Nyheter som angår Rec

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RECSI 28.03.2021 kl 18:14 781643

Helgelesning fra pv-magazine:
Redigert 18.01.2022 kl 19:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.12.2021 kl 21:11 12986

Eurostat: EU had €6.2 billion solar panel trade deficit in 2020
DECEMBER 6, 2021
06.12.2021 kl 21:28 12956

og de 60 milliarder NOK per år går med til å holde kinesiske kulldrevne polysilfabrikker i live...

'carbon border adjustment mechanism' som nevnes på slutten håper vi vil implementeres både i EU og USA :)
Redigert 06.12.2021 kl 21:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.12.2021 kl 22:20 12703

Nice! Lurer på hvorfor de trenger å fornye utslippstillatelsen for Moses Lake for nye 5 år... Skulle nesten tro noen har planer om å løpe i gang waferpressa i den gamle rusthaugen igjen!
Slettet bruker
06.12.2021 kl 22:55 12501

Klart at det nå snart er en grense for hvor lenge REC kan vente med og opplyse om at Moses Lake skal åpne igjen. Ref. aksjeloven om informasjonsplikt. På kammerset er dette helt klart avgjort alt.
Slettet bruker
07.12.2021 kl 08:14 12061

3. Kevin Richards, 1328 E Hunter Pl, Moses Lake, requested Council to postpone
adoption of the proposed Comp Plan in consideration of a new 60-acre addition to the
UGA along Wheeler Rd. for a proposed commercial development to bring 1,500 jobs
Slettet bruker
07.12.2021 kl 08:20 12138

Synes det skjer mye som rec evt holder tilbake . Hvis de har utvidelsesplaner og allerede har bestemt åpning av ML men ikke børsmeldt dette pga BBB så blir det feil .
Slettet bruker
07.12.2021 kl 08:35 12102

Det er jo et taktisk selvmord å offentliggjøre noe sånt FØR BBB stemmes over… så jeg er uenig/ for det første selv om de nok vet helt sikkert at ML åpner, så har de forsovet også delt det med markedet «confident».. For det andre vil nok avtalene påvirkes av BBB. For det tredje vil demokratene miste et tungt argument for Klimadelen i BBB dersom markedet viser at de bygger Solar i USA uansett…

Jeg mener RECsi skal holde helt tett, til alt er klappet og klart. Det er snakk om dager til uker uansett🗝

Redigert 07.12.2021 kl 09:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2021 kl 08:58 12023

US diplomats to boycott 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
DECEMBER 7, 2021
07.12.2021 kl 20:00 11343

Dette er bare en kopi av en lignende artikkel som kom tidligere i år og det henvises til de samme analytikerne. De spådde priskollaps i dette markedet hele året, mens prisene har bare fortsatt oppover. Det blir et tilbudsunderskudd i solmarkedet fra 2023 hvis alle planlagte solparker skal bygges. For å forsvare ny kapasitet med dagens stålpriser og dagens strømpriser i Kina må du ha over 20 USD per kilo polysilicon. Du bygger ikke ny kapasitet hvis du tror på priser på under 15 USD/kilo.

Blir ikke overrasket hvis denne FA artikkelen er et bestillingsverk fra noen. Kanskje fra shorterne?
07.12.2021 kl 20:42 11273

U.S. Strikes India Deal in Bid to Loosen China’s Grip on Solar Panels
DECEMBER 7, 2021
A U.S. foreign-development agency intended to counter Beijing’s dollar diplomacy is lending $500 million to build a solar-panel factory in India, putting American taxpayer money behind a bid to weaken China’s dominance of the solar industry’s supply chain.

The U.S. International Development Finance Corp. said Tuesday that it agreed to offer the financing to American manufacturer First Solar Inc. FSLR +1.97% for a panel-making factory in India’s Tamil Nadu state. The seven-year, debt-financing loan is one of the biggest deals in the history of the agency, which has essentially a credit-card limit of $60 billion.

The deal checks off several priorities for the agency, better known as the DFC. The White House has directed it to focus on addressing climate change and deepening ties with India. In 2019, Congress overhauled the DFC from a predecessor agency, ordering it to counter authoritarian governments in addition to promoting growth in developing countries. The idea was to offer U.S.-backed alternatives to Beijing’s global infrastructure-building program.

The DFC sought out the deal because it wanted to diversify the solar supply chain. China currently controls the production of solar panels, accounting for more than 70% of global production by some estimates, and an even higher proportion of key components such as polysilicon ingots and wafers. That dominance is troubling countries such as the U.S. and India that are trying to increase the use of solar energy.
07.12.2021 kl 20:43 11502

DFC Announces Approval to Provide up to $500 Million of Debt Financing for First Solar’s Vertically-Integrated Thin Film Solar Manufacturing Facility in India
DECEMBER 7, 2021
07.12.2021 kl 20:45 11520

American-Made Challenges
DECEMBER 7, 2021 ( tror jeg )
Bob Macahan
07.12.2021 kl 21:45 9841

Det är helt tydligt att ML ska starta upp igen.
Såhär skriver de på LinkedIn om Q Cells

Our team is hiring multiple positions right now to help expand Q CELLS' business in the U.S. and build out a sustainable domestic solar supply chain. We're looking for a federal markets business lead, a sustainability director, and a market strategy and policy associate. It's exciting work with a long-term vision and exceptional growth opportunity. Each listing can be found at the link below. Please reach out if interested!

08.12.2021 kl 08:49 9238

De sier REC skal få tak i eiendom, denne eksploderer
Redigert 08.12.2021 kl 08:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.12.2021 kl 08:57 9249

jøsss, skal de utvide før den eksisterende fabrikken er åpnet.

Dæven, alt faller på plass nå
08.12.2021 kl 09:49 9062

EU prepares way for 0% VAT on several goods, solar panels for residential use now on proposed list
DECEMBER 8, 2021
08.12.2021 kl 10:39 9023

Q CELLS to showcase Q.HOME CORE storage solution and new low-carbon footprint module at Energaia, France
DECEMBER 7, 2021
08.12.2021 kl 12:59 8952

Punkt på agendaen under City Managers Report:
- REC Expansion Next Steps.

I samtalen som følger kan man blant annet høre følgende:
"We have had conversation with REC" ......... "There is a property that they will need to get control over......."
Redigert 08.12.2021 kl 13:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
08.12.2021 kl 13:01 9016

Wafer produksjon? :P :P
08.12.2021 kl 13:15 9070

Ja... en relativt billig måte å tildels sabotere for REC, er å kjøpe opp tomta og bare holde den brakk.

Sikkert mulig å laste på og av og kjøre noen kilometere, men en sammenhengende industripark hadde vært så mye greiere :)
08.12.2021 kl 13:26 9193

Transcript fra 05:25 til 6:49:

"... at our last meeting as a part of the consideration of the comprehensive plan there was a request for a consideration (and) a pause for two weeks to consider the business opportunity. Procedurally we were at a point in our comprehensive plan where that would have required a new application and procedural process. Immediately after that meeting I followed up with the state of Washington. We've been having good conversations with the governors office about a process forward. We have had conversations with REC. They had that good announcement in the paper today. There is property that they will need to get in control of and we'll have to work through a process with the county but we believe we are establishing a path forward. I know on the part of our council members there are concern over the ability to serve and so our staff will be getting together with their engineers to walk through the technical pieces of that and then we will circle up with you, but we just wanted to make sure that the message that went out is we are "business friendly", we want to encourage these opportunities. We have to make sure that we do them right ... "

Noen ting å bite merke i her:
"Procedurally we were at a point in our comprehensive plan where that would have required a new application and procedural process. Immediately after that meeting I followed up with the state of Washington. We've been having good conversations with the governors office about a process forward"
Legg merke til at hen taler i fortid - "were" og "would". Dette fortolker jeg i retning av at de er villige til omgå prosedyre for å få landet søknaden.

- "There is property that they will need to get in control of and we'll have to work through a process with the county..."
Denne taler vel for seg selv

- " ... on the part of our council members there are concern over the ability to serve and so our staff will be getting together with their engineers to walk through the technical pieces of that ... "
Dette må jo bety at REC er i nært samarbejde med byrådet for å tingene på plass så søknaden kan innvilges
Slettet bruker
08.12.2021 kl 14:01 9101

Dette er jo bærre lekkert!
Vi kan tro og mene hva vi vil om REC, men vi vil nok uansett bli positivt overrasket når ting landes. Var vel ingen av oss som forutså samarbeidet med Hanwha, men vi hadde flere andre teorier på hva vi hadde i vente? Flere, med meg inkludert, trodde at KIR ville benytte anledningen til å øke eierskapet i REC, men han beviste det motsatte. Han ga avkall på en del av kaka, for å få en bit av en mye større kake.

Når det gjelder denne omreguleringen, så var det vel også noe oppe om "waste water" fra REC? Kan det være at de trenger mer eiendom for dette?
Vet bare at det vil komme mye positivt de neste månedene. Det er jo så mye som angår REC i postitiv fortand i disse dager, som må resultere i noen meldinger fra selskapet til slutt.
08.12.2021 kl 14:25 8979

Waste water er hva de har lov å tømme i avløpsrørene såvidt jeg leste søknaden
Slettet bruker
08.12.2021 kl 15:21 9027

Fantastisk! Her har vi store ting i vente//
Utrolig som de jobber til beste for aksjonærene sine🎯
08.12.2021 kl 22:13 8755

fra g14 linked-in (1 dag siden)

T-1 day until the 2022 Advanced Automotive Battery Conference 2022, where Group14 will be joining industry leaders to explore the development trends and breakthrough technologies fueling the electrification era.⚡

Manufacturing affordable batteries for automotive applications comes down to optimizing battery chemistries, and we know that lithium-silicon is the perfect match to meet automotive demand and revolutionize mobility as we know it. Hear from our CTO Rick Costantino in the “Battery Chemistries for Automotive Applications'' symposium alongside Ashok Lahiri of ENOVIX Corporation and Jim Cushing of Applied Materials and moderator Dr. Martin Winter, as they discuss the potential of advanced silicon anodes in providing longer range, fast charging and much more.

If you’re attending AABC this year, don’t miss our session on 12/7 at 9 am PT. If you’ll be in person in San Diego, come find our team!

More details via Cambridge EnerTech here 👉 https://bit.ly/3IBw7AP
09.12.2021 kl 06:34 8469

U.S. Trade Agency Urges Biden to Extend Trump’s Solar Tariffs
DECEMBER 9, 2021

Solar Industry Statement on USITC’s Section 201 Tariff Recommendation
DECEMBER 8, 2021
09.12.2021 kl 06:35 8495

House Votes to Impose Forced Labor Ban on Goods Made in Xinjiang
DECEMBER 8, 2021
09.12.2021 kl 06:36 8675

WASHINGTON — The House on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed a bill that would ban a wide array of imported products made in China’s Xinjiang region, moving over the strong objections of large corporations to crack down on companies sourcing goods produced through forced labor by persecuted Muslim minorities.

The lopsided 428-to-1 vote reflected increasing bipartisan ire at China’s human rights abuses in Xinjiang, where officials have waged a campaign of repression against Uyghurs, the Muslim ethnic minority group, detaining as many as one million in internment camps and prisons. But the legislation’s fate is uncertain in the Senate, where similar efforts have stalled amid a fierce lobbying effort by businesses that have argued that the bill’s requirements are too onerous and would disrupt global supply chains.
09.12.2021 kl 12:17 8411

Peters Announces Bipartisan Bill to Bolster American Semiconductor Production and Supply Chains
DECEMBER 8, 2021
09.12.2021 kl 12:19 8514

READOUT: Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Meeting with the Semiconductor Industry Association
DECEMBER 8, 2021
09.12.2021 kl 20:25 8025

Det er vel god sjanse i senatet, Marco Rubio og en del andre republikanere har hatt dette som en kjepphest.

Redigert 09.12.2021 kl 20:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.12.2021 kl 14:44 7591

FACTBOX-U.S. legislative clamp-down on products from China's Xinjiang
DECEMBER 10, 2021