TIO2 - price increases
The fifth round of price increases during the year landed, titanium dioxide price rose for 11 consecutive months
22.07.2021 kl 19:23
Usikker på hvor mye spotprisene på rutil vil prege NOM når de allerede har etablert offtakeavtaler de neste 5 årene.
Jeg tviler på at alt selges til fastpris for hele avtaleperioden; enten er deler av prisen flytende eller så markedsjusteres den årlig (eksempelvis).
Jeg tviler på at alt selges til fastpris for hele avtaleperioden; enten er deler av prisen flytende eller så markedsjusteres den årlig (eksempelvis).
Redigert 22.07.2021 kl 20:40
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22.07.2021 kl 19:45
Rutilen er ikkje solgt for dei neste 5-10 åra. Den er solgt for 5 år. Litt presisjon skader ikkje.
22.07.2021 kl 20:22
Du har rett.
Jeg trodde avtalen med handelshuset var for ti år. Sjekket på nytt og ser at jeg husket feil eller blandet med noe annet.
Jeg trodde avtalen med handelshuset var for ti år. Sjekket på nytt og ser at jeg husket feil eller blandet med noe annet.
Redigert 22.07.2021 kl 20:40
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02.08.2021 kl 09:59
BASE RESOURCES LIMITED: Quarterly Activities Report – June 2021
... Demand for high grade feedstocks (which includes rutile) has increased
significantly through the quarter as western pigment production returned to
maximum capacity and welding consumable and titanium metal production picked
up strongly. The tightening market for high grade feedstocks is being
exacerbated by supply constraints at major high grade feedstock producers and
rutile prices continued to increase through the quarter and are expected to
continue an upward trend through the coming quarters. ...
... Demand for high grade feedstocks (which includes rutile) has increased
significantly through the quarter as western pigment production returned to
maximum capacity and welding consumable and titanium metal production picked
up strongly. The tightening market for high grade feedstocks is being
exacerbated by supply constraints at major high grade feedstock producers and
rutile prices continued to increase through the quarter and are expected to
continue an upward trend through the coming quarters. ...
02.08.2021 kl 10:17
Så både Iluka, Sovereign Metals og nå Base Resources ltd rapporterer om signifikant økning i rutil-etterspørsel for pigmentproduksjon, titanfremstilling og sveisestaver.
Jeg er spent på hvilken pris NOM får for rutilen sin i offtakeavtalene. De har budsjettert med 1179 usd/tonn. men nå er prisen nærmere 1800 usd/tonn.
Så både Iluka, Sovereign Metals og nå Base Resources ltd rapporterer om signifikant økning i rutil-etterspørsel for pigmentproduksjon, titanfremstilling og sveisestaver.
Jeg er spent på hvilken pris NOM får for rutilen sin i offtakeavtalene. De har budsjettert med 1179 usd/tonn. men nå er prisen nærmere 1800 usd/tonn.
06.08.2021 kl 08:49
Flere saker om den "bryggende stormen" som kommer til å drive opp prisen på rutil/titandioksid.
Aktører bruker opp lagrene sine for å utnytte de gode marginene for tiden. Desto lavere global lagerbeholdning, desto lavere tilbud og høyere priser.
Titanium dioxide prices, markets & analysis
Updated to Q2 2021
Supply was generally seen as tight with continued low inventory levels, healthy number of orders and Chinese producers running at high rates to take advantage of healthy margins. Supply from the west was also tight and that resulted in Asian buyers turning to Chinese cargoes.
Demand was stable in Asia at the start of Q2 but took a big hit in India after coronavirus lockdowns were implemented in various states. Indian buyers were out of the spot market for the whole of May and others started to have some interest from mid-June. Elsewhere, demand in parts of southeast Asia also suffered after coronavirus cases spiked, which led to movement controls.
TiO2 supply remained tight, with volumes allocated, amid continued strong downstream demand. Greater domestic over import sourcing due to lack of Asian competitiveness added further pressure on supply. Local output impacts, including Venator’s partial unplanned shutdown at its Greatham site also kept the supply situation tense.
TiO2 demand was seasonally strong into the DIY and construction sectors. Supply security concerns, bullish sentiment and lack of Chinese import incentives further boosted buying activity in Europe.
Aktører bruker opp lagrene sine for å utnytte de gode marginene for tiden. Desto lavere global lagerbeholdning, desto lavere tilbud og høyere priser.
Titanium dioxide prices, markets & analysis
Updated to Q2 2021
Supply was generally seen as tight with continued low inventory levels, healthy number of orders and Chinese producers running at high rates to take advantage of healthy margins. Supply from the west was also tight and that resulted in Asian buyers turning to Chinese cargoes.
Demand was stable in Asia at the start of Q2 but took a big hit in India after coronavirus lockdowns were implemented in various states. Indian buyers were out of the spot market for the whole of May and others started to have some interest from mid-June. Elsewhere, demand in parts of southeast Asia also suffered after coronavirus cases spiked, which led to movement controls.
TiO2 supply remained tight, with volumes allocated, amid continued strong downstream demand. Greater domestic over import sourcing due to lack of Asian competitiveness added further pressure on supply. Local output impacts, including Venator’s partial unplanned shutdown at its Greatham site also kept the supply situation tense.
TiO2 demand was seasonally strong into the DIY and construction sectors. Supply security concerns, bullish sentiment and lack of Chinese import incentives further boosted buying activity in Europe.
09.08.2021 kl 09:32
Chemours will increase price again 200 dollars from September. Market has warmed up.
Titanium market weekly Review: Titanium dioxide
" The titanium dioxide market rose this week. Some of enterprises sent a letter to increase the price of titanium dioxide by 800-1500 yuan / ton. Chemours sent a letter to increase the price of titanium dioxide by 200 dollars / ton from September 1; Up to now, the tax inclusive ex factory price of rutile titanium dioxide in China is 17800-21500 yuan / ton, and the tax inclusive ex factory price of anatase titanium dioxide is 16500-19000 yuan / ton; In the off-season of the market, the supply of titanium dioxide is relatively stable, the overall transaction is weak, and enterprises mostly purchase on demand; Affected by environmental protection and power restriction policies, some manufacturers also have maintenance plans, and some manufacturers resume construction. At present, the supply of some models is tight; With the continuous rise of the prices of raw and auxiliary materials sulfuric acid, liquid alkali and natural gas, the cost of titanium dioxide is high, some low prices are close to the cost line, and the low price also stops falling slightly. With the rise of enterprises, the increase of market inquiries, the cost of raw materials continues to rise, and the low price of titanium dioxide will rise; The market is mostly waiting for the price news of dragon enterprises. With the arrival of golden nine and silver ten, the titanium dioxide market has warmed up."
Titanium market weekly Review: Titanium dioxide
" The titanium dioxide market rose this week. Some of enterprises sent a letter to increase the price of titanium dioxide by 800-1500 yuan / ton. Chemours sent a letter to increase the price of titanium dioxide by 200 dollars / ton from September 1; Up to now, the tax inclusive ex factory price of rutile titanium dioxide in China is 17800-21500 yuan / ton, and the tax inclusive ex factory price of anatase titanium dioxide is 16500-19000 yuan / ton; In the off-season of the market, the supply of titanium dioxide is relatively stable, the overall transaction is weak, and enterprises mostly purchase on demand; Affected by environmental protection and power restriction policies, some manufacturers also have maintenance plans, and some manufacturers resume construction. At present, the supply of some models is tight; With the continuous rise of the prices of raw and auxiliary materials sulfuric acid, liquid alkali and natural gas, the cost of titanium dioxide is high, some low prices are close to the cost line, and the low price also stops falling slightly. With the rise of enterprises, the increase of market inquiries, the cost of raw materials continues to rise, and the low price of titanium dioxide will rise; The market is mostly waiting for the price news of dragon enterprises. With the arrival of golden nine and silver ten, the titanium dioxide market has warmed up."
09.08.2021 kl 10:34
Det er 15 millioner tonn rent rutil påvist i fjellet hittil. om en regner dette i NOK blir vel prisdifferansen ca 90 milliarder NOK på budsjettert og nåværende pris på ca 1800.
Totalsummen ved 1800 usd- 240 milliarder ? korriger meg om det er feil tenkemåte. så kommer granaten i tillegg...
Totalsummen ved 1800 usd- 240 milliarder ? korriger meg om det er feil tenkemåte. så kommer granaten i tillegg...
09.08.2021 kl 10:41
Årlig uttak av rutil er 35 000 tonn.
Hvis de skal ta ut 15 millioner tonn vil det ta over 400 år.
Hvis de skal ta ut 15 millioner tonn vil det ta over 400 år.
09.08.2021 kl 14:34
Selv med «bare» 35000 tonn årlig salg av rutil vil gevinsten være 185 millioner kr i årlig omsetning gitt at offtakeavtalen følger prisutviklingen.
Det er også slik at NOM har skaleringsmuligheter i produksjonen sin. Forhåpentligvis vil de også øke produksjonskapasiteten på sikt, noe som var poenget med UDFS.
Det er uansett gitt at man har kjøpere til rutilen, og ikke produserer så mye at prisen faller.
Det er også slik at NOM har skaleringsmuligheter i produksjonen sin. Forhåpentligvis vil de også øke produksjonskapasiteten på sikt, noe som var poenget med UDFS.
Det er uansett gitt at man har kjøpere til rutilen, og ikke produserer så mye at prisen faller.
09.08.2021 kl 18:36
Regnestykket ditt er litt mangelfullt.
Hvis man regner det ut slik du skisserer (og ser bort fra produksjonskapasiteten og etterspørsel):
15 millioner tonn rutil x (1800-1179)usd/tonn x 8,5 nok/usd = 79 mrd nok prisdifferanse.
Totalverdi på forekomsten: 15 mill tonn x 1800 usd/tonn x 8,5 nok/usd = 229,5 mrd nok
Hvis man regner det ut slik du skisserer (og ser bort fra produksjonskapasiteten og etterspørsel):
15 millioner tonn rutil x (1800-1179)usd/tonn x 8,5 nok/usd = 79 mrd nok prisdifferanse.
Totalverdi på forekomsten: 15 mill tonn x 1800 usd/tonn x 8,5 nok/usd = 229,5 mrd nok
10.08.2021 kl 09:57
Kan også legge til at recovery graden/utvinningsgrad for rutil er ca 57% i følge UDFS, side 9.
15 millioner tonn blir derfor maksimalt til 8,55 millioner tonn med mindre de klarer å forbedre utvinningsgraden i gruven og prosessanlegget. (Dette er jo godt mulig hvis de på et senere tidspunkt utvider anlegget og bruker erfaringen de har fått)
15 millioner tonn blir derfor maksimalt til 8,55 millioner tonn med mindre de klarer å forbedre utvinningsgraden i gruven og prosessanlegget. (Dette er jo godt mulig hvis de på et senere tidspunkt utvider anlegget og bruker erfaringen de har fått)
10.08.2021 kl 10:02
A.Ksje skrev Da er det avklart, takk skal du ha Fantilopen.
Kan også legge til at forventet rutil-etterspørsel fremover mot 2029 ligger på 600 000 tonn per år. Les mer her:
(kapittel 1.9 side 44)
(kapittel 1.9 side 44)
10.08.2021 kl 13:10
Jeg ønsker meg heller ydmykelsen av at saken blir avvist straks dommeren innser dumskapen deres.
10.08.2021 kl 17:09
..again good news for NOM.
The global supply of tio2 is getting worse:
Followings are the real things causing a headque to some users.
-South African power plant explodes only a week after launch
-Tronox mulls chlorine projects, expects logistics issues to last through H2
-Trade hit as cost of freight from China surges 200%
Overall, the main aspects making things worse. The raw material supply:
The power
The acid,
The slag
The chlorine.
The shipment. The shortage of containers and the prejudice against heavy goods from shipping company also makes the chemical suppliers even harder to get their material loaded on board. Which is extending the supplying period, and strength the tight supply situation."
The global supply of tio2 is getting worse:
Followings are the real things causing a headque to some users.
-South African power plant explodes only a week after launch
-Tronox mulls chlorine projects, expects logistics issues to last through H2
-Trade hit as cost of freight from China surges 200%
Overall, the main aspects making things worse. The raw material supply:
The power
The acid,
The slag
The chlorine.
The shipment. The shortage of containers and the prejudice against heavy goods from shipping company also makes the chemical suppliers even harder to get their material loaded on board. Which is extending the supplying period, and strength the tight supply situation."
Boss 99
10.08.2021 kl 17:27
Rookie, skrev Er det lov å håpe at Amr trekker saken i siste liten?
Det tror ikke jeg at de gutta trekker seg saken. Det tror på saken sin dem. Handler i go tro.
11.08.2021 kl 21:22
Spotpris på rutil over 2000 USD/Ton
Australian RutileTiO2>95%, P<0.03%, S<0.03Australia 2004.87 (1927.76 - 2081.98) +77USD/Ton Inc Tax Tianjin PortAug 11, 2021
Australian RutileTiO2>95%, P<0.03%, S<0.03Australia 2004.87 (1927.76 - 2081.98) +77USD/Ton Inc Tax Tianjin PortAug 11, 2021
11.08.2021 kl 21:42
70% økning fra UDFS.
Av og til er det godt å ha en konservativ og forsiktig CEO.
Av og til er det godt å ha en konservativ og forsiktig CEO.
31.08.2021 kl 08:49
This is so common that is not even news anymore. Titanium prices just goes to new high. Every week.
Titanium dioxide:
" The titanium dioxide market continued to improve this week. The price of rutile titanium dioxide by sulfuric acid method is 19000-21000 yuan / ton. At present, titanium dioxide enterprises have no inventory pressure, while the price of titanium ore continues to rise, and the price of sulfuric acid has also reached a new high in recent years, which makes the cost of titanium dioxide inevitably rise. With the arrival of the market peak season in September, the domestic market demand will gradually improve, and the export market will gradually improve. Titanium dioxide market may continue to rise in the future."
Titanium dioxide:
" The titanium dioxide market continued to improve this week. The price of rutile titanium dioxide by sulfuric acid method is 19000-21000 yuan / ton. At present, titanium dioxide enterprises have no inventory pressure, while the price of titanium ore continues to rise, and the price of sulfuric acid has also reached a new high in recent years, which makes the cost of titanium dioxide inevitably rise. With the arrival of the market peak season in September, the domestic market demand will gradually improve, and the export market will gradually improve. Titanium dioxide market may continue to rise in the future."
Redigert 31.08.2021 kl 08:49
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31.08.2021 kl 09:33
One yuan is about 0,15 dollars, this gives a rutile price about 2,900 to 3,250 dollar/ton
Redigert 31.08.2021 kl 09:33
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31.08.2021 kl 09:52
Blir vel berre betre og betre økonomi i dette, når dei ein gang kan komme igang. Kva for rutilpris har Nom i sin reviderte DFS.?
31.08.2021 kl 09:57
Ca 1150 USD/tonn - såvidt jeg husker. Dvs under halve av det som presenteres i dag.
31.08.2021 kl 10:03
Kan vel ikkje vere noko problem å få lånt pengar til prosjektet då?
31.08.2021 kl 10:51
Eg veit ikkje, trudde ikkje at ein skilja mellom rutil og ilmenitt etter at ein hadde produsert pigmentet fordi kvaliteten på sluttproduktet må vel vere like god? Ein is med rutil titandioksid er kvit medan ein is med ilmenitt titandioksid er gråsvart? :)
31.08.2021 kl 10:53
NoWorries skrev Dette er vel prisen for Rutile Titanium Dioxide pigment
Men enig i at det verka veldig høgt og at det kan vere snakk om prisen på pigmentet og ikkje råvaren til pigmentproduksjon.
31.08.2021 kl 22:26
NoWorries skrev Dette er vel prisen for Rutile Titanium Dioxide pigment
Yes, that was pigment price.
Highest Australian rutile bulk prices seems to be just over 2000$. Almost double of price what was in UDFS.
Highest Australian rutile bulk prices seems to be just over 2000$. Almost double of price what was in UDFS.
09.09.2021 kl 15:29
Tronox also needs raw material.
Chlorine supply and logistics affect Tronox production:
Chlorine supply and logistics affect Tronox production:
16.09.2021 kl 16:55
From german mining expert Hannes Huster
Billion-euro takeover in the pigments sector?
You know it - I like rutile and mineral sands, especially Sovereign Metals. For a good 1.5 years now, I have been dealing a lot with this sector and several times I have pointed out the scarcity of rutile and explained why I like Sovereign Metals so much.Now there is movement in the market based on pigment producers. As Reuters reported on Monday, private equity firm Apollo Global Management (NYSE: APO, market cap $26.4 billion) is said to be interested in acquiring pigment producer Tronox (NYSE: TROX): Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
According to Reuters, there is talk that Apollo wants to pay $27 per share for Tronox (closing price yesterday $23.92), which would value the company at $4.3 billion.Tronox is solid and delivered well again in Q2:
The interesting part is that titanium dioxide prices continue to rise, but Tronox expects sales to decline in the 5-10% range as there are too few supplies and supply chains remain difficult.
Many paint and coatings manufacturers have already announced or implemented price increases. Without titanium dioxide, there is no white paint and no white coating.The market remains in a supply deficit and this will not change according to the latest studies by TZMI. The only major new discovery in the rutile sector in recent years has been Sovereign Metals.Apollo Global Management is known for smart deals and the investment firm could now enter the sector in time with an acquisition of Tronox. The USD 27 in the room could be right, because that would be the all-time high for the stock and gladly takeovers are fixed at these marks:
Sprott, known to be a fan and major shareholder in Sovereign Metals, also discussed this potential acquisition yesterday. In their view, you could buy Tronox or if you want "the next big one" you should look at Sovereign Metals:
Tronox Holdings (TROX-NYSE, USD$3,560m Mkt Cap) - Reuters breaks news that Apollo buyout firm seeks $4.3m all cash offer of US$27/sh (~US$20/sh pre offer). Wherever this ends, smart people are going long mineral sands stocks that haven't yet bounced like rest of complex. Since TROX has been US$20/sh, Iluka has lifted 35%, so 35% premium bid is cheap and we expect to be resisted / draped for higher. Any way you cut it, a good time to buy TROX, and hot Market, Sovereign Metals is one to dig into (SVM AU) if you want 'the next big one'"
Billion-euro takeover in the pigments sector?
You know it - I like rutile and mineral sands, especially Sovereign Metals. For a good 1.5 years now, I have been dealing a lot with this sector and several times I have pointed out the scarcity of rutile and explained why I like Sovereign Metals so much.Now there is movement in the market based on pigment producers. As Reuters reported on Monday, private equity firm Apollo Global Management (NYSE: APO, market cap $26.4 billion) is said to be interested in acquiring pigment producer Tronox (NYSE: TROX): Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
According to Reuters, there is talk that Apollo wants to pay $27 per share for Tronox (closing price yesterday $23.92), which would value the company at $4.3 billion.Tronox is solid and delivered well again in Q2:
The interesting part is that titanium dioxide prices continue to rise, but Tronox expects sales to decline in the 5-10% range as there are too few supplies and supply chains remain difficult.
Many paint and coatings manufacturers have already announced or implemented price increases. Without titanium dioxide, there is no white paint and no white coating.The market remains in a supply deficit and this will not change according to the latest studies by TZMI. The only major new discovery in the rutile sector in recent years has been Sovereign Metals.Apollo Global Management is known for smart deals and the investment firm could now enter the sector in time with an acquisition of Tronox. The USD 27 in the room could be right, because that would be the all-time high for the stock and gladly takeovers are fixed at these marks:
Sprott, known to be a fan and major shareholder in Sovereign Metals, also discussed this potential acquisition yesterday. In their view, you could buy Tronox or if you want "the next big one" you should look at Sovereign Metals:
Tronox Holdings (TROX-NYSE, USD$3,560m Mkt Cap) - Reuters breaks news that Apollo buyout firm seeks $4.3m all cash offer of US$27/sh (~US$20/sh pre offer). Wherever this ends, smart people are going long mineral sands stocks that haven't yet bounced like rest of complex. Since TROX has been US$20/sh, Iluka has lifted 35%, so 35% premium bid is cheap and we expect to be resisted / draped for higher. Any way you cut it, a good time to buy TROX, and hot Market, Sovereign Metals is one to dig into (SVM AU) if you want 'the next big one'"
16.09.2021 kl 17:43
Kanskje noen store gribber begynner å sikle på NR? Eller kjøpe NOM, kursen er en giveaway med dagens crunch i dette markedet.
Boss 99
17.09.2021 kl 09:15
Ser ut for at ingen i hele verden vil bruke over 3 kr på én Nom aksje. Ser også at hestene begynner å bite i FB.
17.09.2021 kl 09:29
there are only three things certain in life: death, taxes, and the boss whining.
17.09.2021 kl 10:01
ja, vi var en gjeng som kjøpte opp kursen med vilje for å få Boss til å holde munn
17.09.2021 kl 11:01
Sailor skrev Nå passerte kursen kr. 3,- !!
... og neste uke passerer den kr 4,- :-)
Boss 99
20.09.2021 kl 08:28
Ja jenter og små piker da e det bare å peise på. Denne uka skjer det. All in. Dette blir tidenes rally.
Blir en spennende uke, men vi får vel vente til dommen er gitt!? Eller vet du noe som vi andre ikke vet?
Boss 99
20.09.2021 kl 13:27
Her sitter jeg å venter på tidenes Nom oppgang, så selges det for harde livet. Hva skjer, det nervøse bees om å ikke komme innom igigjen hehe.
20.09.2021 kl 13:37
I dag er vel "hele børsen" full av nerver. Alt selges jo ned, så det er ikke mye blått å se på listene. Blir vel bedre enten i ettermiddag når USA åpner, eller i morgen ;)
20.09.2021 kl 13:38
ER den vanlige uflaksen til denne aksjen, alt drar sånn ut i tid at når det endelig skal skje noko, så kjem krakket.
Boss 99
21.09.2021 kl 09:14
Kanskje det hjelper å løfte blikket litt å se at børsen går nordover i dag.