Nyheter som angÄr Rec

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RECSI 28.03.2021 kl 18:14 781663

Helgelesning fra pv-magazine:
Redigert 18.01.2022 kl 19:10 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
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29.10.2021 kl 12:17 14167

Manchin and Sinema left their fingerprints all over the framework.

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29.10.2021 kl 16:57 13775

Alle munner drar. Er ikke bare solcelle industrien som skal ha amerikansk verdikjede. Halvledere trengs det ogsÄ mye av. Ketchup effekt nÄr pakkene blir vedtatt?
En konteiner fra Kina koster nÄ 20.000$ til vestkysten.

Slettet bruker
30.10.2021 kl 17:39 13217

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Announces $209 Million for Electric Vehicles Battery Research

30.10.2021 kl 20:46 12985

Ja, da blir det spennende hvor Rec-kursen ligger pÄ fredag ettermiddag...
Jeg tipper 19,50 (selv om den burde vĂŠre 25 - fordi ML garantert Ă„pner med
den gedigne grÞnne pakken pÄ plass, og som passer Rec perfekt).
31.10.2021 kl 10:41 12373

Er det ikke pussig at i artikkelen, som da ser pÄ utsiktene fremover for polysilicon, ikke nevner med et ord at USA nÄ putter inn mange hundre milliarder for Ä fÄ opp en egen verdikjede innen solar, batteri, wafer? Og hva dette vil betyr for markedsutsiktene/prisene?
31.10.2021 kl 11:07 12430

Dette blir bare vrÞvl. De nevner heller ikke utfordringer med strÞmforsyning i Kina. De har ikke nok strÞm til Ä fyre opp alle dagens ovner i Kina. Hvordan de skal fÄ nok strÞm til alle kapasitetsutvidelser i Kina sies det ikke et ord om.
Slettet bruker
31.10.2021 kl 12:48 12110

Vi vet hvilken vei det gÄr, retningen er satt. Blir spennende ogsÄ med COP26.


31.10.2021 kl 13:02 12048

Veldig enkelt Ä vedta klimamÄl, mye verre Ä gjennomfÞre de. SpÞrsmÄlet er om Kina/USA/Australia fÄr fortsette Ä kjÞre kullkraftverkene for fullt, eller om de mÄ stenge helt eller delvis ned. Dyrere strÞm i Kina vil bety mindre produksjon av og dyrere poly. FÄr uansett satse pÄ at demokratene i USA blir enige og gjÞr
vedtak pÄ tirsdag. Da ligger alt til rette for inngÄelse av lÞnnsomme avtaler pÄ leveranser som sikrer gjenÄpning av ML, og dermed reprising av REC.
01.11.2021 kl 08:21 11493

The E.U.-U.S. steel deal could transform the fight against climate change
OCTOBER 31, 2021
This will change the way steel is produced.

The deal sends a message to steel producers globally. They need to invest now in clean production methods like green hydrogen (which are already being successfully employed in Sweden) or risk being permanently shut out of global commerce.

Rene produktionsmetoder bliver guld vĂŠrd de nĂŠste mange Ă„r - ikke kun i denne industri ;)
Slettet bruker
01.11.2021 kl 15:20 11317

Er det noen som har tilgang som kan fortelle om Rec er vurdert/nevnt i denne artikkelen? Nytt kursmÄl kanskje ?
RĂžkke kan bli 14 milliarder rikere:
01.11.2021 kl 15:29 11547

Norske analytikere mener Aker-aksjen er verdt rundt 800 kroner, ikke Rec.
Redigert 01.11.2021 kl 15:40 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
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01.11.2021 kl 19:35 11085

Manchin demands infrastructure vote; holds off support on spending bill - https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/579443-manchin-demands-infrastructure-vote-holds-off-support-on-spending-bill
Slettet bruker
01.11.2021 kl 19:41 11094

Ingen avklaring her med det fĂžrste.
01.11.2021 kl 19:45 11369

Nei, nÄ blir jeg skikkelig overaskewt og sjokkert.......
01.11.2021 kl 20:38 11263

sliter med Ä forstÄ forskjell mellom pakkene.. hvilken pakke gavner oss? infrastruktur eller spending bill?

takk for svar!
Slettet bruker
01.11.2021 kl 20:42 11380

Lett Ä gÄ i surr nÄr det snakkes med sÄ forskjellig sprÄk. Det er spending bill vi trenger, den Manchin ikke vil gÄ med pÄ.
01.11.2021 kl 21:03 11317

NÄ mÄ vi holde tunga rett i munnen - han sier ikke at han ikke vil gÄ med pÄ det. Han sier at han ikke vil stemme for den fÞr han er klar. AltsÄ ikke fÞr har fÄtt nok tid til Ä forstÄ den fulle effekten den vil ha pÄ Þkonomien, den nasjonale gjelden og inflasjonen. Dette er politikk dessverre.
Redigert 01.11.2021 kl 21:03 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
01.11.2021 kl 21:07 11450

Mannen er faen med langt over streken frekk, som tillater seg Ä egenhendig sperre for ikke bare resten av de demokratiske senatorenes enighet, men for Biden og hans troverdighet internasjonalt. Hadde jeg vÊrt president hadde jeg brukt store ressurser pÄ Ä finne en "pee tape" Ä kontrollere ham med. Mannen mÄ jo vÊre fullstendig i lomma pÄ donorene sine
Slettet bruker
01.11.2021 kl 21:11 11526

Han er tungt involvert innenfor kull industrien. Han sier jo selv at han ikke vil si ja fÞr han er klar. Med andre ord sÄ hinter han til at han vil bli klar. Muligens det mÄ bli litt mer kompromiss. Kan godt hende at politikerne i USA jobber tett med Ä lÞse dette for i morgen. Hvis ikke, sÄ vil det komme andre lÞsninger fortlÞpende uansett. Standard politikk dessverre, akkurat som Opportunist beskriver.
01.11.2021 kl 21:17 11766

Det hele kommer an pÄ intensjonene.
Essensen i dét han sier, er at han ikke vil kunne gi sin stÞtte, med mindre det er mere klarhet i hva det vil koste og hvilke konsekenser et vedtak vil ha. Han er tydelig i forhold til hva han vil gÄ med til - og hva han ikke gÄr med til. Han er blandt annet veldig tydelig omkring prosessen - og at han synes det er upolitisk at skulle rushe en sÄ stor beslutning bare fordi Biden skal ha noe med i kofferten til EU.
Det han gir uttrykk for, er at han hÄper pÄ at begge pakkene blir stemt igjennom - men det skal gjÞres ordentlig. Om han trekker tid eller pÄ noen mÄte saboterer, kan jeg ikke helt lese ut av denne pressemeddelelse. Jeg opplever ham som optimistisk appellerende til at begge forslag blir vedtatt - uten noe politisk bullshit.
01.11.2021 kl 21:20 11910

FÄr hÄpe han ikke faller Biden i ryggen og bereder grunnen for kullglade Trump om tre Är. Alt er mulig i amerikansk politikk!
Slettet bruker
01.11.2021 kl 22:13 11785

White House 'confident' Manchin will back reconciliation framework - https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/579486-white-house-confident-manchin-will-back-reconciliation-framework
Slettet bruker
02.11.2021 kl 16:28 11057

Manchin didn't sign off on framework, no 'rush' to get deal - https://thehill.com/policy/equilibrium-sustainability/579592-manchin-didnt-sign-off-on-framework-no-rush-to-get-deal
Slettet bruker
02.11.2021 kl 16:32 11154

Begynner Ä bli mektig lei av de lekene til Manchin. Han har vel aldri fÄtt sÄ mye oppmerksomhet fÞr. Han prÞver vel bare Ä nyte livet i medias sÞkelys sÄ lenge som mulig.
02.11.2021 kl 17:07 11129

Another module maker may face WRO enforcement, Roth Capital warns
NOVEMBER 2, 2021
Solar analyst firm Roth Capital Partners said in a note to clients that it believes LONGi may be the next module manufacturer to be the subject of U.S. Customs and Border Protection action under a Withhold Release Order (WRO) issued in June.

“While detainment appears to have not yet happened, we believe it is imminent,” Roth said in a note obtained by pv magazine. The note said that LONGi had been informed that shipments currently on the water were expected to be detained at five ports. “Look for this to impact LONGi in a broad-based way,” the analyst’s note said.
Industry analysts believe that Hoshine provides around 60% of the world’s metallurgical grade silicon (MG-Si) used in the solar industry. The silicon provides feedstock material used in the polysilicon refining process.

Mere om WRO-ordren her:
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02.11.2021 kl 18:04 10839

Pelosi: Bill issues could be resolved by 'end of the day' - https://thehill.com/homenews/house/579600-pelosi-bill-issues-could-be-resolved-by-end-of-the-day
03.11.2021 kl 07:58 9604

Opinion af Bryan Lynch, LG's Solar + Storage Sales and Project Development Leader

Investing in the long-term health of the U.S. solar industry
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
I will testify today on behalf of LG before the U.S. International Trade Commission at a hearing related to the extension of the Section 201 ”safeguard” tariffs on imported PV modules and cells.

If you’re a developer, installer, or otherwise rely on purchasing solar panels for your business, I recognize that you likely may not want these safeguard tariffs to continue.

Trust me – I understand your position and, as someone who is also deeply invested both personally and professionally in the long-term health of the solar industry, I empathize with it.

But LG’s position – asking the ITC to extend the tariffs for another four years and to increase of the quota on imported cells – is clearly in the long-term best interest of all downstream participants. Don’t believe me? Hear me out.
Redigert 03.11.2021 kl 08:00 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
03.11.2021 kl 08:24 9482

03.11.2021 kl 08:37 9296

Det er en fornĂžjelse :) Tak for at lĂŠse med!

Lidt mere:

Here are all the expected testimonies for Wednesday’s ITC hearing on solar panel tariff extension
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
Companies requesting to present during the hearing:

Auxin Solar

Hanwha Q CELLS (along with Georgia state supporters), LG Electronics USA, Mission Solar Energy

Heliene, Silfab Solar, Canadian Solar (collectively referred to as “Canadian Industry”)


NextEra Energy

SEIA with its members SOLV Energy, EDF Renewables Distributed Solutions, Borrego

American Clean Power Association with its members Clearway Energy Group, Invenergy Renewables

China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products with member companies LONGi Solar, Risen Energy, GCL

Separately, the governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam
03.11.2021 kl 08:42 9489

Link til livestream af mĂždet senere :)

Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - 9:30am

Global Safeguard Investigation (Extension): Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled into Other Products, Inv. No. TA-201-75 (Extension)

Please note -- This hearing will be held using the WebEx platform.

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03.11.2021 kl 09:20 9359

Moderate Democrats press for score before vote on Biden package


"Moderate House Democrats are pushing for more information about the cost of the social spending package prior to a vote, which threatens to slow down the speed at which Democrats advance their economic agenda.

Several key lawmakers are demanding the scores, arguing that estimates from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) or the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) are crucial to ensuring that the bill is “fiscally responsible.”

“We cannot lend our support to advancing the [Build Back Better] Act until we have had a chance to review these scores which provide the true cost of the legislation,” five House moderates wrote in a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Tuesday that was obtained by The Hill"
03.11.2021 kl 16:40 8775

Top Solar Firm Longi Says U.S Customs Detained Products
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
Longi had 40.31 megawatts of modules detained from Oct. 28 through Nov. 3, representing 1.6% of its annual exports to the U.S., the company said in a filing to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Longi said it established a product tracing mechanism last year, and is able to prove that the detained modules used silicon material that meets U.S. government requirements. The detention has no major impact on Longi’s current operations, according to the statement.

Longi joins JinkoSolar Holding Company Limited, Canadian Solar Inc. and Trina Solar Co. on the list of solar manufacturers tied to Hoshine Silicon Industry Co. that have had modules stopped in recent months. Xinjiang-based Hoshine produces metallurgical-grade silicon that is used in the solar panel manufacturing process.
03.11.2021 kl 22:23 8149

China Wants US to Fulfill Demands in Exchange for Climate Change Cooperation
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
Beijing wants Washington to soften its China policies before working with the United States on climate change, as the U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP26) continues in Glasgow.

“You can’t ask China to cut coal production on the one hand, while at the same time imposing sanctions on Chinese photovoltaic enterprises,” said Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry, during a daily briefing on Nov. 2.

In June, the Biden administration made several moves to confront Beijing regarding forced labor allegations in China’s far-western Xinjiang region, where more than 1 million Uyghurs are being detained in internment camps. The U.S. government has characterized the communist regime’s treatment of Uyghurs as genocide.
Redigert 03.11.2021 kl 22:23 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
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03.11.2021 kl 22:24 8136

Kan de ikke da bli enige og la Rec eksportere poly til Kina da. 🚀