Zenith låner penger til utvikling i Tunisia!
Loan for Tunisian Development
May 26, 2021
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Loan for Tunisian Development
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that it has entered into a loan agreement with Winance, a Dubai registered single-family office (the “Lender”), for a total amount of EUR 2.1 million (approximately £1.8 million or approximately NOK 21.4 million) (the “Loan Agreement”).
The Loan Agreement has a duration of six months and does not attract interest.
An upfront arrangement fee, equal to 5 percent of the total drawdown amount, has been paid to the Lender in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement.
During each month prior to the maturity date, Zenith shall make repayments in accordance with the Loan Agreement (“Instalments”), with the first Instalment being payable during the month of July 2021.
100,000,000 new common shares of no par value (the “Reserve Shares”) have been issued to the Lender to be held in a depositary institution designated by the Lender.
Under the terms of the Loan Agreement, Zenith may elect to pay each Instalment either by cash or by utilising the Reserve Shares, by delivering to the Lender an amount of Reserves Shares equivalent to the quotient obtained by dividing the Instalment Amount by 95 percent of the applicable VWAP (volume weighted average price) for the period of ten business days prior to the due date for each Instalment.
New Common Shares held in Treasury
The Company has issued a total of 8,400,000 new common shares at a price of NOK 0.10 (equivalent to approximately £0.085) to be held in Treasury (the “Treasury Shares”).
An application for the Treasury Shares and Reserve Shares to be listed on the standard segment of the FCA Official List and to be admitted for trading on the London Stock Exchange Main Market for listed securities will be made within 12 months of the issue date.
Total Voting Rights
The Company wishes to announce, in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and section 3.10 of the Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II, the following revised information resulting from the issuance of the Reserve Shares and the Treasury Shares.
Class of share
Total number of shares
Number of voting rights per share
Total number of voting rights per class of share
Common Shares in issue and admitted to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange 313,400,824 1 313,400,824
Common Shares in issue and admitted to trading on the Euronext Growth Market of the Oslo Børs - representing the total outstanding common share capital of the Company 1,377,289,331 1 1,377,289,331
The above figure for total number of common shares may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the Company under the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, commented:
“We are very pleased to have concluded our first financing agreement with Winance. This is fruit of the considerable effort made by Zenith’s management team in developing our funding strategy with emphasis towards Arab and Middle Eastern financial markets.
The Company will use the funds obtained from the Loan to commence its near-term operational objectives in Tunisia, as well as providing additional capital for potential acquisitions that the Company may seek to complete. We shall update the market in due course regarding our operational programme in Tunisia.
In view of the confidence of the Company’s management in the value creation potential of our possible near-term progress, Zenith shall seek to minimise the use of the Reserve Shares to fulfil the obligations arising from the Loan, and instead maximise the use of the Company’s financial resources generated from oil production.”
Waqas Ibrahim, Director and CFO of Winance, commented:
“We are delighted to collaborate with a proficient and esteemed management team such as that of Zenith Energy. Winance, as a strategic partner, shall seek to support Zenith’s growth aspirations for the foreseeable future by utilising our extensive expertise to innovate and adapt to the evolving funding requirements it may have as it delivers on its ambitious African development campaign.”
Loan for Tunisian Development
May 26, 2021
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Loan for Tunisian Development
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that it has entered into a loan agreement with Winance, a Dubai registered single-family office (the “Lender”), for a total amount of EUR 2.1 million (approximately £1.8 million or approximately NOK 21.4 million) (the “Loan Agreement”).
The Loan Agreement has a duration of six months and does not attract interest.
An upfront arrangement fee, equal to 5 percent of the total drawdown amount, has been paid to the Lender in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement.
During each month prior to the maturity date, Zenith shall make repayments in accordance with the Loan Agreement (“Instalments”), with the first Instalment being payable during the month of July 2021.
100,000,000 new common shares of no par value (the “Reserve Shares”) have been issued to the Lender to be held in a depositary institution designated by the Lender.
Under the terms of the Loan Agreement, Zenith may elect to pay each Instalment either by cash or by utilising the Reserve Shares, by delivering to the Lender an amount of Reserves Shares equivalent to the quotient obtained by dividing the Instalment Amount by 95 percent of the applicable VWAP (volume weighted average price) for the period of ten business days prior to the due date for each Instalment.
New Common Shares held in Treasury
The Company has issued a total of 8,400,000 new common shares at a price of NOK 0.10 (equivalent to approximately £0.085) to be held in Treasury (the “Treasury Shares”).
An application for the Treasury Shares and Reserve Shares to be listed on the standard segment of the FCA Official List and to be admitted for trading on the London Stock Exchange Main Market for listed securities will be made within 12 months of the issue date.
Total Voting Rights
The Company wishes to announce, in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and section 3.10 of the Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II, the following revised information resulting from the issuance of the Reserve Shares and the Treasury Shares.
Class of share
Total number of shares
Number of voting rights per share
Total number of voting rights per class of share
Common Shares in issue and admitted to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange 313,400,824 1 313,400,824
Common Shares in issue and admitted to trading on the Euronext Growth Market of the Oslo Børs - representing the total outstanding common share capital of the Company 1,377,289,331 1 1,377,289,331
The above figure for total number of common shares may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the Company under the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, commented:
“We are very pleased to have concluded our first financing agreement with Winance. This is fruit of the considerable effort made by Zenith’s management team in developing our funding strategy with emphasis towards Arab and Middle Eastern financial markets.
The Company will use the funds obtained from the Loan to commence its near-term operational objectives in Tunisia, as well as providing additional capital for potential acquisitions that the Company may seek to complete. We shall update the market in due course regarding our operational programme in Tunisia.
In view of the confidence of the Company’s management in the value creation potential of our possible near-term progress, Zenith shall seek to minimise the use of the Reserve Shares to fulfil the obligations arising from the Loan, and instead maximise the use of the Company’s financial resources generated from oil production.”
Waqas Ibrahim, Director and CFO of Winance, commented:
“We are delighted to collaborate with a proficient and esteemed management team such as that of Zenith Energy. Winance, as a strategic partner, shall seek to support Zenith’s growth aspirations for the foreseeable future by utilising our extensive expertise to innovate and adapt to the evolving funding requirements it may have as it delivers on its ambitious African development campaign.”
Redigert 26.05.2021 kl 08:14
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26.05.2021 kl 08:18
Det spreller bra nå
Fullt trøkk for økt produksjon i lisensene de har ervervet
Hurra :-)))
26.05.2021 kl 08:26
Tipper dette kommer til å smelle oppover så det holder, sitter lastet til ripa og gleder meg til de neste ukene. Flere en meg som tror på 50 øre pr aksje innen vi spiser juleribba i år? Vi har fått flere signaler på hvor dette går, det er bare ikke alle som evner å ta det innover seg. Skal bli morro når alle skal inn døra her samtidig.
26.05.2021 kl 08:32
Til alle som forstår hva det betyr å bygge stein på stein, i ganske god fart, dette er riktig strategi
Til alle andre sytepaver....fortsett med det dere er best på...syte og klage
Slettet brukerskrevInnlegget er slettet
Zenith shall seek to minimise the use of the Reserve Shares to fulfil the obligations arising from the Loan, and instead maximise the use of the Company’s financial resources generated from oil production.”
Husk Zena venter på storbeløp fra SLK nå!!
Større beløp enn dette lån.
Pluss de vil få økt produksjon mot 1500-2000 fat pr. Dag
Husk Zena venter på storbeløp fra SLK nå!!
Større beløp enn dette lån.
Pluss de vil få økt produksjon mot 1500-2000 fat pr. Dag
Hadde foretrukket et lån hvor aksjonærene ikke ble utvannet... Slik jeg forstår det er ikke dette bare et lån, men i praksis nok en rettet emisjon, som ikke har utfoldet seg helt enda.
Men, for all del... fortsett hausingen.
Men, for all del... fortsett hausingen.
Redigert 26.05.2021 kl 08:47
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26.05.2021 kl 08:56
Har aldri forstått at penger som vil bidra til vekst fører til utvanning av mine allerede kjøpte aksjer. Kan du forklare meg det TSGarp
Under the terms of the Loan Agreement, Zenith may elect to pay each Instalment either by cash or by utilising the Reserve Shares
Nei, si det. Har vært lenge nok i dette selskapet til å skjønne at det ikke er fremmed for en emisjon nå og da, gjerne et par i mnd.
Nei, si det. Har vært lenge nok i dette selskapet til å skjønne at det ikke er fremmed for en emisjon nå og da, gjerne et par i mnd.
26.05.2021 kl 09:05
Markedet tok dette foreløpig med et stort GGGJJJJEEEEEEEEEESSSSSPPPP....
De får ikke aksjene. Men Zenith stille disse som sikkerhet for lån. De kan også velge å betale med aksjer, men sier se ønsker å minimere dette.
Innen 1-2 måned har vi testet 20 øre!
Innen 1-2 måned har vi testet 20 øre!
1-2 mnd??
Var det ikke denne uka det skulle bli ville tilstander i Zena, nå skjønner jeg ikke, trodde dere hadde stor viten om dette jeg
Var det ikke denne uka det skulle bli ville tilstander i Zena, nå skjønner jeg ikke, trodde dere hadde stor viten om dette jeg
Opp med humøret :) Ser du er negativ over hele linja til andre oljeselskap også.
26.05.2021 kl 09:26
Dette var jo ganske vilt selv om det ikke vises i kursen.. det er nok ett ledd i utviklingen til å bli en stabil oljeprodusent
26.05.2021 kl 09:28
Dette er vel ikke helt korrekt. De betaler en «fee» på 5% up front som skal tilsvare renter. Dette er halal lån, så de kan ikke betale renter formelt. Deretter kan de velge å betale avdragene i aksjer eller cash. Så det er helt opp til ledelsen hvor mange aksjer de vil utstede.
Da gleder jeg meg til fredag for dette blir en vill uke, ser jo at dere har god peilig her så endelig en vill uke
26.05.2021 kl 09:43
Er jo bra det her da:
Lånet har en varighet på seks måneder og er rentefritt. Zenith har imidlertid betalt et etableringsgebyr på 5 prosent av totalbeløpet i forkant, og selskapet vil nedbetale lånet med månedlige avdrag.
I forbindelse med låneavtalen har Zenith utstedt 100 millioner nye aksjer, uten noen pålydende verdi, som långiveren skal holde på som reserve. Zenith kan også benytte disse aksjene som en del av sin nedbetaling av lånet. Selskapet understreker imidlertid at det har til hensikt å benytte denne løsningen minst mulig.
Fokus på Arabia og Midtøsten
– Vi er veldig glade for å ha sluttført vår første finansieringsavtale med Winance, sier Zenith Energy-sjef Andrea Cattaneo i meldingen.
Han sier selskapet nå høster fruktene fra sitt betydelige arbeid med å utvikle en finansieringsstrategi med fokus på arabiske markeder og markeder i Midtøsten.
Lånet har en varighet på seks måneder og er rentefritt. Zenith har imidlertid betalt et etableringsgebyr på 5 prosent av totalbeløpet i forkant, og selskapet vil nedbetale lånet med månedlige avdrag.
I forbindelse med låneavtalen har Zenith utstedt 100 millioner nye aksjer, uten noen pålydende verdi, som långiveren skal holde på som reserve. Zenith kan også benytte disse aksjene som en del av sin nedbetaling av lånet. Selskapet understreker imidlertid at det har til hensikt å benytte denne løsningen minst mulig.
Fokus på Arabia og Midtøsten
– Vi er veldig glade for å ha sluttført vår første finansieringsavtale med Winance, sier Zenith Energy-sjef Andrea Cattaneo i meldingen.
Han sier selskapet nå høster fruktene fra sitt betydelige arbeid med å utvikle en finansieringsstrategi med fokus på arabiske markeder og markeder i Midtøsten.
26.05.2021 kl 09:45
Nå skal det skje mye i Tunisia de neste månedene, finansiering er fikset...og kursen går ned en tusendedels krone.
Og en fantastisk omsetning på 47000 kroner.
Her var det liv, RAI RAI!
Og en fantastisk omsetning på 47000 kroner.
Her var det liv, RAI RAI!
Redigert 26.05.2021 kl 10:03
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Vet ikke hvor mange ganger jeg har sett spente aksjonærer her nå for hver melding de kommer med.
"Nå smeller det opp!!!" 🔥🔥💥
Vet ikke hvor mange ganger jeg har sett spente aksjonærer her nå for hver melding de kommer med.
"Nå smeller det opp!!!" 🔥🔥💥
Redigert 26.05.2021 kl 09:55
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26.05.2021 kl 09:58
Stille før stormen. Dette er jo helt vanlig steg å ta. Att markedet enda ikke helt ser hva som er i ferd med å ta form er greit for vår del. Men det kommer
Det er vel ingen som er i tvil om at disse såkalte "100 mill aksjer" ikke blir utløst. Er det noe som er garantert sikkert så er det i allefall at disse blir utløst til lånegiver.
Slagordet til Zenith er "Mitt stortanker skip er lastet med aksjer"
Slagordet til Zenith er "Mitt stortanker skip er lastet med aksjer"
26.05.2021 kl 10:06
Burde bli en helsikes storm!!
Det har vært stille lenge nå! Altså kursmessig sett.
Det har vært stille lenge nå! Altså kursmessig sett.
Nano Rekyl
26.05.2021 kl 10:37
Det er bra at ditt store tankskip er lastet med aksjer! For mine rør skal fylles med olje :)))
Ha ellers en fin fin dag alle sammen!
Ha ellers en fin fin dag alle sammen!
26.05.2021 kl 10:49
Veldig spesielt å glede seg til noe når man ikke er involvert i mer enn en ordkrig.
Hva vet du om det?
Poenget er å få frem hvor mange idioter som sitter i aksjen
Poenget er å få frem hvor mange idioter som sitter i aksjen
EZZA leverer stabilt for perioden [10/5 - 16/5 - 2021](tel:10/5 - 16/5 - 2021)
3079 Boe - 45% til firmaet = 1385 Boe
Ved olie på 65$ = 90.025 $ (ca. 745.685 nok kr)
For perioden [10/5 - 16/5 - 2021](tel:10/5 - 16/5 - 2021)
3457 Boe (45% til firmaet 1555 Boe)
Ved olie på 65$ = 101.075 $ (837.214 nok kr)
Disse 2 felt gir 420 boe/d.
EBB-3 skal gi 500 boe/d.
EBB-5 skal gi 80-100 boe/d
ROB-1 skal gi 200 boe/d.
= ca. 1200 boe/d.
Tilapia skal startes på innen måneder og denne bør gi 2000 boe/d.
I tillegg jaktes felt i Vest Afrika med mulighet for 8000-12000 boe/d.,
3079 Boe - 45% til firmaet = 1385 Boe
Ved olie på 65$ = 90.025 $ (ca. 745.685 nok kr)
For perioden [10/5 - 16/5 - 2021](tel:10/5 - 16/5 - 2021)
3457 Boe (45% til firmaet 1555 Boe)
Ved olie på 65$ = 101.075 $ (837.214 nok kr)
Disse 2 felt gir 420 boe/d.
EBB-3 skal gi 500 boe/d.
EBB-5 skal gi 80-100 boe/d
ROB-1 skal gi 200 boe/d.
= ca. 1200 boe/d.
Tilapia skal startes på innen måneder og denne bør gi 2000 boe/d.
I tillegg jaktes felt i Vest Afrika med mulighet for 8000-12000 boe/d.,
Nano Rekyl
26.05.2021 kl 11:10
Da inkluderer du deg selv i det andre utsagnet ditt i bakgrunn på det første du skriver?
26.05.2021 kl 11:50
All this seems like extremely good news to me. We know from the shareholders conference call on 9th April 2021 that the company always planned to do three workovers on Ezzaouia in order to increase the production there by 500 bopd – resulting in a net production to Zenith of 450bopd in total and increase of 240bopd from current production rates.
We also know from the same call that the budget for the three workover drills is $1.2 million which is well within the costings of the E2.1 million that has been borrowed – leaving $1.3 million still available for acquisitions.
The other really interesting thing about this RNS was the announcement that the company intends to make the capital repayments to the loan from the oil production rather that the use of the shares (which have of course had to be issued as a back-up). This makes total sense. The total value of the loan in $ is $2.5 million plus $125,000 in the arrangement fees – total $2,625,000 which means that the monthly repayments would be $437,500 per month.
Given that the company has also just raised 5.4 million NOK ($650,000) via the warrants announced on April 30th and also 6million NOK ($720,000) via the recent institutional investment we know that the company has plenty of money to cover the first three months of any repayments.
In addition to this we should not forget that Ezzaouia is also generating oil for Zenith as we speak at a rate of 210bopd. At an average oil price of $65 this is a gross revenue of $410,000 per month. If we assume that operating costs are approx. $30 per barrel (which is an estimate) then this should generate a revenue of $220,500 per month – which is enough to pay half of the repayments from existing production. It is worth noting that these calculations do not include the 80bopde of condensate that are currently generated at El Bibane and which could potentially contribute another $84,000 per month of net cash flow.
Since we know we are doing three workovers in Ezzaouia and targeting production of another 240bopd from these we can estimate that each workover should deliver approximately 80bopd assuming they are successful. If we make the conservative assumption that each workover will take two months to do (and that the cost for production is also $30 per barrel) then we can assume that each workover will deliver $84,000 in free cashflow each month. Including the El Bibane 80bopde then after 4 months Zenith would be generating enough money from Tunisia alone to service this debt. After 6 months then the company would be generating enough to do this from Ezzaouia alone.
In conclusion – assuming the worse case scenario that every workover takes a full two months to complete and the company does not want to spend cash but would rather pay for the loan in shares then Zenith would be able to pay $300,000 from oil revenues in months 1 and 2 (Ezzaouia and El Bibane producing 290bopd between them). This would mean that:
1) In month 1 the company would have to issue $140,000 worth of shares.
2) In month 2 the company would also have to issue $140,000 worth of shares.
3) By month 3 the next 80bopd should be online (total 370bopd) and have generated a full month worth of revenue so the company would only have to issue $60,000 worth of shares.
4) In month 4 the company would also have to issue $60,000 worth of shares.
5) By month 5 the second 80bopd should be online (total 450bopd) and have generated a full month worth of revenue so the company would be able to pay back the loan in full just from oil revenues
6) Month 6 the payment would also be made in full.
By these calculations the maximum that the company would have to issue in shares would be $400,000 (3.3million NOK) and this is only if they did not want to spend any of the company cash reserves.
We also know from the same call that the budget for the three workover drills is $1.2 million which is well within the costings of the E2.1 million that has been borrowed – leaving $1.3 million still available for acquisitions.
The other really interesting thing about this RNS was the announcement that the company intends to make the capital repayments to the loan from the oil production rather that the use of the shares (which have of course had to be issued as a back-up). This makes total sense. The total value of the loan in $ is $2.5 million plus $125,000 in the arrangement fees – total $2,625,000 which means that the monthly repayments would be $437,500 per month.
Given that the company has also just raised 5.4 million NOK ($650,000) via the warrants announced on April 30th and also 6million NOK ($720,000) via the recent institutional investment we know that the company has plenty of money to cover the first three months of any repayments.
In addition to this we should not forget that Ezzaouia is also generating oil for Zenith as we speak at a rate of 210bopd. At an average oil price of $65 this is a gross revenue of $410,000 per month. If we assume that operating costs are approx. $30 per barrel (which is an estimate) then this should generate a revenue of $220,500 per month – which is enough to pay half of the repayments from existing production. It is worth noting that these calculations do not include the 80bopde of condensate that are currently generated at El Bibane and which could potentially contribute another $84,000 per month of net cash flow.
Since we know we are doing three workovers in Ezzaouia and targeting production of another 240bopd from these we can estimate that each workover should deliver approximately 80bopd assuming they are successful. If we make the conservative assumption that each workover will take two months to do (and that the cost for production is also $30 per barrel) then we can assume that each workover will deliver $84,000 in free cashflow each month. Including the El Bibane 80bopde then after 4 months Zenith would be generating enough money from Tunisia alone to service this debt. After 6 months then the company would be generating enough to do this from Ezzaouia alone.
In conclusion – assuming the worse case scenario that every workover takes a full two months to complete and the company does not want to spend cash but would rather pay for the loan in shares then Zenith would be able to pay $300,000 from oil revenues in months 1 and 2 (Ezzaouia and El Bibane producing 290bopd between them). This would mean that:
1) In month 1 the company would have to issue $140,000 worth of shares.
2) In month 2 the company would also have to issue $140,000 worth of shares.
3) By month 3 the next 80bopd should be online (total 370bopd) and have generated a full month worth of revenue so the company would only have to issue $60,000 worth of shares.
4) In month 4 the company would also have to issue $60,000 worth of shares.
5) By month 5 the second 80bopd should be online (total 450bopd) and have generated a full month worth of revenue so the company would be able to pay back the loan in full just from oil revenues
6) Month 6 the payment would also be made in full.
By these calculations the maximum that the company would have to issue in shares would be $400,000 (3.3million NOK) and this is only if they did not want to spend any of the company cash reserves.
26.05.2021 kl 11:56
Det vet jeg alt om.
Ellers hadde du ikke omtalt aksjonærene som idioter hvis du selv var involvert i noen annet enn å være en nettroll.
Ellers hadde du ikke omtalt aksjonærene som idioter hvis du selv var involvert i noen annet enn å være en nettroll.
26.05.2021 kl 12:12
Helt enig. Men det er klart att aksjonærer helst vil se resultater å ikke arbeidey frem til resultatet. Men synes selv det jobbes både godt og riktig!!
Det vet du ingen ting om hører du.
Selv om en har aksjer i et selskap så trenger en ikke være ening i alt en ledelse foretar seg. Og det kan være lurt å ha et litt edruelig syn på selskapet og ikke bli helt forelsket fordi ingen trær vokser inn i himmelen.
Når det gjelder idioter så ser dere selv hvem som skriver idiot innleggene. Men slik som deg Tiger, og andre, så er det nettopp slike hausseinnlegg dere liker for det bygger opp under deres investering i selskapet, og det klinger godt i ørene deres. Når noen kommer med noe negativt så er det piggene ut med en gang, for negativt klinger ikke særlig godt i deres ører. Sier ikke at Zena ikke kan bli bra på sikt, men her er det en stor risiko og er ganske lei disse idiot innleggene som florerer her på linkene, syns det er rart at ikke Zena ligger på 1,- pr aksje nå syns ikke dere også det, med tanke på alle innleggene som er å lese her
Det vet du ingen ting om hører du.
Selv om en har aksjer i et selskap så trenger en ikke være ening i alt en ledelse foretar seg. Og det kan være lurt å ha et litt edruelig syn på selskapet og ikke bli helt forelsket fordi ingen trær vokser inn i himmelen.
Når det gjelder idioter så ser dere selv hvem som skriver idiot innleggene. Men slik som deg Tiger, og andre, så er det nettopp slike hausseinnlegg dere liker for det bygger opp under deres investering i selskapet, og det klinger godt i ørene deres. Når noen kommer med noe negativt så er det piggene ut med en gang, for negativt klinger ikke særlig godt i deres ører. Sier ikke at Zena ikke kan bli bra på sikt, men her er det en stor risiko og er ganske lei disse idiot innleggene som florerer her på linkene, syns det er rart at ikke Zena ligger på 1,- pr aksje nå syns ikke dere også det, med tanke på alle innleggene som er å lese her
Hvorfor er der stor risiko? Vennligst forklar.
26.05.2021 kl 12:25
Man setter penger der man har troen. Må da være lov å bli opptimistisk etter siste 6 måneders utvikling(da mener jeg ikke kursen), att de må hente penger for å få startet alle planene er da noe vi må akseptere.
Meget bra!
Det lastes;
12:22:38 0,1032 40 000
12:08:44 0,1032 400 000
12:08:44 0,1032 100 000
11:50:52 0,103 41 666
11:50:11 0,1032 900 100
11:50:11 0,1032 99 900
Tilgi dem som selger, for de vet ikke hva de gjør...🚀🚀
Det lastes;
12:22:38 0,1032 40 000
12:08:44 0,1032 400 000
12:08:44 0,1032 100 000
11:50:52 0,103 41 666
11:50:11 0,1032 900 100
11:50:11 0,1032 99 900
Tilgi dem som selger, for de vet ikke hva de gjør...🚀🚀
26.05.2021 kl 12:34
Slettet brukerskrev Hvorfor er der stor risiko? Vennligst forklar.
Stikkord: Afrika, myndigheter, politikk.... Selv om alt ser lovende ut til siste nødvendige stempel, kan alt snu fort... Til og med QEC i Quebec fikk kjenne den kraftig i 2018.
Kaset til ZENA er veldig lovende nå, MEN det er ingen garanti.. Ved negativt utfall i Talipia eller Tunisia, som vi alle venter på, vil kursen bli rasert! Derfor høy risk.
Kaset til ZENA er veldig lovende nå, MEN det er ingen garanti.. Ved negativt utfall i Talipia eller Tunisia, som vi alle venter på, vil kursen bli rasert! Derfor høy risk.
Redigert 26.05.2021 kl 12:35
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Med tanke på tidligere leveranser frå selskapet og ikke minst Afrika. Der Afrika mener jeg er den største risikoen, og det er ikke gitt at alle fugler på taket lander i hånden til slutt. Men sier igjen at Zena kan sikkert bli bra det men har likevel et edrulig syn på selskapet på dette tidspunktet
Med tanke på tidligere leveranser frå selskapet og ikke minst Afrika. Der Afrika mener jeg er den største risikoen, og det er ikke gitt at alle fugler på taket lander i hånden til slutt. Men sier igjen at Zena kan sikkert bli bra det men har likevel et edrulig syn på selskapet på dette tidspunktet
26.05.2021 kl 12:40
Thanks for the post. As the company has hardly spent any cash on the acquisition of their assets this year, I think its prudent to list all sources of financing that they have achieved so far in 2021:
1) January 6: Excercise of warrants: 4.2 mill NOK
2) January 11: Sale of Treasury shares: NOK 3.7 million.
3) February 2.- Credit facility of approx 15 million NOK (1.5 million Euro)
4) March 18: Excercise of warrants: 2.5 million NOK
5) March 21 Share issue: approx 8.5 million NOK
6) April : 30 Excercise of warrants: 5.4 million NOK
7) May 10: Share issue, 6 million NOK
8) May 26: Loan: 21 million NOK
This means that they have raised a grand total of 66.2 million NOK. Although the CEO is extremely overpaid, its impossible that they could have spent too much money so far this year as they are basically getting their acquisitions for "free". There was some debt repayment, there are always some consultants and lawyers that need to be fed, so lets say 15 million to be very generous. This should leave 51 million in cash and credit. This should be enough to pay for the work overs and the broken well (3.5 million USD). These figures would also change your calculations somewhat I think.
Furtheremore, we should not forget that Zenith has some oil inventory that can be sold at some point. Some say may, but I have not heard that from the company directly. There is also a significant amount outstanding at SLK, but who knows when that stamp will materialise. In any case, it seems that the company is well funded going forward, of course assuming that they manage to increase their oil production. As for Tilapia, I think this Financial institution could contribute part of the 5 million USD needed for well 103C.
1) January 6: Excercise of warrants: 4.2 mill NOK
2) January 11: Sale of Treasury shares: NOK 3.7 million.
3) February 2.- Credit facility of approx 15 million NOK (1.5 million Euro)
4) March 18: Excercise of warrants: 2.5 million NOK
5) March 21 Share issue: approx 8.5 million NOK
6) April : 30 Excercise of warrants: 5.4 million NOK
7) May 10: Share issue, 6 million NOK
8) May 26: Loan: 21 million NOK
This means that they have raised a grand total of 66.2 million NOK. Although the CEO is extremely overpaid, its impossible that they could have spent too much money so far this year as they are basically getting their acquisitions for "free". There was some debt repayment, there are always some consultants and lawyers that need to be fed, so lets say 15 million to be very generous. This should leave 51 million in cash and credit. This should be enough to pay for the work overs and the broken well (3.5 million USD). These figures would also change your calculations somewhat I think.
Furtheremore, we should not forget that Zenith has some oil inventory that can be sold at some point. Some say may, but I have not heard that from the company directly. There is also a significant amount outstanding at SLK, but who knows when that stamp will materialise. In any case, it seems that the company is well funded going forward, of course assuming that they manage to increase their oil production. As for Tilapia, I think this Financial institution could contribute part of the 5 million USD needed for well 103C.
26.05.2021 kl 15:39
Tror ikke du følger så godt med for jeg har ikke skrevet et eneste hausseinnlegg i denne aksjen.
Du følger ikke så godt med du heller, når har jeg nemt deg som hausser? Om du følger litt mer med så skjønner du sikkert hvem jeg mener som taster disse hausseinnleggene
26.05.2021 kl 16:19
Oi...nå var det en idiot som hamstret litt ja.
Han leser nok ikke på forumet her
Han leser nok ikke på forumet her
26.05.2021 kl 16:24
Tror dere noen låner ut over 20 mill til et selskap uten å gjøre due dil? Dette er en finansinstitusjon som selvsagt har rutiner for å sikre sine investeringer. De antyder også sterkt at de vil bidra med mer finansiering fremover. Selv om selskapets kommunikasjon med markedet til tider er tvilsom, er det liten tvil om at zenith er ekstremt underpriset.
Redigert 26.05.2021 kl 16:28
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Flott avslutting! Nå starter kjøret mot 50 øre:)
26.05.2021 kl 16:32
Dette site er helt håbløst, der sidder så mange folk der ikke aner hvordan verden er skruet sammen, at man kunne korse sig 🙈🙈🙈🤮🤮
Dette site er helt håbløst, der sidder så mange folk der ikke aner hvordan verden er skruet sammen, at man kunne korse sig 🙈🙈🙈🤮🤮