Melding! Bud på Q-FREE!
Melding nå i kveld om at et amerikansk selskap har lagt inn bud på 14,40 kroner pr aksje i Q-FREE! Største aksjonær Rieber har heldigvis avslått dette. Verdiene i selskapet overstiger langt over dette. Kunne vært interessant å vite hva Rieber kan godta av bud pr aksje: 30 - 40 - 50 kroner? Høyere? 😁💰💰🇳🇴
Redigert 04.05.2021 kl 21:30
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04.05.2021 kl 21:46
Sannsynligvis en tabbe å ikke akseptere budet. Kursen smeller nok godt opp på kort sikt, men på lang sikt vil den nok falle tilbake. I morgen hadde jeg gevinssikret om jeg hadde hatt aksler i selskapet.
04.05.2021 kl 21:56
Men du har altså ikke aksjer i selskapet. Ikke rart du da "spår" at denne formidable reprisingen blir kortvarig. Du vil selvsagt ha mulighet til å komme billig inn. Dream on. Dette er en varig og solid endring. Storeieren Rieber bare vifter bort tilbudet 14,4. Regner med de vil ha minst en milliard alene. Da må kursen bli 20. Stopper neppe der, heller.
04.05.2021 kl 22:00
Den er vel litt kjip? For ikke så mange mnd siden mente du den skulle til 3kr..... :)
04.05.2021 kl 22:01
Aksjen er verdt langt mer enn 14,40, så forstår veldig godt at Rieber takker nei. For langsiktige investorer tror jeg neppe et bud under 20 kr er særlig interessant, og man kan fint argumentere for enda høyere pris også. QFR er veldig godt posisjonert ift flere megatrender. Dessuten er selskapet nettopp ferdig restrukturert med en fantatisk ordreinngang hittil i 2021.
kommer nytt bud i løpet av US selskap innen kort tid.
14,5- 20kr
The Board of Directors of Q-Free ASA has on 4[th] May 2021 received a non
-binding proposal regarding a potential offer for 100% of the shares in Q-Free
ASA from a US-based company. The proposal indicates an offer price equal to NOK
14.40 per Q-Free share, with 60% consideration in shares in the buyer and 40%
cash consideration. Further, the non-binding proposal presupposes the completion
of a satisfactory due diligence process and the entering into of a definitive
agreement before an offer will be made to the Q-Free shareholders.
are å følge med.
14,5- 20kr
The Board of Directors of Q-Free ASA has on 4[th] May 2021 received a non
-binding proposal regarding a potential offer for 100% of the shares in Q-Free
ASA from a US-based company. The proposal indicates an offer price equal to NOK
14.40 per Q-Free share, with 60% consideration in shares in the buyer and 40%
cash consideration. Further, the non-binding proposal presupposes the completion
of a satisfactory due diligence process and the entering into of a definitive
agreement before an offer will be made to the Q-Free shareholders.
are å følge med.
Redigert 05.05.2021 kl 09:46
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Gratis penger kan få 50% på kort tid avkastning.
he Board of Directors of Q-Free ASA has on 4[th] May 2021 received a non
-binding proposal regarding a potential offer for 100% of the shares in Q-Free
ASA from a US-based company. The proposal indicates an offer price equal to NOK
14.40 per Q-Free share, with 60% consideration in shares in the buyer and 40%
cash consideration. Further, the non-binding proposal presupposes the completion
of a satisfactory due diligence process and the entering into of a definitive
agreement before an offer will be made to the Q-Free shareholders.
Given the complexity in the proposed form of consideration with a major part in
the form of shares in a US listed company, and the implicit minimum acceptance
condition of more than 90% in order to facilitate the business combination, the
board has investigated whether Q-Free's largest shareholder would be interested
in accepting a possible bid on the proposed terms. The largest shareholder,
Rieber & Søn AS holding 45.27% of the shares in Q-Free, appreciates and welcomes
the interest in Q-Free, but is not willing to sell their shares on the proposed
consideration structure and terms. Consequently, the board sees no reason to
pursue this non-binding proposal further at this stage as a transaction cannot
be implemented on the proposed terms.
For further information, please contact:
Vice Chair of the Board: Snorre Kjesbu: +47 982 28 170
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation article 7 and is subject to the disclosure requirements
pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
This stock exchange announcement was published by Rita Bøe Isaksen, HR Manager &
Board Secretary, Q-Free ASA, on May 4, 2021 at 21.00 CET.
About Q-Free:
Q-Free ASA (OSE: QFR) is a global innovator in intelligent transportation
systems that improve traffic flow, road safety, and air quality. With an open,
collaborative approach to tolling, traffic and active transportation management,
Q-Free works with customers and partners on every continent to digitize
infrastructure and overcome modern mobility challenges for the greater good of
Headquartered in Trondheim, Norway, Q-Free has annual revenues of approximately
1 billion NOK and employs approximately 360 transportation innovators, experts,
and enthusiasts. To learn more about how Q-Free is changing the movements of
life, visit or Twitter:@Q-FreeASA
he Board of Directors of Q-Free ASA has on 4[th] May 2021 received a non
-binding proposal regarding a potential offer for 100% of the shares in Q-Free
ASA from a US-based company. The proposal indicates an offer price equal to NOK
14.40 per Q-Free share, with 60% consideration in shares in the buyer and 40%
cash consideration. Further, the non-binding proposal presupposes the completion
of a satisfactory due diligence process and the entering into of a definitive
agreement before an offer will be made to the Q-Free shareholders.
Given the complexity in the proposed form of consideration with a major part in
the form of shares in a US listed company, and the implicit minimum acceptance
condition of more than 90% in order to facilitate the business combination, the
board has investigated whether Q-Free's largest shareholder would be interested
in accepting a possible bid on the proposed terms. The largest shareholder,
Rieber & Søn AS holding 45.27% of the shares in Q-Free, appreciates and welcomes
the interest in Q-Free, but is not willing to sell their shares on the proposed
consideration structure and terms. Consequently, the board sees no reason to
pursue this non-binding proposal further at this stage as a transaction cannot
be implemented on the proposed terms.
For further information, please contact:
Vice Chair of the Board: Snorre Kjesbu: +47 982 28 170
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation article 7 and is subject to the disclosure requirements
pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
This stock exchange announcement was published by Rita Bøe Isaksen, HR Manager &
Board Secretary, Q-Free ASA, on May 4, 2021 at 21.00 CET.
About Q-Free:
Q-Free ASA (OSE: QFR) is a global innovator in intelligent transportation
systems that improve traffic flow, road safety, and air quality. With an open,
collaborative approach to tolling, traffic and active transportation management,
Q-Free works with customers and partners on every continent to digitize
infrastructure and overcome modern mobility challenges for the greater good of
Headquartered in Trondheim, Norway, Q-Free has annual revenues of approximately
1 billion NOK and employs approximately 360 transportation innovators, experts,
and enthusiasts. To learn more about how Q-Free is changing the movements of
life, visit or Twitter:@Q-FreeASA
Redigert 05.05.2021 kl 09:53
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