NOD: Smart Airport Takes Off in Germany (NB-IoT)

Kurt Asje
NOD 17.10.2018 kl 10:35 888

Interessant blog:

"Heavy-duty sensors and Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) is helping one German airport better manage its critical infrastructure, reducing a fuel supply bottleneck.

The concept of a smart airport conjures up images of automated check-in and boarding, apps to alert passengers to delays, and more efficient baggage handling processes. But arguably the most important factor in running an efficient airport is managing the physical infrastructure.

The importance of airport infrastructure
Physical infrastructure from runways and access roads to the service areas are a critical foundation to all other airport processes from passenger handling to flight operations.

At Düsseldorf Airport, more than 120 heavy fuel trucks make the daily trip between the fuel tank farm and the airport using a single access road and bridge. As each truck carries up to 30,000 litres of jet fuel, the wear caused to the road is an ongoing concern.

Previously, physical samples were required to analyse the condition of the road and bridge. This was complex, time-consuming and often caused disruption to what is a key bottleneck at the airport.

Now, sensor technology from Deutsche Telekom and its partner BS2 Sicherheitssysteme is helping Düsseldorf Airport to better monitor and control its access roads.

Slettet bruker
17.10.2018 kl 10:46 864

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