IDEX & Zwipe PayOne distribusjon 2022-2025

IDEX 09.06.2021 kl 21:14 432111

Oversikt over noen av Zwipe partnere som har planlagt å distruere Zwipe PayOne fra H2 2021.
Zwipe PayOne bruker fingeravtrykksensor fra IDEX Biometrics.

Zwipe og Goldpac samarbeider om å lansere biometriske betalingskort og relaterte tjenester til Goldpacs kundenettverk. Goldpac-kunder noen av de største finansorganisasjonene i verden. Goldpac er sertifisert av VISA, MasterCard, China Union Pay, American Express, JCB og Diners. Goldpac planlegger å videreføre biometrisk betalingskort med full lansering av programmet før 2022. Goldpac leverer 264 millioner betalingskort i året.

IDEMIA lanserer den nye generasjonen biometriske kort, F.CODE Gen2 neste generasjon sikre biometriske kortbrikke, (som ZWIPE har sikret seg verdensomspennende distribusjonsrettigheter) klar til utrulling i andre halvdel av 2021, Idemia produserer 600 millioner kort per år.

Zwipe er nå i kontakt med mer enn 40 av verdens 50 største kortprodusenter, hvorav 18 samarbeid er kunngjort (og 4 er for tiden anonyme) Zwipes strategiske partnerskap med IDEMIA, De fleste store risikopunkter er allerede bestått, og vi retter oss mot de første kommersielle distribusjonene for 2021.

Zwipe og KL HI-TECH den nest største betalingskortprodusenten i India sammerbeider for å bringe neste generasjon betalingskort til India. KL HI-TECH leverer for tiden totalt 50 millioner kort per år, KL HI-TECH tar sikte på å produsere Zwipe Pay One-kort fra 2. kvartal 2021, pilot ZPO Biometric Cards globalt fra 3. kvartal og første markedslansering i slutten av 2021

FSS er blant de ledende leverandørene av kortutstedelsesprodukter globalt, og kortporteføljen består av 800 pluss millioner betalingskort for Tier One-banker og betalingsbehandlere. Partnerskapet med FSS vil bidra til å skalere distribusjonen av Zwipe Pay ONE biometriske betalingskort globalt. Det første fokuset vil være på Canada, India og en rekke land i Europa, Midtøsten (GCC-land) og Afrika. Begge partnerne vil sikte på å starte piloter fra 2.H 2021

Be ys Pay den franske leverandøren av betalingsløsninger har inngått et partnerskap med Zwipe for å tilby biometriske betalingskort. Samarbeidet vil gi Zwipe Pay ONE-aktiverte biometriske betalingskort til å være ys Pay-kunder i det franske, belgiske, Luxembourg og nederlandske markedet. De to selskapene forventes å ha kontakt med utstedere fra dette kvartalet og levere piloter fra andre halvdel av 2021. Be Ys Pay leverer for tiden totalt 30 millioner betalingskort per år

Zwipe kunngjøre at de har fullført fire nye partnerskap med fremtredende kortprodusenter i Asia-Stillehavet og Europa. Med Zwipe har disse kundene valgt Zwipe Pay ONE-plattformen for levere biometriske betalingskort til utstederne Kortprodusentene planlegger å starte biometriske kortpiloter med Pay ONE-teknologien før utgangen av 2021, og vil gå videre med kommersielle lanseringer hvis forsøkene lykkes. Den samlede årlige kortforsendelsen fra disse nye kundene er mer enn 150 millioner kort,

Midt-Østen betalingstjenester (MEPS), en ledende regional one-stop-shop for betalingstjenester og produkter, samarbeider med Zwipe for å bringe neste generasjon kontaktløse betalingskort i Midt-Østen og Nord-Afrika (MENA) -regionen. MEPS utsteder 20 millioner EMV-betalingskort hvert år og tar sikte på å gjøre det tilgjengelig for våre kunder for pilotering og kommersiell distribusjon i løpet av H2 2021

Zwipe Pay ONE-piloter kunngjorde med Vopyin Sweden som pilot from Q3 2021, Vopyin vil sikte mot en første kommersiell lansering av 100.000 biometriske betalingskort i 4. kvartal

Zwipe og TietoEVRY går sammen om å lansere biometriske betalingsløsninger til banker i Norden og Baltikum. for å rulle ut biometriske betalingskort og «wearables» i stor skala,

Eika gruppen (og antagelig sparebank gruppen
TietoEVRY og Eika Alliance, en av Norges største banker ohar inngått en omfattende strategisk avtale for levering av neste generasjons kjernebank- og betalingsløsninger, De 53 lokale bankene i Eika Alliance som deltok i prosjektet har signert den nye avtalen tilbyr et bredt spekter av bank- og forsikringsprodukter til cirka 700 000 kunder i det norske markedet. Overgangen til den nye løsningen vil foregå trinnvis, med alle Eika-bankene som skal operere på den nye plattformen innen midten av 2023.

Zwipes partnerskap
•Thomas Greg & Sons
•XH Smart Technology
•dz card
•TAG Systems
•CPI Card
•MF Technology
•Toppan Forms HG
•Masria Cards
•Asia Credit Card
•Giesecke + Devrient
•Liveo Research
•Smart Technology Services
•Beautiful Card Corporation
•FSS (Financial Software and Systems)
•Be ys Pay
•Tag Systems

Zwipe engasjerer seg i hele betalingsøkosystemet som nås direkte til over 300 banker, samt samarbeider med viktige strategiske partnere i bankene.

* IDEX Biometriscs når break-even på ~ 20 millioner enheter per år.
* Zwipe når break-even på ~ 6 millioner enheter per år.

26. mai 2021 - En global smartkortintegrator og produsent går fra pilot til full produksjon av TrustedBio.

Idex biometrics har det eneste biometrisk betalingskortet som sertifisert av China UnionPay og kan brukes til DC/EP Hardware Wallet Initiative.
DCEP/CBDC har mer enn 1 milliard mennesker som potensielle brukere.. IDEX biometrics har foreløbig ingen konkurenter i Kina. Kinas Chutian Dragon for å utvikle en kortbasert løsning med digital valuta / elektronisk betaling (DC / EP). Som avtalt vil den nye kortbaserte digitale lommeboken være sikret av IDEX TrustedBio . IDEX Biometrics ble valgt som strategisk teknologipartner for Goldpacs DC/EP Hardware Wallet Initiative og for å fylle bestillinger på den digitale lommeboken fra Postal Bank of China. Kina planlegger å lansere DC/EP i forkant av vinter-OL som avholdes i Kina i februar 2022.

Målene med DC/EP er fra masseregional adopsjon i løpet av det neste året til internasjonal rekkevidde som etterpå.

Digitale lommebøker vil øke til 4 milliarder innen 2026. Og det kontaktløse betalingsmarkedet forventes å være 15 milliarder enheter innen 2026, hvor 1 av 5 betalingskort er biometriske. Idex tjener netto 1USD pr chip og 1,5USD pr kort.

Hvis vi går ut fra Idex får 10% markedsandel på digital wallet og biometriske betalingskort i 2026, og hvis vi regner snitt på 12kr netto pr kort/chip, 915 mill aksjer/3år og P/E 10. Så vil Idex aksjen være verd 31,- i 2026. (ID og adgangskort er ikke medregnet)

IDEX sikter mot 30% markedsandel.
Redigert 02.09.2024 kl 10:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.07.2021 kl 05:08 140056

Kansje verd å få med seg kvartalsrapporten til TietoEVRY i dag ? (TietoEVRY skal bruke Zwipe PayONE platformen med sensor fra IDEX)

TietoEVRY's second–quarter results on 20July – invitation to a teleconference
We are delighted to invite you to watch TietoEVRY's Q2 announcement. Our programme will start at 10.00 EEST and last until around 11.00 EES

Published: 12 July 2021
TietoEVRY Card Issuing and Financial Crime Prevention have reached an important agreement with Bank Norwegian to follow the bank on their journey to Europe by expanding into Germany and Spain. Bank Norwegian's customers in those countries will now get access to market leading credit card services that also cover fraud prevention.

The agreement is an extension of the existing partnership, in which TietoEVRY delivers state-of-the-art Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) card services to Bank Norwegian in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. TietoEVRY will now deliver the same wide spectrum of card and fraud prevention services in Germany and Spain also. Bank Norwegian is planning to go live in Germany and Spain in the last quarter of 2021.

Tietoevry-zwipe insights report.

Redigert 20.07.2021 kl 07:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.07.2021 kl 01:07 140155


Vi avdekker vår innovasjonspartner for Biometrics MENA Summit 2021 som finner sted 26. - 27. juli 2021.
Biometrics MENA Summit skifter fokus på viktige utfordringer i den biometriske industrien, slik som implementering og adopsjon av biometrisk teknologi for utvikling av smarte byer, økning i identitetstyveri, rolle biometri i en sømløs digital æra og regulatoriske utfordringer i adopsjon og bruk av privat sektor. biometri

Find more about it at or email us at
Redigert 20.07.2021 kl 05:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.07.2021 kl 22:25 140423

China Construction Bank gikk i juni fra Trail til Pilot av biometric ‘hard wallet’ smart card med IDEX sensor
(Digital Yuan biometric wallet CBDC )

17 June 2021
China Construction Bank pilots biometric cards for digital currency payments

China Construction Bank (CCB) is piloting a biometric ‘hard wallet’ smart card that lets customers store digital yuan and authenticate payments made using the central bank digital currency (CBDC) with their fingerprint.

The bank has already launched a digital yuan wallet app and the NFC-enabled biometric smart card will enable holders to use the digital currency without needing access to a smartphone.

“A digital renminbi hard wallet resembles a conventional dual-interface smart card, with secure processing, encrypted memory, and near field communication capabilities in the secure element,” explains Idex Biometrics, the Norwegian company providing the fingerprint recognition solution for the CCB card.

“The card’s stored value is further secured with advanced fingerprint recognition and authentication.

A number of other Chinese banks are also developing digital yuan hard wallets and the People’s Bank of China confirmed that consumers will be able to store digital currency on both physical and digital wallets earlier this month.

Although reports that China would officially launch the digital yuan following the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing

17 February 2021
Postal Savings Bank of China trials biometric cards for digital currency payments

* A pilot scheme or a pilot project is one which is used to test an idea before deciding whether to introduce it on a larger scale
* Trial , experiment , test imply an attempt to find out something or to find out about something like a new product, procedure etc

Redigert 19.07.2021 kl 23:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2021 kl 02:15 140882

ICPS and Zwipe partner to bring biometric payment cards in Africa and Asia

July 16, 2021
ICPS and Zwipe partner to bring biometric payment cards in Africa and Asia Biometric fintech company, Zwipe and ICPS, a leading international card payment processor and card personalization bureau, announced entering into a partnership to bring Zwipe Pay ONE enabled biometric payment cards to banks across Africa and Asia.

The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted the use of contactless technology and ultimately the need for consumers and businesses to make higher-value payments using contactless cards. However, the contactless limit increase for payments also posed a higher risk for users without an additional layer of security.

Through the partnership, both ICPS and Zwipe will work together to bring biometric payment cards enabled with fingerprint sensors. With an embedded fingerprint sensor in the card, consumers will benefit from an extra layer of security with no need to enter a PIN code on the POS terminal.

“As a provider of innovative payment services in the African continent, we pride ourselves in delivering future proof innovations. Together with Zwipe we will bring a new payment solution that will help financial institutions to differentiate their services, provide safer and much more secure payment solutions and uplift customer loyalty. Zwipe is a well-regarded technology brand in the biometric payment space and we are very happy to join forces with them”, said Khevin Seebah, CEO at ICPS.

Zwipe will provide the complete Zwipe Pay ONE package comprising Biometric ISO contact plate module, Passive inlay, Fingerprint sensor, OS license and enrolment sleeves. As part of this alliance, both companies will work to promote the disruptive Zwipe Pay ONE enabled biometric payment cards for ICPS’ issuers in Africa and Asia.

“We are delighted to collaborate with ICPS and bring the next generation of contactless payment cards to banks in Africa and Asia. ICPS’ strong position among financial institutions across Africa and Asia, and Zwipe’s disruptive technology and deep expertise within biometric payment cards, will create a strategic foundation for a mutually rewarding partnership,” said André Løvestam, CEO of Zwipe.

Founded in 2008, Mauritius based ICPS is a subsidiary of the HPS Group. It has a portfolio of more than 30 clients based in 22 countries in Africa and Southeast Asia. The firm provides payment processing and consultancy services for banks, FIs, and telecom operators. ICPS hosts more than 6 mn cards, drives over 600 ATMs and 11,000 POS terminals, and processes over 10 mn transactions on its platform each month.
15.07.2021 kl 21:16 141196

- Digital Yuan biometric wallet CBDC er rettet mot de 700 millioner kineserene som ikke har smart telefon eller internett

China tests new phone-free DCEP e-RMB card for helping rural poor
As China presses its digital currency closer to launch, a Shanghai test reveals features aimed at the 700 million Chinese without mobile phones or the internet.

Redigert 15.07.2021 kl 21:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2021 kl 17:50 141353

" Hvilken pris tenker du Idex selger for og hva sitter de igjen med når du regner 1,5 mill kort i måneden? "

Hei Sente,
Jeg tar utgangspunkt at idex sitter igjen med netto fortjeneste på chip 9kr og kort 14kr (1usd= 9kr)

Snitt fortjeneste 1.2kr x 1,5mill kort =18 millioner i måneden, som er 54millioner i kvatalet.
Som er rundt det samme som idex`s underskudd pr kvatal, og hvor Idex når brake even
Redigert 15.07.2021 kl 18:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2021 kl 17:08 141466

Oslo (TDN Direkt): Idex vil samarbeide med Infineon om produksjon av et nytt biometrisk smartkort, ifølge en melding torsdag.

Referanseutformingen utnytter kombinasjonen av Infineons nye SLC38BML800-sikkerhetskontroller med ekstra GPIO-grensesnitt og den siste generasjonen av TrustedBio-løsningen fra Idex Biometrics. Dette muliggjør fingeravtrykkautentisering med lav ventetid, høy nøyaktighet og effektivitet, heter det i meldingen.

Masseproduksjon er planlagt å starte i slutten av 2021.

Infineon and IDEX Biometrics announce a platform for biometric smart cards with superior performance and scalable, cost-effective manufacturability

Samples of Infineon’s SLC38BML800 security controller can be ordered now, mass production is planned to start at the end of 2021. A software development kit for the reference design is currently available from IDEX. Samples of IDEX Biometrics’ TrustedBio solution are available now, with mass production starting by the end of the third quarter of 2021.
14.07.2021 kl 22:32 141642

Bekreftelse fra Zwipe om kommersiell lansering av PayOne/TrustedBio gen3 til Oktober.

Tue 13 Jul 2021.
After two trials and product development work, Zwipe will be releasing its third generation biometric payment card for commercial use in October
“We have banks in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt reacting and preparing their systems for the pilot programme next month . These are the leading banks operating in the region and would have a domino effect on the others,”
Zwipe is also launching the biometric cards with banks in Europe and the US.
Redigert 14.07.2021 kl 22:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2021 kl 23:16 141926

Fint regnestukke Sente.
Dette er jo ingen umulighet,store ordrer kommer ingen tvil.
Kan komme snart!
12.07.2021 kl 22:56 141984

Min utregning på break even:
Hvis vi legger Q1 resultatet til grunn for utregningen hvor de tapte 7,4 MUSD og ganger dette opp med 4 kvartal må de tjene ca. 30 MUSD for break even.
Idex har som mål å ha en ASP på 3,5 USD per sensor og ca. 50% margin, så de vil tjene ca. 1,75 per sensor ved større volum leveranser.
La oss si de selger sensorer nå for 7 USD og sitter igjen med 2 USD. Dårligere margin, men de er i start opp fasen så marginen er generelt dårligere og det er mer svinn i produksjonen.
Så de må selge 15 millioner sensorer for å være break even i år. Den eneste bestillingen som er tallfestet er til Zwipe på 300k sensorer og hadde de fått større bestillinger regner jeg med de hadde meldt det. Jeg tipper til nå har de fått bestillinger for ca. 500k sensorer totalt i år, og jeg tviler på de kommer til å levere mer enn en million i år.

Jeg har vel skrevet en plass her på forumet at jeg regner Q2-2022 som en potensielt break even kvartal. Så jeg er ikke negativ til Idex, men etter å vært positiv her inne i 3 år skjønner jeg at ting tar tid.
12.07.2021 kl 21:45 142098

Sente er i tvil.
Hvor mange salg må idex ha for å gå break even i år for eks.
12.07.2021 kl 16:27 142250

UAE och Hong Kong med :-)

China, UAE join Hong Kong, Thai cross border CBDC trials

China is the most advanced in terms of progressing its digital yuan CBDC. Three months ago, the HKMA said it was working with China on a technical pilot for the digital yuan or e-CNY to be used for cross border payments with Hong Kong.

Around the same time, the central banks of Saudi Arabia and the UAE shared their cross-border CBDC tests results. That experiment was unusual as the banks used a single currency. That’s because both the Saudi Riyal and UAE Dirham are pegged to the U.S. dollar at the same exchange rate.

Redigert 12.07.2021 kl 16:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2021 kl 16:25 142292

he latest Chinese digital yuan trial will target 500,000 people, up from 50,000 in the first test last October. Plus, six new regions have been confirmed as Shanghai, Hainan, Changsha, Xi’an, Qingdao, and Dalian. But according to Li Bin, director of the People’s Bank of China’s Macro-Prudential Management Bureau, there is still no official launch timetable.

Most of the central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilots involved giveaways of a small amount of currency. When the pilot program was first announced, it was restricted to five regions, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiongan New Area, Chengdu, and the Winter Olympics locations (Beijing), so that’s now expanded to eleven.

“The digital renminbi pilot test adheres to the principles of stability, safety, and control, and focuses on small transactions from invited whitelisted users,” said Li Bin. “At present, the number of participants, the number of transactions, and the amount of net exchange are still relatively small. During the pilot process, all parties have a relatively high interest in digital renminbi, and users in the pilot areas are relatively motivated.”

The next phase aims to incorporate feedback, explore applications, ‘strengthen the versatility and inclusiveness of digital renminbi’ and add features.

Luohu Shenzhen latest trial, including cross border
The Luohu District of Shenzhen is the latest test area where 500,000 new users will participate. This is the same location as the very first test in October 2020. Participants in the earlier trial can access discounts when they use the digital yuan to make payments. These discounts are being subsidized to the tune of 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) to encourage users to recharge their wallets and enable a more in-depth test. The digital currency can be used at 30,000 Shenzhen stores, with 500 of them offering special discounts.

Location Date People Amount
Shenzhen – Luohu district October 2020 50,000 RMB 10m
Suzhou – Xiangcheng District December 2020 100,000 RMB 20m
Shenzhen – Futian district December 2020 100,000 RMB 20m
Shenzen – Longhua district January 2021 100,000 RMB 20m
Suzhou City February 2021 150,000 RMB 30m
Beijing – Dongcheng district February 2021 50,000 RMB 10m
Chengdu March 2021 200,000 RMB 40m
Shenzhen – Luohu district April 2021 500,000 RMB 10m
Luoho is also the site for the first cross border trials. Previously it was announced that the People’s Bank of China is cooperating with Hong Kong, the UAE and Thailand for multi-CBDC trials.

The Luoho cross border test involves two types of Hong Kong residents, those who travel to Luoho regularly and those that are only occasional visitors. The distinction is because the regular visitors have a Chinese ID, but occasional visitors only hold Hong Kong resident cards, yet they can open digital RMB wallets ‘anonymously’ using a Hong Kong mobile phone number. The digital yuan has various wallet types based on the level of know your customer (KYC) compliance, so this type only supports small transactions.

For Hong Kong residents visiting Shenzhen, it reduces the cross-border transaction costs. The next step is promoting “cross-border circulation of digital RMB in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.”
12.07.2021 kl 13:58 142378

12 July 2021 China could be ready to officially launch the digital yuan as a fully operational central bank digital currency (CBDC) after the Beijing Winter Olympics in early 2022, according to reports in the Chinese media.

China to launch digital yuan nationwide after 2022 Winter Olympics? Lihui told China Daily that he was “full of confidence” that the 2022 Games “will be the touchstone, or a turning point, for the digital RMB,” the newspaper reports.
Redigert 12.07.2021 kl 14:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2021 kl 08:20 142564

Syns du jeg er for negativ siden jeg tror Idex ikke går break even i år?
Slettet bruker
12.07.2021 kl 07:58 142607

Hva er det som plager deg Sente, er du betalt av noen for å prate tull om noen selskaper..
12.07.2021 kl 07:43 142652

Husk at de aller fleste brukerene at Digital Yuan er mobil brukere, ikke biometrisk kort brukere.
Det vil nok komme bestillinger til dette prosjektet, men mobil vil være foretrukken i opprampingen.
Hvilken pris tenker du Idex selger for og hva sitter de igjen med når du regner 1,5 mill kort i måneden?
12.07.2021 kl 07:11 142693

Idex når brake Even på salg av rundt 1,5mill Kort/Chip i måneden.
Så skal det trolig ut X millioner biometriske betalingskort ( CBDC). rundt vinter OL i China, februar 2022.

Redigert 12.07.2021 kl 07:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2021 kl 06:49 142739

Antar forandringen i 2021 er fokus er skiftet fra utvikling til salg.
Jeg tviler på Idex går break even i år, men håper de får noen million-bestillinger i høst som vil hjelpe på regnskapet.
12.07.2021 kl 02:53 142835

Hva er det Vince Graziani, hinter til.. ?
"A great deal has changed at IDEX Biometrics already in 2021. "

Jeg tror IDEX når Brake Even i slutten av året hvis IDEX begynner å levere de biometriske kortene til digital yuan, Bank of China.
(Idex når brake even på rundt 1,5mill kort i måneden)

Redigert 12.07.2021 kl 05:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.07.2021 kl 21:29 143086

9 juli 2021 Vince Graziani, CEO of IDEX Biometrics, provides his perspective at mid-year 2021, reflecting on six months of significant change and building momentum.

At our 2021 Annual General Meeting, we officially welcomed two new Board Members, Annika Olsson, and Thomas Quindlen. Annika is CEO at Express Bank A/S, a Nordic bank that is part of the BNP Paribas Group, which serves more than 27m clients across 30 countries. Tom is Executive Vice President & CEO for Retail Card at Synchrony, a U.S. based premier consumer financial services company and Fortune 200 company.

An opportunity that is really exciting me, and the whole team at IDEX, is the emergence of a new payment vertical, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). We have already publicly announced that we are working with Goldpac, Chutian Dragon, and the Postal Bank of China on multiple CBDC related initiatives in China, where the digital currency is called Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP). The planned rapid deployment of DCEP, ahead of the Winter Olympics in February 2022, presents an ideal application for our secure fingerprint sensors and biometric technologies in protecting stored value within a hard (also known as a cold) “wallet” in the form of a biometrically enabled smart card. We are also talking to multiple other Card Manufacturers and Card Issuers, as there are many other central banks around the world looking to launch their own CBDC. This has the potential to be a huge incremental market opportunity.

In addition to IDEMIA, we have announced we have sold TrustedBio products to several other customers including DongWoon Anatech, Ubivelox, and Zwipe.

As I said at the very beginning of this post, the first half of 2021 has been characterized by building momentum, including the following:

* We entered into a strategic engagement with an additional U.S. based global payment network. This is the third payment network (in addition to China UnionPay and Mastercard) to partner with us to advance the adoption of biometric payment cards. We anticipate being able to publicly identify this payment network later this year

* We announced that we had expanded our partnership with a global payment solutions provider. Together, we will offer a fully integrated system for biometric smart cards based on our partners market-leading secure elements and our TrustedBio biometric sensors, matching algorithms, and related software

* We announced that our fingerprint sensor and a secure element from Tongxin Microelectronics had been included in a second Biometric Payment Card certified by China UnionPay. The certified card, manufactured by Goldpac Group, is available now for volume production.

A great deal has changed at IDEX Biometrics already in 2021. We have a much more commercially focused Executive Management Team in place, as well as a very strong Board of Directors. The IDEX of today has five offices spread across three continents (Asia, Europe, and North America) and our team represents 15 nationalities including American, Armenian, British, Chinese, French, Indian, Japanese, Korean and Norwegian.

Redigert 11.07.2021 kl 23:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.07.2021 kl 19:30 143279

9 JULY 2021 Summer Greetings from André Løvestam, CEO of Zwipe

Dear stakeholders of Zwipe,
Through the first half of 2021, our global payment ecosystem of Smart Card Manufacturers, Payment Processors, Banks and Go-to-market Partners has continued to expand at a rapid pace, further strengthening our foundation for future market success.

Entering the Indian subcontinent and APAC region.

In the first half of 2021, we announced six new Smart Card Manufacturers into our ecosystem:
* KL HI Tech in India
* Beautiful Card Corporation in Taiwan
* Silkways Card and Printing Ltd in Bangladesh
Three card manufacturers in Europe and Asia who at this stage want to remain anonymous

Together, these manufacturers deliver around 200 million payment cards annually. In addition, we extended and expanded our partnership with TAG Systems, who delivers 100 million payment cards annually. Looking forward, it is great to see that our SCM and processor and issuer pipelines continue to grow.

Delivery of Zwipe Pay ONE on track
In April 2021, we demonstrated our enrollment solution and touch-free payment transactions above the transaction cap at a Point-of-Sales terminal with test keys to emulate fully EMV authorized and authenticated transactions in a live environment.

Next steps – pilots and certification
Apart from pilots planned from late this quarter, certification will represent the last milestone before commercialization. We have already performed pre-tests at accredited test labs with excellent results.

We are now working closely with the card schemes to secure these processes, which will be explained in detail during our H1 2021 reporting on 26 August. In the coming weeks, we will start handing out Zwipe Pay ONE demo cards to issuers and partners and continue to help them prepare for commercial launches.,c3382611?fbclid=IwAR0A3KK_qEUFRmZzMrVgdBh6sB-KIo_hgie8nUw5oJOXshMCLk9anpKPh54
Redigert 11.07.2021 kl 19:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.07.2021 kl 16:42 143438

9 JULY 2021
Idex Biometrics, Zwipe updates hint at digital currency focus, payment card launches.

The company has now passed the most critical milestones and risk points in the development of its Zwipe Pay ONE, having demonstrated the biometric technology with test keys to emulate a live EMV transaction above the contactless payment cap. The only steps remaining before mass volume commercialization are piloting and certification. Zwipe Pay ONE demo cards will be distributed to issuers and partners within the coming weeks to prepare for commercial launches.

Redigert 11.07.2021 kl 21:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.06.2021 kl 19:23 144118

IDEX i Shanghai

Supply Chain Manager
Operations · Shanghai, Minhang District Apply for This Job
Department Operations Employment Type Employee Minimum Experience Experienced
IDEX Biometrics is the leading provider of fingerprint identification technologies offering simple, secure and personal authentication for all. We help people make payments, prove their identity, gain access to information, unlock devices or gain admittance to buildings with the touch of a finger. We invent, engineer and commercialize these secure, yet incredibly user-friendly solutions. Our total addressable market represents a fast-growing multi-billion-unit opportunity. Our parent company, IDEX Biometrics ASA, is publicly listed in Oslo, Norway.

IDEX is preparing for volume deliveries of biometric fingerprint sensor solutions for the mass market and is developing next generation products for smart card market.

The company is expanding its Operations team and has a requirement for a mid to senior level supply chain manager to support increasing vendor management activities. The role requires supply chain experience in high tech electronics volume manufacturing – candidates with supplier management experience in consumer, automotive or similar electronics sectors would be considered suitable.

The role will be based close to IDEX principal supply chain partners in the Far East/China. The successful candidate will report to the Director of Supply Chain and will be a member of a team of 4 or 5 people.

Tasks and responsibilities:

Work with IDEX supply chain vendors to secure and manage supply in both mass production and development/NPI scenarios
Manage and develop business activities and relationships with production suppliers
Explore and develop new and alternative suppliers to support increasing production volumes and new technical development/NPI requirements
Work closely with IDEX operations manufacturing team to manage detailed production/manufacturing activities, quality and yield at supply chain partners. A good understanding of electronics manufacturing technology and process would be helpful
Work with IDEX design teams and manufacturing partners to ensure that IDEX products can be manufactured to specification and deliver expected yield and cost targets
To support design teams and manufacturing partners on developing innovative solutions in the supply chain to support IDEX needs
Manage placement and progress of forecasts and purchase orders within the supply chain
Work with quality, supply chain and manufacturing to support QA activities such as performing process or supplier audits, improvements or investigations
Attendance at supplier facilities as required to fulfil responsibilities

Required & Desirable Experience:

10+ years supply chain management in relevant high volume electronics business
Use of outsourced assembly and test providers
Understanding of silicon and IC procurement and fabless operations
Strong customer and vendor management
Supply chain management related to development and NPI
Good understanding of electronics manufacturing processes
Supplier quality management
Vendor selection processes – RFQs and RFIs
Day to day management of supplier activities
Multidiscipline experience of working in smaller organizations
Supplier prospecting – technology sourcing
Use of sourcing systems, MRP etc.
Proficient MS Office user
Knowledge of payment card industry would be advantageous
Knowledge of requirements for compliance with ISO9001 would be advantageous
18.06.2021 kl 07:32 144654

Nå er det flere triggere som kommer fremover og som bør kjøre denne opp i 4-5 kroner. Gleder meg til årets short sviiiiis for den kommer snart. Last opp på dette nivået.
Redigert 18.06.2021 kl 07:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.06.2021 kl 23:10 144917

China Construction Bank skal utstede smartkort som er sikret med IDEX-sensorer.

CCB er den nest største banken i Kina, og den sjette største banken i verden med mer enn 13 000 filialer.
10.06.2021 kl 19:10 145487

VISA certifiering skulle ta 2 månader skrev IDEX eller Vince G har sagt under en presentation och jag tror det är på plats de väntar något med finansiell inklusion där VISA/Crypto inblandat från vad jag har läst men snart får vi veta🥰😍. Han sa muntligt att VISA testar deras tjänster under mötet och certifiering ska bli snart klar i Jan-Feb
Slettet bruker
10.06.2021 kl 18:20 145595

Idemia köper inte ZPO av Zwipe eftersom Idemia har egen lösning inhouse. ZPO och F.Code är dock baserad på samma chip och kan sägas vara identiska.
10.06.2021 kl 10:15 145755

Det er ikke TB som bliver VISA certiceret men IDX3205. Det første gen3 kort med TB er Idemias som netop er lanceret. Det tager i beste fald 3-4 måneder at certificere hvilket kan gøres mens der køres pilots. Det tager tid, men det kommer. Dongwoon bliver formentlig den første med VISA certificering med IDX3205.
Redigert 11.06.2021 kl 09:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.06.2021 kl 08:31 145881

Det er vel volum produksjon av TrustedBio og visa sertifiseringen alle venter på ?
26. mai 2021 - En global smartkortintegrator og produsent går fra pilot til full produksjon av TrustedBio.
Vi forventer TrustedBio vil være VISA-sertifisert innen dette kvatalet.
10.06.2021 kl 02:09 146156

MrViggo, Zwipe will deliver the biometric cards based on Idemia’s F.CODE Gen2 and Zwipe Pay ONE (ZPO) for contactless payments, which provides performance and security in line with market and scheme requirements. The agreement gives Zwipe worldwide distribution right on the newly-certified biometric card secure chip

Zwipe is both a partner and competitor to Idemia in a way where Idemia sellstheir own productwith thesingle silicon secure elementto their own customersand where Zwipe partners with competing card manufacturers to enable them to sell their products with the single silicon secure element as part of the Zwipe Pay ONE platform.

It is important to note that the core of the deal with Idemia is that Zwipe willhave exclusive global rights to use and sell the Idemia/Zwipe-manufactured chip to other card manufacturers for the lifetime of the product,with aminimum six years.In our estimates we think the term is significantly longer than six years as we don’t see what Idemia has to lose from a long-term partnership.
Redigert 20.07.2021 kl 06:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
09.06.2021 kl 23:19 146351

Idemia använder inte ZPO till F.Code korten.

Tre st icke namngivna enligt Zwipes VD på Erik Pensers konferens.
Redigert 09.06.2021 kl 23:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.06.2021 kl 23:18 146469

Tak for et fint indlæg. Det er spændende læsning her sidst på aftenen i Danmark.
Jeg kunne godt forestille mig, at det snart er noget, som vil løfte aktiekursen betydeligt.
Men jeg naturligvis langsigtet investor.
09.06.2021 kl 23:07 146589

By Vince Graziani, CEO, IDEX Biometrics ASA
Taking this to an entirely new scale, the launch of a major CBDC trial in China involves six of the country’s largest banks promoting the country’s digital currency to consumers as an alternative to existing popular private payment apps, such as WeChat Pay and Alipay.
Redigert 09.06.2021 kl 23:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.06.2021 kl 21:40 146865

By Zacks Small-Cap Research
IDEX fingerprint sensor is embedded into new Bloomberg portable card with a sensor known as a B-UNIT and approximately the size of a credit card allows you to access your Bloomberg. Bloomberg, a large IT and financial services customer for an information security access control solution. A finger scanner is embedded in the Bloomberg Keyboard, and a portable scanner — known as a B-UNIT® and approximately the size of a credit card — allows you to access your account from any location using Bloomberg Anywhere on a PC or mobile device.

Redigert 09.06.2021 kl 23:09 Du må logge inn for å svare