Siden du sa det to ganger så må det virkelig begynne å nærme seg. ;)
26.10.2021 kl 20:06
White House says U.S. can have solar supplies and stand up for human rights
OCTOBER 26, 2021
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Tuesday that the United States could have strong solar energy supply chains while standing up for human rights, following criticism that solar imports from China are linked to forced labor.
The U.S. government has issued warnings to businesses about the risks of supply chains and investments in China's Xinjiang region - which supplies much of the world's solar industry - based on accusations of mass detention camps there for Muslim ethnic groups.
Sullivan told reporters at a White House briefing ahead of President Joe Biden's attendance at the U.N. climate change conference next week that there was no "structural" reason why the United States should be "forced to choose" between solar energy and human rights.
OCTOBER 26, 2021
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Tuesday that the United States could have strong solar energy supply chains while standing up for human rights, following criticism that solar imports from China are linked to forced labor.
The U.S. government has issued warnings to businesses about the risks of supply chains and investments in China's Xinjiang region - which supplies much of the world's solar industry - based on accusations of mass detention camps there for Muslim ethnic groups.
Sullivan told reporters at a White House briefing ahead of President Joe Biden's attendance at the U.N. climate change conference next week that there was no "structural" reason why the United States should be "forced to choose" between solar energy and human rights.
26.10.2021 kl 21:28
avtalen er i boks tirsdag kveld eventuelt onsdag morgen.
avtalen er i boks tirsdag kveld eventuelt onsdag morgen.
Redigert 26.10.2021 kl 21:30
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Bob Macahan
26.10.2021 kl 22:07
Live uppdatering på förhandlingarna som pågår mellan demokrater just nu.
Biden plan expected to include at least $500 billion for climate
We're five yards out, maybe two yards, from the end zone," one person directly involved in the talks said. But reconciling the outstanding issues in the next 24-36 hours is, in the words of that official, "Obviously a heavy lift."
We're five yards out, maybe two yards, from the end zone," one person directly involved in the talks said. But reconciling the outstanding issues in the next 24-36 hours is, in the words of that official, "Obviously a heavy lift."
Takk for link Flyers, der var det mye bra og beroligende lesning! Mens mye annet skal få en generøs "hair cut", ser det ut for at klimadelen av pakken kun får en reduksjon fra de opprinnelige 600 trillionene (i pakken av 35000), til 500. Også at deler av dette er øremerket økonomiske stimulanser for å oppnå egen kjede med sol.
Dette er knallbra !! På tide for større investorer å ta plass i alt som rører seg av selskaper som kommer gagne av denne pakken... Burde bli bra volum i REC nå fremover , når ting blir avklart hvilke rammer som gjelder ;)
27.10.2021 kl 11:25
BYD to reportedly raise battery prices by 20% due to raw material costs
BYD to reportedly raise battery prices by 20% due to raw material costs
Interessant. Det vil i tilfellet ha mye og si. Batteriene er desidert den dyreste komponenten i disse elbilene.
27.10.2021 kl 11:32
Dette er helt bestemt noget jeg skal følge med på fremover. Tak for at dele omac💯
27.10.2021 kl 11:56
U.S. and Korea to Have More Dialogue on Semiconductor Industry Issues
OCTOBER 27, 2021
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy had a video conference with the U.S. Department of Commerce on Oct. 25. There, they decided to open a new channel of dialogue for cooperation in the semiconductor industry.
OCTOBER 27, 2021
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy had a video conference with the U.S. Department of Commerce on Oct. 25. There, they decided to open a new channel of dialogue for cooperation in the semiconductor industry.
27.10.2021 kl 12:10
Rykende fersk oppdatering:
White House touts 'progress' in meeting with Manchin, Sinema -
White House touts 'progress' in meeting with Manchin, Sinema -
27.10.2021 kl 18:27
Schumer 'hopeful' spending framework can be reached Wednesday -
Mens Manchin liker fortsatt sirkuset:
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is raising concerns over a so-called billionaires tax that would target unrealized gains.
“I don’t like the connotation that were targeting different people,” Manchin told reporters on Wednesday.
But Manchin told reporters that Democrats should “absolutely” be able to reach a framework on Wednesday.
Men nå blir det (nesten) mer og mer tydelig på at alle vil få igjennom rammeverket før Biden skal opp i flyet sitt å fly til Europa! Blir spennende å følge dette videre utover kvelden.
Mens Manchin liker fortsatt sirkuset:
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is raising concerns over a so-called billionaires tax that would target unrealized gains.
“I don’t like the connotation that were targeting different people,” Manchin told reporters on Wednesday.
But Manchin told reporters that Democrats should “absolutely” be able to reach a framework on Wednesday.
Men nå blir det (nesten) mer og mer tydelig på at alle vil få igjennom rammeverket før Biden skal opp i flyet sitt å fly til Europa! Blir spennende å følge dette videre utover kvelden.
Litt på siden, men bra noen snakker imot den skatten på urealisert gevinst. Ville blitt katastrofe for markedet, som igjen ville rammet vanlige folk.
Redigert 27.10.2021 kl 19:10
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27.10.2021 kl 19:28
Ja, hva vi trenger er milliardærer som ikke har mer ting å bedrive på kloden - så de må svi av noen milliarder i verdensrommet i stedet.
Hva er dette for en kommentar? Ble du lei deg?
Ingen sier vel at de superrike ikke kan bidra mer, men skatt på urealisert gevinst vil være en idiotisk måte å gjøre det på. Du kan ikke ha forstått hva det går ut på.
Ingen sier vel at de superrike ikke kan bidra mer, men skatt på urealisert gevinst vil være en idiotisk måte å gjøre det på. Du kan ikke ha forstått hva det går ut på.
Redigert 27.10.2021 kl 19:31
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27.10.2021 kl 19:43
Hehe, måtte bare pirke litt i det jeg oppfattet som omsorgen din for de superrike. Debatt om beskatning kan - og bør - tas et annet sted, men å se hvordan de rikeste på alle mulige måter klarer å sno seg unna å betale sin skjerv til fellesskapet gjør meg forbanna. Når multimilliardærer og multimilliardselskapet klarer å betale kroner 0 i skatt, så er det noe alvorlig galt et sted. Så hvis du er enig i det, fint.
Forøvrig la oss satse på at pakkene går gjennom, både for miljøet og oss rec-aksjonærer sin del.
Forøvrig la oss satse på at pakkene går gjennom, både for miljøet og oss rec-aksjonærer sin del.
Du må ikke la ditt sinne mot rikingene gjøre at du ikke leser hva jeg skriver, kom ganske klart frem at det var selve forslaget om hvordan de skal skattelegges jeg reagerer på. Det gjør også veldig mange andre der ute, med god grunn :)
27.10.2021 kl 20:37
I følge «theHill» BLIR det avtale i kveld amerikansk tid, dvs. kanskje mot natt norsk tid. Da kan man si at «grunnsteinen» til ML «byggverket» blir lagt på plass i kveld... 🥳🍾🤩
Leser det vel annerledes. Jobbes fortsatt. Men får selvsagt håpe at det blir en deal. "BLIR" er vel noe sterkt ord.
Redigert 27.10.2021 kl 21:00
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Har forstått det slik at de ikke klarer pakken denne uka jeg? Har jeg lest feil?
27.10.2021 kl 21:09
Hvor har du lest det? De har jo hele tiden poengtert viktigheten av en avtale før møtet i Glasgow. I dag er en viktig dag!
Slettet brukerskrev Har forstått det slik at de ikke klarer pakken denne uka jeg? Har jeg lest feil?
Siste fra the hill: "Still, party leaders are leaving open the possibility that they'll achieve a breakthrough over the next 24 hours, before Biden gets on a plane.
Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), chairman of the Rules Committee, said an infrastructure vote this week is "still a possibility." He met with Pelosi Wednesday morning and said afterwards that the Speaker "thinks we're moving."
And Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) delivered a similar message, saying there will "possibly" be an infrastructure vote Thursday. Hoyer also suggested Biden might visit the Capitol Thursday to nudge reluctant lawmakers behind the bill.
Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), chairman of the Rules Committee, said an infrastructure vote this week is "still a possibility." He met with Pelosi Wednesday morning and said afterwards that the Speaker "thinks we're moving."
And Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) delivered a similar message, saying there will "possibly" be an infrastructure vote Thursday. Hoyer also suggested Biden might visit the Capitol Thursday to nudge reluctant lawmakers behind the bill.
27.10.2021 kl 22:08
edit: Ikke direkte relatert til forhandlingene om pakkene, uansett interessant.
edit: Ikke direkte relatert til forhandlingene om pakkene, uansett interessant.
Redigert 27.10.2021 kl 22:13
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Nå tror jeg pakkene går gjennom:
Crucial talks on Biden agenda enter homestretch -
Crucial talks on Biden agenda enter homestretch -
Ikke noe nytt der. De har jo til og med avtalt nytt møte i morgen. Så går ikke i gjennom i dag/natt
28.10.2021 kl 08:18
"The White House is also exploring forging a deeper partnership with 25 states that are taking their own climate actions."
28.10.2021 kl 09:08
Fra Twitter:
"Group14 Technologies
Party popper Honored to be named a finalist for Commercial Technology of the Year in the 2021 @SPGlobalPlatts
Energy Awards, particularly among such great company. We’re developing the battery for all batteries, and working hard daily at our U.S. and global factories.
"Group14 Technologies
Party popper Honored to be named a finalist for Commercial Technology of the Year in the 2021 @SPGlobalPlatts
Energy Awards, particularly among such great company. We’re developing the battery for all batteries, and working hard daily at our U.S. and global factories.
28.10.2021 kl 12:56
US solar panel imports tumble as industry fights over proposed tariffs
OCTOBER 27, 2021
OCTOBER 27, 2021
28.10.2021 kl 12:58
Silicon Shortage May Intensify in 2022 amid Low Supply
OCTOBER 28, 2021
The insufficient power supply will inevitably lead to a decline in the output in Q4. The impact of the dual control of energy consumption is more significant on the supply of silicon. The major silicon metal producing regions including Yunnan, Xinjiang, Sichuan will have to cut the production, where the silicon plants cannot maintain the normal production from September to November. The power shortage also restricts the production. The downstream production in the major silicon consumption areas in east and south China has mostly resumed after the short-term production restrictions.
OCTOBER 28, 2021
The insufficient power supply will inevitably lead to a decline in the output in Q4. The impact of the dual control of energy consumption is more significant on the supply of silicon. The major silicon metal producing regions including Yunnan, Xinjiang, Sichuan will have to cut the production, where the silicon plants cannot maintain the normal production from September to November. The power shortage also restricts the production. The downstream production in the major silicon consumption areas in east and south China has mostly resumed after the short-term production restrictions.
28.10.2021 kl 13:00
Så skal der fandme erobres markedsandele snart.
Kina halter. Det skal udnyttes
Kina halter. Det skal udnyttes
Utsetter reisen til Italia
Utsetter reisen til Italia
“We are not going to speak for any lawmakers here, but we are confident that this historic framework will earn the support of every Democratic senator and pass the House,” a senior administration official said on a call with reporters on Wednesday morning.
Spennende: Da skal han tale fra The East Room kl. 1730 (11.30am) og reise til Paven 18.30.
Pelosi vows to bring infrastructure to vote on Thursday -
28.10.2021 kl 17:54
Er Rec pauset på Tradegate?
Redigert 28.10.2021 kl 17:55
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Ja, da er vel alt klappet og klart og Rec går raskt til 25kr
28.10.2021 kl 18:22
"Clean energy tax credits
The framework provides $320 billion for clean energy tax credits to apply to transmission, storage, manufacturing, residential homes, passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles.
The framework overall includes $500 billion in climate provisions. That involves $105 billion for environmental resilience to address the impacts of extreme weather events and provide for a Civilian Climate Corps and $130 billion for renewable energy development and procurement for the federal government to be the primary buyer of next-generation renewable technologies."
The framework provides $320 billion for clean energy tax credits to apply to transmission, storage, manufacturing, residential homes, passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles.
The framework overall includes $500 billion in climate provisions. That involves $105 billion for environmental resilience to address the impacts of extreme weather events and provide for a Civilian Climate Corps and $130 billion for renewable energy development and procurement for the federal government to be the primary buyer of next-generation renewable technologies."
Syntes det er utrolig underholdene/latterlig (egentlig skam) at FA med lakeien til Hegnar (Stein Ove Haugen) i dag igjen ikke fikk med seg oppgangen til REC i FA sin analyse av Børsoppdateringen pr. dag. Ikke bare oppgangen i dag, men nå etter hvert den store innvirkning Bidens enorme satsning på grønn energi, vil ha på innvirkningen i de internasjonale miljøene. Norske REC ligger jo helt i spissen til denne enorme utviklingen. At et norsk ledene finansblad ikke får med seg/vil ikke/eller har manglende innsikt/vyer-vet ikke jeg. Mulig at de kun får sin info fra kun norske aviser. Vel-mulig at de kommer med et innlegg etter avstemmingen.
Ja dette har vært påfallende siden en tid , rec nevnes bare i negativ kontekst i FA. Hvorfor er det slik ?
28.10.2021 kl 19:47
Pelosi vows to bring infrastructure to vote on Thursday -
“When the president gets off that plane we want him to have a vote of confidence from this Congress,” Pelosi said, according to a source in the room. In order for us to have success, we must succeed today.”
“When the president gets off that plane we want him to have a vote of confidence from this Congress,” Pelosi said, according to a source in the room. In order for us to have success, we must succeed today.”