Vow - ut av Pareto mai portefølje
Model portfolio Norway April 2021
The positive economic outlook trumped rising long-term interest rates in March, and it was a good month for both our portfolio and OSEBX – which returned 7.7% m/m and 5.1% m/m, respectively. A strong finish from our best performers ELK (+22.0%) and PROT (+18.4%) led to a 2.6pp outperformance for our portfolio, after we tracked the index closely throughout the month. We make three changes to our portfolio in April, replacing CLOUD, ORK and SNI with ICEGR, OHT and VOW, keeping AKER, BWE, ELK, LSG, MRCEL, NSKOG and PROT.
Model portfolio Norway May 2021
April was a good month for global equity markets driven by positive macro data and strong Q1 reporting. Our portfolio fell short of its benchmark through, returning 0.5% m/m vs. OSEBX at 1.7% m/m – a relative underperformance of 1.1pp for our portfolio. Our best performer NSKOG (+16.6%) was neutralized by our worst ELK (-17.1%) and five stock beat the index in April. Heading into May, we make six changes to our portfolio, replacing ELK, LSG, MRCEL, NSKOG, PROT and VOW, with AFG, AUSS, FLNG, KIT, MWTR and VOLUE, keeping AKER, BWE, ICEGR and OHT.
"Vow greide ikke å begeistre markedet under sin kvartalsoppdatering og falt 4,3 prosent i løpet av april. Pareto mener aksjen fremdeles er undervurdert, men ser ikke noen kurstriggere i mai og erstatter aksjen med Volue"
Mulig det er mai Vow skulle vært i porteføljen.... da triggeren er GF 14 mai, og mer om spinn off mot sommeren..
The positive economic outlook trumped rising long-term interest rates in March, and it was a good month for both our portfolio and OSEBX – which returned 7.7% m/m and 5.1% m/m, respectively. A strong finish from our best performers ELK (+22.0%) and PROT (+18.4%) led to a 2.6pp outperformance for our portfolio, after we tracked the index closely throughout the month. We make three changes to our portfolio in April, replacing CLOUD, ORK and SNI with ICEGR, OHT and VOW, keeping AKER, BWE, ELK, LSG, MRCEL, NSKOG and PROT.
Model portfolio Norway May 2021
April was a good month for global equity markets driven by positive macro data and strong Q1 reporting. Our portfolio fell short of its benchmark through, returning 0.5% m/m vs. OSEBX at 1.7% m/m – a relative underperformance of 1.1pp for our portfolio. Our best performer NSKOG (+16.6%) was neutralized by our worst ELK (-17.1%) and five stock beat the index in April. Heading into May, we make six changes to our portfolio, replacing ELK, LSG, MRCEL, NSKOG, PROT and VOW, with AFG, AUSS, FLNG, KIT, MWTR and VOLUE, keeping AKER, BWE, ICEGR and OHT.
"Vow greide ikke å begeistre markedet under sin kvartalsoppdatering og falt 4,3 prosent i løpet av april. Pareto mener aksjen fremdeles er undervurdert, men ser ikke noen kurstriggere i mai og erstatter aksjen med Volue"
Mulig det er mai Vow skulle vært i porteføljen.... da triggeren er GF 14 mai, og mer om spinn off mot sommeren..
Redigert 03.05.2021 kl 14:40
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17.04.2021 kl 16:09
Siden det er populært med gale ord og uttrykk:
Ikke noe galt, det er vitenskapelig bevist at blinde høner kan legge egg. For de som driver hardt i bransjen er totalt mørke i fjøset blitt det ultimate...
17.04.2021 kl 15:50
Litt forskjell fra VOW og svært mange andre når man studerer chartet. VOW har vært i stigende trend før, under og nå mulig nær enden av korona. Sikkert mulig å finne et liknende tilfelle, men de spretter ikke opp sånn umiddelbart i mitt hode.
Redigert 17.04.2021 kl 15:51
Du må logge inn for å svare
17.04.2021 kl 14:44
"Teknisk viser at trendkanalen i VOW er blitt brattere det siste året. '
Kan vel ha med Corona å gjøre.
Tror du finner tilsvarende for de fleste aksjer på børsen. Hovedindeksen inkludert.
Kan vel ha med Corona å gjøre.
Tror du finner tilsvarende for de fleste aksjer på børsen. Hovedindeksen inkludert.
Siden det er populært med gale ord og uttrykk:
Kastrert hane kan også gale. Så høye kursmål tar vi i mot. Var det 2200,-/aksje? Ingen bedre?
Mitt kursmål er 3000 øre
Kastrert hane kan også gale. Så høye kursmål tar vi i mot. Var det 2200,-/aksje? Ingen bedre?
Mitt kursmål er 3000 øre
17.04.2021 kl 11:56
Teknisk viser at trendkanalen i VOW er blitt brattere det siste året. Stadig høyere bunner og høyere topper forteller at flere er villig til å betale mer for å bli aksjonær i VOW.
Skal ikke ta opp Hammers kursmål siden det bare avstedkommer støy, men han har i hvert fall to krykker som støtter ham mens baisserne virrer rundt som blinde høner. Men som klokelig sagt før. Blind høne kan også legge egg.
God helg til alle.
Skal ikke ta opp Hammers kursmål siden det bare avstedkommer støy, men han har i hvert fall to krykker som støtter ham mens baisserne virrer rundt som blinde høner. Men som klokelig sagt før. Blind høne kan også legge egg.
God helg til alle.
16.04.2021 kl 11:14
Slettet brukerskrev Det er ikke så mye 5 millioner kr, men bedre enn ingenting.
Since 2003, ETIA has delivered close to one hundred such systems to customers all over the world, representing an important after-market potential for the company.
Pen fortjeneste også der , mange dråper små :-)
Pen fortjeneste også der , mange dråper små :-)
16.04.2021 kl 11:12
royroy skrevInnlegget er slettet
«Usikker på om ledelsen har sendt søknad eller ikke»... luft
16.04.2021 kl 10:54
Slettet brukerskrev Det er ikke så mye 5 millioner kr, men bedre enn ingenting.
ArcelorMittal deal + "A large steel manufacturer listed in India " det garantert gjelder familien Mittal.
At Mittal familien har fått øye på VOW er stort !
At Mittal familien har fått øye på VOW er stort !
Jeg selger ikke med tap
Ja, da bør du legge ut til salg av det du har av aksjer nå da? Dumt og sitte med aksjer om du tror den skal ned.
Slettet brukerskrev Det er ikke så mye 5 millioner kr, men bedre enn ingenting.
tror fortsatt på nedgang i dag.
Det er ikke så mye 5 millioner kr, men bedre enn ingenting.
Ny kontrakt til å betale strømregninga
16.04.2021 kl 08:44
A large steel manufacturer listed in India enters into a partnership with Vow to diversify its business and enter the lucrative spice industry, a pillar of Indian exports and economy. As part of the partnership, Vow ASA’s subsidiary ETIA will deliver a Safesteril® spice sterilisation unit valued at around EUR 0.55 million.
The unit has the capacity to treat 1.5 tonnes of product per hour, and will be used to sterilise chilli, turmeric, seeds, and grains. The spice processing factory will be up and running by the end of this year.
“This second contract won by ETIA this month, reminds us again of the versatility of our proprietary and patented Spirajoule technology and its relevance in a wide range of industrial applications,” said Henrik Badin, CEO of Vow ASA.
The unit has the capacity to treat 1.5 tonnes of product per hour, and will be used to sterilise chilli, turmeric, seeds, and grains. The spice processing factory will be up and running by the end of this year.
“This second contract won by ETIA this month, reminds us again of the versatility of our proprietary and patented Spirajoule technology and its relevance in a wide range of industrial applications,” said Henrik Badin, CEO of Vow ASA.
Børsen stiger og VOW synker.
Alt er som normalt
Intet nytt fra VOW
Alt er som normalt
Intet nytt fra VOW
15.04.2021 kl 18:26
Jeg liker deg, du er kjempesøt:-)🤗"
Du er ikke på Tinder nå, GL :-)
Jeg liker deg, du er kjempesøt:-)🤗"
Du er ikke på Tinder nå, GL :-)
"Beklager GL, de første leksjonene var gratis, nå må du nok betale som alle andre :-)"
- OvindL
Jeg liker deg, du er kjempesøt:-)🤗
- OvindL
Jeg liker deg, du er kjempesøt:-)🤗
15.04.2021 kl 17:30
"Men Oivindl vil nå komme med en fantastisk mye bedre faktagrunnlag..."
-GL V$ ju..aboy
Beklager GL, de første leksjonene var gratis, nå må du nok betale som alle andre :-)
-GL V$ ju..aboy
Beklager GL, de første leksjonene var gratis, nå må du nok betale som alle andre :-)
Mon tro hvilken horisont Pareto har?
Helt klart en god grunn. Og dette kan innebære forflytning av nøkkelpersoner. En intern sak med andre ord
14.04.2021 kl 14:11
Må ha gyldig vedtak før VGM tas på børs da det skal tas ut verdier fra VOW.
Redigert 14.04.2021 kl 14:12
Du må logge inn for å svare
I en generalforsamling er det stor sett interne saker som blir tatt opp . Kan være forandringer i ledelse og styre. Mest sannsynlig bare av praktiske årsaker.
14.04.2021 kl 10:40
Grunnen til at det skal fremskyndes, som vel er litt spesielt, ka det være noe ifb med ENOVA?
Fisker litt men det er ikke meldt ut noe enda, kanskje det er noe som må til fra VOW-VGM før de kan få det støtten. Datoen fra ENOVA er på overtid
Fisker litt men det er ikke meldt ut noe enda, kanskje det er noe som må til fra VOW-VGM før de kan få det støtten. Datoen fra ENOVA er på overtid
14.04.2021 kl 09:58
Spørsmålet nå blir vel hvilken dato en må inneha aksjer for å få utbyttet (gratisaksjer) .
14.04.2021 kl 08:39
08.04.2021 kl 12:49
Kan bli mange spinoffs etterhvert , samme strategi som scanship modell :-)
08.04.2021 kl 12:35
Reference is made to Vow ASA's (the "Company" or "Vow") (OSE: Vow) stock exchange announcement on 25 February 2021, regarding the contemplated spin-off and subsequent listing of Vow Green Metals AS ("Vow Green Metals"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vow. This launch and spin-off of Vow Green Metals is part of Vow’s strategy to create shareholder value by developing and delivering technologies and solutions that prevent pollution, safeguard the environment and combat climate change.
The board of directors of Vow and Vow Green Metals today announce that they have signed a joint demerger plan for the demerger of Vow, whereby Vow's assets, rights and obligations related to its contemplated activities for industrial and continuous production of biocarbon as reducing agent for the metallurgical industry (the "Biocarbon Business") are transferred to Vow Green Metals, while all other assets, rights and liabilities will remain with Vow (the "Demerger"). The Demerger is subject to the approval by an extraordinary general meeting to be held in May 2021.
The board of directors and management of Vow have concluded that a demerger will be the most suitable organisation of Vow in order to facilitate further growth and enhanced values for its shareholders.
After the Demerger, Vow will continue to develop and deliver technologies, solutions and innovative business models that convert biomass and waste into valuable resources and generate clean and CO2 neutral energy to customers in a wide range of industries at sea and on land.
Vow Green Metals will offer industrial production of biocarbon to the metallurgical industry through a “build-own-operate” model, and focus on commercialisation, development, and further expansion of the Biocarbon Business.
The Demerger will benefit both businesses as it will create a simpler and clearer corporate structure visualising the existing values of Vow. It will provide both Vow and Vow Green Metals with more flexibility and a better basis to fund their respective businesses.
Terms of the demerger and timetable
The demerger is proposed to be carried out as a statutory demerger by way of a transfer to an existing company ("demerger and merger" (Nw: fisjonsfusjon)) in accordance with Chapter 14 of the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act.
The boards of Vow and Vow Green Metals have resolved upon an exchange ratio of 93.5%/6.5%, with 93.5% of the value of the total business to remain in Vow and 6.5% of value of the business being transferred to Vow Green Metals. The exchange ratio is based on an assessment made by the boards of Vow and Vow Green Metals, based on recognized valuation methods, considered to provide the most correct valuation of the underlying values in Vow.
The demerger is proposed to be implemented by way of decreasing the share capital of Vow through a reduction of the nominal value of the shares with NOK 0.00650, from NOK 0.10000 to NOK 0.09350. The size of the share capital decrease in Vow reflects the allocation of the net values between the companies in the demerger. The shareholders of Vow will receive shares in Vow Green Metals by way of increasing the share capital in this company through issuance of new shares as demerger consideration. The demerger consideration to Vow's shareholders will be made entirely by the issuance of 114,259,870 new shares in Vow Green Metals, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.00650. Thus, the exchange ratio implies that the reduction of the nominal value on 1 share in Vow with NOK 0.0065 will give the right to 1 new share in Vow Green Metals and that the shareholders in Vow will receive shares in Vow Green Metals in the same ratio as they own shares in Vow when the Demerger becomes effective.
Vow has also decided to implement a share capital increase in Vow Green Metals of NOK 150 mill, meaning that Vow will maintain an ownership interest in Vow Green Metals of approximately 30.5% when the Demerger becomes effective.
The completion of the demerger is subject to the satisfaction of a number of conditions, including (i) that the demerger plan and related resolutions are approved with the required majority at the general meeting of Vow, (ii) that legislation does not prevent registration of the demerger and that the parties obtain any required permissions/consents from public authorities, contracting parties and other third parties, (iii) that no decision has been made by the Oslo Stock Exchange which would prevent the continued listing of Vow on the Oslo Stock Exchange, (iv) that the Oslo Stock Exchange has approved the listing of the shares in Vow Green Metals on Euronext Growth Oslo and (iv) that the creditor notice period has expired for both parties and the relation to any creditors having submitted objections have been clarified.
The extraordinary general meetings of Vow and Vow Green Metals for the approval of the Demerger is expected to be held on or about one month after the registration and publication of the proposed Demerger in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises, and the Demerger is subject to timely satisfaction of the above mentioned conditions expected to be completed and become effective in the end of June 2021 or the beginning of July 2021.
Governance, management and employees
The current board of directors and management of Vow will not be affected by the Demerger. The listed holding company Vow ASA does not have employees, and the employees in Vow's subsidiaries will continue their employment unchanged with their relevant employers. The Demerger will accordingly not have any implications for the employees of the Vow group.
Vow Green Metals has an interim board of directors comprising Narve Reiten (chairperson of the board), Susanne L. R. Schneider, Bård Brath Ingerø and Hanne Refsholt. Henrik Badin, CEO of Vow ASA, will be interim CEO of Vow Green Metals. Vow Green Metals does not have any other employees at the date hereof, but will work towards hiring employees or engage consultants as deemed necessary and beneficial from the time of the completion of the Demerger.
No agreements have been, or are expected to be, entered into by Vow Green Metals in connection with the transaction for the benefit of any Vow board members or senior employees, or for the benefit of any Vow Green Metals board members or senior employees. It is however noted that certain employees within the Vow group have been granted options in the Company. In connection with the implementation of the Demerger, adjustment agreements will be prepared to ensure that the holders of such options will maintain their financial rights.
About Vow Green Metals
Vow Green Metals is a newly incorporated private limited liability company and is currently a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vow. Vow Green Metals will upon completion of the Demerger be owned by the shareholders of Vow (as registered as such in the VPS at the date of completion of the Demerger) and by Vow (approximately 30.5%). Vow Green Metals will apply for admission of its shares on Euronext Growth Oslo as part of the Demerger process.
Vow Green Metals will build, own and operate facilities for continuous production of biocarbon, based on Vow ASA technology, to be sold to metallurgic industry. The first facility is planned at Follum, in Hønefoss, Norway, with a production of 10,000 tons of biocarbon. The goal is to increase the production up to 100,000 tons over the next years.
For further information, please contact:
Erik Magelssen - CFO
Tel: + 47 928 88 728
Email: erik.magelssen@vowasa.com
The board of directors of Vow and Vow Green Metals today announce that they have signed a joint demerger plan for the demerger of Vow, whereby Vow's assets, rights and obligations related to its contemplated activities for industrial and continuous production of biocarbon as reducing agent for the metallurgical industry (the "Biocarbon Business") are transferred to Vow Green Metals, while all other assets, rights and liabilities will remain with Vow (the "Demerger"). The Demerger is subject to the approval by an extraordinary general meeting to be held in May 2021.
The board of directors and management of Vow have concluded that a demerger will be the most suitable organisation of Vow in order to facilitate further growth and enhanced values for its shareholders.
After the Demerger, Vow will continue to develop and deliver technologies, solutions and innovative business models that convert biomass and waste into valuable resources and generate clean and CO2 neutral energy to customers in a wide range of industries at sea and on land.
Vow Green Metals will offer industrial production of biocarbon to the metallurgical industry through a “build-own-operate” model, and focus on commercialisation, development, and further expansion of the Biocarbon Business.
The Demerger will benefit both businesses as it will create a simpler and clearer corporate structure visualising the existing values of Vow. It will provide both Vow and Vow Green Metals with more flexibility and a better basis to fund their respective businesses.
Terms of the demerger and timetable
The demerger is proposed to be carried out as a statutory demerger by way of a transfer to an existing company ("demerger and merger" (Nw: fisjonsfusjon)) in accordance with Chapter 14 of the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act.
The boards of Vow and Vow Green Metals have resolved upon an exchange ratio of 93.5%/6.5%, with 93.5% of the value of the total business to remain in Vow and 6.5% of value of the business being transferred to Vow Green Metals. The exchange ratio is based on an assessment made by the boards of Vow and Vow Green Metals, based on recognized valuation methods, considered to provide the most correct valuation of the underlying values in Vow.
The demerger is proposed to be implemented by way of decreasing the share capital of Vow through a reduction of the nominal value of the shares with NOK 0.00650, from NOK 0.10000 to NOK 0.09350. The size of the share capital decrease in Vow reflects the allocation of the net values between the companies in the demerger. The shareholders of Vow will receive shares in Vow Green Metals by way of increasing the share capital in this company through issuance of new shares as demerger consideration. The demerger consideration to Vow's shareholders will be made entirely by the issuance of 114,259,870 new shares in Vow Green Metals, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.00650. Thus, the exchange ratio implies that the reduction of the nominal value on 1 share in Vow with NOK 0.0065 will give the right to 1 new share in Vow Green Metals and that the shareholders in Vow will receive shares in Vow Green Metals in the same ratio as they own shares in Vow when the Demerger becomes effective.
Vow has also decided to implement a share capital increase in Vow Green Metals of NOK 150 mill, meaning that Vow will maintain an ownership interest in Vow Green Metals of approximately 30.5% when the Demerger becomes effective.
The completion of the demerger is subject to the satisfaction of a number of conditions, including (i) that the demerger plan and related resolutions are approved with the required majority at the general meeting of Vow, (ii) that legislation does not prevent registration of the demerger and that the parties obtain any required permissions/consents from public authorities, contracting parties and other third parties, (iii) that no decision has been made by the Oslo Stock Exchange which would prevent the continued listing of Vow on the Oslo Stock Exchange, (iv) that the Oslo Stock Exchange has approved the listing of the shares in Vow Green Metals on Euronext Growth Oslo and (iv) that the creditor notice period has expired for both parties and the relation to any creditors having submitted objections have been clarified.
The extraordinary general meetings of Vow and Vow Green Metals for the approval of the Demerger is expected to be held on or about one month after the registration and publication of the proposed Demerger in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises, and the Demerger is subject to timely satisfaction of the above mentioned conditions expected to be completed and become effective in the end of June 2021 or the beginning of July 2021.
Governance, management and employees
The current board of directors and management of Vow will not be affected by the Demerger. The listed holding company Vow ASA does not have employees, and the employees in Vow's subsidiaries will continue their employment unchanged with their relevant employers. The Demerger will accordingly not have any implications for the employees of the Vow group.
Vow Green Metals has an interim board of directors comprising Narve Reiten (chairperson of the board), Susanne L. R. Schneider, Bård Brath Ingerø and Hanne Refsholt. Henrik Badin, CEO of Vow ASA, will be interim CEO of Vow Green Metals. Vow Green Metals does not have any other employees at the date hereof, but will work towards hiring employees or engage consultants as deemed necessary and beneficial from the time of the completion of the Demerger.
No agreements have been, or are expected to be, entered into by Vow Green Metals in connection with the transaction for the benefit of any Vow board members or senior employees, or for the benefit of any Vow Green Metals board members or senior employees. It is however noted that certain employees within the Vow group have been granted options in the Company. In connection with the implementation of the Demerger, adjustment agreements will be prepared to ensure that the holders of such options will maintain their financial rights.
About Vow Green Metals
Vow Green Metals is a newly incorporated private limited liability company and is currently a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vow. Vow Green Metals will upon completion of the Demerger be owned by the shareholders of Vow (as registered as such in the VPS at the date of completion of the Demerger) and by Vow (approximately 30.5%). Vow Green Metals will apply for admission of its shares on Euronext Growth Oslo as part of the Demerger process.
Vow Green Metals will build, own and operate facilities for continuous production of biocarbon, based on Vow ASA technology, to be sold to metallurgic industry. The first facility is planned at Follum, in Hønefoss, Norway, with a production of 10,000 tons of biocarbon. The goal is to increase the production up to 100,000 tons over the next years.
For further information, please contact:
Erik Magelssen - CFO
Tel: + 47 928 88 728
Email: erik.magelssen@vowasa.com
08.04.2021 kl 06:36
Er spent på Paretos neste kursmål på VOW :-) Dagens kursmål på 60,- er jo svært beskjedent :-)
07.04.2021 kl 17:29
Henrik Badin skal på live sending via Xtrainvestor i morgen 8 april kl.12
Kan følge denne lenken.
Kan følge denne lenken.
Hvilke triggere har vi utenom ENOVA.
På sikt er dette gull.
Hva skjer med Repsol og Tinfos. ???
På sikt er dette gull.
Hva skjer med Repsol og Tinfos. ???
07.04.2021 kl 06:34
Da kan man jo konkludere med at Pareto er i besittelse av kloke hoder :-)