Iluka Q1 rapport

NOM 04.05.2021 kl 18:04 3009

Titanium Dioxide Feedstocks
High grade titanium dioxide feedstock sales were 129 thousand tonnes.
The titanium dioxide pigment market remains robust, with many producers running their assets to maximise throughput.
Pigment inventory levels are below seasonal norms, with extended lead times for certain grades. Do-it-yourself (DIY) paint
demand remains strong heading into the Northern Hemisphere’s spring and summer peak demand season.
Chinese pigment domestic demand has also been strong, with Chinese producers electing to sell domestically. This has resulted
in shortages for lower priced Chinese pigment in Europe, South East Asia and Latin America.
Pigment prices have increased following a series of price increase announcements – the most recent increases are mid-single
digit percentage points and, in some cases, higher.
The welding market remains very strong with demand for natural rutile outstripping supply.
The market for titanium metal is showing signs of improvement, with positive indicators evident in aircraft orders.
However, demand from this market sector is not expected to return to pre-COVID-19 levels for several years.
Iluka has a minimum of 295 thousand tonnes of rutile and synthetic rutile take-or-pay contracts with a range of customers in
place for 2021. In addition, to date, a further 30 thousand tonnes of high grade feedstocks are contracted. While litigation
relating to 2020 offtake of synthetic rutile by Chemours remains ongoing, it has resumed offtake in line with the contract.

Rutile prices achieved were at similar levels to Q4 2020.
Redigert 05.05.2021 kl 05:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.05.2021 kl 09:44 2628

Both main producers Iluka and Sierra Rutile needs more raw material to mine. Titanium dioxide price goes high in next years.

Sierra Rutile largest producer of titanium dioxide-derived rutile struggling with high costs and the difficult decision on mine life extension.
Global supplies of natural rutile are already in structural deficit.

Hardly any new #rutile deposits to come online in the short to medium term and now $ILU supply waning.
$SVM in an incredible position with its latest discovery of what could be the world's most significant source of high purity and #sustainable #titanium feedstock.
05.05.2021 kl 10:18 2536

Thanks, but no thanks.

Frie valg gjør Malawi til et forholdsvis demokratisk land. Samtidig har politikken i Malawi vært preget av alvorlige og store korrupsjonsskandaler, som truer demokratiet. Rettsvesenet blir til en viss grad styrt politisk, og menneskerettighetene står svakt. Blant annet er diskriminering og vold mot kvinner svært problematisk, og politiet har fått mye kritikk for å torturere fanger. I tillegg har landet vært preget av politisk uro og voldelige demonstrasjoner .
05.05.2021 kl 11:27 2432

Yes exactly.
Nordic Mining is in key position with large resources and stable democratic country.
05.05.2021 kl 21:00 2179

Litt spekulasjonar men inntrykket eg får er at Iluka ikkje er heilt nøgd med kjøpet av Sierra Rutile. Trur der dukka opp mykje grums i etterkant og at deira estimat har vore litt vel optimistiske.

Når det gjelder titandioksidpigment marknaden så har etterspørselen her åleine halde prisen på rutil stabil. Etterspørselen etter titan sponge har derimot falt betydleg. Dette betyr at dersom pigment marknaden held seg og flybransjen tek seg opp med nye flybestillingar vil rutilptisen kunne gjere eit tydeleg hopp.
05.05.2021 kl 22:26 2045

Last 40 years overall demand of titanium dioxide has grown about 3% CAGR per year. 90% used by pigment sector. COVID doesn't stop this trend, just slowed it temporary.
... the price increase might slow the real trend a bit more but rutile is still very cheap pigment material even at double or triple price. And this increase will happen in 5 years because of declining grades in old rutile mines.
20.05.2021 kl 09:06 1547

Iluka looks at suspending ops in Sierra Leone

Iluka in April this year told shareholders that the Sierra Rutile operation was facing acute business challenges, particularly since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, resulting in its operational performance being below expectations and meaning that its financial performance was unsustainable
20.05.2021 kl 09:29 1472

Effect for rutile price will be huge. It removes about 15% of global supply of natural rutile market... which is already under shortage.
20.05.2021 kl 12:50 1287

This is great news for NOM and the rutile price.