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RECSI 28.03.2021 kl 18:14 804590

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Redigert 18.01.2022 kl 19:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.12.2021 kl 06:34 8840

U.S. Trade Agency Urges Biden to Extend Trump’s Solar Tariffs
DECEMBER 9, 2021

Solar Industry Statement on USITC’s Section 201 Tariff Recommendation
DECEMBER 8, 2021
09.12.2021 kl 06:35 8866

House Votes to Impose Forced Labor Ban on Goods Made in Xinjiang
DECEMBER 8, 2021
09.12.2021 kl 06:36 9045

WASHINGTON — The House on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed a bill that would ban a wide array of imported products made in China’s Xinjiang region, moving over the strong objections of large corporations to crack down on companies sourcing goods produced through forced labor by persecuted Muslim minorities.

The lopsided 428-to-1 vote reflected increasing bipartisan ire at China’s human rights abuses in Xinjiang, where officials have waged a campaign of repression against Uyghurs, the Muslim ethnic minority group, detaining as many as one million in internment camps and prisons. But the legislation’s fate is uncertain in the Senate, where similar efforts have stalled amid a fierce lobbying effort by businesses that have argued that the bill’s requirements are too onerous and would disrupt global supply chains.
09.12.2021 kl 12:17 8781

Peters Announces Bipartisan Bill to Bolster American Semiconductor Production and Supply Chains
DECEMBER 8, 2021
09.12.2021 kl 12:19 8884

READOUT: Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Meeting with the Semiconductor Industry Association
DECEMBER 8, 2021
09.12.2021 kl 20:25 8395

Det er vel god sjanse i senatet, Marco Rubio og en del andre republikanere har hatt dette som en kjepphest.

Redigert 09.12.2021 kl 20:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.12.2021 kl 14:44 7961

FACTBOX-U.S. legislative clamp-down on products from China's Xinjiang
DECEMBER 10, 2021
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10.12.2021 kl 15:02 14513

For et "spill". 1 folkevalgt person holder jo en stor del av kloden på vent. " https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/585218-democrats-dont-think-manchin-wants-biden-agenda-vote-by-christmas?userid=905748
10.12.2021 kl 15:25 14507

"...Analysts estimate that 45% of the world’s solar panel-grade polysilicon comes from Xinjiang - an increasingly important material as countries ramp up their renewable energy capacity..."

SEIA, i praksis et talerør for kinesiske solar interesser i USA, forsvarer seg med å si at panel-import fra asiatiske land ikke er en omgåelse av Xinjiang-boikott siden det ikke kan bevises hvor polysilisumet i panelene kommer fra, men man bør kunne anta at 45% av panelene som importeres i USA i dag har kilde fra Xinjiang. SEIA har vært til hinder for etableringen av amerikansk solarkjede gjennom mange år. Håper det blir kjent blant politikere og media om hvor lojaliteten til SEIA egentlig ligger.

Xinjiangs største polysilprodusent DAQO ser ut til å reagere på endringene i 5-års oversikten.
Redigert 10.12.2021 kl 15:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
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10.12.2021 kl 15:51 14612

Kan presidenten sparke Manchin. Hva ville Trump gjort!
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10.12.2021 kl 16:10 14788

Ville vært rart om det var en mulighet, men verre ting har nok skjedd før. Tror de må høre litt på Manchin og gi han en gulrot for å få dette igjennom.
10.12.2021 kl 17:53 14562

Trump hadde på beste mafia måte sagt "ville vært synd hvis noe hendte familien din Joe". Og det er ikke kødd engang.
Bob Macahan
10.12.2021 kl 22:09 14215

Biden ska snacka med Manchin i början på nästa vecka. Det är ett politiskt spel med amerikansk dramatik som vi följer.
Manchin kan inte ensam krossa demokraternas dröm om Build back better. De skulle förgöra honom. Han kommer att förhandla in i det sista och till slut kommer de överens.


Om BBB faller har republikanska representanter öppnat upp för att lösa supply chain problematiken över partigränserna.

” Graham added that if Manchin agrees to shelve Biden's bill, bipartisan talks on inflation and trying to fix the supply chain could start.”


Osvsett hur det går blir REC vinnare. TÅLAMOD!
Slettet bruker
10.12.2021 kl 22:53 14128

Det kan hende, han er ikke særlig diplomatisk av seg og sier mye som ikke nødvendigvis bygger broer. Haha
11.12.2021 kl 00:16 13971

Fra Rec Silicon på Linkedin
47 min ago

We are looking for an administrative professional to manage and support our training and development programs and data management systems, including our learning management system. This job is in our Moses Lake facility. We offer excellent pay and benefits! #rockstaradministrator #LMS #traininganddevelopment

Sila Nano ute med 27 nye stillinger for 44 min siden itilleg.
Totalt 68 fulltids stillinger siste 3 uker.
Redigert 11.12.2021 kl 00:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.12.2021 kl 09:22 13547

The weekend read: Solar PV development disrupted
DECEMBER 11, 2021
11.12.2021 kl 10:57 13322

Fra Group14 på Twitter:

«It’s not just semiconductors automakers are worried about… Great article from @CNBC’s @MikeWayland on how OEMs are scrambling for EV batteries. That’s why we’re building a strong domestic supply chain complemented by dual sourcing to stay ahead of demand»

Redigert 11.12.2021 kl 10:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
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11.12.2021 kl 16:42 12939

Moses lake city council meeting agenda 25 nov

Her er hele dokumentet , se begynnelsen

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12.12.2021 kl 21:36 12550

– Europas bilsektor er blitt for avhengig av Asia og andre regioner for viktige komponenter som halvledere og battericeller, sier den avtroppende Bosch-styrelederen Franz Fehrenbach til den tyske avisen Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

12.12.2021 kl 21:45 12738

Første batteridreven hurtigrute-konkurrent klar til tross for korona :)

"...Ifølgje reiarlaget fører batteripakken til 90 prosent mindre NOx-utslepp og 25 prosent utslepp av CO2 .."
Redigert 12.12.2021 kl 21:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.12.2021 kl 23:09 13660

Xiaomi working on improved lithium-ion batteries for future smartphones

The company made a battery that has 10 percent higher capacity at the same volume

Silicon-doped anodes are the next frontier, and companies like Xiaomi have been working with battery manufacturers to increase energy density while keeping the physical size the same.

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14.12.2021 kl 00:31 13519

Biden tries to budge Manchin - https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/585633-biden-tries-to-budge-manchin
14.12.2021 kl 00:51 13462

…»Asked if the $2 trillion bill could pass by Christmas, Manchin replied, “Anything is possible.»
Håpet er ikke ute, med andre ord ☀️
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14.12.2021 kl 12:02 13005

Solcelleparker kan øke humlens levekår og bestanden kan hjelpes betraktelig. Ikke bare redder vi klimaet, men også naturmangfoldet. Kan ikke si det samme om kull, olje og gasskraftverk :P

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14.12.2021 kl 16:57 12908

Info fra regular city counsel meeting moses lake i dag 14 dec

REC Expansion Next Steps
Staff reached out to the State after the last meeting due to the request for consideration and pause to consider a business opportunity that would have required a new application
and procedural process. Staff also had conversations with REC and there is property that they will need to get in control of and a path forward is being established. There is concern over ability to provide services so staff will review the technical pieces and
report back to Council. The overall message that goes out will be that we are business friendly

Hentet fra https://www.cityofml.com/AgendaCenter

298 sider, og stod ingenting mer en dette.

Utvidelse er alltid ett godt tegn :)

Redigert 14.12.2021 kl 16:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.12.2021 kl 17:03 12980

ser ut som det kommer flere positive meldinger angånde omikron i dag
Redigert 14.12.2021 kl 17:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.12.2021 kl 18:36 12946

Lawmakers reach bipartisan deal to punish China for Uyghur genocide
DECEMBER 14, 2021
14.12.2021 kl 20:05 12648

Nike, Coca Cola (og SEIA som ikke er nevt her) har lobbyet gjennom en håndfull senatorer og forpurret tidligere tiltak. Håper det blir mer søkelys på hvem sabotørene er. Morsomt at artikkelforfatteren trekker frem akkurat polysilisium og solpaneler som produkt.

Kanskje det er blitt allmennkunnskap nå blant amerikanerne om hva som er Xinjiang-varer: kinesiske solpaneler :)

"...- Major corporations like Nike and Coca Cola have lobbied against the bill, which would have far-reaching consequences for U.S. supply chains deeply integrated with Chinese industry.
- Xinjiang also accounts for nearly 50% of the world's polysilicon, a raw material used to manufacture solar panels..."

Redigert 14.12.2021 kl 20:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
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14.12.2021 kl 20:39 12598

"Anything is possible" Ved å sammenligne noen av hans andre uttalelser, oppfatter jeg dette svaret som at han neppe nå går imot sin president og parti.
Slettet bruker
14.12.2021 kl 21:28 12401

Tror dette bare er fra agendaen som ble lagt ut 10.des.
og møtet er kl03:45 i natt Norsk tid.

15.12.2021 kl 00:07 12183

Pelosi Statement on House Vote on Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
DECEMBER 14, 2021

White House says Biden will sign Uyghur forced labor bill
DECEMBER 14, 2021
15.12.2021 kl 00:10 12169

Utrolig bra! Det betyr USA må gi gass på sin egen verdikjede.
15.12.2021 kl 09:46 11824


U.S. House passes measure clamping down on products from China's Xinjiang
DECEMBER 15, 2021

China urges ‘hardest-hit’ solar firms to fight against US, India trade restrictions
DECEMBER 15, 2021
15.12.2021 kl 09:51 11899

Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products: Extension of Action
DECEMBER 14, 2021

On the basis of the information in this investigation, the United States International Trade Commission (“Commission”) determines, pursuant to section 204(c) of the Trade Act of 1974 (“the Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2254(c)), that action under section 203 of the Act with respect to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells whether or not partially or fully assembled into other products (“CSPV products”), continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition.


Following receipt of a petition filed on behalf of Auxin Solar Inc. and Suniva, Inc., on August 2, 2021, including an amendment thereto filed on August 5, 2021, and a petition filed on August 4, 2021, on behalf of Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc., LG Electronics USA, Inc., and Mission Solar Energy, the Commission, effective August 6, 2021, instituted investigation No. TA-201-075 (Extension) under section 204(c) of the Act to determine whether the action taken by the President under section 203 of the Act with respect to CSPV products continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and whether there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition.
Redigert 15.12.2021 kl 09:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
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15.12.2021 kl 11:50 12324

PolySilicon Weekly Spot Price
Item High Low Avg AChg AChg%
PolySilicon 34.800 20.000 30.000 -1.65 -5.21%
Unit: USD Last Update: 2021-12-15
15.12.2021 kl 13:59 12119

At toll mot Kina består er egentlig en bedre nyhet enn BBB :)

BBB koster USA penger og vil måtte avvikles før 2030.
Fortolling tilfører USA penger og kan opprettholdes i det uendelige.
15.12.2021 kl 14:06 12237

Statement by Press Secretary Jen Psaki on the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
DECEMBER 14, 2021
The President welcomes the agreement by Congress on the bipartisan Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. We agree with Congress that action can and must be taken to hold the People’s Republic of China accountable for genocide and human rights abuses and to address forced labor in Xinjiang. That is why the Administration has already taken concrete measures including imposing visa restrictions, Global Magnitsky Act and other financial sanctions, export controls, import restrictions, and the release of a business advisory. The President also rallied the G7 to commit to ensure all global supply chains are free from the use of forced labor—including from Xinjiang. The Administration will work closely with Congress to implement this bill to ensure global supply chains are free of forced labor, while simultaneously working to on-shore and third-shore key supply chains, including semiconductors and clean energy.

Redigert 15.12.2021 kl 14:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.12.2021 kl 18:06 12153

LIVE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) holds weekly news conference
DECEMBER 15, 2021 (77 mins ago)
16.12.2021 kl 20:53 11527

With Senate vote, US Congress approves ban on Xinjiang imports, tying them to forced labour
DECEMBER 16, 2021

Rubio’s Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act to Become Law
DECEMBER 16, 2021
Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) spoke on the Senate floor ahead of the Senate’s passage of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. The bill, which Rubio first introduced with Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and James P. McGovern (D-MA) in 2020, will ensure that goods made with slave labor from Uyghurs and others in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) do not enter the U.S. market. The legislation now heads to the President’s desk to be signed into law.

Rubio: “Mr. President, we've come down to the floor multiple times over the last few weeks trying to push for the passage of our bipartisan Uyghur Forced Labor Protection Act.

“For those who are not familiar with it at this point, it basically says that you can't import products into the United States that are made by slave labor in Xinjiang, or from entities that are associated with the government of that region. And if you're a company who is manufacturing in that area, you’re going to need to prove that slaves didn't make it. The presumption is on you.

“It's already illegal, by the way, to bring goods made with slave labor; it's been that way since the 1930s. And yet it's still happening.

“And we know it's happening at an alarming, horrific rate with the genocide that we now witness being carried out by the Chinese government in the Xinjiang region. And this bill, which we hope here in a few moments passes today, will head to the President, become law, and it will help tremendously in stopping that from happening.

“Many companies have already taken steps to clean up their supply chains. And, frankly, they should have no concerns about this law. For those who have not done that, they’ll no longer be able to continue to make Americans — every one of us, frankly — unwitting accomplices in the atrocities, in the genocide that’s being committed by the Chinese Communist Party.”
17.12.2021 kl 07:21 11237


Group14 is manufacturing and delivering its lithium-silicon battery technology from its commercial-scale Battery Active Materials (BAM) factory in Woodinville, Washington, capable of 120 tons of production per year. The next BAM factory is already being deployed in South Korea, as part of Group14 Technologies’ joint venture with SK materials. A third BAM factory will be created in eastern Washington and will also be able to deploy 2,000 ton modules per year. In order to deploy its technology on a vast scale by 2023, Group14 is also looking at an additional fourth BAM factory (the third domestic BAM factory), and the company is also in discussions for a European BAM factory.

17.12.2021 kl 08:31 11328

"Group14 Technologies, a commercial battery-material maker, and Farasis Energy, a battery manufacturer backed by Mercedes, Volvo and Geely, have recently announced the first silicon-based anode for an EV-scale battery, able to increase by 25% the energy density than any EV battery currently available on the market. This achievement represents a relevant milestone for e-mobility, accelerating the introduction of higher-performing EVs to market.

“This is the first automotive format battery delivering such a performance boost and increasing the energy density” said Rick Costantino, CTO and co-founder of Group14 Technologies. “We are really excited about that relevant performance, showing a 25% boost over a standard lithium-ion battery.”"
17.12.2021 kl 09:58 11074


Sen. Ossoff on Rivian Manufacturing Plant Coming to Georgia
DECEMBER 16, 2021
Electric vehicle plant announcement follows Ossoff-brokered deal to save $2.6 billion SK electric vehicle battery plant in Commerce, Ga.

Sen. Ossoff continues work to make Georgia national leader in renewable energy and cleantech

“Rivian appreciates Senator Ossoff’s commitment to making Georgia a leader in clean energy”

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff celebrated the announcement of Rivian’s new electric vehicle plant in Georgia, which follows an Ossoff-brokered settlementThis is an external link
that saved the $2.6 billion electric vehicle battery plant in Commerce, Georgia.

The Rivian plant supports Georgia’s rapid growth as a leading producer of renewable energy technology.

Georgia also hosts the Hanwha Q Cells solar manufacturing plant in Dalton, the largest solar module manufacturing plant in the Western Hemisphere. Sen. Ossoff is leading Senate efforts to boost American solar manufacturing.

“My vision is that Georgia should lead the nation in renewable energy, and today’s announcement is a huge step forward,” Sen. Ossoff said. “I thank our state’s leaders for working collaboratively to attract this investment and look forward to hosting Rivian and the thousands of jobs that will be created to produce Georgia-made electric vehicles.”

“Rivian appreciates Senator Ossoff’s commitment to making Georgia a leader in clean energy and his support of Rivian’s mission of Keeping the World Adventurous Forever. We look forward to continued collaboration with Senator Ossoff on comprehensive national policies to advance electric vehicles,” said James Chen, Vice President of Public Policy and Chief Regulatory Counsel at Rivian.

Sen. Ossoff continues leading the push to accelerate the transition to renewable energy by investing in renewable energy technology, boosting domestic solar manufacturing, and lowering electric bills for families by making it more affordable to install energy-efficient home technology.

Through the bipartisan infrastructure bill, Sen. Ossoff secured over $130 million to begin construction of an electric vehicle charging network across the state of Georgia.
17.12.2021 kl 15:11 10983

Q CELLS supplies photovoltaic modules for TotalEnergies’ largest solar power plant in France
DECEMBER 17, 2021
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17.12.2021 kl 15:19 10959

Q CELLS’ status as a founding member of the Ultra Low-Carbon Solar Alliance (ULCSA) in the USA; its declaration of the Korean RE100 and – via mother company Hanwha Solutions – and its recent investment in REC Silicon, which will help Q CELLS secure a stable supply of polysilicon made using low carbon hydropower.

Q CELLS’ Head of Utility Sales France, Laurent Bodin, said: “We are delighted to have been selected by TotalEnergies for their largest solar project in France.

Tror Hanwah mener alvor om JUMPSTART :-) Er så åpenbart nå at ML starter opp, men markedet vil gjerne ha det inn med te-skje.
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18.12.2021 kl 15:10 10507

Denne er spennende.


Q CELLS was one of the first major module manufacturers to meet the French Energy Regulatory Commission’s (CRE) low-carbon footprint (CFP) certification for utility-scale PV tenders, and has taken great strides over the past couple of years to develop a cleaner solar supply chain for its materials and components.

Q CELLS’ commitment to continuously improving the solar industry extends beyond defending technological innovation. It also extends to the ecological footprint of the production chain. These efforts are not only evident or these low-CFP modules, but also in Q CELLS’ status as a founding member of the Ultra Low-Carbon Solar Alliance (ULCSA) in the USA; its declaration of the Korean RE100 and – via mother company Hanwha Solutions – and its recent investment in REC Silicon, which will help Q CELLS secure a stable supply of polysilicon made using low carbon hydropower.