TIO2 - price increases

NOM 19.05.2021 kl 22:29 26270

The fifth round of price increases during the year landed, titanium dioxide price rose for 11 consecutive months

20.05.2021 kl 08:26 15002

Så så nedsnødd, så lenge prisene på rutil går oppover betyr det vel lite at man ikke lenger skal benytte seg av det i maten. Mesteparten av verdens pigmenteringsbehov kommer fra andre bransjer enn matindustrien, i all hovedsak maling- og byggeindustrien. Der er etterspørselen voksende, og som grafen viser stiger råvareprisene jevnt. Kjøp deg heller inn nå før avklaring fra NFD, så får du blitt med på turen opp:)
20.05.2021 kl 08:27 15018

Det er en ubetydelig andel av rutilen som blir brukt i næringsmiddelindustrien.

Nyheten om at Iluka har gitt myndighetene beskjed om at de vil stenge ned Sierra Rutile skape usikkerhet i markedet og prisstigning. Sierra Rutile står for 20 % av den globale produksjonen av rutil.

Redigert 20.05.2021 kl 08:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.05.2021 kl 11:28 14724

South Africa is not quite safe place to dig minerals.

Richards Bay Minerals is a world leader in heavy mineral sands extraction and refining and is South Africa’s largest mineral sands producer.
28.05.2021 kl 07:57 14201

Yes, and short and long term prices clearly goes even higher...

Price assumption used for the UDFS was $1179 which is already far away behind ----> NOMs profit in rutile business will be much higher
28.05.2021 kl 12:42 13926

Veldig positivt for Nom at prisane på råvarer er stigande. Ein dag må det vel gjere seg utslag i høgare kurs.
Boss 99
28.05.2021 kl 13:09 13878

Åoh kursen 2,50 .hva har skjedd har strømmen gått på maskinen. Eller er det solstikk hjerte stans Eller det som verre er.
28.05.2021 kl 13:12 13910

Berre å vente på dumpen, den kjem nok. Eller har selgerne sovna?
28.05.2021 kl 13:52 13855

ja 2,52 var nok toppen, då må den på plass igjen
Boss 99
28.05.2021 kl 18:52 13645

Ingen som vil betale mere når de får i bøtter og spann av short aksjer.
Slettet bruker
29.05.2021 kl 11:32 13366


If you are a raw material supplier, you probably don’t need me to tell you that Khaos (“Chaos”), the first of the Primeval Greek Gods, reigns around the world at the present time. As of the end of February 2021, the entire supply chain is a mess:

- Titanium dioxide is difficult-to-impossible to obtain from China.

- Raw materials that have historically had lead times that ranged from just-in-time to two–three weeks for imports have increased to multiple weeks for domestic materials and three–four months for many imported materials.

- Production for virtually everything cannot keep up with demand.
Redigert 29.05.2021 kl 11:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.05.2021 kl 14:11 12922

Kan ikke tro annet enn at Nom er svært aktuell for aktører å gå inn i med offtake avtaler.Håper bare banken er generøs ifrb.med banklån og rentee.Håper på mest mulig bank.
Må være viktig at pris på offtake avtale er bevegelig ihht.inflasjon.Ser ut til det blir stor prisvekst for rutil fremover.
Boss 99
30.05.2021 kl 22:36 12632

Siste mai i morgen. Skjer det noe eller?
Boss 99
31.05.2021 kl 14:14 12329

Da døde den bort. 500 aksjer omsatt på 1 time 20 min. Ny rekord. Alle sitter å venter på noe da. Hva kan det være da?
31.05.2021 kl 14:37 12299

Avklaring på et søksmål om mineralrettigheter kanskje... hvem vet.
Redigert 31.05.2021 kl 14:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
Boss 99
31.05.2021 kl 14:43 12294

Håper det kommer noen dryss nå.
31.05.2021 kl 17:26 12132

The offtake agreement of garnet is still chritical path.
Stange that NOM has not been able to find successor for Barton or set up own sales force while the matket growth would llook so attractive. Source Matket Watch:
The global Garnet market is valued at 439.5 million USD in 2020 is expected to reach 663.9 million USD by the end of 2026, growing at a CAGR of 6.0% during 2021-2026.
Boss 99
01.06.2021 kl 10:52 11709

Nå er det bare ikke å si noe blitt populært. Noe som vet noe om folket i Nordic Mining, er de på jobben. Steike stille for tiden.
Boss 99
02.06.2021 kl 09:20 11333

02.06.2021 kl 09:33 11309

Boss 99
02.06.2021 kl 09:50 11270

Sol idag oxo!!!!!!
Boss 99
02.06.2021 kl 15:40 11042

Ikke noe i dag heller. Skikkelig nyhets tørke. Kanskje vi kan få en god nyhet til jul ihvertfall. Eller kanskje ikke.
Boss 99
03.06.2021 kl 08:57 10720

Beklager men nå begynner jeg å tenke?
Boss 99
03.06.2021 kl 08:59 10714

Kanskje det ikke kommer noe svar. Så sitter vi her med våres aksjer. Hva så liksom??
03.06.2021 kl 09:10 10693

Ei stor skam at myndighetene ikkje kan avklare dette så selskapet kan gå videre. Trudde man ville satse på mineralnæringa, men virker som NFD er heilt handlingslamma.
03.06.2021 kl 10:54 10569

Bare slapp av Audietron!!!
Ting skjer snart.
Ting virker som det tar veldig lang tid når man holder pusten.
Men, om man skjønner at covid og all "hypen" gir folk en sjanse til å slappe av med en god unnskyldning, så forstår man straks at alt tar lengre tid.
Sikkert som skatten, så tar ting enda litt lengre tid i departementene. Der er det ingen som tjener noe på at ting skjer raskere, så...
Og det er heller ingen skikkelige ris bak speilet, så da tar ting tid.

(Men jeg skal ærlig innrømme at jeg er bekymret for om det skal/kan komme en større korreksjon i markedene. Da kan finansieringen bli vanskelig.)
Redigert 03.06.2021 kl 10:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.06.2021 kl 13:40 10410

Selv forumet er dødt nå om dagen.
Og skuta trekker stadig mer vann.
Slettet bruker
03.06.2021 kl 14:53 10312

Det har vært tørke for skikkelige trigger nyheter ganske lenge, siden mars egentlig.

Jeg tør påstå det er en styrke at den ikke faller sakte men sikkert på "no news" men går stabilt sidelengs . Dette kan tyde på at de fleste som er inne i aksjen nå er av typen langsiktig og med for the long haul. Det tror jeg også vi ser på oppturen som kommer NÅR anken er et tilbakelagt kapittel.
Redigert 03.06.2021 kl 14:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
Boss 99
04.06.2021 kl 09:57 9976

Tørke i dag oxo. Merkelig tørt. Men det nærmeste det har vært på lenge idag da.
Redigert 04.06.2021 kl 09:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.06.2021 kl 21:06 9450

Due to growing environmental pressures, and with the significant carbon footprints of numerous industry
players related to pyrometallurgical ilmenite upgrading operations, Sovereign’s natural rutile product is
well positioned to impact the titanium supply chain with the ability to potentially displace and reduce the
use of carbon and waste-intensive upgraded alternative titanium feedstocks.
The rutile market fundamentals continue to be robust with current and forecast pricing remaining very
strong. In 2021, the market has rebounded strongly with pigment plant utilisation rates returning to prepandemic levels. Major producers have noted that very strong demand in the welding market is
outstripping supply.
High-grade titanium feedstock supply is tight with limited new projects coming online in the short to medium
term. Iluka has recently announced the potential suspension of its Sierra Rutile operations. Sierra Rutile
is the largest global producer of natural rutile, currently contributing over 20% of the total natural
rutile market with production of about 150ktpa.
A resurgence in demand for titanium pigment and from the welding sector combined with concurrent supply
shortages has led the CIF China spot prices sharply upwards toward US$1,800 per tonne


Redigert 10.06.2021 kl 22:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.06.2021 kl 22:14 9346

Har du link?
10.06.2021 kl 22:46 9309


Australian RutileTiO2>95%, P<0.03%, S<0.03Australia 1759.02(1719.93 - 1798.11) USD/Ton Inc Tax
Redigert 10.06.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.06.2021 kl 23:40 9211

10.06.2021 kl 23:41 9207

With this high rutile prices Engebo NPV is already increased to somewhere USD 350 million... and rutile supply deficit is our doorstep.

Iluka or RioTinto will buy NOM
15.06.2021 kl 09:19 8735

International rutile prices rose in the third quarter:

...At present, the international quotations of 95 rutiles are all above US$1,600/ton
15.06.2021 kl 09:24 8881

Blir vel meir og meir lønnsom denne gruva. Bere så synd at myndighetene ikkje bryr seg om å få igang ny industri.
Boss 99
15.06.2021 kl 11:30 7244

Skulle tro de va dynka i sirup.
Boss 99
15.06.2021 kl 11:33 7237

BTW hørte rykter om at det skulle komme no i ettermiddag...
15.06.2021 kl 14:49 7074

Har aldri vore borte i ein meir manipulert aksje, det tar visst ikkje slutt.
Boss 99
15.06.2021 kl 14:56 7104

Kan se ut som en vil at alle skal selge. Men det går jo ikke. Hehe. Kommer snart...
15.06.2021 kl 16:22 7095

Er nok bare til å kjøpe her før denne tar av..

Kr.6 kan komme meget raskt fremover nå.
Redigert 15.06.2021 kl 16:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.06.2021 kl 12:33 6681

Rio Tinto stenger ned Richards Bay Minerals project


Rio Tinto said on Wednesday it had declared a force majeure on customer contracts at its Richards Bay Minerals project in South Africa, citing “an escalation in the security situation at the operations.”
The global miner said all mining and smelting operations at the mineral sands project have been halted.
01.07.2021 kl 09:10 6469

RBM currently has the capacity to produce approximately 2 Mt of product
annually, including approximately 100 000 t/year of rutile and 250 000 t/year
of zircon. Of this, 95 per cent is exported, yielding a world market share of
about 25 per cent of titanium feedstocks (titania slag and rutile), 33 per cent of
the worlds zircon output and 25 per cent of the worlds high purity pig iron.1

It's huge news. 25% out of world titanium feedstocks !!
01.07.2021 kl 09:28 6507

synd å forstyrre selgerne med så gode nyheter
01.07.2021 kl 11:33 6395

6:08PM JUNE 20, 2021

As the latest commodities price boom gathers pace, things are looking up for Iluka Resources, with the company said to be eyeing solid price lifts for its next round of zircon contracts and edging closer to an exit strategy for its disastrous foray into Sierra Leone.

Trade press reports suggest Iluka could be about to add about $US125 a tonne to its next round of zircon pricing as markets tighten and its mineral sands competitors – most notably Rio Tinto’s Richard’s Bay operations in South Africa, where community unrest again appears to be approaching crisis point – struggle for form.

That would be a handy boost to Iluka’s bottom line – as would an exit from its long-troubled Sierra Rutile operations, which have been both bleeding cash and soaking up more of management’s time than they’re ever likely to be worth.

In May Iluka put Sierra Leone’s government on notice it could mothball the operations by mid-November, and the tricky nature of government relations in Africa means the company isn’t really in a position to formally shop the assets around in that six-month window.

But Iluka did say it would spend the period trying to work out a way to make the operations profitable and “attract new investors for the continuation of mining operations in the existing mining area”, as well as for the ongoing process of trying to find a partner for the long-stalled nearby Sembehun project.

And market chatter suggests Iluka may have a suite of suitors eyeing a possible move on Sierra Rutile as mineral sands markets pick up, despite the problems the WA-headquartered mining major has had with them.

China’s Lomon Billions is tipped to be chief among them, as the Shenzhen-listed major eyes a secondary float on the Hong Kong market.

Lomon is said to have a multibillion-dollar war chest available to buy up primary production in ilmenite and rutile as it hunts for new assets.

It’s said to have identified options in Australia, Africa and India for project acquisitions – and you’d imagine the parlous relations between Canberra and Beijing have pushed the first of those three firmly down the pecking order, making Rio’s Richards Bay or Iluka’s Sierra Rutile more of a tempting target for a discount offer.

That’s particularly so given China’s majors aren’t necessarily subject to the same governance concerns and scrutiny applied by major Western investors when it comes to how they do business in developing nations.

But Lomon is hardly alone in eyeing near-term opportunities in mineral sands.

European major Kronos Worldwide already has an offtake agreement with Iluka at Sierra Rutile and may not be averse to dipping into a bit of vertical integration.

And Tronox is also said to be hungry for new options as markets strengthen.
22.07.2021 kl 18:04 6108

US$1,800 per tonne!

Sovereign metals latest presentation, Page 8:
The Perfect Storm: Supply tightness driving price upwards – very strong short, medium and long-term outlook
