Archer - uavhengig blog opprettes

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ARCHER 16.04.2021 kl 19:03 4799

For several months I have perhaps been considered the most consistent performer with regards to the direction of Archer's stock price.

Admittedly the competition has been weak but nethertheless It is universally accepted that on this forum I am the daddy of the Archer threads.

I will be starting a new independent blog where I will publish trading signals and detailed option straddles to enable you to share in the profits I have been consistently making trading Archer, regardless of.the.price direction.

In addition there will be jokes.and puzzles all delivered with the humour that only I possess.

My background is as a fair worker on the Gold Coast of Australia, where I was responsible for the Umbrella ride. The competition was tough and the hours were long and seeking an easier challenge with less intelligent competition I moved to Norway and started working in the oil business. Although easy to progress when faced with colleagues who thought a 7 hour day was hard work, the ease of the job and thus for the past 3 years I have worked as an independent financial advisor whilst also working part time as a lap dancer.

I have been creaming the makers for years. Once you the deck is stacked, it's easier than provoking a a Trump rally.

Welcome one and all and details will be published shortly.

Remember, if it's Archer, it's the seas in which thepower swims.

As always, this service is for free
Redigert 16.04.2021 kl 19:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.04.2021 kl 21:14 4673

Dette blir spennende og gøy å følge videre 😃
Slettet bruker
16.04.2021 kl 21:24 4656

This is my cup of tea. Lookin forward to all the great technical anal-ysis.

Straight flush
17.04.2021 kl 14:40 4220

Testing 4 again next week you think?!/Aksje/S215/ARCH/ARCHER
Redigert 17.04.2021 kl 15:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.04.2021 kl 14:43 4213

My charts say otherwise
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18.04.2021 kl 01:10 3957

Talking to the taxi driver, we go up next week
18.04.2021 kl 07:41 3880

Selger du hele beholdningen din kommende uke?
Slettet bruker
18.04.2021 kl 10:20 3719

Slettet bruker
19.04.2021 kl 17:32 3426

Ganske sterkt av KLXE idag, bare ned 8% så langt.

Det er 60% på 3 dager.

Tenke at nå er det bånn gass for Archer.

Skal legge ved litt raketter 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Redigert 19.04.2021 kl 17:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.04.2021 kl 21:41 3231

Du skulle vel kjøpe KLXE hvis den kom ned til 8. Så, gå nå i gang.
Slettet bruker
19.04.2021 kl 22:00 3192

Jeg har kjøpt. Oversold.

Big day tomorrow..4.70.has to hold or.its bad news
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21.04.2021 kl 07:41 2928

After several days of.back to back nastiness one at least ask the question "How.low, how.low,.how low.can ya go?
21.04.2021 kl 08:48 2822

One thing is sure that nothing can stoop as low as you. You are sick with no respoect for yourself. You keep vomiting crap 24/7. All you write is utter nonsense. Please get a life or another hobby and let the forum have some peace.

Your contribution is NIL and you are so full of negativity all the time - an emotion that consumes you.
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 09:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
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21.04.2021 kl 10:46 2720

20kr snart 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
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22.04.2021 kl 23:29 2399

Så langt ja, men jeg kjøpt ikke mye. Jeg tror de kan hae behov for mer penger snart, så det er høy risk knyttet til det.

Nice rebound idag da 👌
Slettet bruker
27.04.2021 kl 09:48 2134

Som forventet, shorte faen er på plass.

Med tørket volumn og bad moon rising er det time to get busy
Slettet bruker
27.04.2021 kl 18:38 2022

Ja ja. Ser ut som Citadel faenskap (CF) har skremt vår brothers over dammen. KLXE faller som en God faen

Carpe Diem Esse Quam Videri

Nokka på Panam contract? Begynner å haster nå

Redigert 27.04.2021 kl 18:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.04.2021 kl 20:23 1926

fra en liten til en stor klovn, har du vurdert forbrukslån, at om du er Coop medlem, kan låne til så mye du vil, eller som de skriver i sin reklame, kan oppnå enda flere bonus poeng, "bare" 23,9% rente før kostnader som gebyr?
Redigert 27.04.2021 kl 20:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
04.05.2021 kl 18:28 1667

If I was.a betting man, which I am not, but let's just imagine that I was.

In such a case I would ask myself, where I alle fandens helvetia is the Panamerican contract extension.

Without this I can see a deflector to the infliction on Q1 day.

It's It's day like any day, but a day nonetheless

The power has spoken.