Manipulation manipulation

PGS 14.04.2021 kl 14:59 1170

Aktien shortas ordentligt nu
14.04.2021 kl 15:00 1165

PGS ASA: New Share Capital after Conversion of Parts of Convertible Bond
April 14, 2021; Oslo, Norway, reference is made to PGS ASA (the Company) convertible bond loan with ISIN NO0010920697 in the aggregate amount of NOK 116,162,097 issued in Q1 2021. The Company has received conversion notices from convertible bondholders representing NOK 8 424 249 in this bond issue to convert 8 424 249 bonds into shares with a conversion price of NOK 3. Pursuant to standard terms set out in the bond terms, the bonds are thus convertible into 2,808,083 new freely tradable shares in the Company. After the conversion, the remaining principal outstanding under the convertible bond loan amounts to NOK 95 116 698. The share capital increase pertaining to the conversion of convertible bonds has today been registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises (Nw.:Foretaksregisteret). The Company's new share capital is NOK 1 182 666 387 divided into 394 222 129 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 3. The new shares will be listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and will be tradeable from the time at which they are issued in the VPS, expected to be on April 14, 2021.FOR DETAILS, CONTACT:Bård Stenberg, VP IR & Corporate Communication Mobile: +47 99 24 52 35
14.04.2021 kl 15:04 1133

2.8 miljoner aktier ska inte ha en inte vollalitet på närmare 1nok när aktien snart omsatt 10 miljoner aktier
Slettet bruker
14.04.2021 kl 15:35 1030

Om en trekker fra 17 mill aksjer short fra sculptor så er det 14-16 mill aksjer igen som kan konverteres.
Totalt antall konverteringsaksjer var vel 127.3kr eller 40 mill aksjer mulig det var litt mindre?

Hvis det gjenstår 95 mill i konverteringer har scukptor shortet for 51 mill kr tallet igjen blir da 44 mill nkr i konvertibler igjen som blir 13,4 mill konvertible aksjer utestående igjen.
Pengene spm konverteres havner forøvrig i cash bingen.
Redigert 14.04.2021 kl 15:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
14.04.2021 kl 15:44 993

Omsetningen ligger på mellom 30 og 80 mill nkr pr dag,mens konvertible aksjer igjen har en verdi på 40 mill nkr om en trekker fra sculptor shorten på 17,6 mill aksjer.