PRS - Ukens rakett med knapt med aksjer for markedet.
Denne blir fin denne uken.
Ser det på mønstret.
Robotene har knapt aksjer å leke med.
3.5-4kr innen uken er omme.
Ser det på mønstret.
Robotene har knapt aksjer å leke med.
3.5-4kr innen uken er omme.
PRS fløy opp til over 1.60 i går, var det bare en kortsiktig oppgang eller kan det være andre forhold som danner grunnlaget for det?
Kan det samme skje i dag?
Kan det samme skje i dag?
04.05.2021 kl 10:03
Antar det prises inn positivt svar avgjørelse 7/5.
Ved negativ avgjørelse, hva skjer, og ligger det massiv utvanning ved gjeldskonvertering.
Ved negativ avgjørelse, hva skjer, og ligger det massiv utvanning ved gjeldskonvertering.
04.05.2021 kl 10:34
selger siden ser ikke sterk ut - mange vil nok ta et lodd - maa ha aksjer for aa bli med i utvanning ogsaa.
04.05.2021 kl 10:38
Tror det er noe positivt på gang her faktisk og noen ville inn i går . er ikke inne selv men den ser sterk ut og kan fort komme kurs 2 kr på et blunk
04.05.2021 kl 10:39
ser ut som den kan ta en smell opp snart - tynnes ut selger siden.
Kan også være at kursen ønskes kjørt opp maksimalt før refinansieringen?
(slik at det å være med på refinansieringen blir attraktiv nok for de store aktørene. Det er stor forskjell på om refinansieringen settes om kursen er kr 1.20, kr 1.50 eller kr 2).
(slik at det å være med på refinansieringen blir attraktiv nok for de store aktørene. Det er stor forskjell på om refinansieringen settes om kursen er kr 1.20, kr 1.50 eller kr 2).
04.05.2021 kl 10:52
veldig logisk - bare se hvordan NEL er det klassiske eksemple der hus pusher opp kursen - og 16.37 kommer emisjon rett i ansikte paa deg :-)
Den har dratt seg til naa...
Den har dratt seg til naa...
04.05.2021 kl 12:02
Redigert 04.05.2021 kl 12:03
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04.05.2021 kl 12:10
Ser ut som noen lader opp og vet mer en andre. trading og robot numerics er klassisk rally pattern...
06.05.2021 kl 07:44
Ikke noe sjokk på Q1 men der positive er at det kan komme en anke som trenerer erstatningen. De skal gjøre en omgjøring fra gjeld til aksjer rundt juni/ juli. Dette må stemmes over og ting kan ta litt tid. Jeg tror de som er inne vil kunne se rakett kurser igjen i Prosafe. Se bare på NAS og PLC m.fl
06.05.2021 kl 08:52
Saken går neppe til Høyesterett.
Dette virker som om Prosafe bare prøver å gi ett ørlite håp til sine aksjonærer.
Her fikk man en dom av fagdommere og ikke en (1) enkel dommer i første runde.
Når man da taper på alle punkter så vil dette være sløsing med alle involverte parters tid inklusiv rettssystemet.
Dette virker som om Prosafe bare prøver å gi ett ørlite håp til sine aksjonærer.
Her fikk man en dom av fagdommere og ikke en (1) enkel dommer i første runde.
Når man da taper på alle punkter så vil dette være sløsing med alle involverte parters tid inklusiv rettssystemet.
Redigert 06.05.2021 kl 21:30
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16.07.2021 kl 00:01
Jeg tror PRS blir morgendagens vinner og at 3 tallet nås. Omsatt over 8 millioner aksjer i dag (ca 10% av alle aksjene) og sluttet på 2 tallet indikerer at et rally er i anmarsj her. Neste SDRL case?
2.68, være med på en ny doblingskandidat?
23.07.2021 kl 15:33
23 juli er siste dag for innsigelser fra kreditorene. Melding i helga, og superrally mandag?
02.08.2021 kl 18:38
Denne kommer veldig raskt når den først går. Det virker som at godkjennelsesprosessen rundt rekonstruksjonen er nå en formalitet med 96% av lånegivere er med på det. Er nok fornuftig å ta en posisjon da den fort kan dra en seadrill.
Reference is made to the earlier information provided about the ongoing
financial process with the lenders, the latest in a press release dated 16 July
2021 to Prosafe SE's and Prosafe Rigs Pte. Ltd.'s ("PRPL") applications for
leave of the Singapore Court to convene meetings of its creditors to vote on
proposed schemes of arrangement pursuant to section 210(1) of the Singapore
Companies Act in HC/ OS 711/ 2021 and HC/ OS 712/2021 (the "Convening
At the Convening Applications hearing today, the Singapore Court granted the
Convening Applications in full. Among other things, the Singapore Court made the
following orders:
1. Leave be granted to Prosafe SE and PRPL to convene the Scheme Meetings
pursuant to Section 210(1) of the Singapore Companies Act, for the purpose of
considering and, if thought fit, approving (with or without modifications) the
Schemes proposed to be made between Prosafe SE or PRPL and their respective
Scheme Creditors;
2. The Scheme Meetings be convened on or before 10 weeks from 2 August 2021;
3. In the event that the Schemes are approved (with or without modifications) by
the Scheme Creditors, on the satisfaction of the conditions set out in the
Singapore Companies Act, Prosafe SE and PRPL be at liberty to apply to the
Singapore Court, by summons in the proceedings, that the Schemes be approved by
order of Court so as to be binding on Prosafe SE, PRPL and on all the Scheme
4. That Mr David Chew, c/o DHC Capital Pte. Ltd., 80 Raffles Place #43-01, UOB
Plaza 1, Singapore 048624, be appointed as Chairperson of the Scheme Meetings
and to report the results of the Scheme Meetings to the Singapore Court, as well
as do all things necessary for the purposes of recognition in any foreign
recognition proceedings, whether in Norway or any other jurisdiction? and
5. There be liberty to apply.
Prosafe SE and PRPL will make the appropriate announcements as and when there
are any further material developments on the financial process and the matters
above. Please monitor Prosafe SE's website for any announcements or update on
the process.
Prosafe is a leading owner and operator of semi-submersible accommodation
vessels. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with ticker code PRS.
For more information, please refer to (
Reference is made to the earlier information provided about the ongoing
financial process with the lenders, the latest in a press release dated 16 July
2021 to Prosafe SE's and Prosafe Rigs Pte. Ltd.'s ("PRPL") applications for
leave of the Singapore Court to convene meetings of its creditors to vote on
proposed schemes of arrangement pursuant to section 210(1) of the Singapore
Companies Act in HC/ OS 711/ 2021 and HC/ OS 712/2021 (the "Convening
At the Convening Applications hearing today, the Singapore Court granted the
Convening Applications in full. Among other things, the Singapore Court made the
following orders:
1. Leave be granted to Prosafe SE and PRPL to convene the Scheme Meetings
pursuant to Section 210(1) of the Singapore Companies Act, for the purpose of
considering and, if thought fit, approving (with or without modifications) the
Schemes proposed to be made between Prosafe SE or PRPL and their respective
Scheme Creditors;
2. The Scheme Meetings be convened on or before 10 weeks from 2 August 2021;
3. In the event that the Schemes are approved (with or without modifications) by
the Scheme Creditors, on the satisfaction of the conditions set out in the
Singapore Companies Act, Prosafe SE and PRPL be at liberty to apply to the
Singapore Court, by summons in the proceedings, that the Schemes be approved by
order of Court so as to be binding on Prosafe SE, PRPL and on all the Scheme
4. That Mr David Chew, c/o DHC Capital Pte. Ltd., 80 Raffles Place #43-01, UOB
Plaza 1, Singapore 048624, be appointed as Chairperson of the Scheme Meetings
and to report the results of the Scheme Meetings to the Singapore Court, as well
as do all things necessary for the purposes of recognition in any foreign
recognition proceedings, whether in Norway or any other jurisdiction? and
5. There be liberty to apply.
Prosafe SE and PRPL will make the appropriate announcements as and when there
are any further material developments on the financial process and the matters
above. Please monitor Prosafe SE's website for any announcements or update on
the process.
Prosafe is a leading owner and operator of semi-submersible accommodation
vessels. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with ticker code PRS.
For more information, please refer to (
Redigert 02.08.2021 kl 20:02
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02.08.2021 kl 20:54
Ny på listen i dag: 20 MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INTERNATIONAL 0.61% 911.38k 504.1k
02.08.2021 kl 21:29
11 THE NORTHERN TRUST COMP, LONDON BR 0.92% 1 376.5k 761.4k
26 J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES PLC 0.37% 558.87k 309.1k
Når disse er tomme som er når som helst nå tror jeg stigningen kan begynne, trenger noe mer volum og aksjen over 2 før volumet kommer for fullt
26 J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES PLC 0.37% 558.87k 309.1k
Når disse er tomme som er når som helst nå tror jeg stigningen kan begynne, trenger noe mer volum og aksjen over 2 før volumet kommer for fullt
03.08.2021 kl 08:38
Prosafe SE: Operational and financial update Q2 2021
The fleet utilisation rate in the second quarter of 2021 was 65.8 per cent (Q2 2020: 6.5 per cent).
Safe Zephyrus continued the contract for Shell at the Shearwater platform in the UK and was in full operation throughout the quarter. The contract initially had
a firm period of 145 days and has to date been extended by the client by additional 16 days.
Safe Caledonia has been operating for TotalEnergies at the Elgin platform in the UK since 30 March 2021 and was fully utilised in the quarter. The contract has a
firm duration of 162 days and two 15-day options, of which the first available option was exercised on 29 July 2021.
Safe Boreas has been operating for CNOOC at Buzzard in the UK since 20 April 2021. After two of the three 30-day options were exercised on 9 July 2021, the
contract now has a firm duration of 160 days.
Safe Eurus has been providing safety and maintenance support to Petrobras during a three-year contract since November 2019 and was in full operation throughout the quarter.
Safe Notos has been operating for Petrobras in Brazil throughout this quarter. The vessel is on contract until mid-November 2021.
Safe Concordia has been preparing for a 117-day contract in Trinidad and Tobago and has been on hire since 25 July 2021.
Safe Scandinavia was idle in the quarter and is laid up in Norway. Regalia was sold for recycling in April 2021.
The impact from Covid-19 on the macro environment has been challenging, with the company also experiencing cases in the fleet. In all instances there has been close coordination with the client to ensure that any occurrence is dealt with promptly and effectively. Safety measures at workplaces and vessels to protect
people and assets remain rigorously in place.
Please refer to a number of separate press releases, the latest dated 2 August, regarding a long-term financial solution for the company. The implementation in
Singapore is on track with support from a very significant majority of the lenders.
The fleet utilisation rate in the second quarter of 2021 was 65.8 per cent (Q2 2020: 6.5 per cent).
Safe Zephyrus continued the contract for Shell at the Shearwater platform in the UK and was in full operation throughout the quarter. The contract initially had
a firm period of 145 days and has to date been extended by the client by additional 16 days.
Safe Caledonia has been operating for TotalEnergies at the Elgin platform in the UK since 30 March 2021 and was fully utilised in the quarter. The contract has a
firm duration of 162 days and two 15-day options, of which the first available option was exercised on 29 July 2021.
Safe Boreas has been operating for CNOOC at Buzzard in the UK since 20 April 2021. After two of the three 30-day options were exercised on 9 July 2021, the
contract now has a firm duration of 160 days.
Safe Eurus has been providing safety and maintenance support to Petrobras during a three-year contract since November 2019 and was in full operation throughout the quarter.
Safe Notos has been operating for Petrobras in Brazil throughout this quarter. The vessel is on contract until mid-November 2021.
Safe Concordia has been preparing for a 117-day contract in Trinidad and Tobago and has been on hire since 25 July 2021.
Safe Scandinavia was idle in the quarter and is laid up in Norway. Regalia was sold for recycling in April 2021.
The impact from Covid-19 on the macro environment has been challenging, with the company also experiencing cases in the fleet. In all instances there has been close coordination with the client to ensure that any occurrence is dealt with promptly and effectively. Safety measures at workplaces and vessels to protect
people and assets remain rigorously in place.
Please refer to a number of separate press releases, the latest dated 2 August, regarding a long-term financial solution for the company. The implementation in
Singapore is on track with support from a very significant majority of the lenders.
03.08.2021 kl 09:49
Vet vi at de skal helt ut? Hvor mange aksjer har de igjen? (Litt vanskelig å lese ut i fra alle tallene som vises til)
03.08.2021 kl 12:12
Hvis dem vil ut så er det bare å kjøre en solid pump'n dump.
Så den prøvde på nytt på 2 tallet men manglet litt trykk for å blåse over
Så den prøvde på nytt på 2 tallet men manglet litt trykk for å blåse over
04.08.2021 kl 16:38
Var grei avslutning på dagen , er der noen som er ferdig solgt ?
Eller lekker Oslo børs som vanlig
Eller lekker Oslo børs som vanlig
04.08.2021 kl 17:21
Hvis denne aksjen går over 2.2 og deretter 2.9 tør jeg ikke å si hvor høyt denne skal ende. Flott avslutning i dag, ser veldig lovende ut
04.08.2021 kl 20:00
er ikke lenge siden den var oppe i nesten 3 kr ,,, blir der nok trykk fra morningen så raser denne utrolig for oppover
05.08.2021 kl 17:20
Meget interessante nivåer som jobbes med her. Volumet kommer snart tilbake med mellom 4-20 millioner i omsetning. Her er det bare å akkumulere og vente spent på den store oppturen
22.10.2021 kl 14:17
PRS melder kontrakt, kan det dra seg over kr 2-3 nå?
Prosafe is extremely pleased to be awarded this contract for operations in 2022 Prosafe has been awarded a contract from TotalEnergies E&P UK Limited
('TotalEnergies') for the Safe Caledonia to provide accommodation support at the Elgin complex in the UK sector of the North Sea. The firm duration of the contract commencing mid-March 2022 is 270 days with one 30-day option. Jesper Kragh Andresen, CEO of Prosafe says: "After the Safe Caledonia safely and efficiently operated for TotalEnergies at Elgin in 2017 and 2021, Prosafe is extremely pleased to be awarded this contract for operations in 2022. We take this as a reflection of the high performance and flexibility that the Safe Caledonia offers."
Prosafe is extremely pleased to be awarded this contract for operations in 2022 Prosafe has been awarded a contract from TotalEnergies E&P UK Limited
('TotalEnergies') for the Safe Caledonia to provide accommodation support at the Elgin complex in the UK sector of the North Sea. The firm duration of the contract commencing mid-March 2022 is 270 days with one 30-day option. Jesper Kragh Andresen, CEO of Prosafe says: "After the Safe Caledonia safely and efficiently operated for TotalEnergies at Elgin in 2017 and 2021, Prosafe is extremely pleased to be awarded this contract for operations in 2022. We take this as a reflection of the high performance and flexibility that the Safe Caledonia offers."
20.07.2022 kl 20:28
Du hauser på alle Prs-trådene. Noen grunn for at du mener den skal oppover, eller bare ønsketenking?
20.07.2022 kl 21:15
Hauser ikke, ønsker bare å få litt informasjon, da det er lite innlegg om Prs!!!
20.07.2022 kl 22:40
Blir nok aldri mye innlegg i Prs. Selskapet er lite, leier ut noen flytende hoteller- ikke akkurat «high tech» og langt mellom kontraktene som ofte er langvarige. All nødvendig info finner du på hjemmesiden til selskapet.
Vil ellers anbefale å lete etter info om selskapene du investerer i før du kjøper, ikke etterpå som det virker å være tilfelle i Prs.
Vil ellers anbefale å lete etter info om selskapene du investerer i før du kjøper, ikke etterpå som det virker å være tilfelle i Prs.
20.07.2022 kl 23:42
Vil anbefale deg, Tybring, til å lese hjemmesiden , slik at du får med deg at de er verdensledende innen halv nedsenkbare boligplattformer. Men du skal vel ikke kjøpe PRS du, bare kommentere.
21.07.2022 kl 00:03
Hei. Du finner meg på hjemmesiden under «largest shareholders», og har vært det en stund nå. Selskapet blir ikke veldig «high tech» av at de er ledende i sitt segment. Segmentet opplever jeg som kjedelig og d skjer relativt lite.
Redigert 21.07.2022 kl 00:04
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21.07.2022 kl 08:01
Så du er en av de største aksjonærene i et selskap du ikke har helt troa på! Det høres jo virkelig rart ut!!