SOFTOX - Kan dagens melding sende kursen tilbake mot kr 60?
Endelig en meget oppfølgende melding fra Softox, kan den være med på å sende kursen i SoftOx tilbake mot kr 60 eller mer?
Solutions AS: The Danish Medicines Agency has given a conditional approval for the first study in humans for SoftOx Inhalation Solution (SIS) for the treatment of respiratory infections. SoftOx Solutions AS (SoftOx) aims to develop an inhalation solution (SIS) for the treatment of respiratory tract infections. This has the potential to be a breakthrough in the future treatment of respiratory infections, including viruses, bacteria and fungal infections.
“After an intensive research phase, we are very satisfied that the Danish Medicines Agency (DKMA) considers our documentation positively and has given a conditional approval to be able to start the study”, says Medical Director Glenn Gundersen. “The conditions that have been communicated are related to additional safety data and the company is already working on completing the data as requested.
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Solutions AS: The Danish Medicines Agency has given a conditional approval for the first study in humans for SoftOx Inhalation Solution (SIS) for the treatment of respiratory infections. SoftOx Solutions AS (SoftOx) aims to develop an inhalation solution (SIS) for the treatment of respiratory tract infections. This has the potential to be a breakthrough in the future treatment of respiratory infections, including viruses, bacteria and fungal infections.
“After an intensive research phase, we are very satisfied that the Danish Medicines Agency (DKMA) considers our documentation positively and has given a conditional approval to be able to start the study”, says Medical Director Glenn Gundersen. “The conditions that have been communicated are related to additional safety data and the company is already working on completing the data as requested.
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07.06.2021 kl 10:39
Sell on news dette men jeg sov, møkka pollen. Spiller ikke så stor rolle for er ikke lenge til vi kan forvente at det kommer noe nytt som kan få kursen til å gå ut av kanalen den har holdt seg i lenge nå. Så bare å sitte i ro å egentlig glemme hele investeringen i Softox, det er og det enkleste.
Du er vel ikke helt tilstede hvis du trodde dagens melding ville sende kursen over 60. Viser bare nok en gang hvor mye sludder du kommer med på dette forumet…
Redigert 07.06.2021 kl 09:41
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07.06.2021 kl 09:35
Det ser ikke slik ut. Her får en bare avvente fremover om det kommer noe som kan løfte kursen eller om den blir liggende mellom kr 46-51.