09.06.2021 kl 08:13
Skulle vel være 2 liftings fra Gabon (Dussafu) og 1 fra Tunisia i Q1. Husker ikke Q3, men EG blir det lifting fra i Q4 (årsbasis). Da en mindre lifting (650000 boe) enn det var i Q1 i år (950000 boe). Les transcript fra Q1-presentasjon. Der sies det noe om lifting for de ulike Q for 2021.
09.06.2021 kl 09:20
Fra transcript
In the second quarter we will have two liftings in Gabon and one in Tunisia.
And then the fourth quarter is when we probably have another EG lifting that’s probably a 650,000 barrel lifting probably in the fourth quarter as well.
In the second quarter we will have two liftings in Gabon and one in Tunisia.
And then the fourth quarter is when we probably have another EG lifting that’s probably a 650,000 barrel lifting probably in the fourth quarter as well.