13.08.2021 kl 13:46
ANALYSIS: Could a US budget bill amendment end up stymying utility-scale solar growth?
AUGUST 13, 2021
With the bipartisan infrastructure investment bill now on its way to the House of Representatives, the attention of the US Senate moved swiftly to the budget resolution bill this week. The budget bill, which will pave the way for up to US$3.5 trillion of spending, includes vast swathes of US president Joe Biden’s agenda and, of particular pertinence to the US solar industry, an extension of the investment tax credit (ITC).
A top line summary of the FY2022 budget resolution published by senate Democrats this week details the immediate priorities of the budget bill, with a significant section establishing the Biden Administration’s aims for climate action. Within that area Democrats intend to:
Create a new clean electricity payment programme;
Establish clean energy and manufacturing tax incentives and grants;
Impose new polluter fees, and;
Create new consumer rebates for home electrification measures, amongst other measures.
It’s the leading two items in that list which will be of most interest to the solar community, both from a developer/installer perspective and manufacturers with at least one eye on Senator Jon Ossoff’s proposals earlier this year to create a solar manufacturing tax credit.
A ten-year extension of both the investment and production tax credits at a 30% rate has long been towards the top of President Biden’s agenda. A standalone ITC for energy storage – rather than the status quo which supports energy storage, but only if it is co-located with solar and installed simultaneously – as well as a direct pay option have also been supported at the top level.
But while Biden can indeed claim a majority in the senate – with 50 senators each, vice president Kamala Harris casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie – the president falls far short of the 60 votes needed to gain an absolute majority and the power to pass through bills containing such measures unimpeded. As a result, the budget resolution framework is Biden’s only real political route to passing his agenda.
It does, however, come with limitations.
Firstly, the budget resolution mechanism prohibits the passage of bills which would create a deficit on the US budget after a decade. This would somewhat restrict the direct pay option given how it is structured, meaning that it’s likely developers would only be able to claim up to 80% of credits available via direct pay.
Of far greater significance however is the way in which amendments to the bill, from both sides of the aisle, are entertained and voted on, as was seen in the late hours of Tuesday evening and early hours of Wednesday morning.
Shortly after the US Senate passed the bipartisan infrastructure investment bill on Tuesday a vote was held to begin the budget reconciliation process. Democrats won the vote 50-49, triggering the start of an hours-long session, dubbed ‘vote-o-rama’, wherein senators from across the aisle lodged amendments to the bill to be voted on an individual basis. The session went long into the night of 10 August, only concluding shortly before 06:00 on 11 August.
One of the amendments lodged by Alaskan senator Dan Sullivan – amendment 3627 – could prove particularly troublesome, seeking to establish “a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to prohibiting renewable energy projects receiving Federal funds and subsidies from purchasing materials, technology, and critical minerals produced in China”. In short, the amendment intends to stop any renewable project built in the US that uses technology from, or indeed technology made using materials from, China from claiming federal funds and subsidies, including tax credits.
The amendment was passed with an overwhelming majority, securing 90 votes for to nine votes against.
Speaking before the vote, Senator Sullivan said the US was “dangerously reliant” on China for around 80% of the materials and minerals vital to the country’s renewables sector. “We have these resources right here in the US, and by developing our national supply chains we can create thousands of good paying jobs, protect our national interests and deny support to the Chinese Communist Party,” he said.
The amendment was supported by Democrat senator for Oregon Ron Wyden, who added that once the amendment had passed he would be seeking a “more targeted approach” to restrict the purchase of products with federal funds of any product bearing connections to forced labour.
The amendment’s passing follows heightened tensions between the US and China and the introduction of trade sanctions over alleged forced labour practices within polysilicon supply chains. A withhold release order (WRO) implemented in late June essentially blocked the import of silicon metal products from Hoshine and its subsidiaries.
The move could cause disruption to the US utility-scale solar sector, effectively limiting the number of large-scale solar projects capable of receiving federal supports or subsidies to those only using components, or components using materials, made outside of China. While the amendment would seemingly not apply to modules made in other manufacturing hotspots such as Malaysia or Taiwan, the inclusion of materials in the amendment’s text could feasibly include Chinese-made polysilicon used in wafers and cells that are then incorporated into modules elsewhere.
With little polysilicon manufacturing and next to no solar ingoting and wafering capacity outside of China, the bill could place an indirect cap on the number of renewables projects coming forward to claim ITCs. The below graph, produced by US-based polysilicon provider REC Silicon, highlights how little domestic solar manufacturing takes place in the US and perhaps highlights the issue at hand.
As the graph illustrates, while roughly 72GW of solar module manufacturing/assembly capacity exists outside of China, Just 33GW of cell manufacturing takes place outside of the country. Extrapolated further, the market size shrinks to just 10GW if discussing polysilicon production, but the real bottleneck would occur in the ingoting and wafering requirement, with just 1GW of ingot and wafer production taking place outside of China.
First Solar’s manufacturing capacity must, of course, also be factored in here – indeed, First Solar’s share price is up more than 4% this week, and up nearly 40% since the US government began its clampdown on Chinese imports. But with US module demand set to soar in the coming years, it is without doubt that the amendment could prove to be severely limiting if included within the budget resolution bill with its current language intact.
While the amendment was indeed passed by the floor, it is not yet guaranteed to feature in the final text of the bill. It could still be omitted or even amended further through secondary amendments. More discussions – and amendments – are expected to be made before the bill proceeds to a vote, which is in turn expected in the coming weeks. The timetable for it to pass through the House of Representatives and onto the desk of President Biden is longer still, perhaps reaching into November.
All eyes will therefore be on future hearings within the senate which will shape the bill as it progresses.
AUGUST 13, 2021
With the bipartisan infrastructure investment bill now on its way to the House of Representatives, the attention of the US Senate moved swiftly to the budget resolution bill this week. The budget bill, which will pave the way for up to US$3.5 trillion of spending, includes vast swathes of US president Joe Biden’s agenda and, of particular pertinence to the US solar industry, an extension of the investment tax credit (ITC).
A top line summary of the FY2022 budget resolution published by senate Democrats this week details the immediate priorities of the budget bill, with a significant section establishing the Biden Administration’s aims for climate action. Within that area Democrats intend to:
Create a new clean electricity payment programme;
Establish clean energy and manufacturing tax incentives and grants;
Impose new polluter fees, and;
Create new consumer rebates for home electrification measures, amongst other measures.
It’s the leading two items in that list which will be of most interest to the solar community, both from a developer/installer perspective and manufacturers with at least one eye on Senator Jon Ossoff’s proposals earlier this year to create a solar manufacturing tax credit.
A ten-year extension of both the investment and production tax credits at a 30% rate has long been towards the top of President Biden’s agenda. A standalone ITC for energy storage – rather than the status quo which supports energy storage, but only if it is co-located with solar and installed simultaneously – as well as a direct pay option have also been supported at the top level.
But while Biden can indeed claim a majority in the senate – with 50 senators each, vice president Kamala Harris casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie – the president falls far short of the 60 votes needed to gain an absolute majority and the power to pass through bills containing such measures unimpeded. As a result, the budget resolution framework is Biden’s only real political route to passing his agenda.
It does, however, come with limitations.
Firstly, the budget resolution mechanism prohibits the passage of bills which would create a deficit on the US budget after a decade. This would somewhat restrict the direct pay option given how it is structured, meaning that it’s likely developers would only be able to claim up to 80% of credits available via direct pay.
Of far greater significance however is the way in which amendments to the bill, from both sides of the aisle, are entertained and voted on, as was seen in the late hours of Tuesday evening and early hours of Wednesday morning.
Shortly after the US Senate passed the bipartisan infrastructure investment bill on Tuesday a vote was held to begin the budget reconciliation process. Democrats won the vote 50-49, triggering the start of an hours-long session, dubbed ‘vote-o-rama’, wherein senators from across the aisle lodged amendments to the bill to be voted on an individual basis. The session went long into the night of 10 August, only concluding shortly before 06:00 on 11 August.
One of the amendments lodged by Alaskan senator Dan Sullivan – amendment 3627 – could prove particularly troublesome, seeking to establish “a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to prohibiting renewable energy projects receiving Federal funds and subsidies from purchasing materials, technology, and critical minerals produced in China”. In short, the amendment intends to stop any renewable project built in the US that uses technology from, or indeed technology made using materials from, China from claiming federal funds and subsidies, including tax credits.
The amendment was passed with an overwhelming majority, securing 90 votes for to nine votes against.
Speaking before the vote, Senator Sullivan said the US was “dangerously reliant” on China for around 80% of the materials and minerals vital to the country’s renewables sector. “We have these resources right here in the US, and by developing our national supply chains we can create thousands of good paying jobs, protect our national interests and deny support to the Chinese Communist Party,” he said.
The amendment was supported by Democrat senator for Oregon Ron Wyden, who added that once the amendment had passed he would be seeking a “more targeted approach” to restrict the purchase of products with federal funds of any product bearing connections to forced labour.
The amendment’s passing follows heightened tensions between the US and China and the introduction of trade sanctions over alleged forced labour practices within polysilicon supply chains. A withhold release order (WRO) implemented in late June essentially blocked the import of silicon metal products from Hoshine and its subsidiaries.
The move could cause disruption to the US utility-scale solar sector, effectively limiting the number of large-scale solar projects capable of receiving federal supports or subsidies to those only using components, or components using materials, made outside of China. While the amendment would seemingly not apply to modules made in other manufacturing hotspots such as Malaysia or Taiwan, the inclusion of materials in the amendment’s text could feasibly include Chinese-made polysilicon used in wafers and cells that are then incorporated into modules elsewhere.
With little polysilicon manufacturing and next to no solar ingoting and wafering capacity outside of China, the bill could place an indirect cap on the number of renewables projects coming forward to claim ITCs. The below graph, produced by US-based polysilicon provider REC Silicon, highlights how little domestic solar manufacturing takes place in the US and perhaps highlights the issue at hand.
As the graph illustrates, while roughly 72GW of solar module manufacturing/assembly capacity exists outside of China, Just 33GW of cell manufacturing takes place outside of the country. Extrapolated further, the market size shrinks to just 10GW if discussing polysilicon production, but the real bottleneck would occur in the ingoting and wafering requirement, with just 1GW of ingot and wafer production taking place outside of China.
First Solar’s manufacturing capacity must, of course, also be factored in here – indeed, First Solar’s share price is up more than 4% this week, and up nearly 40% since the US government began its clampdown on Chinese imports. But with US module demand set to soar in the coming years, it is without doubt that the amendment could prove to be severely limiting if included within the budget resolution bill with its current language intact.
While the amendment was indeed passed by the floor, it is not yet guaranteed to feature in the final text of the bill. It could still be omitted or even amended further through secondary amendments. More discussions – and amendments – are expected to be made before the bill proceeds to a vote, which is in turn expected in the coming weeks. The timetable for it to pass through the House of Representatives and onto the desk of President Biden is longer still, perhaps reaching into November.
All eyes will therefore be on future hearings within the senate which will shape the bill as it progresses.
Nettopp , REC nevnes bestandig i kombinasjon med å skape en bærekraftig verdikjede i USA . Dette viser at REC har en plan :
With little polysilicon manufacturing and next to no solar ingoting and wafering capacity outside of China, the bill could place an indirect cap on the number of renewables projects coming forward to claim ITCs. The below graph, produced by US-based polysilicon provider REC Silicon, highlights how little domestic solar manufacturing takes place in the US and perhaps highlights the issue at hand.
With little polysilicon manufacturing and next to no solar ingoting and wafering capacity outside of China, the bill could place an indirect cap on the number of renewables projects coming forward to claim ITCs. The below graph, produced by US-based polysilicon provider REC Silicon, highlights how little domestic solar manufacturing takes place in the US and perhaps highlights the issue at hand.
Redigert 13.08.2021 kl 13:54
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13.08.2021 kl 13:57
omac skrev Hvem vet, kan jo være en som har sluttet...
Ser at REC søker etter Lab ansvarlig i Moses Lake, så det er da noe substans i rykte om oppstart.
13.08.2021 kl 14:23
De leverer jo vareprøver i dag til bl.a G14, kanskje han som hadde jobben sluttet?
Redigert 13.08.2021 kl 14:23
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Ser du har nevnt dette to ganger i dag. Dersom han som hadde jobben sluttet - og det er stor usikkerhet rundt om ML skal åpnes i det hele tatt - hvorfor skulle Rec søke en erstatter? Pilotprosjektet har pågått en stund og har åpenbart vært interessant nok til at G14 har inngått en joint venture med SK Materials. Hvorfor ikke bare si at pilotprosjektet var en suksess og legge det ned om nøkkelpersoner skulle forsvinne?
Jeg forstår godt ønsket om å ikke trekke for raske sluttninger her. Dette bekrefter på ingen måte noe som helst, men det enkle er tross alt ofte det beste. Det kan godt hende at man trenger en fabrikksjef for å håndtere nødvendig vedlikehold og ombyningen det har vært snakket om, men det er vel større sannsynlighet at Rec ønsker å ansette en ny fabrikksjef rett og slett fordi de kommer til å trenge en?
Ingen av oss sitter på fasitten. Jeg investerer dog på bakgrunn av hva jeg selv anser som mest sannsynlig. Dersom jeg faktisk hadde hatt større tvil rundt hvorvidt ML kommer til å åpne igjen noensinne, så ville i hvert fall jeg bare solgt meg ut og investert i noe jeg faktisk hadde troen på. Dersom jeg var helt bombesikker på at Recsi er en gullgruve i 2025, så ville jeg også ha investert langt større summer enn det jeg har gjort til nå. Til syvende og sist handler det om risk-reward.
Så. Nå har jeg forklart bakgrunnen til hvorfor jeg har satt penger i Recsi og hvorfor jeg fortsatt har troen på selskapet. Hva er ditt syn på fremtiden, omac? Jeg er genuint interessert og ønsker din subjektive vurdering uten tilsvar om vi så skulle være uenige. Jeg opplever at flere ønsker en større grad av realisme rundt oppstart mtp alle månedene ML har vært "rett rundt hjørnet". Jeg verdsetter dine bidrag her inne og ønsker derfor å høre fra deg.
Jeg forstår godt ønsket om å ikke trekke for raske sluttninger her. Dette bekrefter på ingen måte noe som helst, men det enkle er tross alt ofte det beste. Det kan godt hende at man trenger en fabrikksjef for å håndtere nødvendig vedlikehold og ombyningen det har vært snakket om, men det er vel større sannsynlighet at Rec ønsker å ansette en ny fabrikksjef rett og slett fordi de kommer til å trenge en?
Ingen av oss sitter på fasitten. Jeg investerer dog på bakgrunn av hva jeg selv anser som mest sannsynlig. Dersom jeg faktisk hadde hatt større tvil rundt hvorvidt ML kommer til å åpne igjen noensinne, så ville i hvert fall jeg bare solgt meg ut og investert i noe jeg faktisk hadde troen på. Dersom jeg var helt bombesikker på at Recsi er en gullgruve i 2025, så ville jeg også ha investert langt større summer enn det jeg har gjort til nå. Til syvende og sist handler det om risk-reward.
Så. Nå har jeg forklart bakgrunnen til hvorfor jeg har satt penger i Recsi og hvorfor jeg fortsatt har troen på selskapet. Hva er ditt syn på fremtiden, omac? Jeg er genuint interessert og ønsker din subjektive vurdering uten tilsvar om vi så skulle være uenige. Jeg opplever at flere ønsker en større grad av realisme rundt oppstart mtp alle månedene ML har vært "rett rundt hjørnet". Jeg verdsetter dine bidrag her inne og ønsker derfor å høre fra deg.
13.08.2021 kl 23:01
Jeg tror det går bra, jeg bare tror veldig mange sliter med kognitiv bias og det sløver den kritiske tanke. Det kan være utvidelse med en stilling, men vi vet ikke.
14.08.2021 kl 09:17
Clean Energy’s Messy Problem II: The Solar Industry, Its Suppliers, and the Complex Task of Combatting Forced Labor
AUGUST 13, 2021
2. The Current State of Supply
Four of the five largest suppliers of solar panels are headquartered in China and the fifth is heavily invested there. Many of the large Chinese solar module producers are vertically integrated so that they control their production from the polysilicon ingot right up to the module. It is very likely those suppliers have some visibility into the materials used in their production. However, to this point, they have not shown tremendous initiative in certifying their supply chains.
The suppliers have economic incentives to keep their input costs low, and not look too closely at why those inputs are so inexpensive. Additionally, the party line from the Chinese Government is that forced labor at Uighur camps does not exist. Further China has recently passed anti-sanctions measures worded so broadly that investigating forced labor in the supply chain may be considered prohibited support for U.S. extraterritorial measures.
Nevertheless, it is clear that the suppliers are aware that forced labor is an issue and that the problem is not going away. Many of them are pushing for new “change in law” and “change in costs” provisions in their contracts with solar module consumers to account for shocks to their logistics chains that they know are coming. We also understand that some suppliers are looking into whether there is a viable source of polysilicon, which could be substituted or at least developed, outside of the XUAR.
AUGUST 13, 2021
2. The Current State of Supply
Four of the five largest suppliers of solar panels are headquartered in China and the fifth is heavily invested there. Many of the large Chinese solar module producers are vertically integrated so that they control their production from the polysilicon ingot right up to the module. It is very likely those suppliers have some visibility into the materials used in their production. However, to this point, they have not shown tremendous initiative in certifying their supply chains.
The suppliers have economic incentives to keep their input costs low, and not look too closely at why those inputs are so inexpensive. Additionally, the party line from the Chinese Government is that forced labor at Uighur camps does not exist. Further China has recently passed anti-sanctions measures worded so broadly that investigating forced labor in the supply chain may be considered prohibited support for U.S. extraterritorial measures.
Nevertheless, it is clear that the suppliers are aware that forced labor is an issue and that the problem is not going away. Many of them are pushing for new “change in law” and “change in costs” provisions in their contracts with solar module consumers to account for shocks to their logistics chains that they know are coming. We also understand that some suppliers are looking into whether there is a viable source of polysilicon, which could be substituted or at least developed, outside of the XUAR.
Redigert 14.08.2021 kl 09:17
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14.08.2021 kl 10:25
Jeg skal svare litt lengre i dag siden jeg satt på tlf i går og orket ikke skrive på den.
Om vi snakker om samme stilling er det ikke en fabrikksjef men "Senior Lab Specialist / Spectroscopist" altså en teknisk stilling. Hvorfor de trenger en person til den stillingen aner jeg ikke, kanskje for R&D, kanskje fordi hen som hadde den sluttet eller ble gravid? Hvem vet? Jeg er bare veldig forsiktig å trekke konklusjon basert på lite informasjon.
Slik det ser ut nå ser ting bra ut for REC på makronivå og jeg tror Røkke er rette mannen for å utnytte mulighetene om de oppstår. "Markedet" er uenig med oss, Voleon og JP Morgan er uenig med oss men vi på Trygves Tivoli er skråsikker. Rekk opp hånden alle her inne som harn bakgrunn fra økonomi eller handel med instrumenter, tipper det er svært få.
Markedet er og klar over mulighetene i REC, derav artikkel i januar om at REC kan få monsterkunde i FA. Men i motsetning til Trygves Tivoli avventer de utfallet. Jeg håper vi får rett, men å sitte i ett ekkokammer og hause hverandre opp er ikke bra, folk må være klar over at det er en risiko forbundet med alt av investeringer.
Det kommer frem mye bra info her inne, men fremdeles er ikke noe kommet som ruller i vår favør.
Jeg håper på ett blue sky scenario, jeg er inne med ett betydelig beløp hvor jeg kjøpte første gang på ca 3 kroner. Jeg har og kjøpt på 22,- når jeg trodde vi skulle rake veien opp. Jeg kjøpte og på 19 for 1 måned siden rett før den falt da jeg trodde at nå gikk den.
Jeg skulle jo gjerne timet de kjøpene bedre, men der og da virket det fornuftig. Det er kun i etterkant du ser hva som var fornuftig. Hvis du ikke tror meg prøv å daytrade REC, det er lettere når du gjør det i bakspeilet enn når du skal forutse neste svingning.
Uansett så har jeg innfunnet meg med at jeg kan miste halvparten i verste fall scenario, jeg tror ikke det kan skje, men jeg utelukker det ikke.
Om vi snakker om samme stilling er det ikke en fabrikksjef men "Senior Lab Specialist / Spectroscopist" altså en teknisk stilling. Hvorfor de trenger en person til den stillingen aner jeg ikke, kanskje for R&D, kanskje fordi hen som hadde den sluttet eller ble gravid? Hvem vet? Jeg er bare veldig forsiktig å trekke konklusjon basert på lite informasjon.
Slik det ser ut nå ser ting bra ut for REC på makronivå og jeg tror Røkke er rette mannen for å utnytte mulighetene om de oppstår. "Markedet" er uenig med oss, Voleon og JP Morgan er uenig med oss men vi på Trygves Tivoli er skråsikker. Rekk opp hånden alle her inne som harn bakgrunn fra økonomi eller handel med instrumenter, tipper det er svært få.
Markedet er og klar over mulighetene i REC, derav artikkel i januar om at REC kan få monsterkunde i FA. Men i motsetning til Trygves Tivoli avventer de utfallet. Jeg håper vi får rett, men å sitte i ett ekkokammer og hause hverandre opp er ikke bra, folk må være klar over at det er en risiko forbundet med alt av investeringer.
Det kommer frem mye bra info her inne, men fremdeles er ikke noe kommet som ruller i vår favør.
Jeg håper på ett blue sky scenario, jeg er inne med ett betydelig beløp hvor jeg kjøpte første gang på ca 3 kroner. Jeg har og kjøpt på 22,- når jeg trodde vi skulle rake veien opp. Jeg kjøpte og på 19 for 1 måned siden rett før den falt da jeg trodde at nå gikk den.
Jeg skulle jo gjerne timet de kjøpene bedre, men der og da virket det fornuftig. Det er kun i etterkant du ser hva som var fornuftig. Hvis du ikke tror meg prøv å daytrade REC, det er lettere når du gjør det i bakspeilet enn når du skal forutse neste svingning.
Uansett så har jeg innfunnet meg med at jeg kan miste halvparten i verste fall scenario, jeg tror ikke det kan skje, men jeg utelukker det ikke.
Moderate demokrater truer med å stemme mot langtidsbudsjett
Etter at demokratene greide å få både infrastrukturpakke og langtidsbudsjett gjennom i Senatet, er demokratene i strid med seg selv om den videre prosessen.
Etter at demokratene greide å få både infrastrukturpakke og langtidsbudsjett gjennom i Senatet, er demokratene i strid med seg selv om den videre prosessen.
16.08.2021 kl 11:24
Beskrivelse av utfordringer for Kina med tanke på det tragiske utviklingen i Afghanistan:
Redigert 16.08.2021 kl 11:26
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16.08.2021 kl 23:33
“ With no ingot, wafer or solar cell manufacturing present in the United States right now, it is highly likely that all solar panels coming into the country have some Chinese-sourced material. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has already issued full bans on completed solar panels that use polysilicon from certain companies located in Xinjiang”
Dette ser jeg som et ypperlig forhandlingskort for REC i de dialoger de har med potensielle kunder.
Dette ser jeg som et ypperlig forhandlingskort for REC i de dialoger de har med potensielle kunder.
Redigert 16.08.2021 kl 23:35
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Bob Macahan
17.08.2021 kl 11:27
Väldigt bra nyheter att wafer produktion flyttar utanför Kina.
Jinko kommer nog inte köpa polysilicon av REC men i teorin kan de köpa direkt av REC på spotmaknaden om de vill.
Nyheten i sig är inte direkt påverkande på REC men signalerna om att kapacitet sätts upp utanför Kina är väldigt bra.
Snart kommer det att byggas ingot och wafer kapacitet i Indien, Malaysia, Europa och USA :)
Jinko kommer nog inte köpa polysilicon av REC men i teorin kan de köpa direkt av REC på spotmaknaden om de vill.
Nyheten i sig är inte direkt påverkande på REC men signalerna om att kapacitet sätts upp utanför Kina är väldigt bra.
Snart kommer det att byggas ingot och wafer kapacitet i Indien, Malaysia, Europa och USA :)
Ja. For litt siden var det G14 og SK som starter JV fabrikk i Korea. Nå starter Jinko litt Ingot og Wafer utenfor Kina, i Vietnam.
De er flinke i Asia. Må si jeg er litt skuffet over fremgangen her i vesten. Ikke rart vi blir akterutseilt med dette tempoet og tafattheten.
De er flinke i Asia. Må si jeg er litt skuffet over fremgangen her i vesten. Ikke rart vi blir akterutseilt med dette tempoet og tafattheten.
17.08.2021 kl 12:06
7Gw er 1,4 ganger hele kapasiteten i Moses Lake, lovende utvikling.
Bob Macahan
17.08.2021 kl 12:53
Jag har för mig att TT vid något tillfälle nämnt att granulat från Moses Lake med fördel kan blandas med chunks i ingot processen och att det skapar fördelar på något sätt.
Just nu finns det ingen ledig kapacitet och polysilicon att köpa så REC skulle mycket väl kunna bli leverantör men bara om de hinner uppgradera till FBR-B och mono grade.
Just nu finns det ingen ledig kapacitet och polysilicon att köpa så REC skulle mycket väl kunna bli leverantör men bara om de hinner uppgradera till FBR-B och mono grade.
En etter en inngår recs «partnere» partnerskap med andre , rec har ikke presentert en eneste børsmeldt nyhet på måneder .
Er REC for trege og for lite aggressive ? Jeg etterlyser nyheter fra REC ,
Er REC for trege og for lite aggressive ? Jeg etterlyser nyheter fra REC ,
Redigert 17.08.2021 kl 13:04
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17.08.2021 kl 20:24
Solar Industry Comment on White House Call for Solar Investments
AUGUST 17, 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today President Biden and the U.S. Department of Energy released an Issue Brief on solar energy research, deployment and workforce priorities. The report details a number of priorities that are important to the solar industry.
Following is a statement from Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association on President Biden’s call today for faster deployment of solar energy and on the U.S. Department of Energy’s issue brief:
“The Biden administration’s report today on solar energy shows that with the right policies in place, solar will help tackle the climate crisis, build a strong U.S. manufacturing sector and create hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Issue Brief clearly demonstrates the massive growth in solar over the last decade and charts a course for solar to grow market share and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
“The report also makes it clear that meeting the Biden administration’s goal for a zero-emissions electricity grid will require billions of dollars of investment and market opportunities through 2050 across all clean energy generation, including energy storage, electricity delivery, operations and maintenance, as well as community solar and solar for low- and moderate-income communities.
“President Biden also plans to extend the solar Investment Tax Credit, build U.S. manufacturing, accelerate transmission and storage expansion and build diversity, equity, inclusion and justice goals into this transition to a clean energy economy. Good trade policy also will be critical to the president’s climate goals. We look forward to working with the administration and bipartisan members of Congress on these critical policy issues, including by advancing infrastructure legislation and the president’s Build Back Better plan. This report shows that the vision can become a reality, and we can’t wait to see that happen.”
AUGUST 17, 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today President Biden and the U.S. Department of Energy released an Issue Brief on solar energy research, deployment and workforce priorities. The report details a number of priorities that are important to the solar industry.
Following is a statement from Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association on President Biden’s call today for faster deployment of solar energy and on the U.S. Department of Energy’s issue brief:
“The Biden administration’s report today on solar energy shows that with the right policies in place, solar will help tackle the climate crisis, build a strong U.S. manufacturing sector and create hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Issue Brief clearly demonstrates the massive growth in solar over the last decade and charts a course for solar to grow market share and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
“The report also makes it clear that meeting the Biden administration’s goal for a zero-emissions electricity grid will require billions of dollars of investment and market opportunities through 2050 across all clean energy generation, including energy storage, electricity delivery, operations and maintenance, as well as community solar and solar for low- and moderate-income communities.
“President Biden also plans to extend the solar Investment Tax Credit, build U.S. manufacturing, accelerate transmission and storage expansion and build diversity, equity, inclusion and justice goals into this transition to a clean energy economy. Good trade policy also will be critical to the president’s climate goals. We look forward to working with the administration and bipartisan members of Congress on these critical policy issues, including by advancing infrastructure legislation and the president’s Build Back Better plan. This report shows that the vision can become a reality, and we can’t wait to see that happen.”
Tipper rec kommer med børsmelding når pakken har gått igjennom ..
Liker særlig: «build a strong U.S. manufacturing sector and create hundreds of thousands of jobs»
Altså/ det er ikke mye igjen til pessimistene her. Det er helt sinnsykt hvilken posisjon RECsi besitter. Denne høsten blir rå↗️
Altså/ det er ikke mye igjen til pessimistene her. Det er helt sinnsykt hvilken posisjon RECsi besitter. Denne høsten blir rå↗️
Vet vi når den pakken skal diskuteres igjen? Og når vi kan forvente at den godkjennes?
Dette kommer til å bli mye mye større enn vi har trodd!
Dive Brief:
The U.S. Department of Energy is planning to launch new public-private partnerships similar to its Energy Storage Grand Challenge in an effort to drive down battery costs and ultimately decarbonize the transportation sector, Michael Berube, deputy assistant secretary for sustainable transportation in DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, said Thursday at a webinar hosted by Third Way.
Berube said the new partnerships will focus on linking raw materials processing with supply chains and cell manufacturing, aiming to reduce battery costs from more than $120/kWh today to $60/kWh by 2030. At that level electric vehicles would be near cost parity with internal combustion engine vehicles, he said, possibly allowing the government to take more aggressive steps to eliminate carbon emissions in the sector.
Automakers were also at the Third Way event, and expressed optimism for the future of energy storage and clean transportation in the near term. "We think there are efficiencies to be rung out of the supply chain," said Michael Maten, General Motor's senior EV and energy policy strategist.
Dive Insight:
More efficient, cheaper and sustainable batteries must be developed in order to rapidly accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, experts agree. And despite challenges in achieving those goals, there appears to be consensus between automakers and government officials that it is possible — but will require intensive coordination and investment.
President Joe Biden has set out a goal for half of all new U.S. passenger vehicle sales to be electric vehicles by 2030. "It is ambitious and we need to go beyond that. But if we can get to 50% by 2030, we can do more," Berube said.
Reaching 50% new EV sales will require progress on three main fronts, he said, including battery costs, building out charging infrastructure and developing domestic supply chains.
"We need to continue driving battery costs down," Berube said. "We've had tremendous progress, but we need to continue that effort."
Those efforts will include development of new battery technologies and chemistries, advanced manufacturing approaches, and then scaling up those systems. "We need to do it cooperatively, with industry," said Berube, pointing to DOE's Energy Storage Grand Challenge as an example of successful collaboration.
The challenge is part of DOE's effort to push battery technology forward, for both grid-scale and electric vehicles. "We can't decarbonize transportation without first achieving our goal of a 100% clean grid," Berube said.
In June, DOE announced $200 million in funding over a 5-year period for EV batteries and related projects at the agency's national laboratories. Then in July, it rolled out $60 million for two dozen research and development projects aimed at decarbonizing passenger vehicles, including efforts to design lithium batteries with longer lifespans and cheaper prices, and improve vehicle design. And Berube said there is more to come.
"We will be developing a new public-private partnership around batteries in anticipation of the significant amount of dollars both the federal government will be spending, but also that the private sector needs to be spending, and the fact that we need to link the processing side up front with the supply chain, with the cell manufacturing, to bring all these pieces together," Berube said.
According to the Electric Power Research Institute, the current cost per kWh for EV batteries is between $120/kWh and $200/kWh at the battery pack level, which includes an integrated battery management system and thermal management.
Berube said that if battery costs can drop to $60/kWh, that will put EVs near price-parity with internal combustion engines, but "without that, you can't mandate it, if the economics aren't there," he said, discussing vehicle sales and the transition to a carbon-free transportation sector.
Along with new battery chemistries that could shift to more sustainable raw materials, Berube also said battery recycling will play a key role. DOE believes roughly 30% to 40% of raw materials for future batteries can come from recycled storage, he said. Lithium-ion is now the dominant battery technology on the grid and in EVs, but "that may change over time," he added.
GM's Maten was optimistic for the next generation of batteries, and agreed that more can be done in the near-term with existing structures. "The zero emission future is an inevitability," he said. "We can bring some of our rigor and efficiency to supply chains," as the automaker scales up its embrace of electric vehicles.
GM plans to to offer 30 new EV models for sale by 2025, and other automakers are following suit.
Lower cobalt chemistries with higher energy densities will be a part of that, as well as "designing EVs around the battery from the ground up." But Maten added that purchase incentives are still needed, and there must be extensive investment in charging infrastructure to alleviate range anxiety.
"We know customers won't compromise on range to get to lower cost," said Maten. That makes public-private partnerships all the more vital, to accelerate decarbonization.
"There is a lot of room for the government to play," he said, and everything coming out of Washington right now is "heading in the right direction."
Vehicle charging infrastructure got a boost on Wednesday, with the announcement of a new coalition of two dozen groups representing automakers, workers, utilities, suppliers and others, that will lobby for development of a nationwide network. The National EV Charging Initiative says it will push for deeper commitments from its members and the federal government "to deploy the charging stations needed to improve air quality, create domestic jobs, address racial inequities and curb climate change."
Groups signed on to the effort include Natural Resources Defense Council, National Association of State Energy Officials, Plug In America, Sierra Club and the Zero Emission Transportation Association.
Only with the private investments complementing the public support will we realize our goals," Nancy Ryan, a partner at eMobility Advisors and one organizer of the initiative, said in a statement. "Neither one can do it alone, but together we can create the future we want and need."
Dive Brief:
The U.S. Department of Energy is planning to launch new public-private partnerships similar to its Energy Storage Grand Challenge in an effort to drive down battery costs and ultimately decarbonize the transportation sector, Michael Berube, deputy assistant secretary for sustainable transportation in DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, said Thursday at a webinar hosted by Third Way.
Berube said the new partnerships will focus on linking raw materials processing with supply chains and cell manufacturing, aiming to reduce battery costs from more than $120/kWh today to $60/kWh by 2030. At that level electric vehicles would be near cost parity with internal combustion engine vehicles, he said, possibly allowing the government to take more aggressive steps to eliminate carbon emissions in the sector.
Automakers were also at the Third Way event, and expressed optimism for the future of energy storage and clean transportation in the near term. "We think there are efficiencies to be rung out of the supply chain," said Michael Maten, General Motor's senior EV and energy policy strategist.
Dive Insight:
More efficient, cheaper and sustainable batteries must be developed in order to rapidly accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, experts agree. And despite challenges in achieving those goals, there appears to be consensus between automakers and government officials that it is possible — but will require intensive coordination and investment.
President Joe Biden has set out a goal for half of all new U.S. passenger vehicle sales to be electric vehicles by 2030. "It is ambitious and we need to go beyond that. But if we can get to 50% by 2030, we can do more," Berube said.
Reaching 50% new EV sales will require progress on three main fronts, he said, including battery costs, building out charging infrastructure and developing domestic supply chains.
"We need to continue driving battery costs down," Berube said. "We've had tremendous progress, but we need to continue that effort."
Those efforts will include development of new battery technologies and chemistries, advanced manufacturing approaches, and then scaling up those systems. "We need to do it cooperatively, with industry," said Berube, pointing to DOE's Energy Storage Grand Challenge as an example of successful collaboration.
The challenge is part of DOE's effort to push battery technology forward, for both grid-scale and electric vehicles. "We can't decarbonize transportation without first achieving our goal of a 100% clean grid," Berube said.
In June, DOE announced $200 million in funding over a 5-year period for EV batteries and related projects at the agency's national laboratories. Then in July, it rolled out $60 million for two dozen research and development projects aimed at decarbonizing passenger vehicles, including efforts to design lithium batteries with longer lifespans and cheaper prices, and improve vehicle design. And Berube said there is more to come.
"We will be developing a new public-private partnership around batteries in anticipation of the significant amount of dollars both the federal government will be spending, but also that the private sector needs to be spending, and the fact that we need to link the processing side up front with the supply chain, with the cell manufacturing, to bring all these pieces together," Berube said.
According to the Electric Power Research Institute, the current cost per kWh for EV batteries is between $120/kWh and $200/kWh at the battery pack level, which includes an integrated battery management system and thermal management.
Berube said that if battery costs can drop to $60/kWh, that will put EVs near price-parity with internal combustion engines, but "without that, you can't mandate it, if the economics aren't there," he said, discussing vehicle sales and the transition to a carbon-free transportation sector.
Along with new battery chemistries that could shift to more sustainable raw materials, Berube also said battery recycling will play a key role. DOE believes roughly 30% to 40% of raw materials for future batteries can come from recycled storage, he said. Lithium-ion is now the dominant battery technology on the grid and in EVs, but "that may change over time," he added.
GM's Maten was optimistic for the next generation of batteries, and agreed that more can be done in the near-term with existing structures. "The zero emission future is an inevitability," he said. "We can bring some of our rigor and efficiency to supply chains," as the automaker scales up its embrace of electric vehicles.
GM plans to to offer 30 new EV models for sale by 2025, and other automakers are following suit.
Lower cobalt chemistries with higher energy densities will be a part of that, as well as "designing EVs around the battery from the ground up." But Maten added that purchase incentives are still needed, and there must be extensive investment in charging infrastructure to alleviate range anxiety.
"We know customers won't compromise on range to get to lower cost," said Maten. That makes public-private partnerships all the more vital, to accelerate decarbonization.
"There is a lot of room for the government to play," he said, and everything coming out of Washington right now is "heading in the right direction."
Vehicle charging infrastructure got a boost on Wednesday, with the announcement of a new coalition of two dozen groups representing automakers, workers, utilities, suppliers and others, that will lobby for development of a nationwide network. The National EV Charging Initiative says it will push for deeper commitments from its members and the federal government "to deploy the charging stations needed to improve air quality, create domestic jobs, address racial inequities and curb climate change."
Groups signed on to the effort include Natural Resources Defense Council, National Association of State Energy Officials, Plug In America, Sierra Club and the Zero Emission Transportation Association.
Only with the private investments complementing the public support will we realize our goals," Nancy Ryan, a partner at eMobility Advisors and one organizer of the initiative, said in a statement. "Neither one can do it alone, but together we can create the future we want and need."
Redigert 17.08.2021 kl 23:21
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Ja. Dette høres jo veldig bra ut for batterier i USA. Får bare håpe det hjelper SilaN, G14 og andre potensielle kunder for Rec å få fortgang i fabrikkene sine.
Dette ble delt nettopp av G14.
group14 technologies
Bringing EVs into homes affordably comes down to:
1️⃣ reimagining supply chains
2️⃣ slashing battery costs
Great to see @ENERGY prioritizing these steps to unlock cost-parity with ICEs & excited for more public-private partnerships. ⚡️🚘
group14 technologies
Bringing EVs into homes affordably comes down to:
1️⃣ reimagining supply chains
2️⃣ slashing battery costs
Great to see @ENERGY prioritizing these steps to unlock cost-parity with ICEs & excited for more public-private partnerships. ⚡️🚘
Jeg håper G14 sitt svar på "reimagining supply chains" er å bygge et tjukt rør rett inn i Rec sin ML fabrikk og pumpe ut silangass på 100% kapasitet. Ville vært toppers.
18.08.2021 kl 08:26
« While developers may be hurt, any moves that make imports more expensive would help level the playing field for companies that want to manufacture solar equipment on U.S. soil. That would be a boost to another part of Biden’s agenda -- union jobs.»
“Trade actions against imported solar products may counter President Biden’s climate agenda,” Timothy Fox, a vice president of ClearView Energy Partners, said in an interview. “But they also could further his union and domestic manufacturing agenda.”
“Trade actions against imported solar products may counter President Biden’s climate agenda,” Timothy Fox, a vice president of ClearView Energy Partners, said in an interview. “But they also could further his union and domestic manufacturing agenda.”
Kina begynner å importere polysil:
PolySilicon Weekly Spot Price
Item High Low Avg AChg AChg%
PolySilicon 29.000 19.850 27.450 0.11 0.4%
Unit: USD Last Update: 2021-08-18
Item High Low Avg AChg AChg%
PolySilicon 29.000 19.850 27.450 0.11 0.4%
Unit: USD Last Update: 2021-08-18
Se der ja. Ville jo nesten blitt for dumt om Rec kunne fått til noe sånt :P Haha. Bra for Wacker da. Kommer snart Nemi's tilbake å messer litt kanskje.
18.08.2021 kl 13:54
Det er nesten 50% toll på polysilicon import fra USA i dag. Kan det bety at tollen snart forsvinner tro?
Jævla tafatte rec ledelse som ikke klarer å lande avtaler .
Ikke en eneste nyhet bare tåkeprat mens alle andre lander store kontrakt …
Ivareta aksjonærenes interesse ,, kiss my ass
AUGUST 18, 2021
Wacker signs polysilicon supply deal with Jinko
Chinese solar manufacturer JinkoSolar has signed a five-year agreement to purchase 70,000 tons of PV module raw material polysilicon from German producer Wacker.
Jinko announced the arrangement yesterday and stated the purchase price “will be decided based on the market price.” Based on the latest weekly average spot price for polysilicon of $26.50/kg recorded by Taiwanese analyst PV InfoLink, the supply deal would be worth $1.86 billion.
The polysilicon, manufactured at Wacker sites in Germany and the U.S., will begin to be supplied next month and the arrangement will continue until December 2026.
Ikke en eneste nyhet bare tåkeprat mens alle andre lander store kontrakt …
Ivareta aksjonærenes interesse ,, kiss my ass
AUGUST 18, 2021
Wacker signs polysilicon supply deal with Jinko
Chinese solar manufacturer JinkoSolar has signed a five-year agreement to purchase 70,000 tons of PV module raw material polysilicon from German producer Wacker.
Jinko announced the arrangement yesterday and stated the purchase price “will be decided based on the market price.” Based on the latest weekly average spot price for polysilicon of $26.50/kg recorded by Taiwanese analyst PV InfoLink, the supply deal would be worth $1.86 billion.
The polysilicon, manufactured at Wacker sites in Germany and the U.S., will begin to be supplied next month and the arrangement will continue until December 2026.
Redigert 18.08.2021 kl 14:08
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En av konsekvensene av Xinjang det her?
Står faktisk de skal ta imot både fra fabrikken i Usa og tyskland..
Dette er lovende hvertfall. Rec kan fort få en slik deal de også...
Er lite som skal til her nå for at rec reprises totalt.
Vi vet jo allerede at asiatiske kunder har vært i kontakt med REC..
Sitter godt å trygt på aksjene mine enda :)))
Står faktisk de skal ta imot både fra fabrikken i Usa og tyskland..
Dette er lovende hvertfall. Rec kan fort få en slik deal de også...
Er lite som skal til her nå for at rec reprises totalt.
Vi vet jo allerede at asiatiske kunder har vært i kontakt med REC..
Sitter godt å trygt på aksjene mine enda :)))
18.08.2021 kl 14:12
Jeg har lest artikkelen og det er derfor jeg spør om det betyr at tollen blir fjernet. Det er ingen i Kina som betaler 50% mer for å kjøpe polysilicon fra USA, og jeg tviler på at det er Wacker som skal betale tollen. REC har sagt tidligere at hvis tollen forsvinner så åpner de ML umiddelbart. Det er derfor jeg spør. Noen som vet?
18.08.2021 kl 14:18
For å være djevelens advokat, det betyr vel og at de ikke ser noen snarlig US verdikjede de kan levere til og velger å inngå avtale med Kina isteden isåfall?
I hvert fall ikke i umiddelbar nærhet. Her skal de levere allerede neste måned.
Omgår de Kinatollen ved at de er et Tysk selskap mon tro? Selv om de har en fabrikk i USA.
Omgår de Kinatollen ved at de er et Tysk selskap mon tro? Selv om de har en fabrikk i USA.
18.08.2021 kl 14:23
Spiller det noen rolle hvis tollen i Kina fjernes? Hvis det er i ferd med å skje, så betyr det garantert at ML åpner.
Jeg gir blaffen i hvem REC selger til, bare de åpner ML og og selger til noen. Om det er i Kina, så er det i Kina.
Jeg gir blaffen i hvem REC selger til, bare de åpner ML og og selger til noen. Om det er i Kina, så er det i Kina.
Bob Macahan
18.08.2021 kl 14:27
Jinko bygger en wafer fabrik i Vietnam som kommer att vara köpare av Wacker. Tullarna är nog tyvärr kvar.
Alla andra stora - JA, Trina, Qcells, Yingli, Longi, Canadian, etc. kommer att följa med och bygga wafer utanför Kina. Det här är goda nyheter. Marknaden har börjat att lösa problemen som uppstår med tullar. Det kommer att ta tid men jag har väntat många år på att FBR ska bli mainstream för Kisel så jag kan vänta några år till.
Jinko kan mycket väl köpa från REC på spotmarknad eller signa en deal med REC nästa vecka. jag har svårt att tro att de lägger alla ägg i en korg och litar fullt ut på Wacker. Vi vet att det kan bli driftstopp i anläggningar.
7GW wafers kräver ca 30.000 ton kisel. Wacker i Charlseston USA har en kapacitet på 20.000 ton. Det saknas 10.000 ton som de kan köpa från Wacker i Tyskland men jag tror inte de har ledig kapacitet.
Alla andra stora - JA, Trina, Qcells, Yingli, Longi, Canadian, etc. kommer att följa med och bygga wafer utanför Kina. Det här är goda nyheter. Marknaden har börjat att lösa problemen som uppstår med tullar. Det kommer att ta tid men jag har väntat många år på att FBR ska bli mainstream för Kisel så jag kan vänta några år till.
Jinko kan mycket väl köpa från REC på spotmarknad eller signa en deal med REC nästa vecka. jag har svårt att tro att de lägger alla ägg i en korg och litar fullt ut på Wacker. Vi vet att det kan bli driftstopp i anläggningar.
7GW wafers kräver ca 30.000 ton kisel. Wacker i Charlseston USA har en kapacitet på 20.000 ton. Det saknas 10.000 ton som de kan köpa från Wacker i Tyskland men jag tror inte de har ledig kapacitet.
18.08.2021 kl 14:32
Takk for avklaring. Kan være at ting løsner nå. Da blir man i så fall ikke helt avhengig av US supply chain.
18.08.2021 kl 14:52
Om det pågår eller er over vet jeg ikke da det er bak betalingsmur
Centra Invest selger unna i REC
Centra Invest selger unna i REC
Hahahah helt utrolig hvordan FA prøver å finne det minste som kan tolkes negativt om REC
18.08.2021 kl 15:01
Det er agurknytt det her. Centra Invest forsvant fra top 20 for mer enn en uke siden. Old news
De har solgt seg ned siste 2 uker. Sitter igjen med ca. 900000 aksjer. Så de har solgt rundt 2 mill aksjer.