Hold på aksjene.Kursen skal langt opp.

NUMND 22.05.2021 kl 07:28 2017

Ingen grunn til å selge på dagens prisnivå.Vekst potensialet er enormt.
Slettet bruker
24.05.2021 kl 15:12 1617

Spennende avtale og utvikling som kom fredag før pinsehelgen. Verdt å merke seg før børsen åpner igjen i morgen:


Nordic Unmanned has accepted delivery of its second CAMCOPTER S-100 system. The delivery was done on the 20th of May, after a successful acceptance flight over a shipping lane in France. The system will start operations in France from today for a client.

The delivery of the second CAMCOPTER S-100 system will increase Nordic Unmanned’s capability of conducting long-range Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations with 100%. The system will be under a framework contract with a client for the next two years. The first specific contract for the system will be operations in France for several months, fully crewed by Nordic Unmanned. The start of the operation in France marks another milestone as it is the first CAMCOPTER S-100 operation under the new European drone regulation. This comes after having obtained our Light UAS operator Certificate (LUC). The delivery also aligns with our previous communicated investment plan for CAMCOPTER S-100 system made on the 28th of January.

The start of operations with the second system comes after successful maritime emission monitoring and general maritime surveillance operations in Lithuania that started in Q1. The first CAMCOPTER S-100 system that Nordic Unmanned took delivery of is currently still under operations in Lithuania, where it has been operating for the last two months requested by the Environmental Protection Department of Lithuania’s Ministry of the Environment in collaboration with the Lithuanian Navy other Lithuanian maritime authorities. The Nordic Unmanned crew has so far delivered 100% of the scheduled flight hours, flights, and days of operations, proving the regularity of our long-range BVLOS operations.

Slettet bruker
24.05.2021 kl 15:15 1611

roerho skrev .
Og Finansavisen har den som "Ukens aksje":

24.05.2021 kl 17:08 1524

Rart med disse rogalendingene! Et annet selskap,Comrod fra Tau, gikk av børs for noen år siden og har etter det blomstret skikkelig. Nå lurer jeg på om det kan bli comeback. Også Geminor fra Karmøy, som Qfuel kjøpte 40% av i år ser ut til å gå bra.
26.05.2021 kl 13:46 1256

Solid kjøpsinteresse nå. Ser vi 50 kroner før børsslutt allerede i dag?

Ny kjøpsanbefaling og kursmål fra Sparebank1 på 60 kroner!
Redigert 26.05.2021 kl 14:35 Du må logge inn for å svare