Slettet bruker
ELOP 14.04.2021 kl 14:02 71184


April 14th 2021 - Elops AI business unit Simplifai has entered into a

strategic partnership agreement with rapidly growing document management company

Documaster AS. The partnership has already landed its first clients, two

Norwegian municipalities, and is part of a public sector growth strategy.

Documaster was recently one of only five Norwegian technology companies that

were included in Financial Times list: FT 1000: Europes Fastest Growing


As part of the agreement, Documaster will include Simplifais AI-driven systems

in its offering to support public and private sector clients in facilitating

automatic receipt and management of e-mails and user or customer enquiries,

including documents that needs to be managed.

03.02.2022 kl 22:25 6787

Endelig løsnet det, er på vei opp nå og stakkers de idiotene som ikke kjøpte når kursen var 1 øre lavere, for noen fjols. Noe er på gang, robotene har stoppet og insiderne sitter bare å tripper etter å investere. kan føle de i vannet og i jorden og merke de i luften( akkurat som i ringenes herre) at noe, noe viktig er rett rundt hjørne.
De som ikke kjøper nå kommer til å angre i løppet av februar eller neste mnd eller mnd etter når bestillingene strømmer inn. Ser de virkelig ikke hvor flinke de er til å sortere mail, hele 20 000 i mnd.
Joda, jeg er slem og tilfører ingenting på denne tråden, men ...
07.02.2022 kl 14:23 6587

Jeg synes det var en helt grei oppsummering av denne tråden.
07.02.2022 kl 15:01 6548

Vurderer å selge hele potten og spytte alt i BWO. Fornuften begynner å helle den veien nå..
08.02.2022 kl 09:38 6424

Denne gikk forbi meg , ligger på hjemmesiden :

2. February 2022
Promoting efficient and data-rich concrete inspection in the Americas
According to Maria Conde, President of SealTech International, Inc., concrete engineers and inspection companies in the US, Canada, Caribbean, and Latin America are looking for ways to radically improve infrastructure inspection and monitoring. SealTech is determined to meet this need.
Based in Boca Raton, Florida, SealTech is specializing in sealing products that protect concrete, steel and masonry from moisture and water. These products serve an important purpose in the state of Florida and in other coastal locations with constant humidity and salt coming in from the ocean. As such harsh environments are rough on concrete assets, they need extra protection. There is also a need for diagnostic tools to monitor their condition.
Makes perfect sense
To meet that need, and to promote new scanner technology in the Americas, SealTech recently ordered 10 Elop Insight ultrasound scanners, and one InsightCrawler. The InsightCrawler is the remote-controlled mobile scanning solution currently being developed by Elop together with the US-based manufacturer of suction-held climbing robots ICM (International Climbing Machines).
Our sealing products are used for restoration as well as preventively to avoid deterioration of assets, says Maria Conde.
So, it makes perfect sense for us to offer this diagnostic tool to our customers together with our products.
Rising demand
In addition to this, Maria Conde is reaching out to construction and engineering inspection companies, as well as asset owners, to promote the unique capabilities of the Elop scanner. She predicts there will be a rising demand for efficient and data-rich concrete inspection tools, for several reasons.
Our President Biden has just recently signed an infrastructure plan to rebuild our bridges, roadways etc., of which many have deteriorated beyond their useful life. So, right now it’s essential for contractors and engineering companies to be part of this infrastructure plan, to repair or rebuild what’s needed across the US.
Furthermore, here in Florida, we had the Surfside building collapse, which has highlighted the need for thorough inspections of concrete assets. Unfortunately, this is another example where lives must be lost for regulations to change and people to change their mindset. Now everybody is talking about building inspections. Even the man on the street understands that concrete structure integrity is important. Obviously, the Surfside collapse has been disastrous for those who lost their lives and families, but from a business point of view it makes the market put more attention towards SealTech’s business.
Building codes are changing
According to Maria Conde, local building codes in Florida are changing, calling for more detailed and frequent inspections. To comply with the new regulations, engineering and inspection companies can use the Elop Insight scanner to increase their capabilities and capacities to meet this increasing demand.
We’re not only talking condominiums like the one in Surfside. We also see it with bridges. There was a pedestrian bridge walkway at the Florida International University which collapsed, and people were killed. It turned out the collapse was due to an engineering error which caused cracks in the concrete and could have been detected with our scanner. Also, when you think of these types of collapses you cannot stop to think about the dams in the US, which have huge foundations and bases that need inspecting.
Obviously, the current standards for inspection are outdated, and so is the documentation that the engineers have at hand to do their evaluation of the health of these assets. We believe that the Elop technology is providing a quantum leap in terms of advancing technology. Since SealTech is already engaged in the restoration, maintenance and preventative maintenance of concrete and building assets here in Florida and Puerto Rico, the Elop technology will bring us to the forefront of concrete inspections.
Promoting the scanner
Maria Conde and her team have connected with building authorities, construction and engineering companies in South Florida to promote the Elop scanner. Also, they’ve met with the Housing Authority and Municipality of Puerto Rico’s capital San Juan, and with Puerto Rico’s Department of Education. The department has 1.400 schools throughout the island and 79,000 support systems that need regular inspection especially after hurricane Maria passed through the island and the many small earthquakes occurring weekly.
While approaching potential customers SealTech is performing its own scans to demonstrate and test the equipment.
We’ve scanned parts of the Nest Hotel in San Juan, and recently we went to Sunny Isles Beach and Hallandale Beach, Florida, to scan several government garages, hotels and condominiums. We have experts from Elop supporting us with the technical aspects, to teach our team to perform the scans correctly and to analyze the 3D-imagery. We believe that using the device and getting to know it firsthand, is vital. We want a solid client experience with the ultra-sound scanner and the best way to get that is to use it internally at SealTech and to work closely with Elop to build the competence we need to access the market.
SealTech is currently focusing its activities in Florida and Puerto Rico, as the company is based in these two locations. But Maria Conde is hoping to expand to other parts of the Caribbean, Latin America and the greater US, such as New York, New Jersey, Texas, and California.
17.02.2022 kl 02:51 6166

Skal man kjøpe Elop aksjer så er tiden inne nå. De har tross alt solgt 1 stk scanner så ...
Slettet bruker
26.03.2022 kl 10:53 5625

Nå er det tid for reprising av denne. Kursmål 12,50 !
30.03.2022 kl 11:17 5400

Simplifai fastholder 1 milliard i ARR og 50% margin i 2026. Vågalt vil jeg si.
30.03.2022 kl 13:48 5334

Vågalt ja , men de høster stadig flere følgekontrakter , så det ligger an til en mega vekst :-)
Spennende om de blir skilt ut som eget selskap i år allerede ?
Slettet bruker
31.03.2022 kl 21:04 5207

Er det snakk om det?
31.03.2022 kl 22:23 5150

Ja, det var nevnt under ett intervju , mener det var på HO.
Kan skje allerede i år, de har enormt potensiale utover den teknologien ELOP trenger selv .
04.04.2022 kl 16:31 4749

Simplifai har ekstremt stort potensiale. Etter presentasjonene å dømme er farten allerede stor. De forventer ARR på 25 - 50 mill i 2022. Visst jeg har skjønt det riktig prises unoterte SaaS selskaper med bra potensiale til godt over 10x ARR. Dvs at Simplifai alene burde synliggjort en verdi på 250 til 500 mill i løpet av 2022, om de når 1 milliard i 2026 så er det jo bare å gange opp.
Redigert 04.04.2022 kl 16:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
04.04.2022 kl 16:56 4725

Veldig spennende men ledelsen må forstå Aksjemarkedet bedre. De må bli mer aksjonærvennlige.Flere analyser fra meglerhus må ut og selskapet bør skilles ut for å vise verdier. Dessuten bør de guide mer på tall. Resultat to ganger årlig er for lite. Opp i ringa! Det blir bra!
Redigert 04.04.2022 kl 16:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.04.2022 kl 20:41 4632

Enig, de må frem i skotuppene. ELOPs egne estimater på omsetning viser at det er Simplifai som virkelig vil dra lasset den nærmeste tiden. Skanneren blir en bra add- on til de dette.
06.04.2022 kl 12:23 4432

Ennå en solid avtale, når jeg investerte i ELOP hadde jeg ikke drømt om potensialet til Simplifai sine ambisjoner , det ser ut som dette virkelig blir bra .

Bare ikke i aksjekursen , men det gir også muligheter :-)

Wikborg Rein has entered into a contract to utilize Simplifai`s AI-driven Digital Employee to achieve more effective handling of their incoming emails. The customer has completed the project, and gone live with the solution and verified that it provides great value for them. "We are proud to announce that one of Norway`s biggest and most trusted providers of legal advice & services has chosen Simplifai as a partner to become more effective in their everyday work. This shows once again that our solutions can be used across different types of businesses, and that we have achieved a stronghold in the market for our Digital Employees," says Bård Myrstad, CEO of Simplifai. For further information, please contact: Media: Bård Myrstad, CEO Simplifai, tel: +47 415 03 263 Øivind Horpestad, Executive Chairman of Elop, tel: +47 910 00 626 Investors: Kim Boman, CFO of Elop, tel: +47 959 63 912 About Simplifai Simplifai is Elop's AI business unit. It supports Elop with developing data-driven and AI-based solutions for inspection and monitoring of critical infrastructure. Simplifai operates as a stand-alone business where it develops a no-code automation platform using artificial intelligence to help clients across numerous industry sectors to grow efficiently. For example, Simplifai's Digital Employee solutions can automate labour intensive work process where natural language communication including email, chat or documents are central. This includes customer relations, case handling, HR and accounting. Simplifai was acquired by Elop in January 2021. For more information: www.simplifai.ai
21.04.2022 kl 13:16 4213

As Elop’s technology is new to the market, we have decided to create our own training academy, as a support to the customer base and partner network. Training is a means to enable expansion of clients’ service portfolios and the partner network’s product portfolio, increase their sales and bring added value to their customers. The Elop Academy is our solution for this support.
As a result, Elop Technology onboards Aoife Kavanagh as Global Training Manager to leverage her extensive experience in training development and sales. Aoife will be responsible for the development and management of the Elop Academy.
“Being at the heart of global sales operations for DEKRA, I know how crucial Elop’s innovations will be to the TIC business. Elop is on the cusp of revolutionising the concrete world, and I am delighted to be in on the ground floor. I believe that my combined experience and passion for training and sales will help our clients and partners to get the best out of Elop Technology,” says Aoife.
Aoife brings 12 years of diverse expertise in the field of learning and development, sales training & support, and business development. She was associated with DEKRA for over 5 years as Head of Global Sales Support. Before that, Aoife worked as a training manager at NewDeal Institut, where she led the construction of customer training projects, aligned with commercial and business development.
Aoife pursued her Bachelor’s in Translation and Languages from Dublin City University and has a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Bordeaux University.
“As we are moving forward developing the Elop Academy, our internal training centre, with the goal to support our clients and partners in integrating our innovative technology to their service portfolios. I am very glad to have Aoife onboard with the Elop team, responsible for our Academy. With her solid background in driving and managing training programs, I am convinced she will be very successful in her position as our Head of Global Training”, says Öivind Horpestad CEO of Elop Technology.
07.06.2022 kl 09:11 3796

Hvor er alle de som mente at Elop skulle gå til himmels og vi som var skeptiske var idioter. Kan ikke akkurat si at Elop imponerer.
Glanspapir og store ord er litt for ofte bare tomt prat og null innhold.
16.06.2022 kl 09:39 3498

Var innom nedre del av aksjelista mi og ble virkelig overrasket, for hva ser man, jo at Elop faktisk eksisterer fortsatt. Hvordan er det mulig. Har de solgt en eneste av de derre scannerne sine i det siste.?
16.06.2022 kl 13:25 3422

Det kan du si :)

Nå skal jeg absolutt ikke være blant dem som hauser dette selskapet; det er en punt, som de sier i England.

Men i det minste har de likviditet til å sysle på i lang tid fremover uten salg.

Per 30/5 hadde de MNOK 75 i cash.
I tillegg kommer oppgjøret for Simplifai, som er avtalt solgt for MNOK 140.
Kontantoppgjør, hvorav an selgerkreditt på MNOK 50 i inntil 30 måneder.

Så hvis man ser på Pris/Bok får man p.t. mye for pengene, der man i prinisppet ikke betaler for potensiale.
Og sjeden kost at det ikke er risiko for emisjon i denne type selskap (Med mindre de gjør noe dumt og bruker alle kontantene på noen tullete oppkjøp da)

Selskapet har ellers en målsetning om å drive med positiv kontantstrøm i 2023.
16.06.2022 kl 15:21 3363

De skriver ingenting om hvor mye nettoprovenyet i transaksjonen er - 140 mill var basert på gjeldfritt selskap, i verste fall er selgerkreditten på 50 mill tett opp mot netto salgssum av aksjene. Sjelden har jeg som aksjonær følt meg så rævkjørt som i denne transaksjonen - gullkalven i konsernet nærmest «gis» bort til Horpestad & co, mens resterende aksjonærer står igjen på perrongen.
16.06.2022 kl 15:46 3333

Jeg er enig i at salget av Simplifai fremstår som urent.
Umulig for oss å vite om dette var en rabattert pris eller ikke.

Årsregnskapet foreligger ikke ennå, ei heller Q1 rapport.

Utfra Q421 rapport ser det ut til at gjeld forutenom noe lev.gjeld, utsatt skatt og leasingforpliktelser er
Non-current liabilities to financial institutions 11,515

Om denne gjelden er knyttet til Simplifai vet jeg ikke, men det er uansett under 10% av den totale salgsverdien.

Jeg finner ellers ingen info om hvorfor Elop ikke har, eller har planer om, å levere rapport for 1. kvartal.
Det liker jeg dårlig!

Ved nærmere ettersyn ser jeg at Simplifai hadde en gjeld på MNOK 12 når Elop overtok selskapet den 18. januar i fjor.

Til ettertanke, og spørsmålstegn, ser jeg at Elop betlate 148,5 millioner for Simplifai. Og dette var med gjelden + noe utsatt skatt m.m.

Selv om kjøpet i all hovedsak ble finansiert med aksjer i Elop (MNOK 147), syns jeg salget fremstår som ytterligere bissart.
Vell og merke var aksjekursen til Elop 3 ganger høyere den gang (ca 7,25), og kostnaden var på sett og vis liten i forhold til antall aksjer 147 mill ville utgjort i dag.
Redigert 16.06.2022 kl 16:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.08.2022 kl 14:02 2905

Er det fortsatt noen der ute som har troen på dette selskapet?
16.08.2022 kl 14:07 2901

Er det noen som vet om ansatte slutter i dette sorgens kapitel av et selskap?
16.08.2022 kl 14:33 2878

Sunn Skepsis skrev Nei.
Såsa , ikke så lenge side Simplifye bare var ett suplemuang ,men utviklet seg riktignok til potensialet langt utover det jeg kunne forestilt meg .
Men som beskrevet ble vi frarøvet dette , mye akrobatikk også i andre selskaper på børsen .
Har fortsatt troen på ELOP sine produkter , en helt ny era om vi kan stole på ledelsen sine fremtidsutsikter .
Bemerkelsesverdig stille fra ledelsens side ,ingen oppdateringer eller noe som helst ,må vel komme i forbindelse med Q2 ?
Sunn Skepsis
17.08.2022 kl 14:46 2772

Hvorfor skulle noen ønske å jobbe for en sånn råtten ledelse?
17.08.2022 kl 21:08 2719

Nok er nok, realiserte tap og puttet resten inn i en annen volatil sak som har gjort opp for tapet ila. en uke, no regrets. Først rettet emisjon til langt under markedspris, så internt utkjøp av simplifai for ikke rare summen, "rettet" tilbakekjøp av aksjer langt over markedspris. observerte flere ganger i forrige uke da bid/ask var ganske langt fra hverandre også at med en gang noen solgte på bid så var det kjøp på 1 aksje på ask for å få den til å sprette opp igjen. Har igrunn tro på teknologien, men det har vært mye spekulative grep fra ledelsen her som ser ut til å mele sin egen kake her dessverre.
25.08.2022 kl 19:40 2445

Har Elop sogt noen av disse fantastiske maskinene i det hele tatt. Har ikke hørt et ord om noe salg, er det hele en gedigen fiasko eller svindel?
27.09.2022 kl 13:33 1928

For de som ikke har fått med seg siste melding i dag...kanskje ikke nødvendigvis at salg av scannere er hovedinntekten pr.nå...:)

27 September 2022 - The first half of 2022 marked the start of a new chapter for
Elop, with a revision of the company's strategy launched in June. The result is
that Elop, in addition to being a technology provider, has moved into adjacent
segments across the value chain, including construction, maintenance and
inspection of infrastructure.

Following the divestment of Simplifai as well as closing of two acquisitions in
the third quarter, Elop reconfirms their ambition to become cash positive in

"We are in a good place financially, which coupled with a much more diversified
business, including new profit-making entities, put us in a good place. We
therefore retain our ambition of delivering cash positive operations in 2023,"
adds Øivind Horpestad.
Redigert 27.09.2022 kl 13:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.09.2022 kl 19:36 1857

Horpestad øker....:)

Øivind Horpestad, CEO in ELOP AS, has through the company Gimle Invest AS, on September 27th bought a total of 50,000 shares in ELOP AS at an average price of NOK 2.048 pr share. Following the transaction Øivind Horpestad and related parties control 12,007,965 shares in ELOP AS.
Redigert 27.09.2022 kl 19:37 Du må logge inn for å svare