CLOUD henter 1 milliard
01.06.2021 kl 18:03
Blant annet FERD tenger seg for 200 mill 😀
Dette blir bra
Dette blir bra
01.06.2021 kl 23:38
Sterkt overtegnet:
Cloudberry is pleased to announce that the Private Placement has been multiple
times oversubscribed outside the cornerstone commitments, attracting strong
interest from high quality institutional investors in the Nordics and
internationally. As a result of the strong interest, Cloudberry has decided to
upsize the Private Placement to 86,000,000 new shares in the Company (previously
80,000,000 new shares) (the "Offer Shares"), raising gross proceeds of NOK 1,075
million at a price per Offer Share of NOK 12.50 (the "Offer Price").
The Private Placement took place through an accelerated bookbuilding process
after close of markets on 1 June 2021 with Carnegie AS and Pareto Securities AS
as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners and Skandinaviska Enskilda
Banken AB (publ) as Joint Bookrunner (the "Joint Bookrunners").
Cloudberry is pleased to announce that the Private Placement has been multiple
times oversubscribed outside the cornerstone commitments, attracting strong
interest from high quality institutional investors in the Nordics and
internationally. As a result of the strong interest, Cloudberry has decided to
upsize the Private Placement to 86,000,000 new shares in the Company (previously
80,000,000 new shares) (the "Offer Shares"), raising gross proceeds of NOK 1,075
million at a price per Offer Share of NOK 12.50 (the "Offer Price").
The Private Placement took place through an accelerated bookbuilding process
after close of markets on 1 June 2021 with Carnegie AS and Pareto Securities AS
as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners and Skandinaviska Enskilda
Banken AB (publ) as Joint Bookrunner (the "Joint Bookrunners").
02.06.2021 kl 00:08
02.06.2021 kl 07:12
Sjansen er vel relativt høy for at det ikke blir behov for noen rep.emi?
02.06.2021 kl 07:42
Jag ser inte riktigt hur de räknar för att vara så intresserade av att teckna massor med aktier här. Med ännu mera utspädning nu, så blir ju antalet aktier kring 200 miljoner. Så om kursen stannar på samma nivå som idag, blir nya börsvärdet 2,6 miljarder. Så högt har inte aktien gått tidigare och om man tecknar aktier hoppas man ju på vidare uppgång, alltså ett börsvärde på minst tre miljarder. Ingen har sett så stor potential i Cloudberry tidigare med tanke på hur relativt svagt den har gått på börsen sedan notering, så varför skulle den gå högre nu? Jag är rädd för att kursen går ner istället faktiskt, speciellt om de som tecknar en massa aktier också börjar sälja ut när de får aktierna.
02.06.2021 kl 08:30
Emisjoner i grønne selskaper har stort sett fått negative reaksjoner i markedet i det siste. At en stor emisjon i Cloud skal føre til kursoppgang nå har jeg vanskelig for å se logikken i.
02.06.2021 kl 09:13
haha och så går den ju upp nu då. Rubriken på FA-framsidan just nu "Flera aktier stiger efter emissioner." Nej, börsen är fan inte logisk.
Noen som vet hvordan man tegner seg i rep emisjonen?
02.06.2021 kl 13:16
Så har det väl varit hela året som gått också, utan att aktien stigit? Jag har ägt Cloudberry flera gånger sedan de noterades, men den har ju aldrig lyckats ta sig över 20 kronor trots att allt sett bra ut hela tiden. Ju fler gånger de dubblar antalet aktier, desto svårare borde väl uppgången bli. Jag misstänker att de stora aktieägare som köper sig in nu snarare funderar på uppköp än uppgång. Det är en nyhet nu på FA om att Ferd och Arendals Fossekompani tänker starta upp något tillsammans inom vindkraft, kanske tänker de även köpa hela Cloud framöver?
02.06.2021 kl 15:59
Du glemmer at hver ny aksje har tilført selskapet kr 12,50, og at selskapet nå har 1,075 milliarder kroner mer i kassen.
03.06.2021 kl 07:48
...... og mye av denne milliarden er allerede øremerket til flere gode og igangsatte prosjekter med god IRR. Dette er begynnelsen på et nytt "Arendals Fossekompani " :-)
Redigert 03.06.2021 kl 07:49
Du må logge inn for å svare
03.06.2021 kl 10:09
Fin artikkel i FA i dag om CLOUD :)
Når får vi vite mer om rep.emmi? Er den vedtatt? Og når får vi tildelinger?
03.06.2021 kl 22:23
Key information
Date on which the terms and conditions of the Repair Issue were announced: 1 June 2021
Last day of trading including right to receive subscription rights: 1 June 2021
First day of trading exclusive right to receive subscription rights: 2 June 2021
Record Date: 3 June 2021
Date of approval: To be determined
Maximum number of new shares: 2,000,000
Subscription price: NOK 12.50 per share
Maximum gross proceeds: NOK 25,000,000
Will the subscription rights be listed: No
The Repair Issue is subject to (i) the completion of the Private Placement, (ii) required corporate resolutions and (iii) the publication of a prospectus in accordance with applicable legislation.
The formal resolution (including the final number of new shares to be offered) related to the Repair Offering will be made by the Company’s Board of Directors following the general meeting to be held on or about 17 June 2021 and the approval and subsequent publication of a prospectus prepared in connection with the Repair Offering.
The Company's Board of Directors may in its sole discretion decide that the Company shall not carry out the Repair Issue, for example if the prevailing market price of the Company's share trade lower than NOK 12.50 per share, which will allow the shareholders wishing to reduce the dilutive effect of the Private Placement to acquire the shares in the market at similar price and thus make the Repair Issue redundant.
Date on which the terms and conditions of the Repair Issue were announced: 1 June 2021
Last day of trading including right to receive subscription rights: 1 June 2021
First day of trading exclusive right to receive subscription rights: 2 June 2021
Record Date: 3 June 2021
Date of approval: To be determined
Maximum number of new shares: 2,000,000
Subscription price: NOK 12.50 per share
Maximum gross proceeds: NOK 25,000,000
Will the subscription rights be listed: No
The Repair Issue is subject to (i) the completion of the Private Placement, (ii) required corporate resolutions and (iii) the publication of a prospectus in accordance with applicable legislation.
The formal resolution (including the final number of new shares to be offered) related to the Repair Offering will be made by the Company’s Board of Directors following the general meeting to be held on or about 17 June 2021 and the approval and subsequent publication of a prospectus prepared in connection with the Repair Offering.
The Company's Board of Directors may in its sole discretion decide that the Company shall not carry out the Repair Issue, for example if the prevailing market price of the Company's share trade lower than NOK 12.50 per share, which will allow the shareholders wishing to reduce the dilutive effect of the Private Placement to acquire the shares in the market at similar price and thus make the Repair Issue redundant.