Nyheter som angår Rec

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RECSI 28.03.2021 kl 18:14 791019

Helgelesning fra pv-magazine:
Redigert 18.01.2022 kl 19:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
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30.09.2021 kl 18:49 14663

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is pressing ahead with her plan to stage a Thursday vote on the Senate-passed infrastructure bill, brushing aside threats from liberals vowing to sink the proposal and expressing confidence it will pass.

"We’re on a path to win the vote," Pelosi said. "I don't want to even consider any options other than that."

30.09.2021 kl 19:49 14535

Two Powerful Progressive Political Groups Are At Odds Over China
SEPTEMBER 30, 2021
01.10.2021 kl 06:02 14090

Commerce says petitioners can’t be anonymous in latest solar panel tariff development
SEPTEMBER 30, 2021

The group has until Oct. 6, 2021, to provide Commerce with further proof of tariff circumvention by Chinese companies working in Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, and then the department will initiate a 45-day review.

With this latest Commerce request back to the petitioners, the 45-day initiation deadline resets. A-SMACC has until Oct. 6 to provide more information, and then Commerce could make its final decision on Nov. 22.

Bob Macahan
01.10.2021 kl 09:39 13640

Jag är osäker på vilka lagförslag som fått uppmärksamhet här på forumet men jag ska sammanställa de lagförslag som jag ser som mycket viktiga och intressant för just REC och solcellsindustrin.
Batterier är ett helt annat kapitel som kräver ett eget inlägg.

Här kommer lagförslagen om lämnats in till kongressen

Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act of 2021https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/s1062

Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/s2140

Reclaiming the Solar Supply Chain Act of 2021https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr5332

Detta lagförslag har också uppmärksammats av PV magazine där de skriver att "the legislation would provide funding for the construction of new manufacturing facilities and to retrofit, retool, and expand existing facilities. " https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2021/09/27/house-bill-would-channel-3-5-billion-to-domestic-solar-manufacturing/

Alla dessa initiativ kommer förr eller senare att gynna REC. Kisel är den nya oljan och REC är bäst i världen på vissa delar kisel industrin. USA och Europa kommer att ta tillbaka värdekedjan från Kina eller eventuellt bygga upp en paralell tillverkning. Ingen kan acceptera att solcellsindustrin är kolkraftsintensiv och driven av slavarbete.
Probelmet är att politik tar långt tid men när väl pusselbitarna faller på plats kommer REC att expandera och utvecklas i flera decennier. Både inom solceller och batterier. Det är frustrerande när kursen kollapsar som den gör men håll ut och håll i.
01.10.2021 kl 13:48 13467

Silicon’s 300% Surge Throws Another Price Shock at the World
OCTOBER 1, 2021
01.10.2021 kl 13:49 13624

Global solar photovoltaic panel manufacturing market could reach $298.56 billion in 2025
OCTOBER 1, 2021
01.10.2021 kl 14:23 13404

Vi bør vel anta at Butte går ganske varm om dagen i lys av dette?
01.10.2021 kl 19:26 12774

Det ble så stille på RECSI trådene, har alle solgt?
Slettet bruker
01.10.2021 kl 19:28 12773

Nei , venter bare på nyheter .. 😃
Slettet bruker
01.10.2021 kl 19:52 12676

Hver gang jeg har prøvd å gå inn i dag har forumet kræsjet, veldig ustabile servere de må bruke. Aldri opplevd makan til dårlig tilgjengelighet.
01.10.2021 kl 19:59 12636

Har opplevd det samme.
01.10.2021 kl 20:58 12436

Selge? Vet ikke helt når jeg skal selge men å selge på kr 13 nå er bare dumt. Kunne heller solgt da den kom 17 kr. Jeg er langsiktig og satser på at Rec skal klare å utnytte muligheten innenfor sol og batteri. Nå er det bare å vente på nyheten, forhåpentligvis veldig snart da jeg er lei av jokkingen mellom 13.40 -13,10😊
01.10.2021 kl 21:04 11920

Er lige kommet ud af skammekrogen derfor har det været stille fra mig. Ellers sidder jeg stadig med samme beholdning :)
01.10.2021 kl 21:04 11946

Admin har skrevet om det. Mpcc-tråden som ble for lang.
01.10.2021 kl 21:11 11909

Slettet bruker
02.10.2021 kl 00:01 11535

fra twitter @sarahnferris:

Biden discussed a topline RANGE between $1.9 trillion - $2.3 trillion, sources tell
@sarahnferris and me Dems had been hoping to get Manchin/Sinema to agree to something around $2.1 trillion, we've previously reported
Manchin has been firm at $1.5


'It doesn't matter when' infrastructure bill passes, Biden says
Joe Biden argued that the timeline for approval of the infrastructure bill is unimportant, expressing confidence in the legislation’s ultimate passage.
Exiting his meeting with House Democrats on Capitol Hill, Biden said, “We’re going to get this thing done.”
04.10.2021 kl 06:40 10116

The decreasing cost of renewables unlikely to plateau anytime soon
OCTOBER 3, 2021
04.10.2021 kl 12:43 9440


Nye handelssamtaler mellom USA og Kina
USA og Kina skal møtes til nye samtaler om handel, et tema som ennå er betent mellom de to stormaktene. Samtalene vil være ærlige, ifølge en representant.

USAs handelsutsending Katherine Tai skal møte representanter fra Kina i løpet av de kommende dagene til det hun beskriver som «ærlige samtaler», ifølge nyhetsbyrået AFP.

Mandag skal hun holde en tale som AFP har fått tilgang til, der vil hun understreke Biden-administrasjonens strategi om å samarbeide med allierte i sin handelskonkurranse med Kina.
Bob Macahan
04.10.2021 kl 14:38 8991

Om 90 minuter kan vi lyssna på vad Katherine Thai kommer att fokusera på under samtalen med Liu He. Det visas live på youtube https://www.csis.org/events/conversation-ambassador-katherine-tai-us-trade-representative

Det är högt uppsatta personer så samtalen är på riktigt. Båda två har mandat och förtroende från sina respektive regeringar. Lie He var med och signerade phase 1 med Trump och Katherine Thai har förberett sig i månader för dagens presentation och veckans kommande samtal med Liu He. Prisvolatiliteten är smärtsam men det gäller att hålla fokus på det fundamentala.
Redigert 04.10.2021 kl 14:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
Bob Macahan
04.10.2021 kl 16:17 8724

solar industry mentioned around 16 minutes in the speech and semiconductors 17 minutes in.
04.10.2021 kl 18:09 8461

«Det et mørkest før det gryr av dag» for å sitere en gammel salme….. FiH
04.10.2021 kl 19:29 8372

European Commission hints at solar module carbon footprint standards
OCTOBER 4, 2021

A consultation process examining whether legislation is required to ensure the eco credentials of panels and inverters is focusing on eco-design and energy labeling but has also made mention of the need for less carbon intensive manufacturing.

Slettet bruker
05.10.2021 kl 13:15 7823

Why the U.S. would gain from a domestic renewable energy supply chain
Slettet bruker
05.10.2021 kl 20:50 7408

Manchin opens door to deal in range of $1.9T to $2.2T - https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/575377-manchin-opens-door-to-deal-in-range-of-19t-to-22t
Slettet bruker
05.10.2021 kl 21:28 7168

Merk ordene ON or NEAR …For dem med Minne som en gullfisk :

Luebbe is the CEO and co-founder of Woodinville, Washington-based Group14 Technologies, which announced a deal last week to locate its new production facility on or near REC Silicon’s production plant to eventually make upwards of 750,000 silicon anodes a year for rechargeable batteries.

“We already have a team in Moses Lake,” Luebbe said. “We hope to have 200 people employed when up and running.”

Redigert 05.10.2021 kl 21:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
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05.10.2021 kl 21:31 7161

Happening Now: President Biden delivers remarks on the need for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and his Build Back Better Agenda.
Slettet bruker
05.10.2021 kl 22:20 7004

Han er litt av en taler! Og han sier at det må handles fort//
Sol, vind, batteri og elbiler/// «The future electric»

«Made in America». RECsi har skutt gullfuglen, det går uunngåelig snart gå opp for flere enn Røkke (og Ulltveit-Moe)🔆 RECsi flerdoble innen jul**

06.10.2021 kl 05:20 6661

Dersom saken med A-SMACC kommer opp til Bidens nivå, tror jeg han vil favorisere polysil foran installatører. Man skal redde klima, men med amerikansk produserte solceller, aldeles ikke med kinesisk kullfyrte solceller.
Slettet bruker
06.10.2021 kl 05:29 6739

Slettet bruker skrev Nok en bekreftelse. BULL.
Nettopp …ganske klart tale , tror de bare venter på at Biden-pakken vedtas :

Group14 has already been onsite at REC Silicon’s Moses Lake plant producing small batches of its silicon-graphite anode, and it has begun design work with REC on its full-scale production facility. The company is looking to set up shop in Moses Lake because of the region’s cheap and plentiful hydroelectric power as well as REC Silicon’s production facility.

“We plan to break ground in 2021, and we think it will take about 18 months to complete,” Luebbe said. “It’s going to be a fantastic opportunity for the Moses Lake area as we establish this plant and continue to grow with the industry.”

Redigert 06.10.2021 kl 05:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.10.2021 kl 08:17 6353

Readout of Ambassador Katherine Tai’s Meeting with Norway’s Minister Of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide
OCTOBER 5, 2021

WASHINGTON – United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai today met with Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide in Paris, France, on the margins of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Ambassador Tai and Minister Søreide discussed the importance of a meaningful agreement on the fisheries subsidies negotiations and a successful World Trade Organization 12th Ministerial Conference. They also addressed shared challenges posed by non-market economies.

Ambassador Tai and Minister Søreide concluded by emphasizing the importance of a strong U.S. - Norwegian bilateral trade relationship.

06.10.2021 kl 08:24 6308

First Takes: Our Initial Reactions to USTR Tai’s CSIS Speech on China Policy
OCTOBER 5, 2021

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai unveiled the Biden Administration’s China trade policy during a highly anticipated speech on Monday, October 4, at CSIS. In wide-ranging yet carefully worded comments (transcript), she announced that: 1) She would soon enter into conversations with her Chinese counterpart (Liu He) to discuss worrying elements of China’s compliance with the Phase-One Agreement and broader issues of Chinese industrial policy not covered by the deal; and 2) The administration would resume the “exclusions” process to handle applications from U.S. companies who want to import goods covered by the Trump-era tariffs on China. More broadly, she stressed that she is a pragmatist and is keeping all options on the table. Meanwhile, she emphasized that the administration is moving ahead with other policies – investment at home and greater coordination with allies – that will put the U.S. in a stronger position to interact with China.
Redigert 06.10.2021 kl 08:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
06.10.2021 kl 11:49 5839

Polysilprisen fortsetter opp:
Item High Low Avg AChg AChg%
PolySilicon 36.300 25.000 33.740 1.12 3.43%
Unit: USD Last Update: 2021-10-06
Slettet bruker
06.10.2021 kl 21:13 5377

Republikanerne åpner for å heve gjeldstaket i USA
Republikanerne i Kongressen i Washington foreslår en midlertidig løsning som skal sikre at statsapparatets gjeldstak blir hevet fram til desember