100 Day Supply Chain Review - Report

RECSI 08.06.2021 kl 18:53 15704

JUNE 8, 2021

Følte denne fortjente sin egen tråd :)
08.06.2021 kl 18:54 9406

Nogle flere artikler, skamløst copy/pastet fra den anden tråd :))

DOE Announces Actions to Bolster Domestic Supply Chain of Advanced Batteries
JUNE 8, 2021

Biden strike force to target 'unfair' trade
JUNE 8, 2021
Alternativt: https://pastebin.com/fzygHSsc

Biden's Plan To Reduce Shortages Of Products That Are Critical For National Security
JUNE 8, 2021
Alternativt: https://pastebin.com/Fyw5QJmC

U.S. Energy Storage Association Statement on White House 100-Day Supply Chain Review
JUNE 8, 2021
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 18:57 9378

Nå snakker vi! Takk for det manman 👍
08.06.2021 kl 19:04 9311

Det er en fornøjelse!!! Jeg er glad for at i kan bruge det jeg finder :)

Jeg fandt også denne på Onkel Bidens kalender i dag, kan være det bliver spændende!

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Deputy Director of the National Economic Council Sameera Fazili, and Senior Director for International Economics and Competitiveness Peter Harrell
Starter nu her - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXYIudlUJzA
08.06.2021 kl 19:09 9267

Alt går etter planen, så langt. Røkke kommer sikkert med gode nyheter i løpet av kort tid…👍
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 19:34 9100

Noen sitater fra rapporten som omhandler REC Silicon direkte med navn:

"There are several manufacturers of electronics-grade polysilicon with manufacturing in the United States,
including Hemlock Semiconductor (Michigan), Norway-based REC Silicon, Germany-based Wacker
Polysilicon, and Japan-based Mitsubishi Materials America. U.S.-based Hemlock Semiconductor indicated
that it has the capacity to increase polysilicon production by 50 percent, yielding up to 35,000 tons of
polysilicon per year.

Although the U.S. currently has production capacity, according to the domestic
producers, U.S. technological leadership and production of semiconductor-grade polysilicon is at risk due to
China’s actions to increase its dominance of both the semiconductor and solar supply chains. As a result of
these actions, which include a high tariff on polysilicon imported to China, U.S. polysilicon producers have
been cut off from the Chinese market, which represents over 95 percent of the global solar-grade polysilicon
market. Direct and immediate customers in the solar industry currently do not exist in the United States.
Because the production processes for semiconductor grade and solar grade polysilicon are closely related,
U.S. producers must be able to take advantage of a robust global market for solar energy products to ensure
continued production of material for semiconductors "

"According to these producers, China now accounts
for over 70 percent of polysilicon production capacity, and U.S. producers, nine percent."

"Silicon Anodes have a theoretical lithium storage capacity 10 times that of currently used graphite.
Silicon is a naturally abundant and low-cost material, and models show that silicon can a reduce battery
costs below $100/kWh compared to current costs of $150-175/kWh. Challenges with silicon anodes
include volume expansion challenges and calendar life issues.Such issues are currently being
investigated by researchers. Raw material sources for silicon, including polycrystalline silicon, silicon
oxides, and silane gas, are fairly ubiquitous, and large-scale production of polysilicon was originally
centered in the United States. Five facilities, located in Michigan, Tennessee, Montana, Alabama, and Ohio, produce polysilicon from silanes (generated on-site) in the United States. A sixth facility, located in Washington and, at the time, the third-largest polysilicon plant in the United States, was closed in 2019
and scheduled to be sold; however, in 2020, the owner, Norwegian company REC Silicon, formed a
partnership with Group14 Technologies, a lead domestic manufacturer of silicon-based anode batteries,
to restart the plant."

"In spite of an early advantage in polysilicon production (87 percent of total global
production in 2004), significant ground has been lost to China in the intervening years as
China built and strengthened its supply chains for the photovoltaic and semiconductor
U.S. production of polysilicon comprised less than 10 percent of total global
production in 2020. Further complicating supply chain matters are the credible charges of
forced labor in the production of polysilicon in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
(XUAR).170 The Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) is actively encouraging its
members to shift their dependence on XUAR-based polysilicon to more transparent and
ethical suppliers by mid-2021.
SEIA also introduced a “traceability protocol” for the solar
supply chain, but it requires an independent third party auditor.172 R&D funded by
DOE’s VTO has addressed cycle life issues with silicon anodes (from 100 to >1,000
in the past five years). Continued DOE-funded R&D is focused on the reactivity
with current electrolytes and electrode stability due to silicon volume change during

Store ting foregår på politisk nivå. Gleder meg til å lese rapporten og til å oppleve hva fremtiden har å bringe!
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 19:43 9015

Ja, det er nå det skjer. Ett ord: B U L L ! !

Biden kommer til Europa denne uken og skal snakke om å sikre verdikjeder med sine allierte.

Redigert 08.06.2021 kl 19:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 19:54 8934

Spennende å se om REC blir påvirket av rapporten, samt mulig oppside på polysilicon-priser i morgen. Sirbalo ser heller ingen motstand før kurs 19,20. Bryter vi den er det en seier i seg selv i det korte bildet. Men hell yeah, dette er BULL!
08.06.2021 kl 19:59 8887

Jeg fandt lidt mere :)

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force to Address Short-Term Supply Chain Discontinuities
JUNE 8, 2021

Fantastisk at REC er nævnt i rapporten :)) Lige det jeg håbede på :)

Denne Tour de Biden kan også komme med nogle interessante sager - dette skal jeg følge med på !
Tweeten have også en artikel med - dem der ikke kunne se den, kan bruge linket under :)
Opinion: Joe Biden: My trip to Europe is about America rallying the world’s democracies
Alternativt link: https://pastebin.com/gay41amZ
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 20:11 8781

Uten tvil:
08.06.2021 kl 20:17 8701

"Key Recommendations Include:

Rebuild America’s production and innovation capabilities. Long-term competitiveness will require an ecosystem of production, innovation, skilled workers, and diverse small and medium-sized suppliers. Those ecosystems are the infrastructure needed to spur private sector investment in manufacturing and innovation. But that infrastructure cannot be created or sustained without the support and leadership of the federal government. Specific recommendations to rebuild our industrial base for critical sectors include:

Provide dedicated funding for semiconductor manufacturing and R&D: We recommend Congress support at least $50 billion in investments to advance domestic manufacturing of critical semiconductors and promote semiconductor R&D.

Provide funding and financial incentives to spur consumer adoption of EVs and other EV incentives: We recommend Congress authorize new and expanded incentives to spur consumer adoption of U.S.-made electric vehicles. In addition, we recommend Congress support $5 billion in investments to electrify the federal fleet with U.S.-made EVs, and $15 billion in infrastructure investment to build out a national charging infrastructure to facilitate the adoptions of EVs.

Provide financing to support advanced battery production: DOE should use existing authorities and funding to support U.S. manufacturing of advanced technology vehicle battery cells.

Establish a new Supply Chain Resilience Program: We recommend Congress enact a Supply Chain Resilience Program at DOC to create a focal point within the government to monitor and address supply chain challenges. This program should be backed with $50 billion to make transformative investments in strengthening U.S. supply chains across a range of critical products.

Deploy the DPA to expand production capacity in critical industries: A DPA Action Group should determine how best to leverage the authorities of the DPA to strengthen supply chain resilience, building off work done to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Invest in the development of next generation batteries: Agencies should support technologies that will reduce the critical mineral requirements for next generation electric vehicle batteries and grid storage technologies, and that improve U.S. competitiveness in this critical sector.

Invest in small, medium and disadvantaged businesses in critical supply chains: The Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer competitive programs should support a diverse portfolio of small businesses to meet R&D needs, and increase commercialization.

Ensure that new automotive battery production in the United States adheres to high labor standards: Tax credits, lending and grants offered to businesses to produce batteries domestically should ensure the creation of quality jobs with the free and fair choice to organize and bargain collectively for workers.
08.06.2021 kl 20:19 8682

Slettet bruker skrev Uten tvil: GAME ON
Holy crap! Dette er stort! Takk for deling av dokumenter:)
08.06.2021 kl 20:20 8658

"Key Findings from 100-Day Critical Product Supply Chain Reviews

The reports being released today document a wide range of risks and vulnerabilities to U.S. supply chains for critical products. Over the course of the year, pursuant to E.O. 14017, the Departments of Transportation, Agriculture, Commerce, Homeland Security, Defense, Energy, and Health and Human Services, working with other Departments and Agencies across the U.S. government, will develop comprehensive strategies for revitalizing six industrial bases: defense, public health and biological preparedness, information and communications technology, energy, transportation, and agriculture and food production.

Highlights of these risks and vulnerabilities identified by the 100-day reports include:


Semiconductors are essential to our national security, our economic competitiveness, and to our daily lives. These tiny chips are vital to virtually every sector of the economy—including energy, healthcare, agriculture, consumer electronics, manufacturing, defense, and transportation. Semiconductors power our cell phones and dishwashers; as well as our fighter jets and cybersecurity defenses. Once a global leader in semiconductor production with robust public support, the United States has outsourced and offshored too much semiconductor manufacturing in recent decades. The United States has fallen from 37 percent of global semiconductor production to just 12 percent over the last 20 years.

The United States also lacks production capability at the most advanced technology levels. For leading edge logic chips, the U.S. and U.S. allies rely primarily on facilities in Taiwan, which produces 92 percent of such chips. Our reliance on imported chips introduces new vulnerabilities into the critical semiconductor supply chain. The United States produces only six to nine percent of the more mature logic chips, which are severely impacted by the current shortage. The loss of production capacity threatens all segments of the semiconductor supply chain as well as our long-term economic competitiveness.

We must build resilient and competitive semiconductor supply chains for the long-term. Our strategy must include taking defensive actions to protect our technological advantages. But we must also proactively invest in domestic production and R&D. We must develop an ecosystem that includes growing our innovative small, medium, and disadvantaged businesses, along with building a pipeline of skilled workers who can benefit from well-paying semiconductor jobs. Finally, we must engage our partners and allies to promote global resilience.

Large capacity batteries

Advanced, high-capacity batteries play an integral role in 21st-century technologies that are critical to the clean energy transition and national security capabilities around the world—from electric vehicles, to stationary energy storage, to defense applications. Demand for these products is set to grow as supply chain constraints, geopolitical and economic competition, and other vulnerabilities continue to increase.

Today, America relies heavily on importing the inputs for fabricated advanced battery packs from abroad, exposing the nation to supply chain vulnerabilities that threaten to disrupt the availability and cost of the critical technologies that rely on them and the workforce that manufactures them. With the global lithium battery market expected to grow by a factor of five to ten by 2030, it is imperative that the United States invest immediately in scaling up a secure, diversified supply chain for high-capacity batteries here at home that supports good-paying, quality jobs with a free and fair choice to join a union and bargain collectively. That means seizing a critical opportunity to increase domestic battery manufacturing while investing to scale the full lithium battery supply chain, including the sourcing and processing of the critical minerals used in battery production all the way through to end-of-life battery collection and recycling.

Critical minerals and materials

A range of critical minerals and materials are the building blocks of the products we use every day. As demand for clean energy technology increases over the short- and medium-term, an increased supply of critical minerals and materials will be necessary to meet national and global climate goals. China, using state-led, non-market interventions, captured large portions of value chains in several critical minerals and materials necessary for national and economic security. China accounts for an outsized share of the world’s refining capacity, meaning that even if the United States were to diversify our sources of critical minerals or increase domestic extraction, we would still be reliant on China for processing before use in end-product manufacturing.

To secure a reliable, sustainable supply of critical minerals and materials, the United States must work with allies and partners to diversify supply chains away from adversarial nations and sources with unacceptable environmental and labor standards. U.S. investments abroad must incentivize environmentally and socially responsible production. The United States must also invest in sustainable production, refining, and recycling capacity domestically, while ensuring strong environmental, environmental justice, and labor standards and meaningful community consultation, including with Tribal Nations through government-to-government collaboration.
08.06.2021 kl 20:27 8557

A sixth facility, located
in Washington and, at the time, the third-largest polysilicon plant in the United States, was closed in 2019
and scheduled to be sold; however, in 2020, the owner, Norwegian company REC Silicon, formed a
partnership with Group14 Technologies, a lead domestic manufacturer of silicon-based anode batteries,
to restart the plant.

Biden vet at ML skal åpne igjen :)
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 20:39 8438

Herlige nyheter man ser jo tydelig hvilken vei dette går. Vi har fått mange hint hele veien om ikke lenge kommer det noe konkret. Selskapet/Røkke jobber i kulissene her nå det er det liten tvil om:)) Snart vil de endelig komme på banen med nyheter og da smeller det:)))
Redigert 08.06.2021 kl 20:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 20:54 8297

Fantastisk å lese, investeringen blir tryggere og tryggere for hver dag!
08.06.2021 kl 20:54 8288

Hadde vært morsomt om e-24 eller FA hadde skrevet noe om dette, men det er vel for mye å håpe på..(?)
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 20:56 8266

Helt utrolig at ikke norsk media for lengst har fanget opp, at et stort norsk firma reiser seg som en fugl Føniks, og vil bli en del av Bidens enorme nye "Supply Chain".
- Vel-- får gi de en sjanse til.
08.06.2021 kl 21:15 8090

Her fantaseres det. Rapporten har ingenting å si for REC. REC selger lusne 12% av sin årlige semi-produksjon fra Butte til kunder i US.

Semi-indeksene faller videre i US i dag.

Som Biden skriver: Five facilities, located in Michigan, Tennessee, Montana, Alabama, and Ohio, produce polysilicon from silanes (generated on-site) in the United States.

Ingen trenger REC.

REC sier de skal klare å snekre sammen en portefølje til sin annonserte restart i ML i 2023. Men det betyr så klart ikke at REC kommer til å drive ML lønnsomt. Restart i ML i 2023 er for lengst blitt priset inn i dagens kurs. Dere tror vel ikke TT lyver?

REC's har ingen kunder til ML's produkter. Det skyldes at REC's kunder ikke har kunder. Dere tror i fullt alvor at Røkke når som helst skal komme frem og fortelle at REC's kunder har fått kunder. REC's angivelige ML kunders angvivelige kunder er i praksis nyutdannede studenter som driver R&D på garsjeloftet med produksjon av batterier til earbuds. Akkurat slik G14 også holder på med mikroskala produkjson av battery materials i garasjen i Woodingville. Og som dere vel omsider bør ha skjønt nå - Aker konsernet støttekjøper ikke solar polysil til den grønne selskapsporteføljen sin.

Derfor ser dere ingen stillingsannonser hos REC i ML. Ingen etterspør REC's produkter. Det er et faktum, og forklarer hvorfor ML er stengt ned. På tide å skjønne det nå.
08.06.2021 kl 21:17 8064

købssignal udløst lige her
08.06.2021 kl 21:19 8022

Slår (nesten) aldri feil
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 21:25 7924

Når det tekniske peker opp og Simen stresser med varsler er det bare å glede seg til børsen åpner i morgen
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 21:31 7828

Hehe samme greia som alltid som fra 3kr vi skulle skamme oss over at vi ikke solgte den gangen:))). Glad jeg har blokkert dette nicket for lengst her er han på raskere enn en vakt bikkje:)) Neida har ikke en agenda dette nicket😂 Ikke lenge siden han hausset selskapet før han snudde😂
08.06.2021 kl 21:46 7667

Spøg til side, er det vigtigt at huske alle her er anonyme. Nemis, mig og dig.
Læs læs læs
dan jeres egne meninger.
Ikke basér jeres investeringer på kommentarer herinde.
08.06.2021 kl 21:49 7604

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration 100-Day Battery Supply Chain Review
JUNE 8, 2021
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 21:57 7539

Takk for ett godt bidrag manman.. "det lysner i stille grender..." infoen trenger snart gjennom norskegrensen og FA, DN, E24 og bransjemediene vil hive seg på for å få klikk i hauger og lass. Fint med en saklig tråd...lenge siden.
08.06.2021 kl 21:59 7521

Visste ikke at du jobbet for Biden Nemi's. Siden du synes å ha mye innsideinformasjon om hva som ble diskutert i det ovale kontor og vet hva Biden og hans folk mener om REC.

Give me a break.....
08.06.2021 kl 22:01 7483


Min teori er at Nemis aktivitet hovedsaklig er skaffe svinginger for store kunder (Amerikanske banker) som driver med algoritme trading.

Han skriver nedlatende om Group14`s kommersielle produksjon på 120 tonn anode materiale årlig, og har tidligere huset et bittelite kanadisk selskap (HPQ silicon) som planlegger kapasitet på 3 tonn pilot produksjon i løpet av året.

HPQ silicon har 2 ansatte på Linkedin...
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 22:05 7424

Sier det gang etter gang, men du er fantastisk manman! Tusen takk :)
08.06.2021 kl 22:13 7306

Jeg er enig i at dette er svært gode nyheter, men før vi tar helt av hadde det vært betryggende å få bekreftet at Biden får til finansieringen av disse enormt omfattende prosjektene,
Hvor mye vil republikanerne være med på?
Hvor mye kan finansieres uten deres støtte?
Uansett, dette blir megastort 👍
Redigert 08.06.2021 kl 22:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 22:19 7640

Ja, godt å ha sånne som manman som legger ut relevant info. Tusen takk👍
Og tusen takk til deg Uchi som åpnet øynene mine når det gjelder å se det store bildet. Ligger i rute til blue sky scenario dette? Lurer på hva kineserne tenker og hvordan forhandlingene i handelskrigen påvirkes av dette.
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 22:29 7493

Støtter den! Manman is the man 😁 Utrolige graveferdigheter!
08.06.2021 kl 22:33 7446

Dette er fantastisk bra manman01! tusen takk 🙂👍
08.06.2021 kl 22:40 7340

I følge deg produserer Violet Power verdens beste solpaneler. 50 års garanti på panelene, verdens beste ytelse også på lave temperaturer. Og ikke minst en CEO med hele 45 års arbeidserfaring. Sier du.

For alt dette har du funnet ut ved å lese på internettet.

Det er for øvrig helt feil at G14 har en kommersiell produksjon på 120T anode materiale i året, slik du feilaktig hevder. G14 har aldri produsert 120T i året. Og de har heller aldri produsert noe som helst i ett år. G14 hevder å ha en kapasistet til å kunne produsere 120T i pilotanlegget sitt. Men kapasitet er noe annet. Akkurat som REC's reelle produksjon av solar polysil i ML er uendelig mye lavere enn ML's kapasitet.

Du må prøve å vise evne til å forstå virkeligheten. Det har du aldri gjort.

En kapasitet på 120T anode materiale er for øvrig 1/100 av de 12.000T produsert materiale REC omtaler i sin oppstartsplan for ML, publisert 29/10/2020. Og det forklarer hvorfor ML er stengt.
08.06.2021 kl 22:42 7307


Morsomt å lese. Vel, hvis det ikke var for det faktum at du juger som ei bikkje for å lure andre for penger. Da blir det hele bare trist. Ett fett, mitt råd er hold på REC og akkumuler. 42,5 passeres i løpet av 5-11 måneder. Kanskje raskere.
08.06.2021 kl 22:42 7295

Hva tror folket, innebærer midler til R&D utvikling av Silisium anoder under dette punktet:

(2) accelerating battery technology advances including next generation lithium-ion and lithium-metal batteries

Increase Funding for R&D to Expand Uptake and Reduce Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

Smart R&D investments have the potential to restore U.S. leadership in batteries over time. For example, some EV companies have already announced plans to reduce or eliminate nickel and cobalt from their batteries, reducing supply chain vulnerabilities for those metals. New battery technologies have the potential to increase capacity and safety while reducing cost. The United States should support battery R&D to strengthen our technology leadership position and reduce supply chain vulnerabilities.

Increase support for R&D to reduce battery cell costs, enhance performance, and reduce dependency on key critical materials
Congress should appropriate new R&D funding, including to the U.S. National Laboratories, to invest in battery research that could reduce or eliminate the need for non-lithium critical minerals in battery technologies. Specific R&D focuses include: (1) reducing or eliminating critical or scarce materials needed for EV or stationary batteries, including cobalt and nickel; (2) accelerating battery technology advances including next generation lithium-ion and lithium-metal batteries, including solid state design; and (3) developing innovative methods and processes to profitably recover “spent” lithium batteries, reclaim key materials, and re-introduce those materials to the battery supply chain. Adding strong domestic manufacturing requirements to Federally-funded R&D programs combined with incentives to build here in the U.S will help establish a domestic manufacturing base for next generation technologies.

Create a Manufacturing USA Institute for High-Capacity Batteries
Congress should appropriate new funding for the Manufacturing USA program to create an institute focused on high-capacity batteries. Scaling from a lab prototype to the pilot scale is expensive and uncertain, sometimes taking as long as a decade. Manufacturing USA’s public-private model, collaborating with academic, industry and other stakeholders to test applications, train workers and de-risk investments, is important to helping new technologies move from lab-to-market. A new institute would support the development of next-generation processing and strengthen manufacturing and recycling technologies.
Redigert 08.06.2021 kl 22:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.06.2021 kl 22:44 7266


Jeg er glad for at i vil læse med (:
Slettet bruker
08.06.2021 kl 22:56 7102

Mange av dere bør lære dere at politiske statements må filtreres :). Men det er grunn til betydelig optimisme. Mye som drar I riktig retning her nå de siste måneder. Jeg tipper Kongressen blir enig om et kompromiss før de tar sommerferie i juli.
08.06.2021 kl 23:09 6961

Å fortsette denne diskusjonen støtter bare din agenda, registrerer at du ikke dementerer påstanden.