Apcl... Ny artikel i Ai

07.11.2018 kl 21:52 1953

Jepp, de begynner å bli ivrige etter å komme i gang nå:) Da rimer det vel dårlig at de vil ha en laaaang voldgift med apcl på to av lisensene sine. Tror nøkkelen her er avgjørelse på 41(5). Faller den i favør apcl, kan det bli fortgang på ting! Nå har de fått kartlagt interessenter, så et forlik hvor apcl beholder en del og partner tar mesteparten kan fort bli fasit!
Slettet bruker
07.11.2018 kl 21:40 2002

Takk for posting!

Dette er uansett som vanlig kun en avisartikkel. Ingenting om Apcl og voldgiften, og vi vet vel heller ikke nøyaktig hvilke områder dette gjelder. (?) det er vel det viktigste ubesvarte spørsmålet.

Spennende tider, spesielt med tanke på at aktørene når er samlet på konferansen. Ting begynner å skje ser det ut som. Da øker presset om forlik, får vi håpe.
Redigert 07.11.2018 kl 21:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.11.2018 kl 21:14 2080

Her er hele artikkelen.

Gambia will emphasise local content and the ability of suitors to help develop indigenous upstream industry capability when assessing bids in its current offshore licensing round, according to Jerreh Barrow, Petroleum Commissioner in the Banjul-based Ministry of Petroleum & Energy.

Of the 10 international companies expressing interest in the licensing exercise, the Commission invited six oil companies to submit bids by the 14 November deadline.

“That is the date we are focused on and successful companies will then have to work through the Negotiating Committee, comprising representatives of various ministries including finance, justice," Barrow said.

Also addressing the Africa Oil Week conference in Cape Town this week, seismic player TGS said it was the local “trendology” bringing companies to Gambia to “prove up the turbidite fans and thick Jurassic carbonate shelf running right down to the Guinea Transform Fault.”

The same sands sitting on the carbonate shelf edge were currently being exploited to the north by Cairn Energy and the recently spudded Samo-1 wildcat drilled by Petronas was the first to chase down the SNE fairway outside of Senegal.

A fully harmonised 3D multi-client survey, dubbed the Jaan project, has just kicked off in the wider Mauritania-SeneGambia-Conakry (MSGBC) Basin and will throw more light on Gambian deep-water prospectivity.
Redigert 07.11.2018 kl 21:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.11.2018 kl 19:53 2228

Noen som har tilgang?

Gambia lines up six suitors for round

Gambia will emphasise local content and the ability of suitors to help develop indigenous upstream industry capability when assessing bids in its current offsho. ... in its current offshore licensing round, according to Jerreh Barrow, Petroleum Commissioner in the Banjul-based Ministry of Petroleum & Energy.

Redigert 07.11.2018 kl 19:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.10.2018 kl 14:26 2609

Men SL er jo kvar! 60 öre er vel at ta i - 20 öre er mer virklighetsanpasset.
16.10.2018 kl 11:36 2845

"It is a former Total man, Thierno Seydou Ly, Kane's main advisor, who is in charge at the ministry of overseeing the sale of the two assets."

Haha, nei dette lukter ikke vondt lang vei i det hele t tatt! /s
16.10.2018 kl 11:09 2941

Dette er samme nyhet som ble lagt ut for en stund siden og som APCL offisielt har svart på. Ikke noe nytt med andre ord. Turbon må nok skru ned forventningene.

Interested bidders have until the end of October to send in their expressions of interest for the two offshore blocks put back on the market by Senegalese minister of oil Mansour Elimane Kane. The government had removed the two blocks - Senegal offshore Sud and Senegal offshore Sud profond from their former owners, respectively Elenilto and African Petroleum, in 2017 due to a lack of exploration work. African Petroleum promptly filed for arbitration with the World Bank's arbitral arm, the ISCID, against Dakar (AEI 816). The firm was also stripped of its strategically placed Rufisque offshore profond permit that sits near to the Sangomar block on which Cairn Energy made its SNE and FAN discoveries. African Petroleum is defended by Parisian law firm Betto Seraglini. Although it has put Senegal offshore sud profond up for sale, Dakar has already sold Rufisque offshore profond to Total, which has since teamed up with Malaysian major Petronas (AEI 822). It is a former Total man, Thierno Seydou Ly, Kane's main advisor, who is in charge at the ministry of overseeing the sale of the two assets.
Redigert 16.10.2018 kl 11:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.10.2018 kl 10:20 3058

Vanskelig å vurdere, men man kan like gjerne sette kursmål 6 kroner som 60 øre på dagens melding.
Slettet bruker
16.10.2018 kl 10:12 3100

kursmål 60 øre..