India satser stort på sol. Nå gjelder det bare å få tak i polysilisium:
Bob Macahan
10.10.2021 kl 07:06
De har inte blandat ihop med REC solar. Det här initiativet fokuserar på utveckling av nya material. Det är väldigt intressant att REC silicon engagerar sig i ett sammanhang som helt saknar koppling till solceller men fokuserar på material och ”coating”. Antingen letar de desperat efter affärer eller så börjar forskare intressera sig för silan gas i sitt arbete med att ta fram nya material.
Välkomma till forumet PLACERA i Sverige. Där finns mycket kunskap om allt som rör svenska bolag men norsk input på forumet för REC hade alla uppskattat. Alla i Sverige borde få upplysning om REC silicon som case. REC silicon är helt unknown för svenska investerare
Välkomma till forumet PLACERA i Sverige. Där finns mycket kunskap om allt som rör svenska bolag men norsk input på forumet för REC hade alla uppskattat. Alla i Sverige borde få upplysning om REC silicon som case. REC silicon är helt unknown för svenska investerare
Redigert 10.10.2021 kl 07:09
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10.10.2021 kl 00:19
Er ikke akkurat breaking news slik jeg ser det men velger å dele dette likevel. Det er mulig de forveksler med REC Solar, men her er RECSI nevnt i en artikkel fra Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency, noe som i følge wikipedia er en offentlig interesseorganisasjon som har ansvar for å fremme utenrikshandel og tiltrekke seg utenlandske investeringer i Belgia, men artikkelen er på fransk (noe jeg ikke forstår). Etter oversetting med google translate står det: "blant de interessante nordiske industrielle utsiktene kan vi allerede nevne potensielle kontakter med grupper som Volvo, Höganäs, Stora Enso, SAAB, Kongsberg, Benteler, Hexagon, REC silisium eller til og med Norner."
Artikkelen var også delt fra "PLASTIWIN" på LinkedIn, har ingen anelse om hva det er, men linker til begge sidene om noen finner det interessant.
BONUS: for likesinnende som meg som leser absolutt alle REC-tråder, så fant jeg et svensk forum for RECSI.
Artikkelen var også delt fra "PLASTIWIN" på LinkedIn, har ingen anelse om hva det er, men linker til begge sidene om noen finner det interessant.
BONUS: for likesinnende som meg som leser absolutt alle REC-tråder, så fant jeg et svensk forum for RECSI.
Jeg er sikker på de klarer. De har Røkke og de sier de bruker tid for å få i stand de beste avtaler for aksjonærene.
TT har sagt at de er sikre på at kan melde om åpningsdato for ML mot slutten av året.
Når da markedet renner over av nyheter som styrker forhandlingskortene til RECsi, og daglig bekrefter RECsi sin posisjon - er det derimot svært forunderlig at markedet stresser over at det ikke kommer nyheter og dertil har sendt kursen sørover.
Selskapet har Røkke til rors/ hans motto er «en god jeger, er en tålmodig jeger». Det er så bull som det kan få blitt!
TT har sagt at de er sikre på at kan melde om åpningsdato for ML mot slutten av året.
Når da markedet renner over av nyheter som styrker forhandlingskortene til RECsi, og daglig bekrefter RECsi sin posisjon - er det derimot svært forunderlig at markedet stresser over at det ikke kommer nyheter og dertil har sendt kursen sørover.
Selskapet har Røkke til rors/ hans motto er «en god jeger, er en tålmodig jeger». Det er så bull som det kan få blitt!
Når man leser slike nyheter dagligdags så klarer jeg ikke fatte om REC ledelse ikke for til noe stort snart.
Både når det gjelder Butte og ML.
Module Makers Want Chinese Govt. To Steer Industry From Crisis
11:27 PM (Beijing Time) - 08. October 2021
Following a joint statement by leading PV module makers of China calling on developers to defer their projects, PV InfoLink said it will revise down its global demand forecast soon.
LONGi Green Energy, JinkoSolar, Trina Solar, JA Solar and Risen Energy have issued a joint statement calling for government’s attention
They want the government to help steer the domestic PV industry from the current raw material supply challenges and power rationing
They also want raw material manufacturers to ensure good price control
Customers have been recommended to defer their project completion
If the ongoing global solar PV raw material supply issues were not enough to rattle the industry, the Chinese government’s decision to ration power supply in the country has thrown in yet another challenge for the entire supply chain. Leading module suppliers are now calling on the Chinese government for a way out.
Famous as the world’s manufacturing hub the is now seeing increasing demand after a quick recovery post Covid, China battles power woes due to a coal shortage in the country on which it remains still highly dependent. China has been seeing coal power plants slowing power production as the country is seeking carbon neutrality by 2060. Power rationing across provinces is now impacting industrial activity including that for solar PV supply chain.
In a joint statement released recently that lists 4 recommended ways to deal with the situation, LONGi Green Energy Technology, JinkoSolar, Trina Solar, JA Solar and Risen Energy have requested the government’s intervention in the matter to avoid the year-end installation rush. For this, they request relevant state departments to deploy flexible policies.
These tier-I companies want their customers to consider delaying their project installations for the time being since power curbs in China have majorly impacted manufacturing unit utilization rates—expected to not exceed 70% during current times, not to miss raw material supply shortages already clogging the activity.
The letter urges PV industry associations to monitor upstream and downstream capacity in the supply chain and update so that companies can plan their capacity in advance. It will help balance supply and demand ratio while effectively restraining any ‘disorderly’ rise in raw material prices as well as ‘vicious competition’.
Companies want raw material manufacturers to bear in mind the common goal of healthy development of the PV market with a sustainable development perspective by ensuring good price controls and supply.
The signatories to the letter believe prices of material in the PV industrial chain has been on an increase over the past few months, and are expected to continue to rise in 2021. While price of PV glass in August increased 18.2% YoY, that of adhesive film went up by 35% over the same period. Polysilicon prices have gone up to exceed $260 per kg, according to the companies.
However, the letter comes at a time supply contracts are being re-negotiated due to rising prices and developers delaying PV projects due to module prices reaching levels that are making projects financially unsustainable. There is a big uncertainty in the sector as to what PV module prices will be next year.
PV InfoLink has said it will soon revise down forecast for global demand in the face of supply shortages and project deferral worldwide since power cuts in China have been seen impacting major manufacturers of polysilicon, wafer and EVA since early September 2021. Only in September, Bloomberg NEF was upping its 2021 solar demand outlook to 191 GW.
Både når det gjelder Butte og ML.
Module Makers Want Chinese Govt. To Steer Industry From Crisis
11:27 PM (Beijing Time) - 08. October 2021
Following a joint statement by leading PV module makers of China calling on developers to defer their projects, PV InfoLink said it will revise down its global demand forecast soon.
LONGi Green Energy, JinkoSolar, Trina Solar, JA Solar and Risen Energy have issued a joint statement calling for government’s attention
They want the government to help steer the domestic PV industry from the current raw material supply challenges and power rationing
They also want raw material manufacturers to ensure good price control
Customers have been recommended to defer their project completion
If the ongoing global solar PV raw material supply issues were not enough to rattle the industry, the Chinese government’s decision to ration power supply in the country has thrown in yet another challenge for the entire supply chain. Leading module suppliers are now calling on the Chinese government for a way out.
Famous as the world’s manufacturing hub the is now seeing increasing demand after a quick recovery post Covid, China battles power woes due to a coal shortage in the country on which it remains still highly dependent. China has been seeing coal power plants slowing power production as the country is seeking carbon neutrality by 2060. Power rationing across provinces is now impacting industrial activity including that for solar PV supply chain.
In a joint statement released recently that lists 4 recommended ways to deal with the situation, LONGi Green Energy Technology, JinkoSolar, Trina Solar, JA Solar and Risen Energy have requested the government’s intervention in the matter to avoid the year-end installation rush. For this, they request relevant state departments to deploy flexible policies.
These tier-I companies want their customers to consider delaying their project installations for the time being since power curbs in China have majorly impacted manufacturing unit utilization rates—expected to not exceed 70% during current times, not to miss raw material supply shortages already clogging the activity.
The letter urges PV industry associations to monitor upstream and downstream capacity in the supply chain and update so that companies can plan their capacity in advance. It will help balance supply and demand ratio while effectively restraining any ‘disorderly’ rise in raw material prices as well as ‘vicious competition’.
Companies want raw material manufacturers to bear in mind the common goal of healthy development of the PV market with a sustainable development perspective by ensuring good price controls and supply.
The signatories to the letter believe prices of material in the PV industrial chain has been on an increase over the past few months, and are expected to continue to rise in 2021. While price of PV glass in August increased 18.2% YoY, that of adhesive film went up by 35% over the same period. Polysilicon prices have gone up to exceed $260 per kg, according to the companies.
However, the letter comes at a time supply contracts are being re-negotiated due to rising prices and developers delaying PV projects due to module prices reaching levels that are making projects financially unsustainable. There is a big uncertainty in the sector as to what PV module prices will be next year.
PV InfoLink has said it will soon revise down forecast for global demand in the face of supply shortages and project deferral worldwide since power cuts in China have been seen impacting major manufacturers of polysilicon, wafer and EVA since early September 2021. Only in September, Bloomberg NEF was upping its 2021 solar demand outlook to 191 GW.
Redigert 09.10.2021 kl 15:06
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Maxeon refurbishes Mexican factories to set up 2.6 GW module manufacturing hub for US market: Both factories are located in the Baja California state bordering the United States and their entire output will be shipped… #solarenergy #solarpv #solar
Redigert 09.10.2021 kl 12:09
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09.10.2021 kl 11:09
NanoPV produserer blandt annet thinfilm PV
Fra REC`s hjemmeside
"Silane is the principal material used in the production of polysilicon and is an essential material for thin film PV, semiconductors and LCD display manufacturing”
Redigert 09.10.2021 kl 11:18
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Man forbereder infrastrukturen for EV i USA:
09.10.2021 kl 09:59
1 new job fik jeg på mail i dag 09-10-21
Quality Manager
REC Silicon
Butte, Montana, USA
Quality Manager
REC Silicon
Butte, Montana, USA
Slettet brukerskrev Melding fra REC rundt neste sving?
Selskapet driver tilsynelatende med montering av solcellepaneler, men det skrives ingenting om hvor de skaffer materialene fra. Det er vel ikke gitt at dette gir Rec business? Bare jeg som ikke henger helt med her eller ikke klarer å dra en åpenbar kobling?
Jeg forstår at dette indikerer investeringer i hjemlig verdikjede for solar, men vi skulle vel helst hatt noen som produserer waffere/thin film for at dette styrker caset direkte for Rec. Eller?
Jeg forstår at dette indikerer investeringer i hjemlig verdikjede for solar, men vi skulle vel helst hatt noen som produserer waffere/thin film for at dette styrker caset direkte for Rec. Eller?
Redigert 08.10.2021 kl 11:26
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Slettet brukerskrev Melding fra REC rundt neste sving?
Kan ikke skjønne annet enn at vi får nyheter enten før eller rett etter kvartalsrapporten.
Melding fra REC rundt neste sving?
Slettet brukerskrevInnlegget er slettet
Haha. Planen var å opprinnelig være borte frem til desember / januar. Jeg skrev i min opprinnelige innlegg for noen måneder siden at jeg ikke tror noe skjer før det, og det er lite vits for meg å gjenta det alle vet om og om igjen. Fallet til 13kr forventet jeg derimot ikke og det førte meg tilbake for å prøve å roe ned folk litt.
Jeg har jo begynt med TA selv, men Sirbalo er fremdeles eksperten. Tror selskapet vil få nødvendige avklaringer på plass mot slutten av året og da vil markedet respondere med økt tillit, noe som vil gi oss en mer rettferdig markedsverdi. Ikke spør om min mening rundt markedet..... fylt med idioter og frykt.... :(
EDIT: beklager flyers. Du har rett. God helg folkens!
Jeg har jo begynt med TA selv, men Sirbalo er fremdeles eksperten. Tror selskapet vil få nødvendige avklaringer på plass mot slutten av året og da vil markedet respondere med økt tillit, noe som vil gi oss en mer rettferdig markedsverdi. Ikke spør om min mening rundt markedet..... fylt med idioter og frykt.... :(
EDIT: beklager flyers. Du har rett. God helg folkens!
Redigert 08.10.2021 kl 09:44
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Har ikke hatt tid siste tiden, og lite tilgang til pc.
Blir mer oppdatering fra november :-)
Edit: God helg til dere begge og enig vi burde holde tråden til kun nyheter.
Blir mer oppdatering fra november :-)
Edit: God helg til dere begge og enig vi burde holde tråden til kun nyheter.
Redigert 08.10.2021 kl 09:42
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Dette er en tråd for Rec nyheter. Det er fint om vi kan holde den mest mulig ren, og lar småprat og andre lette kommentarer skje på de andre trådene. Ha en fin helg👍
Slettet brukerskrev Hadde ikke fått med meg denne haha, skjer mye nå !!
Sirbalo! Jeg blir glad hver gang jeg ser deg! Hvordan går det med deg? :)
Hvordan ser ting ut fra et teknisk perspektiv? Hadde vært flott med innspill fra deg. Takk :)
Hvordan ser ting ut fra et teknisk perspektiv? Hadde vært flott med innspill fra deg. Takk :)
Hadde ikke fått med meg denne haha, skjer mye nå !!
08.10.2021 kl 08:39
Omg!!! Dette går raskt :)
Grunnen til at anodematerialeprodusentene bygger fabrikker noen få km fra REC er jo at de har andre hensyn å ta enn bare frakten av silan. Parkering for ansatte og nærhet til offentlig kommuniksjon teller med når man skal finne ut hvor man skal anlegge fabrikk :)
Grunnen til at anodematerialeprodusentene bygger fabrikker noen få km fra REC er jo at de har andre hensyn å ta enn bare frakten av silan. Parkering for ansatte og nærhet til offentlig kommuniksjon teller med når man skal finne ut hvor man skal anlegge fabrikk :)
Det kommer rec å gjøre også, og det blir når de melder om åpning av ML.
Group 14 sier jo fortsatt planen er andre fabrikk i Washington, det er den 12000 t store fabrikken som er planen i ML som skal være klar i 2023.
Blir bra til slutt det her . Jeg har ingen tvil for øyeblikket!
Group14 is building a battery materials plant in South Korea through a joint venture with SK. It also has a materials plant near its headquarters in Woodinville, Washington, and is building a second factory there that will begin operation in early 2023 to expand production of its silicon-carbon composites. It is planning a third U.S. plant, as well as one in Europe
Group 14 sier jo fortsatt planen er andre fabrikk i Washington, det er den 12000 t store fabrikken som er planen i ML som skal være klar i 2023.
Blir bra til slutt det her . Jeg har ingen tvil for øyeblikket!
Group14 is building a battery materials plant in South Korea through a joint venture with SK. It also has a materials plant near its headquarters in Woodinville, Washington, and is building a second factory there that will begin operation in early 2023 to expand production of its silicon-carbon composites. It is planning a third U.S. plant, as well as one in Europe
Skrev et innlegg i et annet tråd for noen minutter siden hvor jeg beskriver akkurat det du skriver om, Vilter. For de som har kapital og muligheten til å gjøre kjøp så er dette en gull mulighet. Faktisk er det bare bra for meg personlig om aksjekurs faller enda mer, for jeg har langsiktige tanker og ønsker så lav snitt som mulig. Dessverre er det andre folk der ute som ikke har anledningen til å snitte ned eller benytte kjøpsmuligheter og for dem kan jeg forstå frustrasjonen over at aksjekurs ikke reagerer som man ønsker. Men helt enig med poenget om at fundamentet er hva som avgjør og ikke markedsverdi, innenfor vekst selskaper som REC.
Frustrasjon? Jeg har benyttet anledning til å handle enda litt mer - både på 16, 14 og seneste på 12,60, og det mens den ene gode nyheten etter den andre har triller inn siden februar og kursen var den dobbelte.
Det er et ulogisk og utålmodig markedet, og jeg har takket i form av å kjøpe flere aksjer for alt jeg er god for. Jeg tror ikke tilbudet overlever Q3🔮
Det er et ulogisk og utålmodig markedet, og jeg har takket i form av å kjøpe flere aksjer for alt jeg er god for. Jeg tror ikke tilbudet overlever Q3🔮
Vet det er frustrerende, men må bare gi det tid. Er positivt for selskapet at test piloter kjøres. Det er riktig retning. Slike avgjørelser tar dessverre lengre tid enn mange av oss håpet på. Selv om ting virker klart for mange, så trengs det fremdeles tid for at alle prosessene kan gjennomføres. Ordner seg min venn.
07.10.2021 kl 22:26
Slettet brukerskrev Helt enig. Sannsynligheten for at dette ikke involverer REC er helt minimal.
Dette involverer jo REC så det holder?
G14 og REC har fortsatt en intensjonsavtale...
G14 er avhengig av denne for å kunne "scale up" og være verdensledende med sine anoder (masseproduksjon)
Hold dere fast, for snart tar det av.
G14 og REC har fortsatt en intensjonsavtale...
G14 er avhengig av denne for å kunne "scale up" og være verdensledende med sine anoder (masseproduksjon)
Hold dere fast, for snart tar det av.
Helt enig. Sannsynligheten for at dette ikke involverer REC er helt minimal.
Vær glad du kan fortsatt akkumulere på disse nivåene.
Tikk takk tikk takk tikk takk tikk takk tikk takk....💣
Tikk takk tikk takk tikk takk tikk takk tikk takk....💣
alle melder om at silikon i batteriene er det nye men den j-la rec ledelsen er tause som noen j-la naut
tror dessverre ikke at den den lille rekefiskeren jobber for aksjonærene . gribben jobber for seg selv
tror dessverre ikke at den den lille rekefiskeren jobber for aksjonærene . gribben jobber for seg selv
Tenker REC må snart gi markedet noe!?
Today, we’re making lithium-silicon a reality for EVs! 🥳 We’re thrilled to announce the first silicon-based anode for an EV-scale battery with @Farasis – bringing 25% greater energy density than anything on the market. More from @gablova via @business:
Today, we’re making lithium-silicon a reality for EVs! 🥳 We’re thrilled to announce the first silicon-based anode for an EV-scale battery with @Farasis – bringing 25% greater energy density than anything on the market. More from @gablova via @business:
Bob Macahan
07.10.2021 kl 20:27
🚀🚀🚀🚀 Nu ska blankarna köpa tillbaka och de som vill hänga med gör bäst i att ta position innan rapporten om 14 dagar 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Så nå Group 14 og Sila Nano involvert i Daimler🙂
07.10.2021 kl 19:36
Mercedes-Backed Farasis Says Silicon Boosts Battery Energy 25%
Farasis Energy, the Chinese battery manufacturer backed by Mercedes-Benz, said a lithium-silicon battery it’s developing with Group14 Technologies Inc. passed a key performance test, paving the way for its commercialization in electric vehicles.
Group14, which makes battery materials, is part of a crowded field of companies trying to land on new battery chemistries that could speed EV adoption by providing automakers with safer, cheaper alternatives or improvements to lithium-ion batteries.
The cell that Farasis and Group14 have developed was found to have 25% more energy density than a typical lithium-ion battery in cars today, according to Group14, meaning it can go farther on a single charge without increasing cost. It also retained 80% of its storage capacity after being charged and discharged 1,500 times, matching the performance of current lithium-ion batteries, said Rick Luebbe, chief executive officer of Group14. The results were also verified by the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium.
“People talk about what might be available in 2026 or 2027,” Luebbe said. “This is a today technology that Farasis has validated works right now.”
Farasis confirmed the battery that contains Group14’s materials works in an EV-sized cell and meets automotive specifications.
“We’ll see these in cells in electric vehicles by 2023,” Luebbe said. “But we expect to be in the majority of EV battery cells by 2025.”
Farasis, whose parent is based in Ganzhou, China, declined to comment on when it plans to offer the battery to customers. “With continued progress this technology could be successful in future generations of vehicles,” the company said in a statement.
Batteries have three major components: two electrodes -- an anode and a cathode -- and an electrolyte that helps shuttle the charge between them. The materials used to make them determine how much energy batteries store and at what cost.
The cell developed by Farasis and Group14 has a silicon-carbon anode instead of the graphite in most EV batteries today. It is one of several breakthroughs that companies are targeting to improve range and lower costs. Companies like QuantumScape Corp. are taking a different path by pursuing solid-state lithium-metal batteries, which use solid materials instead of flammable liquids to enable charging and discharging.
“There’s a bit of a horse race going on between these two” technologies, said Venkat Srinivasan, director of the battery center at the U.S. government-backed Argonne National Laboratory. “It comes down to who is going to execute, create those large numbers of batteries, capture the market, and demonstrate the battery they’re making can satisfy all the metrics for the application.”
A common stumbling block with silicon anodes is that charging makes the silicon swell, reducing battery life. Group14 says that by using nanoengineering -- manipulating molecules -- it can prevent that from happening.
Group14 counts SK Materials Co. and Chinese battery maker Amperex Technology Ltd. as investors. It’s in the process of raising money in a private funding round to fuel its expansion, Luebbe said.
Group14 is building a battery materials plant in South Korea through a joint venture with SK. It also has a materials plant near its headquarters in Woodinville, Washington, and is building a second factory there that will begin operation in early 2023 to expand production of its silicon-carbon composites. It is planning a third U.S. plant, as well as one in Europe.
Farasis counts Mercedes, Volvo Car AB and Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. as customers. Mercedes parent Daimler AG has invested and its development chief, Markus Schaefer, said last month that the German automaker is considering expanding the relationship.
Mercedes-Backed Farasis Says Silicon Boosts Battery Energy 25%
Farasis Energy, the Chinese battery manufacturer backed by Mercedes-Benz, said a lithium-silicon battery it’s developing with Group14 Technologies Inc. passed a key performance test, paving the way for its commercialization in electric vehicles.
Group14, which makes battery materials, is part of a crowded field of companies trying to land on new battery chemistries that could speed EV adoption by providing automakers with safer, cheaper alternatives or improvements to lithium-ion batteries.
The cell that Farasis and Group14 have developed was found to have 25% more energy density than a typical lithium-ion battery in cars today, according to Group14, meaning it can go farther on a single charge without increasing cost. It also retained 80% of its storage capacity after being charged and discharged 1,500 times, matching the performance of current lithium-ion batteries, said Rick Luebbe, chief executive officer of Group14. The results were also verified by the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium.
“People talk about what might be available in 2026 or 2027,” Luebbe said. “This is a today technology that Farasis has validated works right now.”
Farasis confirmed the battery that contains Group14’s materials works in an EV-sized cell and meets automotive specifications.
“We’ll see these in cells in electric vehicles by 2023,” Luebbe said. “But we expect to be in the majority of EV battery cells by 2025.”
Farasis, whose parent is based in Ganzhou, China, declined to comment on when it plans to offer the battery to customers. “With continued progress this technology could be successful in future generations of vehicles,” the company said in a statement.
Batteries have three major components: two electrodes -- an anode and a cathode -- and an electrolyte that helps shuttle the charge between them. The materials used to make them determine how much energy batteries store and at what cost.
The cell developed by Farasis and Group14 has a silicon-carbon anode instead of the graphite in most EV batteries today. It is one of several breakthroughs that companies are targeting to improve range and lower costs. Companies like QuantumScape Corp. are taking a different path by pursuing solid-state lithium-metal batteries, which use solid materials instead of flammable liquids to enable charging and discharging.
“There’s a bit of a horse race going on between these two” technologies, said Venkat Srinivasan, director of the battery center at the U.S. government-backed Argonne National Laboratory. “It comes down to who is going to execute, create those large numbers of batteries, capture the market, and demonstrate the battery they’re making can satisfy all the metrics for the application.”
A common stumbling block with silicon anodes is that charging makes the silicon swell, reducing battery life. Group14 says that by using nanoengineering -- manipulating molecules -- it can prevent that from happening.
Group14 counts SK Materials Co. and Chinese battery maker Amperex Technology Ltd. as investors. It’s in the process of raising money in a private funding round to fuel its expansion, Luebbe said.
Group14 is building a battery materials plant in South Korea through a joint venture with SK. It also has a materials plant near its headquarters in Woodinville, Washington, and is building a second factory there that will begin operation in early 2023 to expand production of its silicon-carbon composites. It is planning a third U.S. plant, as well as one in Europe.
Farasis counts Mercedes, Volvo Car AB and Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. as customers. Mercedes parent Daimler AG has invested and its development chief, Markus Schaefer, said last month that the German automaker is considering expanding the relationship.
Bob Macahan
07.10.2021 kl 19:28
Snart ser vi Mercedes, Volvo och Polestar med fantastisk performance. Allt härstammar i grunden från REC silicon 🤑
Tesla står kvar på perrongen med sitt silicon partiklar
Tesla står kvar på perrongen med sitt silicon partiklar
07.10.2021 kl 19:18
HAYWARD, Calif., WOODINVILLE, Wash., October 7, 2021 -- Farasis Energy, one of the world‘s leading manufacturers of lithium-ion pouch batteries, announced today a significant performance milestone for EV batteries featuring lithium-silicon technology developed by Group14 Technologies, a global manufacturer of advanced silicon-carbon anodes.
A leading developer of automotive EV batteries globally, Farasis already delivers the highest-performing lithium-ion batteries on the market and has notable partnerships with automotive OEMs Daimler and Geely.
In cells built and tested by Farasis utilizing Group14’s flagship silicon-carbon anode material SCC55™, the company has achieved an increase in energy density that would enable them to reach 330 Wh/kg in typical automotive cells with more than 1000 charge-discharge cycles. The battery EV cell will have a volumetric energy density of 750 Wh/l.
“Traditional BEV lithium-ion batteries using graphite for anode materials typically can approach 260 Wh/kg energy density, so this performance boost over traditional lithium-ion batteries represents a real breakthrough for EV applications,” said Dr. Keith Kepler, CTO of Farasis Energy.
Compared to typical automotive EV batteries on the market today with energy density in the range of 260 Wh/kg, a Farasis Energy automotive battery powered with SCC55™ could increase EV range significantly without compromising cycle life standards set by high-quality graphites and synthetic graphites.
“These significant third-party results with Farasis demonstrate that SCC55™ has the potential to meaningfully impact the performance of batteries for automotive applications,” said Dr. Rick Costantino, CTO of Group14 Technologies. “This is a significant milestone in our goal to enable EVs to achieve true cost-parity with internal combustion engines, and Group14 is ready to deliver our lithium-silicon battery technology manufactured in our commercial-scale Battery Active Materials (BAM) factory in Washington state.”
HAYWARD, Calif., WOODINVILLE, Wash., October 7, 2021 -- Farasis Energy, one of the world‘s leading manufacturers of lithium-ion pouch batteries, announced today a significant performance milestone for EV batteries featuring lithium-silicon technology developed by Group14 Technologies, a global manufacturer of advanced silicon-carbon anodes.
A leading developer of automotive EV batteries globally, Farasis already delivers the highest-performing lithium-ion batteries on the market and has notable partnerships with automotive OEMs Daimler and Geely.
In cells built and tested by Farasis utilizing Group14’s flagship silicon-carbon anode material SCC55™, the company has achieved an increase in energy density that would enable them to reach 330 Wh/kg in typical automotive cells with more than 1000 charge-discharge cycles. The battery EV cell will have a volumetric energy density of 750 Wh/l.
“Traditional BEV lithium-ion batteries using graphite for anode materials typically can approach 260 Wh/kg energy density, so this performance boost over traditional lithium-ion batteries represents a real breakthrough for EV applications,” said Dr. Keith Kepler, CTO of Farasis Energy.
Compared to typical automotive EV batteries on the market today with energy density in the range of 260 Wh/kg, a Farasis Energy automotive battery powered with SCC55™ could increase EV range significantly without compromising cycle life standards set by high-quality graphites and synthetic graphites.
“These significant third-party results with Farasis demonstrate that SCC55™ has the potential to meaningfully impact the performance of batteries for automotive applications,” said Dr. Rick Costantino, CTO of Group14 Technologies. “This is a significant milestone in our goal to enable EVs to achieve true cost-parity with internal combustion engines, and Group14 is ready to deliver our lithium-silicon battery technology manufactured in our commercial-scale Battery Active Materials (BAM) factory in Washington state.”
Bob Macahan
07.10.2021 kl 18:50
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Helt sjukt om de inte berättar något om OneD
07.10.2021 kl 18:03
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CEO I OneD Battery Sciences , Vincent Pluvinage intervjuet av limiting factor: