2020 Bulkers, Baltic Capesize-indeks er opp 16,2 prosent

2020 21.04.2021 kl 15:01 39822

Baltic Capesize-indeks er opp 16,2 prosent til 33.290 dollar pr dag. 2020 Bulkers mot nye høyder. Break-even på rett i overkant av 14.000 usd/dag. Blir en spennende vår og sommer med stadig større månedlige utbytter. Generell nedgang i dag, men tørrbulk har startet oppturen

03.05.2021 kl 19:10 5611

03.05.2021 kl 19:21 5572

Kan være at han trenger litt kapital i sine andre litt mindre suksessfulle prosjekt. Eller en spiller eller to i Vålerenga.
03.05.2021 kl 19:22 5592

Det er vel ikke positivt for oss 2020Bulkers aksjonærer å få en konkurrent om han starter nytt bulk selskap?
03.05.2021 kl 19:33 5652

Er vel helt urealistisk at han skal starte et nytt selskap basert på et lite nedsalg. Men hva ville dette si for aksjekursen? Mest sannsynligvis ingenting. Kjøper av aksjeposten ser helt åpenbart verdi her og en verdi som er betydelig større enn rabatten.
04.05.2021 kl 07:52 5313

Egenkapital? Ellers er jeg enig med deg. De selger seg ikke ned fordi de har mistet troen på bulk. Midlene fra nedsalget skal gå til noe spesifikt. Garantert! Bulk caset har heller ikke forandret seg. 2020 skuffer inn penger på dagens nivå, og ting tyder på at det ikke stopper her. $40-50K/dag er jo overhodet ikke noen hysteriske rater. Her er det mye mer å gå på. Det positive med dette nedsalget er at aksjen blir betydelig mer likvid! Nedsalget og prosjektet er nok planlagt for uker siden, og 103 kroner er nok bare en uheldig timing som man ikke kunne snu seg rundt å endre i går.
Redigert 04.05.2021 kl 08:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.05.2021 kl 08:13 5250

Koch Resources, LLC, is the buyer of the 1,500,000 stocks. One of the largest commodity traders in the world and also charterer of several of the ships in the 2020 B fleet. This means that Koch will get dividends from their charter hire paid. Pretty smart.

Koch Industries,
Inc., the ultimate parent company of Spring Creek Capital, LLC is a US based company having its primary
business within industries such as refining, chemicals, and biofuels; forest and consumer products; fertilizers;
polymers and fibers; process and pollution control systems; electronics, software and data analytics;
minerals; glass; automotive components; ranching; commodity trading; and investments. Koch Industries is
controlled by the individuals Charles Koch and Julia Koch.
Redigert 04.05.2021 kl 08:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.05.2021 kl 08:23 5218

Ser ut som Koch som leier 6 av 8 båter vil være med ratefesten fremover, og ikke bare betale plukke opp regninga.
Kalle Kurtasje
04.05.2021 kl 09:21 5172

2020 faller 6-7% ved åpning, og jeg fikk kjøpt mere aksjer til 107.-
Tipper det vil være en grei pris i forhold til utviklingen utover sommeren? :)
(Kurs etter 20 minutter = 110.-)
04.05.2021 kl 12:56 5013

Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Capesize-indeks er opp 5,8 prosent til 42.959 dollar pr dag, ifølge The Baltic Exchange
04.05.2021 kl 13:00 5090

Koch buys 2020 Bulkers stake in share sale that will fund Troim's LNG-fuelled ships!

Commodities giant bought stake in newcastlemax specialist in a secondary offering on the Oslo Stock Exchange
An investment vehicle owned by Koch Industries has bought a stake in 2020 Bulkers in a placement of shares sold by Tor Olav Troim and a private equity firm.

TradeWinds understands that funds raised from the sale will go towards funding the construction of LNG-fuelled newcastlemax bulkers that Troim ordered separately from 2020 Bulkers. Troim is the Oslo-listed bulker owner's primary backer.

Spring Creek Capital has purchased 1.5m of the shipowner's Oslo-listed shares, which is equivalent to a 6.8% stake in the company, according to regulatory disclosures. Shares were sold in the placement at NOK 103 each, making Spring Creek's tranche worth around NOK 154.5m ($18.6m).

Secondary placement!
2020 Bulkers announced on Monday that the two shareholders were contemplating selling up to 14.2% of the company through the sale of between 1.25m to 1.9m existing shares.

At that time, the shipowner said that "one industrial investor" — since revealed as Spring Creek Capital — had subscribed and been allocated 1.5m shares, covering most of the book before the placement was launched.

Drew Holdings, a trust controlled by 2020 Bulkers' backer Troim, reduced its holding in the company from just over 32% to 24.8% in the placement by selling 1.9m shares.

Shares were also sold by Ubon Partners, a Norwegian private equity firm co-founded and run by entrepreneurs OJ Winge and Fredrik Halvorsen, who is no relation of 2020 Bulkers' managing director Magnus.

Ubon Partners sold 1.25m shares and now owns 3.5% of 2020 Bulkers, having previously held 9.17%.
Magnus Halvorsen told TradeWinds that 2020 Bulkers was pleased to deepen its relationship with Koch Industries, a US commodities and industrial conglomerate.
"We have had an excellent relationship with them as a customer since we took delivery of our first vessel, and we are of course honoured and humbled that one of the world's largest and most successful private companies has decided to buy shares in our company," he said.

Six of the shipowner's eight newcastlemaxes are on long-term charter to Koch Shipping and the other two are on long-term charters to commodities giant Glencore until 2023.

Gas-fuelled bulker investment!

TradeWinds understands that Troim intends to spend cash raised in the placement on four LNG-fuelled newcastlemaxes ordered by his private concern Magni Partners.The quartet are scheduled for delivery in 2023 and 2024.

"The reason why Magni has ordered LNG-fuelled ships is to develop its LNG bunkering business," according to a term sheet circulated by banks during the share placement.

Excitement briefly surrounded 2020 Bulkers in March when it was thought the owner was poised to order up to 12 dual-fuel newcastlemaxes worth close to $820m at China's New Times Shipyard. It would appear

This was swiftly denied by Halvorsen, who on Monday reiterated to TradeWinds that 2020 Bulkers has no interest in newbuildings and will focus on returning dividends to shareholders.

But LNG fuel was taken into consideration when 2020 Bulkers first ordered its eight newcastlemax vessels in 2017 and 2018.
Troim told TradeWinds in an interview that, despite his being an LNG evangelist, 2020 Bulkers decided against using the liquefied gas as fuel for the newbuildings because at that time it was too expensive.

"I think what we have learnt over the last couple of years is that the price of LNG equipment is coming down," he said in the 2019 interview.
Magni, which Troim founded after parting company with John Fredriksen in 2014, has made investments in the small-scale LNG distribution space.

'Dividend potential'
2020 Bulkers' shares were trading at NOK 111.50 as of 10:30am in Oslo on Tuesday, up by 4.2% since the open.
In April, analysts from Arctic Securities praised 2020 Bulkers' "strong dividend potential", but said its first-quarter results fell slightly below expectations.
The Oslo-listed shipowner recorded net profit of $5.8m for the first three months of 2021, according to its financial report.

This is down slightly from the previous quarter but up from the $300,000 profit it made in the same period in 2020.
Analysts think even bigger earnings and dividends could be on the way from 2020 Bulkers if its vessels continue to earn a premium in the strong capesize market.
The firm has declared total cash distributions of $0.26 per share for the first three months of the year.
Redigert 04.05.2021 kl 13:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.05.2021 kl 13:04 5078

Dvs 2020 sine scrubber/size Indexrater er vel over $55K/dag nå?
Redigert 04.05.2021 kl 13:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.05.2021 kl 13:15 5113

Yes. Closer to USD60,000 per day. On an annual basis +50 NOK/share in dividends so let's hope the market stay strong for some time now.
Redigert 04.05.2021 kl 13:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.05.2021 kl 13:54 5083

Yes, over 58.000 dollar :D:D Helt spinnvilt
Slettet bruker
04.05.2021 kl 16:18 4983

Noen som har noen god forklaring på hvorfor denne faller?
04.05.2021 kl 16:44 4984

Media exposure and high volume attracts robot trade. A lot of that today. Nonsense day if you ask me.

Very exited to see what the April dividends will be. Hopefully announced at the end of this week, nevertheless more likely during next week.

Redigert 04.05.2021 kl 16:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.05.2021 kl 17:34 4956

Er dette skip til 2020 selskapet, eller hvem skal eie skipene?
04.05.2021 kl 18:14 4956

Rundt 20 % av aksjene skiftet eier på godt over 100 kr i dag. Det danner en fin plattform med nye langsiktige eiere. Alltid kjipt når en aksje faller, men i dag var det bred nedgang. Ser fram til utbyttene fremover, og er temmelig sikker på at denne blåser videre opp i løpet av sommeren.
04.05.2021 kl 19:25 4901

@staffanstorp In the previous investor presentation they said that at 40' the dividend would be about NOK 3 ,- pr. share. :-)
04.05.2021 kl 20:09 4850

Yes, and the daily rates are now at about 50% higher than USD 40,000/day (USD 60,000) for 75% of their fleet. On today's rates and today's stock rate we are dealing with 40-50% dividends per year. It is madness and guess no analytics dare to say it in media.

Check out slide No. 8 of the Q1 2021 webcast. https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/nvjvh4np
Redigert 04.05.2021 kl 20:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.05.2021 kl 11:12 4606

Ikke synsk, men det har dryppet hints i TW i nesten et år om at kjøp av flere skip var på gang. Og med CEO Halvorsens kategoriske avvisning til flåteekspansjon i intervjuet forrige uke, var det jo egentlig bare å legge sammen 2+2.
05.05.2021 kl 15:56 4483

Kom fort tilbake til gamle takter ! Nå går veien videre.. med info om mai utbytte neste uke.. Blir rekord :D
Slettet bruker
05.05.2021 kl 17:12 4438

StevenG vet du når til uken det kommer info om utbytte?
05.05.2021 kl 17:28 4454

Bruker å komme rundt den 10.
05.05.2021 kl 18:25 4460

Previous 13 dividends have been declared on the following dates:

6th, 3rd, 9th, 10th, 12th, 8th, 7th, 11th, 7th, 11th, 8th, 11th and 12th.
Slettet bruker
05.05.2021 kl 18:37 4438

Takker! Da bør den være like rundt hjørnet! Spent på den!
06.05.2021 kl 08:28 4255

Burde bli ca 23-24 cent per aksje. Futuren viser i dag kraftig nedgang i Capsize ratene så blir spennende å se om ratene nå flater ut, uansett så gir jo rater v 40t/dag rundt 3 NOK i utbytte/mnd så hvis dette nivået holder seg burde det bli en flott somner.
06.05.2021 kl 10:11 4160

Når må en eie aksjer, for å få det
månedlig utbytte?
Redigert 06.05.2021 kl 10:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.05.2021 kl 10:50 4127

Ah, det forklarer det - det vanlige kortsiktige bildet. Ratene faller en dollar eller to, og så er det som om rottene skulle forlate det synkende skip.
06.05.2021 kl 21:12 3914

Buy the dip? Voldsom korreksjon idag, men fortsatt høye rater og ikke i høysesong enda
06.05.2021 kl 21:31 3909

Hvor følger man ratene?
Slettet bruker
06.05.2021 kl 21:33 3991

Fredrik Halvorsen solgte, han er ikke noe særlig god på børs, bør gi et ballespark selv til den største optimist og etternøler i drybulk.
06.05.2021 kl 21:46 3963

kronerulling skrev Hvor følger man ratene?
Du kan se dagsaktuelle futures her (30 min forsinkelse)

BDI tallene som kommer daglig finner du bl.a. her på finansavisen.
07.05.2021 kl 10:09 3721

Flere tonmile var ett av Bull poengene til CEO når Brazil åpnet opp igjen for fullt, nå blir det enda bedre om Australia blir boikottet videre pga dette er den korteste seilings distansen til Kina. Ser ut som dette kan bli mega bull inn mot høysesongen. Fikk plukket litt ekstra igår på 104Kr (1 Kr under Koch) som jeg er meget tilfreds med. Neste uke kommer Kr.1,70 i utbytte. Jeg har kursmål 130 kortsiktig stigende opp mot 150-160 på lenger sikt. Tørrbulk er megabull pga lite skip i makedet og svært få nye i ordre