Nyheter som angår Rec

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RECSI 28.03.2021 kl 18:14 805578

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Redigert 18.01.2022 kl 19:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
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24.11.2021 kl 19:28 12282

Er Hanwha Solutions nyheter, men greit å vite. Får vibber mot Cognite.

Hanwha Solutions will invest $100 million (120 billion won) to acquire a stake in Lancium Technologies, a Texas-based data solutions firm, in a bid to strengthen its IT-oriented power management for a robust expansion of its green energy business into the U.S. and Europe.

Most critical is setting up a business model whereby green energy sources are used for the stable operation of data centers, an increasing number of which will be built around the world, prompted by the rapid transition and advancement of smart technology industries.

The equity investment will enable the energy subsidiary of Hanwha Group to secure a seat on the board of Lancium Technologies, helping increase its say in the management of the company.

24.11.2021 kl 20:23 12173

Det er mye overlapp mellom konsernene Aker ASA/Hanwha Solutions/SK Group
24.11.2021 kl 23:06 11819

Vi nærmer os en afklaring på denne :)

Trump’s solar tariffs still needed to protect industry, U.S. agency says
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
Import relief “continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury to the U.S. industry, and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition,” the ITC said in a statement.

Biden is expected to make a final decision before the four-year tariff is scheduled to expire in February and is under no obligation to abide by the ITC’s recommendation.
25.11.2021 kl 08:03 12284

Fra Pvtech, solarpowerworldonline og pvmagazine

USITC recommends extension of Section 201 tariffs on solar cells, modules
NOVEMBER 24, 2021

U.S. International Trade Commission recommends extension of solar tariffs
NOVEMBER 24, 2021

ITC says that Section 201 tariffs should be extended
NOVEMBER 24, 2021

MARCH 9, 2020

Rapport fra USITC
Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products: Advice on the Probable Economic Effect of Certain Modifications to the Safeguard Measure
MARCH 2020
25.11.2021 kl 11:39 12088

Biden mener alvor og tar viktige grep for å nå klimamålene. USA har ikke tenkt å henge etter resten av verden.

25.11.2021 kl 14:53 12005

Syntes denne var interessant :)

New German coalition sets enhanced energy goals, doubles solar PV target to 200GW by 2030
NOVEMBER 25, 2021
25.11.2021 kl 18:15 11694

Hanwha invests $100m in Lancium to address excess renewable energy in Texas

Lancium develops software and technology that connects bitcoin mines to solar and wind farms. The company allows bitcoin miners to plug and unplug their operations depending on the price of renewable energy.

27.11.2021 kl 12:43 10795

Notice of Request for Information (RFI) on Energy Sector Supply Chain Review
A Notice by the Energy Department on 11/29/2021
NOVEMBER 27, 2021
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Undersecretary for Science and Energy and Office of Policy (OP) request information on energy sector supply chains. This request for information (RFI) seeks input from all stakeholders involved directly and indirectly in the supply chains of energy, energy systems and technologies, and energy efficiency technologies from raw materials, processed materials, subcomponents, final products, to end-of-life material recovery and recycling—including but not limited to U.S. industry, researchers, academia, local governments, and civil society. This stakeholder input will inform the Department's efforts in building an energy sector industrial base that is diverse, resilient, and competitive while meeting economic, national security, and climate objectives.

Responses will be reviewed and considered on a rolling basis but are due no later than 5 p.m. (ET) on January 15, 2022.
Slettet bruker
27.11.2021 kl 13:18 10653

Mange takk, man. Veldig interessant info du finner frem om markedet. Rec er sanns invitert inn i samtaler vedr flere jv i India , Europa og usa, skulle man tro. Skal man ta rotta på Kina må polysil kapasiteten bygges ut utenfor Kina , og selvsagt waferkapasiteten. Det er vanvittig spennende og jeg kan bare forestille meg nyhetsstrømmene de neste 12 måneder.
28.11.2021 kl 09:48 10114

Jeg er glad for at du finder det interessant, Flyers :) REC sidder med fantastiske kort, tror der er mange der vil spille med de kommende måneder :)

Christine Reid, Stanley J. Kocon and Kurt Miller: U.S. hydropower can secure a greener tomorrow – and create American jobs
NOVEMBER 28, 2021
28.11.2021 kl 10:29 10453

Ang. silicon i batterier: Det ble tidligere nevt at NIO skal bruke silicon i anoden i noen nye batterier, ref. f.eks.:

According to William Bin Li, Chairman and CEO of NIO, the 150 kWh battery features a high performance Si / C composite anode material and an ultra-high concentration nickel cathode material.

Nå investerer også Xiaomi og Huawei i samme batterileverandør:

NIO's potential semi-solid-state battery supplier reportedly to get investment from Xiaomi, Huawei

Slettet bruker
28.11.2021 kl 10:48 10401

29.11.2021 kl 12:31 9710

Mainstream Renewable Power Raises EUR 90 million to Accelerate New Market Entries and Build-Out of Gigawatt-Scale Renewable Assets
NOVEMBER 29, 2021

Mainstream Renewable Power raises over US$100m to pursue multi-GW pipeline and become ‘global energy major’
NOVEMBER 29, 2021
29.11.2021 kl 12:35 9842

U.S. Commerce chief to make pitch for chips funding in Michigan
NOVEMBER 29, 2021
29.11.2021 kl 14:49 9599

‘Italy needs own supply chain to navigate raw materials crisis’
NOVEMBER 29, 2021
29.11.2021 kl 22:59 9446

LG Energy Solution in Michigan secures $1.36B for EV battery production
NOVEMBER 29, 2021

Slettet bruker
29.11.2021 kl 23:09 9673

Interessant. LG har et samarbeid med Tekna. Tekna har sansen for silangass 🥳
30.11.2021 kl 20:17 9059

Advanced Automotive Battery Conference US In-Person and Virtual Fra den 7-9 desember.


Sila VP Kurt Kelly skal forteller om drop inn silicon basert anode.
Group 14 er også med, men det jeg stusse på er hvorfor Amazon og Apple skal være med.
Redigert 30.11.2021 kl 20:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.12.2021 kl 05:33 8418

As Technology Costs Fall & Efficiencies Increase, Solar Expected to Become a Primary Source of New Electrical Capacity in U.S.
NOVEMBER 30, 2021
01.12.2021 kl 11:59 8143

Takk for deling. Jeg stusset også på hvorfor Amazon skal være med inntil jeg leste denne artikkelen:


Det fikk meg til å søke på hvilke materialer som benyttes til produksjon av vindmøller. Gjort et søk og kom over ShinEtsu sin hjemmeside der det nevnes silicone products. Silicone må for øvrig ikke forveksles med silicon, men en ting fanget min interesse. I linken under plansje nr 3, nevnes "silane coupling agent". Har lite kjennskap til hva dette er, men kanskje det benyttes silan til produksjon av silikonsterke materialer? Føler jeg nå beveger meg på tynn is, så kanskje noen av dere har kjennskap til dette?

Redigert 01.12.2021 kl 12:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.12.2021 kl 13:52 7934

Glæder mig til at se hvornår du begynder på at give credit til dem der faktisk finder de links du poster på shareville @Høstmørket (: det er vel det mindste man kan gøre! (:

What is the impact of increasing commodity and energy prices on solar PV, wind and biofuels?
DECEMBER 1, 2021

TrendFore: The supply and the demand of polysilicon would be structural tight equilibrium, and the price will reach the inflection point in Q2.
DECEMBER 1, 2021

Edit: ja det er måske en smule småligt (: syntes bare det er på sin plads. (Den her maskine kører nemlig endnu bedre med tak-benzin) jeg er dog glad for at du deler med vores venner på ShareVille! Fortsæt endelig!!!
Redigert 01.12.2021 kl 14:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.12.2021 kl 14:03 7873

Havde helt glemt polypris opdateres i dag, tak til Lauri00 for påmindelsen/opdateringen (:


Slettet bruker
01.12.2021 kl 14:24 7784

Prisene inn for råvarene faller tilsvarende regner jeg med?
01.12.2021 kl 22:16 7505

Det kunne jeg forestille mig, men jeg har ingen anelse overhovedet :)
01.12.2021 kl 22:17 7527

Store ting i spil :)

US development agency nominee pledges to review projects using Chinese solar panels
DECEMBER 1, 2021
US President Joe Biden’s pick to lead Washington’s international development finance agency said on Wednesday that, if confirmed, he would examine the body’s funding of overseas projects using Chinese-sourced solar panels, amid concern over allegations of forced labour in China’s far-west.

Scott Nathan, a former Barack Obama administration official, made the commitment during an appearance before the Senate foreign relations committee as it weighed his nomination to lead the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC).

Eighteen of the 21 solar projects currently funded by the DFC source solar panels from China, according to the committee’s lead Republican, Senator James Risch of Idaho, who was briefed on the matter by DFC leadership.
01.12.2021 kl 22:20 18940

The U.S. Solar Industry Strategy
DECEMBER 1, 2021
01.12.2021 kl 22:40 18862


"...The government has no specific geographic initiatives with respect to solar manufacturing; however, the national laboratory system and existing manufacturing facilities have created emerging hubs that are well placed to take advantage of burgeoning interest in local solar manufacturing..."
Lurer på hvor disse 'hub'ene det snakkes om ligger, jeg :D

Angående thinfilm som nevnes ... så har Hanwha investert 10 milliarder NOK på thinfilm/tandemcells..
Når man legger et lag med perovskite oppå vanlige silisiumsceller.. så går man forbi de teoretiske grensene (!) for effekt som finnes i dag :D
"...has formed a consortium with university research teams and private companies to participate in a national project to commercialize perovskite crystalline silicon solar cells by using next-generation tandem cell technology to overcome the theoretical limitation of single-cell efficiency..."
Redigert 01.12.2021 kl 22:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.12.2021 kl 22:55 18798

2022 bliver en fest ;)
01.12.2021 kl 23:14 18795

Helårsfest :))

Hanwha kommer til å suse forbi alle eksisterende asiatiske produsenter og kapre markedsandeler og solparkprosjekter i USA, siden de blir blant de første som får til en kjede som ikke blir rammet av portkorona & Xinjiangproblemer :D

Alle vil ønske de nye tandemcellene - som blir levert til riktig tid :))
Redigert 01.12.2021 kl 23:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
01.12.2021 kl 23:39 18591

Ekstremt spennende lesning.. Glad for å ha mange lodd i denne Hub'en her,snart er det røyk i pipa igjen. Spennende dager!
Slettet bruker
02.12.2021 kl 07:07 18042

Dec 1, 2021
MILPITAS, Calif. – December 1, 2021 – Global semiconductor equipment billings increased a robust 38% year-over-year to US$26.8 billion in the third quarter of 2021, an 8% rise from the prior quarter to register their fifth consecutive quarter-over-quarter record high, SEMI announced today in its Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics (WWSEMS) Report.

“Strong secular demand for chips across a wide range of markets including communications, computing, healthcare, online services and automotive has fueled this tremendous run of record quarterly growth for semiconductor equipment,” said Ajit Manocha, SEMI president and CEO. “The semiconductor industry has demonstrated great resiliency in the face of disruptive global challenges including the chip shortage and ongoing pandemic.”

Compiled from data submitted by members of SEMI and the Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ), the Worldwide SEMS Report is a summary of the monthly billings figures for the global semiconductor equipment industry."

02.12.2021 kl 07:13 18194

Det var noget af en stigning!! Der må være travlt i Butte :))

Tak endnu en gang, grabein!:)
Slettet bruker
02.12.2021 kl 08:59 17999

Ja, det er gode tider for semi-bransjen! :D
02.12.2021 kl 09:20 17925

Mener å huske at RECSI nevnte distribusjon som en utfordring i forhold til dette. Nå ser ting ut til å gå i riktig retning selv om Omikron-varianten kan spenne bein for en normalisering, men har du noen tanker rundt dette - eventuelle utfordringer i distribusjonen som kan spenne bein for inntjeningen til RECSI (Butte)?
Redigert 02.12.2021 kl 10:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.12.2021 kl 10:23 17544

CEOs of Chip, Auto, Medical Device, Tech, Telecom, Other Companies Call on Congress to Strengthen U.S. Semiconductor Research, Design, Manufacturing
DECEMBER 1, 2021
02.12.2021 kl 11:04 17358

Financial calendar

Financial calendar for REC Silicon ASA


18.02.2022 - Quarterly Report - Q4


22.07.2022 - Half-yearly Report
24.03.2022 - Annual Report
11.05.2022 - Annual General Meeting

11.05.2022 - Quarterly Report - Q1
21.10.2022 - Quarterly Report - Q3

This information is published pursuant to the requirements set out in the Continuing obligations.
02.12.2021 kl 20:24 17735

The New Solar+ Decade Roadmap: 30% by 2030
DECEMBER 2, 2021
03.12.2021 kl 08:21 17089

U.S. Court of International Trade

Slip Op. 21–154
DECEMBER 1, 2021
( section 201 tarif case starter på side 49 )

First rays of light at the end of the polysilicon high-price tunnel
DECEMBER 2, 2021
Redigert 03.12.2021 kl 08:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2021 kl 12:28 16802

Nyheten fra U.S. Court of International Trade angående tariff på solpaneler inn til USA er veldig spennende.

Tilhengere av å fjerne tariffen slik at utenlandske paneler skal kunne strømme inn til USA argumenterer med at Presidenten ikke har lov til å 'modifisere' en tariff 'oppover/strengere' - siden 'modify' sin etymologiske rot visstnok stammer fra å 'moderere' dvs å formildne (her: senke tariffen). Den dagligdagse forståelsen av å modifisere mente de var feil.

(side 69)
"...The question underlying this dispute is the meaning of “modify” as used in 204(b)(1)(B). How that question is resolved is informed by basic principles of statutory interpretation. See generally, Robert A. Katzmann, JUDGING STATUTES (2014). The court begins with the principle that statutory language should be interpreted “in accord with the ordinary public meaning of its terms at the time of its enactment.” Bostock v. Clayton County, 140 S. Ct. 1731, 1738 (2020). An appeal to the dictionary is therefore illustrative. In its verb form — as it is used in 204(b)(1) — “modify” is defined as “to make less extreme.” See “Modify,” Merriam-Webster Dictionary, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/modify (last visited Nov. 9, 2021) Similarly, in its noun form — as it is used in the section title, and in 204(b)(1)(B) — “modification” is defined as “the limiting of a statement.” See “Modification,” Merriam-Webster Dictionary,69 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 55, NO. 47, DECEMBER 1, 2021 https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/modification (last visited Nov. 9, 2021). Secondarily, “modification” is defined as “the making of a limited change in something.” Id. The definition of the verb (as well as the first definition of the noun) favors Plaintiffs’ interpretation: that the statute’s provision for modification permits only changes that limit or moderate the existing safeguard measures. On the other hand, the second definition of “modification” favors the Government’s interpretation: that both trade-liberalizing and traderestricting changes to existing safeguard duties are authorized by the statute. Defs.’ Resp. to the Court’s Questions at 3..."

1. : to make less extreme
3b. : to make basic or fundamental change

Jeg tror det er fortsatt rom for diskusjon... Modify skulle jeg tro stammer fra å legge på en ny modul.
Redigert 03.12.2021 kl 12:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2021 kl 13:52 16681

Hvis dette lovforslaget vedtas vil det lukke et enormt systematisk smutthull som har plaget USA i årtier.

For øyeblikket tar det altfor lang tid å få satt opp en toll mot et land, og innen den trer i kraft har allerede satelittfabrikker blitt bygd i andre land, og man må gjenta prosessen. Kallenavnet for den irriterende måten bedrifter har unngått tariffer på før man får slått dem ned er:
Whack-a-mole :D
Redigert 03.12.2021 kl 13:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2021 kl 15:51 16404

Denne skal jeg følge med på, kunne blive en kæmpe gamechanger :) Tak questi !

Jeg vil også gerne have kigget mere på denne her tariff case i tidligere opslag. Jeg nåede kun lige at skimme igennem den i dag, det er heldigvis snart weekend :)
Dog er godt fund i teksten du fandt! De vil virkelig gerne have tarifferne fjernet så de kinesiske paneler kan importeres i massevis - godt at USITC syntes anderledes om dette :)
03.12.2021 kl 16:10 16354

Tesla's solar panel business has been hit by the supply chain crisis, causing project delays: report
DECEMBER 3, 2021

PV Industry Price Trend: Polysilicon Quotations to Slightly Fall Back in December as Downstream Sector Awaits Stabilization in Wafer Prices – EQ Mag Pro
DECEMBER 3, 2021

2021 and beyond: European solar manufacturing must shine again
DECEMBER 3, 2021