Nyheter som angår Rec

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RECSI 28.03.2021 kl 18:14 792972

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Redigert 18.01.2022 kl 19:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
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10.05.2021 kl 07:39 12662

Helt enig. De fleste aksjonærene trenger ikke mer enn dette avsnittet. Råd til de aller fleste her: Slett aksje-appen du bruker og ta sommerferie. Sjekk tilbake om 6mnd+. Da slipper dere utsette hjertet for mer stress enn nødvendig =)
10.05.2021 kl 07:47 12565

enig, men de skriver klart og tydelig hva som skjer med kursen når Rec bekrefter åpning av ML.. 100kr++

så er det opp til hver enkelt å vurdere om fabrikken åpner, jeg er ganske sikker på at fabrikken åpner etter at Røkke hastet seg inn som styreleder, avsluttet kontrakt med VP, G14 som sier dem skal bygge i Moses lake senere i år, er så mange potensiale kunder REC kan få etter alle milliardene som blir investert nå om dagen... kan ikke skjønne annet enn at Rec og Røkke får på plass kunder til å åpne ML ganske snart, kanskje om 3 måneder kanskje om 12 måneder.
Redigert 10.05.2021 kl 07:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
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10.05.2021 kl 08:19 12580

Potensiale og det fundamentale er såpass skyhøyt at for meg er det en gedigen gåte at man kan få kjøpt aksjer her nede.
Slettet bruker
10.05.2021 kl 08:33 12472

For meg også. Men jeg har takket og bukket.
Jeg kjøpte mer på 23,18,19 og jeg fyller på litt hver måned. At jeg fikk kjøpe på 15, anser jeg som kun positiv.
Det blir ikke salg på meg i år uansett:)
10.05.2021 kl 09:46 12223

Nettavisen i dag: https://www.nettavisen.no/aksjer/rec/nicolay-grove/nicolay-48-tjente-60-mill-pa-n-trade-na-ser-han-mangedobling-i-to-av-aksjene-pa-oslo-bors/s/5-95-229438?access=granted

Journalisten snakker om «silikon», Grove som solgte seg ut på topp i REC (og det gjorde han jo ikke) og alt vissvasset som vi hørte i Pengepodden. Utrolig at noen løper hans ærend med nedsnakking av en aksje som han er ute av og hausser de to han har gått inn i.
Slettet bruker
10.05.2021 kl 12:17 11845

Hiver denne inn i nyhetstråden:

“We’re working with REC, and we still have an agreement and a great partnership with them,” Luebbe said. “We’re hoping to do great things with them in the future.”

Slettet bruker
10.05.2021 kl 12:42 11714

Dette bekrefter jo mye! De skal forsøke å hente inn kapital til å bygge den store fabrikken som skal ligge co-located til REC.

“Just beginning to look at raising capital to break ground on that facility,” he said. “In a perfect world, I would like to break ground on that facility in the second half of this year, maybe in Q3 if we can get things lined up efficiently.”

Skal da G14 også foreta en EMI for å få inn denne kapitalen, og REC sin 20% går med til å kjøpe seg inn i G14? Make sens to me, om G14 faktisk skal bygge på tomten til REC, så er det naturlig at REC krever å ha eierskap i G14 i så måte.

“We’re working with REC, and we still have an agreement and a great partnership with them,” Luebbe said. “We’re hoping to do great things with them in the future.”

Dette kan bli knalllbra!!
Redigert 10.05.2021 kl 12:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.05.2021 kl 12:42 11725

Dette er bull! Vil tro at de vil sikre seg leveranse før de evt. bygger ny fabrikk i ML? Tror det skjer mye bak kulissene.
10.05.2021 kl 12:47 11781

Og hvorfor vil REC nå ha emisjonsfullmakt?
Dette er fantastisk.

10.05.2021 kl 14:28 11551

Jeg tipper at Group 14 er i forhandlinger med recsi om langsiktige leveranser av gasser, og at de presser pris ved å vise til at de har andre alternativer, nemlig SK Materials i Sør-Korea. I praksis vil naturligvis recsi være den klart beste (og eneste?) leverandøren, hvis storskalaproduksjon skal kunne skje.
Slettet bruker
10.05.2021 kl 15:47 11426

Det skjer ting i Butte også. Om det angår REC er jeg usikker på. Men det skal avklares 2 store utbygginger nå i vår, i industriparken hvor REC holder til.

Får dessverre ikke lest saken i Montana Standard, blokkert: https://mtstandard.com/news/local/bids-in-for-big-expansions-at-business-park-port-of-montana/article_04a229a9-5612-55c5-a18f-4b94755df498.html

https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2206426005370/bids-in-for-big-expansions-at-business-park-port-of-montana (Hva er “Sugarloaf Loop”?)

"Bids are in for two big infrastructure expansions at Butte-Silver Bow's Montana Connections Business Park and the Port of Montana, including nearly 4 miles of railroad"


Redigert 10.05.2021 kl 16:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.05.2021 kl 16:02 11422

Her er artikkelen som man ikke får tilgang til

Bids are in for two big infrastructure expansions at Butte-Silver Bow’s Montana Connections Business Park and the Port of Montana, including nearly 4 miles of new railroad track and upgrades that will cost at least $7.3 million.

The other project will create a new “Sugarloaf Loop” at the business and industrial park just west of Butte, which includes a new road and lines to bring in gas, electricity, potable water, industrial water, sewer service and fiber optic systems.

Mungus Co. Inc. of Anaconda had the lowest of three bids for that project at $1.854 million. The road and utilities would serve Murdoch’s Warehouse, Hoekema Trucking, the planned National Guard Readiness Center and new parcels that are being created.

The rail expansion is one of the largest single projects ever affecting Butte-Silver Bow’s tax-increment finance industrial district, or TIFID, since it was created in 1994 to capture property tax dollars from new developments and reinvest them in the business park.

It will not only provide a logistical boost to existing businesses, it should help entice more to locate in the park — something that’s accelerated in the past few years.

“It sets us up very well,” said Kristen Rosa, who oversees the taxing district and park for Butte-Silver Bow.

Bids for both projects were recently opened before Butte-Silver Bow commissioners and are being evaluated by county officials. They should recommend their choices to the council soon and both projects are expected to start this spring.

Contracts are typically awarded to the low bidder, but bids are reviewed in depth to ensure that all specifications of the job are met.

Bids for the rail project ranged from a low of $7.337 million from Earth Work Solutions in Gillette, Wyoming to a high bid of $8.936 million from SEMA Construction in Centennial, Colorado. There were three others.

The project is being financed with tax-increment dollars, Port of Montana reserves, a Montana Rail Freight loan and a $2.9 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

The Port of Montana is a “transloading” facility for Burlington Northern Santa Fe and Union Pacific railroads, meaning products or materials can be transferred from rail cars to trucks, usually semis, and vice versa.

The Port has seven tracks for rail operations but only two are for transloading, and over the last several years, loading at the site has increased by 35%. That sometimes leads to congestion that stalls operations until rail cars are switched out of the Port’s yard and onto BNSF or UP mainlines.

Under part of the rail project, about 5,000 feet of additional new track will be constructed within the Port, including four new transloading tracks that will allow multiple users to load and unload at the same time.

The project also includes five new interchange tracks, which allow rail cars to be exchanged, an additional track leading to a main line, and crossovers that allow trains to switch from one line to another. Those upgrades will be made in an area called the “interchange yard” that is near the Port.

About 15,000 feet of new track will be laid to connect the Port to areas within the business park. It will give businesses connections to BNSF and UP lines and bring rail access to 130 acres of vacant land already served by infrastructure for power, water, sewer and roads.

It will also provide direct rail access to two existing businesses, Montana Craft Malt and Ergon Asphalt and Emulsions.

Three other companies bid for the project: Montana Civil Contractors in Belgrade bid $8.084 million, RailWorks Track Systems in Chehalis, Washington bid $8.393 million and 360 Rail Services bid $8.631 million.

The rail project is expected to be completed this calendar year, Rosa said. Work on Sugarloaf Loop this year could spill into 2022. The new road will connect several parcels south of Montana Precision Products, on the east side of Rick Jones Way.

There were two other bids for Sugarloaf Loop: R&S Johnson Construction of Anaconda bid $2.172 million and Hoffman R&M Services bid $2.6 million.

11.05.2021 kl 16:36 10235

China Solar Giant to Hire Auditor as Xinjiang Scrutiny Grows
MAY 11, 2021
(ALternativt: https://pastebin.com/emwKctrj)
"Sanctions already imposed by the U.S. and some allies over alleged human-rights abuses in Xinjiang are seen as likely to be extended to China’s solar companies, raising the risk that imported shipments of Chinese panels could be stopped at the U.S. border. The U.S. Solar Energy Industries Association and others have previously raised concerns China hasn’t allowed independent, third-party audits in the region."

A path for business out of the China forced labor dilemma
MAY 10, 2021
"Meanwhile, this issue is heating up. During the ILO’s March 2021 Governing Body meeting, the United States, Canada, New Zealand and United Kingdom jointly faulted the ILO’s 2020 Annual Report on fundamental rights for having failed to “reflect information on persistent or systemic labor rights deficits globally” — notably, “state-sponsored forced labor of vulnerable groups and minorities, including the agricultural and garment sectors, as well as mass transfers of forced laborers.” Although China was not named, there was no doubt as to the primary target of this statement."
Slettet bruker
12.05.2021 kl 09:50 9712

"Intel, announced in March that it plans to spend $20 billion on two new chip factories in Arizona. Intel has also said it could build a plant in Europe if it gets public funding."

Slettet bruker
12.05.2021 kl 10:00 9911

Takk manman01 for mange fine linker - igjen.
Slettet bruker
12.05.2021 kl 11:22 9713

Er kursfallet relatert til usikkerhet om G14 lykkes med sin anodeproduksjon? At det bli en avtale mellom Rec og G14 er vel åpenbart.
"In order to make rapid mass EV adoption a reality, we need localized battery manufacturing to minimize EV costs and supply chain risk," said CEO Rick Luebbe. "The potential for supply chain insecurities was a huge consideration for us when we founded Group14, and we know how critical it is to build up manufacturing capacity quickly, locally and at a large scale in order to support the electrification of everything."

Read the full article about Group14’s commercial manufacturing factory in Woodinville, WA here: https://bit.ly/3etqeY9
Slettet bruker
12.05.2021 kl 11:44 9640

Kursfallet er relatert til makro..REC puttes åpenbart i kategorien "speculative tech" som rammes spesielt hardt på amerikanske børsene nå..bare å skalke lukene denne uka. Inflasjonstall i kveld.
12.05.2021 kl 14:41 9474

Jeg er glad for at i kan bruge dem :)

Tongwei became the largest polysilicon producer in 2020
MAY 12, 2021
Referring to the three manufacturers, however, the analyst noted that they are currently producing polysilicon using very low-cost electricity from coal-fired power plants in the Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region in northwestern China, which is under fire in international media for the alleged use of forced labor.

"These reports should be a wake-up call for western governments. If their countries don’t want to become almost completely dependent on solar products from China for the transition to renewable energy, they have to implement an effective and long overdue industrial policy for a non-Chinese solar supply chain, in particular for ingot and wafer manufacturing,” wrote Johannes Bernreuter, head of Bernreuter Research. “Low-cost and renewable hydropower in the northwestern USA, Canada, Norway and Malaysia offers them the chance to fuel an alternative supply chain without forced labor and a high carbon footprint.”

Tech coalition pushes Congress to fund US semiconductor production
MAY 11, 2021

Stellantis CEO says semiconductor crisis hitting carmakers “hard and strong”
MAY 12, 2021

Smider også lige denne ind, ikke direkte relevant for REC - men syntes stadig det var interessant.
According to Bloomberg data, stocks just suffered the worst bout of concentrated selling pressure in history.
MAY 11, 2021
Redigert 12.05.2021 kl 15:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.05.2021 kl 17:37 9138

Hej alle,

Jeg håber i nyder jeres fridag!

Kerry: US weighs sanctions on China solar over forced labor
MAY 12, 2021
Kerry’s comments at the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing sought to defuse one of the main arguments that congressional Republicans have cited against President Joe Biden’s push for a climate-friendly makeover of the U.S. economy: China’s manufacturing dominance risks implicating buyers of Chinese-made solar panels, batteries and other green-energy tech in that country’s human rights abuses.

Much of the world’s polysilicon, used in photovoltaic cells for solar panels, comes through China’s Xinjiang province, where China is waging a sustained campaign against Chinese Muslims and ethnic minorities. That includes detention of more than 1 million people, who rights groups, news organizations and governments say are forced into labor in factories and other workplaces. China’s foreign ministry last month called the accusations “lies and false information concocted by anti-China forces.”
Kerry Acknowledges CCP Human Rights Abuses Present ‘Problem’ for US Climate Strategy
MAY 13, 2021
“When you look at the supply chain, when you look at China, they dominate the critical mineral supply and solar supply chains all coming out of Xinjiang Province,” McCaul, the lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said of the issue.

In response, Kerry said McCaul was “absolutely correct” that it is a problem.

“Xinjiang province not only produces some solar panels that we believe, in some cases, are being produced with forced labor by Uyghurs, but also there are significant amounts of a certain rare earth mineral that’s used in the solar panels themselves,” the U.S. special envoy on climate responded.

“It is my understanding that the Biden administration is right now in the process of assessing whether or not that would be the target of sanctions,” Kerry added. “I’ve heard some discussion about it. I’m not privvy to where that decision is at this point in time but I can tell you that nothing can be traded. And I’ve made that very clear, President Biden has made it very clear.”
13.05.2021 kl 17:53 9202

og lidt mere :)

SIA Applauds Committee Approval of Endless Frontier Act
MAY 12, 2021
The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) today released the following statement from President and CEO John Neuffer commending the Senate Commerce Committee’s approval of the Endless Frontier Act (S.1260), bipartisan legislation that seeks to maintain and build on U.S. science and technology leadership by authorizing more than $100 billion for science and technology initiatives, including semiconductor research. The Committee approved the legislation by a bipartisan vote of 24-4, and it is now expected to move to the Senate floor for consideration. The bill was introduced last month by Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.) and a bipartisan group of cosponsors. SIA represents 98% of the U.S. semiconductor industry by revenue and nearly two-thirds of non-U.S. chip firms.
MAY 11, 2021
In this Public Notice, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau seeks comment to help assess the
potential impacts of a continuing global shortage of semiconductors on the U.S. communications industry
and on Federal Communications Commission priorities and initiatives.
Why Trailing Edge Semiconductor Manufacturing Matters
MAY 13, 2021
Will investments in battery technology disrupt the US power sector?
May 13, 2021
Redigert 13.05.2021 kl 17:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
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13.05.2021 kl 18:22 9124

Takker man👍Rec sitter midt i puddingen og blir oppdaget av flere investorer snart. Litt rart vi ikke har hørt om notering på børs i USA siden Rec virkelig kan støtte amerikansk industri. Vil jo tro det foreligger planer for dette, og at kursen vil boostes. Tipper amerikanske investorer vil kaste penger etter Rec for å sikre halvleder , sol og batteriindustrien. Er det noen som har noen relevante artikler vedr dette?
Slettet bruker
13.05.2021 kl 18:47 9039

Det ville jo vært et mesterlig trekk av KIR & Co om de først får sikret en 20% emi, for deretter å kline til med en Nasdaq-lansering.
14.05.2021 kl 07:01 8581


Solar panels are key to Biden's energy plan. But the global supply chain may rely on forced labor from China
May 14, 2021
Experts say there are solar panel components suppliers outside of Xinjiang, and even outside China, that could help meet the needs of the United States and Europe, where governments and industry have expressed concerns about the use of forced labor and where there is greater political pressure to challenge Beijing. But these sources could be more expensive, given the Chinese subsidies and other benefits offered for operating in Xinjiang.
As the Biden administration considers how to expand the use of green energy in the United States, the researchers and the SEIA's Smirnow said investing in US solar panel components manufacturing could be a way to ensure that growth happens responsibly.
In Broad Daylight: Uyghur Forced Labour and Global Solar Supply Chains
MAY 13, 2021
Slettet bruker
14.05.2021 kl 07:58 8422

Lover investeringer på 3750 milliarder kroner: – Sør-Korea planlegger historisk store investeringer i databrikkefabrikker. – Vi skal bygge et kanonlag innenfor databrikker, sier landets president.
14.05.2021 kl 08:09 8391

slik jeg tolker alle disse nyhetene, så vil jo tilbud ta igjen etterspørsel rimelig fort?
Slettet bruker
14.05.2021 kl 08:18 8310

Det kommer til å bli konkurranse mellom USA og andre land. USA frykter at kompetansen skal havne i Asia. Produkter fra Butte kommer til å bli etterspurt fremover.
14.05.2021 kl 08:25 8242

Renewables are stronger than ever as they power through the pandemic
MAY 11, 2021
In 2020, annual renewable capacity additions increased 45% to almost 280 GW – the highest year-on year increase since 1999.

Exceptionally high capacity additions become the “new normal” in 2021 and 2022, with renewables accounting for 90% of new power capacity expansion globally.

Solar PV development will continue to break records, with annual additions reaching 162 GW by 2022 – almost 50% higher than the pre-pandemic level of 2019.
Annual growth in the People’s Republic of China’s (hereafter, “China”) renewables market will decelerate following the exceptional expansion that resulted from developers rushing to complete projects before subsidy phase-outs. However, the rest of the world compensates for China’s slowdown and maintains the pace of renewables expansion.

Europe’s capacity growth accelerates thanks to further policy support and a booming corporate PPA market as PV costs continue to decline.

The updated forecast for the United States is more optimistic because of federal tax credit extensions. New US emissions reduction targets and the infrastructure bill, if passed, will boost renewables expansion after 2022 (beyond the timeframe of this forecast update).
14.05.2021 kl 08:35 8169

Blumenauer, Levin Introduce Legislation to Bolster Renewable Energy Projects with Direct Payment Option
MAY 13, 2021
Today, U.S. Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Mike Levin (D-CA) introduced legislation to give taxpayers the option to take clean energy credits as a direct payment rather than a tax credit. The Renewable Energy Investment Act provides much-needed relief for renewable energy projects that have dealt with sluggish tax equity markets that are slowing project financing and deployment. The legislation also allows taxpayers with little or no tax liability to take advantage of these tax incentives, thereby expanding the pool of eligible investors and supporting the deployment of renewable energy across the country.
American Clean Power Association Statement on Renewable Energy Investment Act
MAY 13, 2021

ACORE Statement on the Renewable Energy Investment Act
MAY 13, 2021
14.05.2021 kl 15:50 7790

Net zero is transforming clean energy procurement
May 14, 2021
With corporations oriented towards net-zero goals, more organizations are considering the emissions avoided as a result of clean energy deals, rather than just counting the megawatts. According to the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA), as the energy market has matured, so has the energy buyer mindset regarding the true impact of renewable energy projects with an intensified focus on optimizing carbon reduction.
15.05.2021 kl 18:36 7256

Chip Shortage Drives Hard Look at America’s Industrial Policy
May 14, 2021
Slettet bruker
15.05.2021 kl 18:40 7383

Nettopp ! Derfor er REC nå i en svært gunstig situasjon da :

REC Silicon is:

-The largest manufacturer and supplier of silane gas (SiH4) and provider of other silicon gases for production of semiconductors, flat panel displays, and many solar cells technologies.

-One of the world’s largest producers of polysilicon for the photovoltaic (PV) industry.

-One of the largest producer of ultra-pure FZ polysilicon for the electronics industry. FZ-based devices are used in power and conversion processes for hybrid and electric vehicles, wind energy, high voltage transmission, and other markets that can benefit from power device performance.

-The largest producer of granular polysilicon for solar applications.

Redigert 15.05.2021 kl 18:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
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15.05.2021 kl 22:54 7010

Group14 eyes Moses Lake facility

“Lithium-ion batteries were invented here, but commercialized in Asia,” he said. “We don’t want that to happen with lithium-silicon batteries. That’s why our big focus is on the domestic supply chain, and specifically on doing a lot in Moses Lake.”

Luebbe said Group14 has chosen to locate in Moses Lake because of the area’s inexpensive hydropower, skill and expertise in advanced manufacturing, easy access to transportation and room to build and grow.

“Our objective is to create this battery materials infrastructure in the Moses Lake area and really support a domestic battery supply chain,” he said.


Slettet bruker
15.05.2021 kl 23:03 6988

Jo-da- De har sagt tilsvarende i lang tid nå. Hva venter de på ?. Selvsagt: Samarbeid og finansiering. Både Biden og REC ?.
Bob Macahan
16.05.2021 kl 09:46 6325

Nu förväntar sig hela industrin att ML ska starta upp.
Lokala tidningar i USA är en sak det här något helt annat. Många ögon på REC nu http://taiyangnews.info/business/rec-silicon-reports-28-1-million-revenues-in-q12021/