trade-offs to consider. The U.S. House of Representatives already passed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act last September. If passed by the Senate and signed into law, it will ban all imports from Xinjiang unless there is “clear and convincing evidence” that products were not made by forced labor. While there is enough polysilicon production capacity outside of Xinjiang to satisfy current U.S. demand, this may change if the United States redoubles its efforts to adopt renewable energy. Delays in current solar projects may also be on the horizon; Canadian Solar warned investors that all panel imports from China now risk being detained at the U.S. border.

Furthermore, there are limited mechanisms for tracking solar products through their entire production cycle, often leaving downstream companies and end users in the dark. The new Solar Supply Chain Traceability Protocol promoted by the U.S. solar industry and recent moves undertaken by the American Solar Manufacturers Against Chinese Circumvention to extend tariffs to Chinese solar giants operating out of Southeast Asia should help to establish best practices for businesses. However, this will only go so far. Companies must still navigate an opaque environment where Chinese counterparts are not inclined to offer greater transparency.

China also has options in its toolbox, and its policymakers have begun to implement countermeasures to safeguard the interests of Chinese companies. Although the specifics remain murky, the new “anti-foreign-sanctions law” appears to empower Beijing to seize assets within China, revoke visas, and—perhaps most importantly–block transactions and cooperation with Chinese individuals and entities.

As is so often the case, the best path forward for the United States is to play to its strengths and leverage its network of allies and partners around the globe. Whatever further steps Washington ultimately advances, it should do so in consultation with like-minded nations. Collective action will amplify the effect of U.S. measures aimed at countering human rights abuses and set the groundwork for developing alternative capacities that, in time, will help promote a more diverse solar supply chain.
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02.09.2021 kl 08:47 10992

I daqo’s Q2 skriver de :


Moving ahead, Daqo New Energy expects to remain in full utilization in the second half of 2021 with sales volumes similar to production volumes. The company raised its full-year polysilicon production guidance to the band of 83,000-85,000 MT from the prior view of 81,000-83,000 MT. It also expects the strong pricing momentum to continue in the second half of 2021.
Slettet bruker
02.09.2021 kl 19:20 10405

Dette blir stort!! Rec kommer til å få stor kake bit i dette😊
02.09.2021 kl 20:21 10140

Leydenjar har fullført serie a finansering på 22 millioner Euro, Leydenjar benytter silangass som innsatsfaktor:


"The funds will help the company to scale up its production facility and further develop its battery technology.

In order to fulfill the demands, the funds will also be used to increase its current team from 25 to 70 people in the coming 18 months.”

Redigert 02.09.2021 kl 21:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.09.2021 kl 20:46 10099

Det sies rett ut at råmaterialene skal utvinnes i USA, ikke ofte du får så klar beskjed om penger på gaten
Slettet bruker
02.09.2021 kl 21:15 9974

Det var vel dette vi håpet på i forrige roundtable med Sec. Granholm! Dette var en utrolig flott bekreftelse.

Med et ørlite forbehold om at hun ikke snakker om f. eks (kun) kobolt og aluminium, så tror jeg det kan bli morsomt å være Rec-aksjonær fremover. Første test kommer i morgen. Fortsetter oppgangen også i morgen, så tror jeg personlig det tyder på shortdekning. På det tidspunktet er det få grå skyer igjen på himmelen...

Blir spennende å sjekke shortregisteret på mandag, men forsøker å forberede meg på en rød dag i morgen. Er vel bare å finne fram Tålmodighet faktor 50 og smøre seg godt inn. :)
Slettet bruker
02.09.2021 kl 22:15 9886

Ja, Biden og sec. Granholm mener alvor. Det er akkurat det «made in America» som er nøkkelen for deres politikk, for dem vil både bidra i klimakampen, men ser også dette som en enorm mulighet for business og skape jobber i USA!

RECsi tapte i flere år fordi de var lokalisert i USA, men nå har nettop det blitt deres aller største fordel.

Vi har svært spennende måneder foran oss. RECsi er klare og har allerede investert 30 milliarder i assets…

Det blir litt av en reise … mcap er i dag 6,5 milliarder. RECsi sine assets og teknologi i «made in America» er verdt mer enn 5 gangern. Og ja: Avtalene kommer. Ja: ML kommer til å åpne. Marked og kalkulator - prøv selv 🔆

(Short dekker inn. Som i fjor høst. De har allerede startet)

God reise👍
Redigert 02.09.2021 kl 22:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
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03.09.2021 kl 08:08 9054

Reisen begynner snart! 😊
Join us for The Electric's Live Video Summit: Making the Forever Battery on 9/8 with editor @stevelevine and @SilaGene, CEO at @SilaNanotech, who has pioneered some of the world’s most important commercial batteries. RSVP here:

Gene Berdichevsky
We're going to keep it spicy 🌶⚡️🔋
Join us and bring your battery questions!
03.09.2021 kl 12:53 8570

WTO backs U.S. in solar cell case brought by China
BRUSSELS, Sept 2 (Reuters) - The United States secured a victory at the World Trade Organization on Thursday in a case brought by China over U.S. measures to limit the import of solar panel cells.

A three-person WTO panel rejected all four of China's claims and said that the measures did not breach global trade rules.

The United States imposed a system of tariffs and a quota in 2018 after U.S. producers complained that imports of certain crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells had increased to such an extent that U.S. domestic industry risked serious harm.

The "safeguard" measures are due to be in place for four years, with annual reductions in the duty rates from an initial 30%. The duties have applied to solar modules and, beyond a set quota, to solar cells.

China contested the measures on a series of points, such as that Washington had not established a causal link between the increased imports and harm to industry.

"I welcome the WTO panel’s findings rejecting China’s challenges to the U.S. solar safeguard as baseless," U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said in a statement.

The safeguards were put in place by then-President Donald Trump at the same time as similar three-year measures for washing machines. Trump extended them by two years at the start of 2021, just before leaving office.
03.09.2021 kl 13:05 8522

Confronting Chinese Human Rights Issues Complicates The Biden Administration’s Green Agenda
President Biden wants the U.S. economy to make a big bet on solar energy, and Congress appears poised to help him deliver on that desire: The Senate-passed infrastructure bill contains $73 billion of new subsidies for renewable energy and the budget reconciliation bill contains a provision that would increase and extend the solar investment tax credit for homeowners and businesses to purchase solar panels. However, Biden’s trade policy may complicate his government’s attempt to increase production of renewable energy in the United States.

The conflict lies in Biden’s choice to continue President Trump’s more confrontational approach towards China, especially when it comes to the treatment of the Uighur minorities, who are being heavily persecuted across the country.

Most solar panels installed in the United States are made in Southeast Asia, although some domestic assembly of solar panels does occur domestically. However, nearly all solar wafers come from China. If the Biden administration wants their green energy goals met, they must be prepared to work with China until we can bolster the upstream supply chain outside of China.

A few months ago, an unpublished study was leaked to the media alleging that nearly all of the solar materials coming into the United States are linked to suppliers operating in Xinjiang Province, where there are Uighur detention camps, and that they used forced labor.

U.S. law rightly prohibits the importation of goods produced by forced labor. On June 24, 2021, U.S. Border and Customs Patrol (CBP) issued a Withhold Release Order (WRO) against silica-based products made by Hoshine Silicon Industry (Hoshine) because it had been alleged that they used forced labor at their factories in Xinjiang.

This is problematic for two reasons; first, the evidence that connects slave labor to the production of polysilicon products is less than concrete and is based on a leaked, yet-to-be-published report put out by a firm that has connections to an entity that stands to benefit from a reduction in imports of solar panels. And because of the nature of how CBP operates, the burden of proof is on the accused to prove their innocence.

Second, due to China’s Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, documenting and tracing the U.S. solar supply chain is nearly impossible, especially with a raw material that is buried so deep within the chain. Due to the guilty until proven innocent nature of CPB’s directive, there is no telling when these holdings and detainments will cease because of the difficulties in establishing that solar modules coming into the U.S. don’t contain any of the forbidden Hoshine material.

If this effort gets taken to its logical conclusion, then most solar panels produced anywhere in Asia will be refused entry into the United States, which would leave our country without access to a reliable supply of solar panels for the immediate future.

Few would dispute the need to confront China on its perfidious treatment of its Uighur minority, not to mention various other human rights abuses in the country. But our government cannot simultaneously take steps to dramatically increase the demand for solar panels while also dramatically limiting supply, and the fact that it’s doing so based on nonpublic data provided by an entity with skin in the game is highly problematic. It ensures riches for those solar panel producers that escape the maws of the export ban but for everyone else—solar panel installers, utilities, and people trying to reduce their energy consumption and help reduce carbon emissions—it represents an unmitigated disaster, and unless it’s resolved it may render any energy plan coming from this Administration effectively moot.

A better response would be for the government to recognize the problem, conduct its own research, and if its own findings establish a link, it should provide the companies that import solar panels a modicum of time to cease their relationship with any entity using Uighur unpaid labor or take steps to relocate their production outside of China altogether.

Several solar companies with productions formerly in China have done just that, and others appear ready to follow. However, both of these take some time to do. Giving these companies that time to do one or the other would allow the U.S. to still put pressure on the Chinese to end its heinous treatment of the Uighurs while also avoiding a sharp disruption to efforts to increase solar energy in the U.S.

President Biden is correct in choosing to confront China on its human rights abuses, and trade policy is about the most effective lever we have with which to do so. However, it needs to be done judiciously so that we avoid unduly harming U.S. businesses as well, not to mention efforts to reduce greenhouse gases.

It is neither possible nor desirable to completely end our economic dealings with China, but we can engage with its businesses and still maintain our country’s integrity. We need to take time to balance these with regard to our importation of solar panels.
03.09.2021 kl 15:43 8105

US solar panel shipments rose 33% in 2020
U.S. solar PV module shipments – including imports, exports, and domestic production and sales) – rose by about one-third year on year between 2019 and 2020, according to new figures from the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

U.S. solar photovoltaic module shipments up 33% in 2020
04.09.2021 kl 00:56 7251


Ikke noe nytt dette forsåvidt, men enda en bekreftelse på at sol "made in USA" blir enormt i årene som kommer. At ML forblir stengt framstår som utenkelig slik jeg ser det.

"Solar is part of the lowest hanging fruit of how we're going to deploy the number of gigawatts that the United States needs"

"Berkeley Lab estimates that 40% of U.S. electricity generation could come from solar by 2035. It’s roughly 3% today."

"All of the nation's solar panels now that are on people's roofs are made elsewhere. And we simply allowed that to happen. And the president is saying no more. We are not going to watch our manufacturing capability just walk away. Incentivizing through tax credits, solar, wind, clean energy technologies, so that we can be competitive globally and we can deploy those technologies in the United States, is all part of that agenda."
Slettet bruker
04.09.2021 kl 01:25 7335

Om de mener alvor her klarer jeg ikke se at ikke de skal få opp litt ingot og wafer som Rec kan selge til 🚀🚀🎉
Slettet bruker
04.09.2021 kl 07:48 7110

Altså/ jeg anslår det som helt usannsynlig at ML ikke åpner. Spørsmålet er når/ og det får vi vite i løpet av året👍
07.09.2021 kl 07:55 6112

Analysts Expect Breakeven For REC Silicon ASA (OB:RECSI) Before Long

REC Silicon ASA (OB:RECSI) is possibly approaching a major achievement in its business, so we would like to shine some light on the company. REC Silicon ASA, together with its subsidiaries, produces and sells silicon materials for the solar and electronics industries worldwide. The kr6.3b market-cap company posted a loss in its most recent financial year of US$47m and a latest trailing-twelve-month loss of US$10m shrinking the gap between loss and breakeven. As path to profitability is the topic on REC Silicon's investors mind, we've decided to gauge market sentiment. We've put together a brief outline of industry analyst expectations for the company, its year of breakeven and its implied growth rate.

According to the 2 industry analysts covering REC Silicon, the consensus is that breakeven is near. They expect the company to post a final loss in 2022, before turning a profit of US$34m in 2023. Therefore, the company is expected to breakeven roughly 2 years from today. In order to meet this breakeven date, we calculated the rate at which the company must grow year-on-year. It turns out an average annual growth rate of 82% is expected, which is extremely buoyant. If this rate turns out to be too aggressive, the company may become profitable much later than analysts predict.
07.09.2021 kl 11:49 5773

Global Semiconductor Sales in July Up 29.0% Year-to-Year, 2.1% Month-to-Month

WASHINGTON—Sept. 3, 2021—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) today announced global semiconductor industry sales were $45.4 billion in the month of July 2021, an increase of 29.0% over the July 2020 total of $35.2 billion and 2.1% more than the June 2021 total of $44.5 billion. Monthly sales are compiled by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization and represent a three-month moving average. SIA represents 98% of the U.S. semiconductor industry by revenue and nearly two-thirds of non-U.S. chip firms.

“Global semiconductor sales remained strong in July, with robust demand across all major regional markets and semiconductor product categories,” said John Neuffer, SIA president and CEO. “Chip production and shipments have reached all-time highs in recent months as the industry works to address sustained high demand.”

Regionally, year-to-year sales increased in Europe (38.0%), Asia Pacific/All Other (30.9%), China (28.9%), the Americas (26.8%), and Japan (20.9%). Month-to-month sales increased in the Americas (4.2%), Japan (3.2%), Asia Pacific/All Other (2.0%), and China (1.2%), but fell slightly in Europe (-0.8%).
Slettet bruker
07.09.2021 kl 21:15 5356

Tror nok Rec og flere andre aktører som ikke melder inn store nyheter og venter på skatt og støtte fordelene.

House Democrats push for a solar Production Tax Credit in budget package

By Kelsey Misbrener | September 7, 2021

In advance of a House Ways and Means markup on the budget reconciliation package, Representatives Tom Suozzi, Earl Blumenauer, Ron Kind, Steven Horsford, Dwight Evans, Dan Kildee, Jimmy Panetta, Don Beyer and Nanette Barragan introduced legislation that would allow solar companies to qualify for a full value Production Tax Credit (PTC), which is currently only available for wind and geothermal energy. As members of the chief tax-writing committee, the elected officials are pushing for it be included in the budget reconciliation package.

The legislation is supported by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the Sierra Club, the Blue Green Alliance the League of Conservation Voters and the Citizens Campaign for the Environment.

Offering a stable PTC for solar energy will incentivize clean energy deployment, allow solar economic growth and create green energy jobs to thrive alongside other carbon-free clean energy technologies. Analysis by The Rhodium Group projects that allowing solar generation the option of a PTC can double the emissions reductions of clean energy tax credits, optimizing their impact.

“Let’s get this in the reconciliation package so we can help make the United States carbon-free by 2035. This legislation makes that goal that much easier to attain,” said Rep. Suozzi.
07.09.2021 kl 22:31 5199

Denne er vel rett rundt hjørnet... var det 27.9 vi skulle få mer informasjon?

Biden har hastverk med å skape arbeidsplasser nå... Bli verdensledende over natten ved å gjenoppstått ML?... ja takk, si (lan)
