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25.04.2023 kl 22:29
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
Alternus Energy gĂĄr fra NOTC til EuroNext Growth neste uke, tipper 23/24 Juni 2021.
Alternus er en av de raskest voksende solpark selskaper i Europa med fokus pĂĄ mellomstore solparker og de har sĂĄ langt 34 parker og 150MW i Tyskland, Italia, Nederland, Romania, Polen og Irland. Parkene produserer 150MW som gir en inntekt pĂĄ over NOK 220 Mill og svimlende 80% EBITDA (NOK 176 Mill) for 2021.
Videre så har de sikret ytterligere 1,4GW som de skal ha på plass i løpet av 2023 som vil gi en ARR på NOK 1Mrd og 80% EBITDA og så skal de øke til 3,5GW innen 2025. Blir ikke overrasket om dette skjer raskere og blir nærmere 5-6 GW. Dette sier jeg fordi ledelsen her er super dyktige og sultne på suksess.
Den 3. juni så meldte Alternus at de kjøpte 60% av det Nederlandske selskapet Unisun Energy Holding B.V og blir et vertikalt integrert solpark selskap gjennom hele verdikjeden fra prosjekt utvikling til konstruksjon til operasjon/drift og vedlikehold. Dette gjør at Altnerus nå kan utvikle og bygge egne solparker, som igjen vil redusere bygge kostnadene, tid og generere langsiktig ARR.
I dag sĂĄ prises selskapet tll NOK 700mill (NOK 30,00k)
KursmĂĄl NOK 65,- satt av Artic Securities for en stund tilbake og mye har endret seg siden det ble satt.
Personlig så tror jeg dette selskapet kommer til å bli en mega vinner på børsen de neste 1-3 årene og gå 10 ganger’n fra dagens nivå
Alternus er en av de raskest voksende solpark selskaper i Europa med fokus pĂĄ mellomstore solparker og de har sĂĄ langt 34 parker og 150MW i Tyskland, Italia, Nederland, Romania, Polen og Irland. Parkene produserer 150MW som gir en inntekt pĂĄ over NOK 220 Mill og svimlende 80% EBITDA (NOK 176 Mill) for 2021.
Videre så har de sikret ytterligere 1,4GW som de skal ha på plass i løpet av 2023 som vil gi en ARR på NOK 1Mrd og 80% EBITDA og så skal de øke til 3,5GW innen 2025. Blir ikke overrasket om dette skjer raskere og blir nærmere 5-6 GW. Dette sier jeg fordi ledelsen her er super dyktige og sultne på suksess.
Den 3. juni så meldte Alternus at de kjøpte 60% av det Nederlandske selskapet Unisun Energy Holding B.V og blir et vertikalt integrert solpark selskap gjennom hele verdikjeden fra prosjekt utvikling til konstruksjon til operasjon/drift og vedlikehold. Dette gjør at Altnerus nå kan utvikle og bygge egne solparker, som igjen vil redusere bygge kostnadene, tid og generere langsiktig ARR.
I dag sĂĄ prises selskapet tll NOK 700mill (NOK 30,00k)
KursmĂĄl NOK 65,- satt av Artic Securities for en stund tilbake og mye har endret seg siden det ble satt.
Personlig så tror jeg dette selskapet kommer til å bli en mega vinner på børsen de neste 1-3 årene og gå 10 ganger’n fra dagens nivå
Redigert 17.06.2021 kl 17:14
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30.09.2021 kl 11:24
@ Urix - skjønner frustrasjonen din men det er ikke så farlig hva disse analytikerene måtte mene nå. Kursmålet til Fearnley er hva det er, og det er nærliggende å tro at de har sine egne agendaer.
La oss ikke glemme at Alternus Energy har kun vært 3 mnd på EuroNext og har "kun" 130MW i operativt drift. Det eneste som betyr noe nå er execution execution execution. Alternus har en meget dyktig ledelse, som har vist at de er gode på execution, eller gjennomføring som vi sier på godt norsk.
- Ansettelsen av CTO Gary Swan i April
- Oppkjøp på 60% av Unisun Energy Holding B.V for å bygge egne parker i mai
- Per 30 juni sĂĄ hadde de totalt 2.4GW pĂĄ blokka nĂĄ, fordelt pĂĄ:
* 130MW i drift
* 293MW i produksjon
* 1.424 MW signerte exclusive kontrakter
* 563MW i pipeline
Per 31.12.2021 sĂĄ har vi:
NOK 200 mill i ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue)
NOK 176 mill i EBITDA
26 mill aksjer
NOK 77 i kurs per aksje (NOK 2 Mrd i selskapsverdi basert pĂĄ NOK 200 mill ARR multiplisert med 10)
De har bevist at de har en forretningsmodell som fungerer og etterhvert som tiden gĂĄr sĂĄ vil de bygge og vokse i antall parker som er i drift ved slutten av ĂĄret:
2021: ca 174 MW
2022: ca 673 MW
2023: ca 1.564 MW og NOK 1.1 Mrd i ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue)
2024: ca 2.464 MW
2025: ca 3.564 MW og NOK 2.5 Mrd i ARR
Mitt poeng er at etter hvert som tiden går så vil vi se at ledelsen leverer i henhold til hva de har sagt, og jeg personlig tror de vil overraske oss positivt og øke i antall solparker/MW . Det jeg kan si med 100% sikkerhet er at aksjen vil stige fremover, og det er ikke mange aksjer på Oslo Børs du kan si det om med 100% sikkerhet.
La oss ikke glemme at Alternus Energy har kun vært 3 mnd på EuroNext og har "kun" 130MW i operativt drift. Det eneste som betyr noe nå er execution execution execution. Alternus har en meget dyktig ledelse, som har vist at de er gode på execution, eller gjennomføring som vi sier på godt norsk.
- Ansettelsen av CTO Gary Swan i April
- Oppkjøp på 60% av Unisun Energy Holding B.V for å bygge egne parker i mai
- Per 30 juni sĂĄ hadde de totalt 2.4GW pĂĄ blokka nĂĄ, fordelt pĂĄ:
* 130MW i drift
* 293MW i produksjon
* 1.424 MW signerte exclusive kontrakter
* 563MW i pipeline
Per 31.12.2021 sĂĄ har vi:
NOK 200 mill i ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue)
NOK 176 mill i EBITDA
26 mill aksjer
NOK 77 i kurs per aksje (NOK 2 Mrd i selskapsverdi basert pĂĄ NOK 200 mill ARR multiplisert med 10)
De har bevist at de har en forretningsmodell som fungerer og etterhvert som tiden gĂĄr sĂĄ vil de bygge og vokse i antall parker som er i drift ved slutten av ĂĄret:
2021: ca 174 MW
2022: ca 673 MW
2023: ca 1.564 MW og NOK 1.1 Mrd i ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue)
2024: ca 2.464 MW
2025: ca 3.564 MW og NOK 2.5 Mrd i ARR
Mitt poeng er at etter hvert som tiden går så vil vi se at ledelsen leverer i henhold til hva de har sagt, og jeg personlig tror de vil overraske oss positivt og øke i antall solparker/MW . Det jeg kan si med 100% sikkerhet er at aksjen vil stige fremover, og det er ikke mange aksjer på Oslo Børs du kan si det om med 100% sikkerhet.
Redigert 30.09.2021 kl 11:39
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30.09.2021 kl 12:47
Fint at du setter ting i perspektiv, bra og oversiktlig innlegg, bra jobba Green 2030!!! Sammen skal vi bli rike pĂĄ vĂĄr investering i Alternus Energy!! Frustrasjon, vel mere forbannet, kjennes som et spark et viss sted og det er det jo ingen som liker!
Ha en god dag og takk for innlegget!!
Ha en god dag og takk for innlegget!!
Redigert 30.09.2021 kl 12:55
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30.09.2021 kl 16:21
Hei, fikk lastet opp et par aksjer pĂĄ blĂĄmandagen. Gav 25,03. Er ca 65/35 fordelt mellom mpces og alt
30.09.2021 kl 18:20
Jo takk! Syntes dette kursmĂĄlet av Fearnley var meeeeget moderat, vi fĂĄr da vel se. Kan hende jeg laster opp oppover! Lykke til
02.10.2021 kl 11:50
Tidligere i år så ble Alternus Energy sammenlignet og presentert som det nye mini Scatec, hvorpå CEO Brown var krystalklar på at Scatec og en del andre aktører har en mye større grad av usikkerhet i seg pga landene og det politiske landskapet de operer i - kontra Alternus som kun har solparker i trygge Europa.
I går fikk vi høre at Scatec sitt prosjekt i Sør-Afrika ikke hadde fått godkjennelse fra regjeringen for sitt 540MW prosjekt, og prosjektene i Brasil og Ukraina var kansellert. Norsk Solar følger i fotsporene til Scatec med solparker i Brasil, Sør Afrika, Vietnam, etc.
Dette er nok en bekreftelse på at Alternus Energy sin ledelse gjør smarte beslutninger som sikrer fremdrift, stabile inntekter og rom for en rask men kontrollert vekst.
Om 1 år fra nå så har selskapet vokst til ca 600MW i drift - det er en økning på ca 450% (og 2 år fra nå med ca 1000%). Det er svært få, om ingen andre selskaper på Oslo Børs hvor vi med 100% sikkerhet vet at aksjen vil stige i tiden fremover takket være en meget dyktig og erfaren ledelse hos Alternus Energy.
I går fikk vi høre at Scatec sitt prosjekt i Sør-Afrika ikke hadde fått godkjennelse fra regjeringen for sitt 540MW prosjekt, og prosjektene i Brasil og Ukraina var kansellert. Norsk Solar følger i fotsporene til Scatec med solparker i Brasil, Sør Afrika, Vietnam, etc.
Dette er nok en bekreftelse på at Alternus Energy sin ledelse gjør smarte beslutninger som sikrer fremdrift, stabile inntekter og rom for en rask men kontrollert vekst.
Om 1 år fra nå så har selskapet vokst til ca 600MW i drift - det er en økning på ca 450% (og 2 år fra nå med ca 1000%). Det er svært få, om ingen andre selskaper på Oslo Børs hvor vi med 100% sikkerhet vet at aksjen vil stige i tiden fremover takket være en meget dyktig og erfaren ledelse hos Alternus Energy.
07.10.2021 kl 10:24
Med de hinsides strømpriser som har vært i Europa blir det gøy å se på q3, 👍
12.10.2021 kl 04:32
Solenergi blir mer og mer viktig mĂĄned for mĂĄned.
Ikke uten grunn at denne rike inderen satser så hardt på fornybar energi, en dag vil også Alternus Energy bli kjøpt opp av de store,pengesterke. Da vil jeg være med !!!!
Ikke uten grunn at denne rike inderen satser så hardt på fornybar energi, en dag vil også Alternus Energy bli kjøpt opp av de store,pengesterke. Da vil jeg være med !!!!
Redigert 12.10.2021 kl 08:47
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Single Malt
13.10.2021 kl 09:47
Kikket litt på ALT, følger ikke helt med, sitter bare stille til kursmålene en eller annen gang nås i fremtiden. Løsnet litt siste dager og ser jo ut til at de som har kjøpt en del rundt her ikke har kjøpt for kjappe trades, noe som og ikke vil funke med volumet for tiden så kan virke som at aksjene havner på langsiktige hender.
15.10.2021 kl 02:47
Her kommer Alternus Energy inn for fullt etterhvert, løp og kjøp!!!
Produksjonen skal økes fra 130MW i dag til 1700Mw ila 2023, økes til mer enn 3500MW ila 2025. Dobles13 ganger ila 2023, nesten 27 ganger i 2025 forhold til i dag.
Her kommer Alternus Energy inn for fullt etterhvert, løp og kjøp!!!
Produksjonen skal økes fra 130MW i dag til 1700Mw ila 2023, økes til mer enn 3500MW ila 2025. Dobles13 ganger ila 2023, nesten 27 ganger i 2025 forhold til i dag.
Redigert 15.10.2021 kl 03:01
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Single Malt
31.10.2021 kl 14:34
Emisjonen i ALT var bra overtegnet før dem ble notert, nå vaker den rundt emi kurs med nada omsetning. regner med at det samme skjer her som med otovo, plutselig løsner den.
Emisjonen i ALT var bra overtegnet før dem ble notert, nå vaker den rundt emi kurs med nada omsetning. regner med at det samme skjer her som med otovo, plutselig løsner den.
31.10.2021 kl 16:24
Siste positive nyhet kom 31. august, det er akkurat 2 mnd siden i dag, ellers har det vært tyst som i graven, Q3 kommer 15. november.
Strømmen er dyr så de tjener mer penger enn tidligere, venter på en oppdatering.
Er optimist, kraft fra vind og sol er billigst.
1 aksje omsatt pĂĄ fredag, tragisk hvor liten interesse det er.
Strømmen er dyr så de tjener mer penger enn tidligere, venter på en oppdatering.
Er optimist, kraft fra vind og sol er billigst.
1 aksje omsatt pĂĄ fredag, tragisk hvor liten interesse det er.
Mange mindre selskaper holder info pĂĄ ett miniumsnivĂĄ.
Slikt gjør meg skeptisk til å kjøpe mere.
Slikt gjør meg skeptisk til å kjøpe mere.
Redigert 31.10.2021 kl 16:40
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03.11.2021 kl 01:14
Her på forumet er det like lite engasjement som det er på børsen når det gjelder ALT. Triste greier !!
04.11.2021 kl 08:36
Sitter fremdeles i båten. Fint om di kom seg inn på oslo børs med tida, pleier å løsne da.
04.11.2021 kl 08:53
04.11.2021 kl 14:47
Trist aksje, triste aksjonærer.
Glad jeg heller investerte i Otovo nĂĄr jeg veide opp disse.
Holder fortsatt salg anbefalingen her.
Glad jeg heller investerte i Otovo nĂĄr jeg veide opp disse.
Holder fortsatt salg anbefalingen her.
05.11.2021 kl 13:56
Er jo ikke noe galt med selskapet. Interessen er bare laber. Tallene vil få denne opp før eller siden.
14.11.2021 kl 22:41
Blir spennende. Har jo vert høge strømpriser og det er kjøpt enda en park.
15.11.2021 kl 07:53
Alternus Energy Achieves strongest financial performance to date for Q3 2021
Revenues 3.4 times higher than last year with positive net income
Dublin, Monday 15 November 2021 Pan-European independent power producer (IPP), Alternus Energy Group Plc (OSE:ALT) (the “Company” or “Alternus”) delivers another strong quarter, with record revenues and EBITDA reported in the third quarter and for the nine months to September 2021. Alternus has now completed all 109 megawatts (MW) of targeted acquisitions for the year to date and is executing on the targets set by management.
Third quarter revenues were EUR 7.1 million with EBITDA of EUR 4.6 million and an associated EBITDA margin of 69%, all significant improvements from Q3 2020. Gross margins in the period were 79%. Power production increased by 1.7 times from the same quarter last year and totalled 26 gigawatt hours (GWh).
A summary of the key points from the financial report for Q3 2021:
• Revenues increased to EUR 7.1 million for Q3 2021 up from EUR 2.0 million in Q3 2020
• EBITDA increased to EUR 4.6 million for Q3 2021 up from negative EUR 0.2 million in Q3 2020
• Net income of EUR 0.3 million for Q3 2021 up from negative €2.5 million in Q3 2020
• Annual recurring revenues (ARR) now stand at EUR 19.9 million
• Owned Assets increased to 472 MW – the largest portfolio owned since its inception.
• 1.37 GW of contracted assets as at 30 September 2021 with 674MW in near term pipeline.
Commenting on the successful quarter, Vincent Browne, Chairman and CEO, Alternus said
“Alternus has had its strongest financial quarter ever. This reflects successful execution of our business model and shows the significant economies of scale that are achievable as we continue to add operational capacity. Our contracted backlog and pipeline now stands at over 2GW combined. Our recent issuance of EUR 20 million in bond tap, with strong demand from investors, will allow us to add further operating assets before the end of 2021. Our construction project at Rotterdam airport is expected to be operational in Q1 2022 which will then bring ARRs to over EUR 22 million, up by 8%. It will also demonstrate our team’s ability to bring projects from development through construction and into operation.”
Revenues for the nine months ended 30 September 2021 were EUR 13.1 million up from EUR 3.5 million in the prior year. EBITDA increased by more than 40 times to EUR 7.1 million for the same period.
The full Q3 2021 financial report is attached to the OSE filing and is available on the Alternus Energy website at the following link
For further information, please contact:
For analysts and investors: Joe Duey, CFO,
For media: Anne Arnold, Marketing and Communications Manager,
About Alternus Energy Plc
Alternus Energy Group (OSE:ALT) is a pan-European vertically integrated independent power producer (IPP), headquartered in Ireland, with a focus on the midsized utility scale solar PV market. Alternus owns and operates a diverse portfolio of utility scale solar PV parks that connect directly to national power grids on long-term government contracts (“FiT”) and/or Power Purchase Agreements (“PPAs”) with investment grade off-takers. Having started in 2016 with two parks and 6 MWp capacity, the current portfolio consists of 34 owned or contracted parks in Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Romania and Poland, in excess of 150 MWp capacity. Alternus works closely with both local and international specialist development partners that each provide a constant pipeline of new projects for acquisition and construction by Alternus. Alternus aims to own and operate over 3.5 GWs of solar parks by the end of 2025 and to become one of the largest pan-European IPPs by the end of the decade.
Forward Looking Statements: Certain information contained in this letter, including any information on the group’s plans or future financial or operating performance and other statements that express the group’s management’s expectations or estimates of future performance, constitute forward-looking statements (when used in this document, the words “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate” and “expect” and similar expressions, as they relate to the group or its management, are intended to identify forward-looking statements). Such statements are based on a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management at the time, are subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties. The group cautions that such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual financial results, performance or achievements of the group to be materially different from the group’s estimated future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements.
Revenues 3.4 times higher than last year with positive net income
Dublin, Monday 15 November 2021 Pan-European independent power producer (IPP), Alternus Energy Group Plc (OSE:ALT) (the “Company” or “Alternus”) delivers another strong quarter, with record revenues and EBITDA reported in the third quarter and for the nine months to September 2021. Alternus has now completed all 109 megawatts (MW) of targeted acquisitions for the year to date and is executing on the targets set by management.
Third quarter revenues were EUR 7.1 million with EBITDA of EUR 4.6 million and an associated EBITDA margin of 69%, all significant improvements from Q3 2020. Gross margins in the period were 79%. Power production increased by 1.7 times from the same quarter last year and totalled 26 gigawatt hours (GWh).
A summary of the key points from the financial report for Q3 2021:
• Revenues increased to EUR 7.1 million for Q3 2021 up from EUR 2.0 million in Q3 2020
• EBITDA increased to EUR 4.6 million for Q3 2021 up from negative EUR 0.2 million in Q3 2020
• Net income of EUR 0.3 million for Q3 2021 up from negative €2.5 million in Q3 2020
• Annual recurring revenues (ARR) now stand at EUR 19.9 million
• Owned Assets increased to 472 MW – the largest portfolio owned since its inception.
• 1.37 GW of contracted assets as at 30 September 2021 with 674MW in near term pipeline.
Commenting on the successful quarter, Vincent Browne, Chairman and CEO, Alternus said
“Alternus has had its strongest financial quarter ever. This reflects successful execution of our business model and shows the significant economies of scale that are achievable as we continue to add operational capacity. Our contracted backlog and pipeline now stands at over 2GW combined. Our recent issuance of EUR 20 million in bond tap, with strong demand from investors, will allow us to add further operating assets before the end of 2021. Our construction project at Rotterdam airport is expected to be operational in Q1 2022 which will then bring ARRs to over EUR 22 million, up by 8%. It will also demonstrate our team’s ability to bring projects from development through construction and into operation.”
Revenues for the nine months ended 30 September 2021 were EUR 13.1 million up from EUR 3.5 million in the prior year. EBITDA increased by more than 40 times to EUR 7.1 million for the same period.
The full Q3 2021 financial report is attached to the OSE filing and is available on the Alternus Energy website at the following link
For further information, please contact:
For analysts and investors: Joe Duey, CFO,
For media: Anne Arnold, Marketing and Communications Manager,
About Alternus Energy Plc
Alternus Energy Group (OSE:ALT) is a pan-European vertically integrated independent power producer (IPP), headquartered in Ireland, with a focus on the midsized utility scale solar PV market. Alternus owns and operates a diverse portfolio of utility scale solar PV parks that connect directly to national power grids on long-term government contracts (“FiT”) and/or Power Purchase Agreements (“PPAs”) with investment grade off-takers. Having started in 2016 with two parks and 6 MWp capacity, the current portfolio consists of 34 owned or contracted parks in Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Romania and Poland, in excess of 150 MWp capacity. Alternus works closely with both local and international specialist development partners that each provide a constant pipeline of new projects for acquisition and construction by Alternus. Alternus aims to own and operate over 3.5 GWs of solar parks by the end of 2025 and to become one of the largest pan-European IPPs by the end of the decade.
Forward Looking Statements: Certain information contained in this letter, including any information on the group’s plans or future financial or operating performance and other statements that express the group’s management’s expectations or estimates of future performance, constitute forward-looking statements (when used in this document, the words “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate” and “expect” and similar expressions, as they relate to the group or its management, are intended to identify forward-looking statements). Such statements are based on a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management at the time, are subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties. The group cautions that such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual financial results, performance or achievements of the group to be materially different from the group’s estimated future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements.
16.11.2021 kl 02:10
Dette lover bra , de neste 2 årene blir spennende, 2022 begynner moroa for alvor, last opp og vær tålmodig!!
For ordens skyld: Har 30000 aksjer nĂĄ, snitt under 28 kr.
For ordens skyld: Har 30000 aksjer nĂĄ, snitt under 28 kr.
Net income 0.3 MEUR - er etter finanskost d da? Eller etter alle avskrivninger?
10.12.2021 kl 09:39
17.12.2021 kl 09:06
Power prices on the rise in the spot and fwd market recent months in key regions where Alternus operate their PV solar farms.
In 6mths, Alternus should move 320 MW (23) of its backlog into construction with little to no equity need and generate >0.19 EUR/w in value to its equity. This should serve as proof of the business model and justify a higher valuation.
The NAV of Alternus ex backlog YE 21 is 29.5 NOK/shr while 66.1 NOK/shr incl. the backlog.
Power prices on the rise in the spot and fwd market recent months in key regions where Alternus operate their PV solar farms.
In 6mths, Alternus should move 320 MW (23) of its backlog into construction with little to no equity need and generate >0.19 EUR/w in value to its equity. This should serve as proof of the business model and justify a higher valuation.
The NAV of Alternus ex backlog YE 21 is 29.5 NOK/shr while 66.1 NOK/shr incl. the backlog.
23.12.2021 kl 08:58
Alternus Energy continues Polish expansion with closing of acquisition of 13 MW operational portfolio as part of 24 MW contract
Dublin, 23 December 2021 International Independent Power Producer (IPP) Alternus Energy Group Plc (OSE: ALT) (the “Company” or “Alternus”) has acquired 12.9 megawatts (MW) of operational Polish projects. The projects, each 1 MW in size, are located across the country.
Alternus partnered with an experienced local developer for the development and construction of the projects. The commercial operation date (COD) for the acquired portfolio was reached during December. This forms part of the agreement between Alternus and the developer for a total contracted pipeline of 24 megawatt peak (MWp). The additional 11 MWp is currently expected to reach COD in Q1 2022.
The projects have Government-backed contracts in place as part of the policy mechanism supporting the installation of projects up to 1 MWp in size. Alternus Energy’s Polish portfolio is now diversified with both subsidised and unsubsidised projects following the acquisition of the 64.6 MWp Witnica solar park from BayWa r.e. in August. That project was Poland’s first subsidy-free utility-scale solar installation with a 10-year virtual power purchase agreement (PPA) in place with Górazdze Cement S.A., the Polish subsidiary of Heidelberg Cement Group.
Speaking about the latest acquisition, Vincent Browne, Chairman and CEO, said
“This transaction further strengthens our position in the Polish market following our market entry earlier this year. We view Poland as a key growth market thanks to the supportive policy, clean energy targets and established routes to market. We look forward to further expansion of our portfolio next year and are engaged in negotiations to support our ambitious growth plans to achieve 200 MW of operational clean power stations by YE 2022 and a 400-500 MW operational portfolio by 2025.”
The 13 MWp portfolio was acquired for circa €13 million in gross proceeds, fully funded by the €20 million bond issuance completed by Alternus in November.
Dublin, 23 December 2021 International Independent Power Producer (IPP) Alternus Energy Group Plc (OSE: ALT) (the “Company” or “Alternus”) has acquired 12.9 megawatts (MW) of operational Polish projects. The projects, each 1 MW in size, are located across the country.
Alternus partnered with an experienced local developer for the development and construction of the projects. The commercial operation date (COD) for the acquired portfolio was reached during December. This forms part of the agreement between Alternus and the developer for a total contracted pipeline of 24 megawatt peak (MWp). The additional 11 MWp is currently expected to reach COD in Q1 2022.
The projects have Government-backed contracts in place as part of the policy mechanism supporting the installation of projects up to 1 MWp in size. Alternus Energy’s Polish portfolio is now diversified with both subsidised and unsubsidised projects following the acquisition of the 64.6 MWp Witnica solar park from BayWa r.e. in August. That project was Poland’s first subsidy-free utility-scale solar installation with a 10-year virtual power purchase agreement (PPA) in place with Górazdze Cement S.A., the Polish subsidiary of Heidelberg Cement Group.
Speaking about the latest acquisition, Vincent Browne, Chairman and CEO, said
“This transaction further strengthens our position in the Polish market following our market entry earlier this year. We view Poland as a key growth market thanks to the supportive policy, clean energy targets and established routes to market. We look forward to further expansion of our portfolio next year and are engaged in negotiations to support our ambitious growth plans to achieve 200 MW of operational clean power stations by YE 2022 and a 400-500 MW operational portfolio by 2025.”
The 13 MWp portfolio was acquired for circa €13 million in gross proceeds, fully funded by the €20 million bond issuance completed by Alternus in November.
Single Malt
23.12.2021 kl 09:18
Arctic I dag
Just out, continues their Polish expansion with closing of acquisition of 13 MW operational portfolio as part of 24 MW contract!
Power prices on the rise in the spot and forward market recent months in key regions where Alternus operate their PV solar farms
The company's business model is to take advantage of the value uplift solar assets are experiencing during project maturation with least possible risk
In 6 months, ALT should move 320 MW (23%) of its backlog into construction with little/no equity need, and generate >0.19 EUR/W in value to its equity - should serve as proof of business model/ justify higher valuation
The NAV of Alternus ex. backlog YE/21 is 29.5 NOK per shr while 66.1 NOK per shr including the backlog!
Merkelig at aksjen står stille med dagens strømpriser, og de tjener penger.
Just out, continues their Polish expansion with closing of acquisition of 13 MW operational portfolio as part of 24 MW contract!
Power prices on the rise in the spot and forward market recent months in key regions where Alternus operate their PV solar farms
The company's business model is to take advantage of the value uplift solar assets are experiencing during project maturation with least possible risk
In 6 months, ALT should move 320 MW (23%) of its backlog into construction with little/no equity need, and generate >0.19 EUR/W in value to its equity - should serve as proof of business model/ justify higher valuation
The NAV of Alternus ex. backlog YE/21 is 29.5 NOK per shr while 66.1 NOK per shr including the backlog!
Merkelig at aksjen står stille med dagens strømpriser, og de tjener penger.
18.01.2022 kl 09:23
Noen som har noen tanker om Q4? Høge strømpriser, flere oppkjøp er gjort. 2022 bør bli bra. Er jo mer spennende å se maling tørke, men føler selskapet gjør alt rett og fortsetter dem slik så vil denne løsne før eller siden.
11.02.2022 kl 17:56
Fleire enn meg som er spent på Q4 på mandag?!! Høge strømpriser, økt portefølje lover jo bra. Håpe det har vert litt sol også. Blir ett spennende 2022. Til slutt så må kursen følge også.
Single Malt
14.02.2022 kl 21:32
Man ser jo i morgen, er jo egentlig ikke vits med spekulasjoner. Lite interesse rundt selskapet så noe må synliggjøre det, ikke så mange nye som tjener penger, men selskapet gjør vel det, så litt pussig. Må jo være solide investorer her, har ikke vert volum i det hele tatt under emisjonskursen. Arctic som riktignok var tilrettelegger har kursmål på temmelig mange prosenter.
De største eierene i Alternus finner du her
Tyskland skru av sin kjernekraft .....
Franske atomkraftverk trenger vedlikehold ....
Norge eksporterer maksimalt med gass ....
En gretten bamse i øst holder igjen gass eksport ....
Alt skal elektrifiseres ....
Det blir elleville strøm priser av dette ....
Alternus og tilsvarende virksomheter har bokstavlig
talt en plass i solen og en strĂĄlende fremtid .....
Aksjene jeg har i Alternus er ikke til salgs fordi dette kan bli stort .....
Tyskland skru av sin kjernekraft .....
Franske atomkraftverk trenger vedlikehold ....
Norge eksporterer maksimalt med gass ....
En gretten bamse i øst holder igjen gass eksport ....
Alt skal elektrifiseres ....
Det blir elleville strøm priser av dette ....
Alternus og tilsvarende virksomheter har bokstavlig
talt en plass i solen og en strĂĄlende fremtid .....
Aksjene jeg har i Alternus er ikke til salgs fordi dette kan bli stort .....
Redigert 14.02.2022 kl 22:56
Du mĂĄ logge inn for ĂĄ svare
15.02.2022 kl 08:09
Knall sterkt kvartal!!!
Alternus Energy Fourth Quarter 2021– highest growth on record for both quarter and full year
Full Year Revenues Booked at EUR 20.6 million – 540% increase YoY
Dublin, 15 February 2022 International Renewable Independent Power Producer (IPP) Alternus Energy Group Plc (OSE: ALT) (the “Company” or “Alternus”) today announces its unaudited financial results for Q4 2021 and the 2021 fiscal year.
Compared against the previous year, Alternus is now over five times larger in recurring long-term revenues and gross margins, and just under four times larger in operating assets in just one year, with a backlog of contracted and pipeline projects.
Commenting on the quarter and annual financial results, Vincent Browne, Chairman and CEO, said:
“These results reaffirm Alternus Energy’s ability to execute and deliver on our ambitious growth targets. We have met and exceeded every target we set for ourselves at the beginning of the 2021 fiscal year. Having integrated the Unisun team and by adding key resources across the whole organisation, I believe we are now well positioned to continue our growth and take full advantage of the large and growing market for solar and renewable energy over the next few years.”
Key highlights for Q4 2021 are:
• Power production increased to 16.4 GWh from 2.9 GWh
• Booked revenues increased to EUR 7.5 million from 0.3 million
• EBITDA increased to EUR 3.5 million from 0.1 million
• Gross margins for the period where 73% of booked revenues
• Net loss reduced to EUR 0.9 million from a loss of EUR 1.5 million in Q4 2020
• Operating assets increased to 143MWp with acquisition of 13MWp operating parks in Poland.
• Total owned assets increased by 100MWp to a total of 573MWp
• Successfully completed €20 million bond tap issuance
• Entered the Spanish market with first 35MWp park owned and in development
Key highlights for Full Year 2021 are:
• Power production increased to 70.1 GWh from 27.9 GWh
• Booked revenues increased to EUR 20.6 million from 3.8 million
• EBITDA increased to EUR 10.6 million from 0.3 million
• Net income grew to EUR 9.5 million from loss of EUR 4.8 million for FY 2020
• Operating assets increased to 143MWp from 30MWp
• Annual Recurrent Revenues increased to EUR 24.1 million from 4.0 million
• Total owned assets increased to 573MWp from 44MWp
Joseph Duey, our CFO, comments, “The results for the quarter in particular, are demonstrative of the underlying financial performance generated from the growth in operating assets over the past year. The larger contracted backlog is testament to our flexible go to market strategy, differentiated business model and execution reputation with current and new industry partners.”
The full Q4 2021 financial report is attached to the OSE filing and is available on the Alternus Energy website at the following link
About Alternus Energy
Established in 2016, Alternus Energy Group Plc is an international vertically integrated independent power producer (IPP). Headquartered in Ireland and listed on the Euronext Growth Market – Oslo, the Company develops, constructs, owns, and operates utility scale solar PV projects in multiple countries. The Company also has offices in Rotterdam and America.
Forward Looking Statements: Certain information contained in this letter, including any information on the Company’s plans or future financial or operating performance and other statements that express the Company’s management’s expectations or estimates of future performance, constitute forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “possible,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “would” and similar expressions, as they relate to us or our management team, identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of management, as well as assumptions made by, and information currently available to, the Company’s management. Such statements are based on a number of estimates and assumptions that are subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The Company cautions that such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and other factors that may cause the actual financial results, performance or achievements of the Company could differ materially from the Company’s estimated future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this
Alternus Energy Fourth Quarter 2021– highest growth on record for both quarter and full year
Full Year Revenues Booked at EUR 20.6 million – 540% increase YoY
Dublin, 15 February 2022 International Renewable Independent Power Producer (IPP) Alternus Energy Group Plc (OSE: ALT) (the “Company” or “Alternus”) today announces its unaudited financial results for Q4 2021 and the 2021 fiscal year.
Compared against the previous year, Alternus is now over five times larger in recurring long-term revenues and gross margins, and just under four times larger in operating assets in just one year, with a backlog of contracted and pipeline projects.
Commenting on the quarter and annual financial results, Vincent Browne, Chairman and CEO, said:
“These results reaffirm Alternus Energy’s ability to execute and deliver on our ambitious growth targets. We have met and exceeded every target we set for ourselves at the beginning of the 2021 fiscal year. Having integrated the Unisun team and by adding key resources across the whole organisation, I believe we are now well positioned to continue our growth and take full advantage of the large and growing market for solar and renewable energy over the next few years.”
Key highlights for Q4 2021 are:
• Power production increased to 16.4 GWh from 2.9 GWh
• Booked revenues increased to EUR 7.5 million from 0.3 million
• EBITDA increased to EUR 3.5 million from 0.1 million
• Gross margins for the period where 73% of booked revenues
• Net loss reduced to EUR 0.9 million from a loss of EUR 1.5 million in Q4 2020
• Operating assets increased to 143MWp with acquisition of 13MWp operating parks in Poland.
• Total owned assets increased by 100MWp to a total of 573MWp
• Successfully completed €20 million bond tap issuance
• Entered the Spanish market with first 35MWp park owned and in development
Key highlights for Full Year 2021 are:
• Power production increased to 70.1 GWh from 27.9 GWh
• Booked revenues increased to EUR 20.6 million from 3.8 million
• EBITDA increased to EUR 10.6 million from 0.3 million
• Net income grew to EUR 9.5 million from loss of EUR 4.8 million for FY 2020
• Operating assets increased to 143MWp from 30MWp
• Annual Recurrent Revenues increased to EUR 24.1 million from 4.0 million
• Total owned assets increased to 573MWp from 44MWp
Joseph Duey, our CFO, comments, “The results for the quarter in particular, are demonstrative of the underlying financial performance generated from the growth in operating assets over the past year. The larger contracted backlog is testament to our flexible go to market strategy, differentiated business model and execution reputation with current and new industry partners.”
The full Q4 2021 financial report is attached to the OSE filing and is available on the Alternus Energy website at the following link
About Alternus Energy
Established in 2016, Alternus Energy Group Plc is an international vertically integrated independent power producer (IPP). Headquartered in Ireland and listed on the Euronext Growth Market – Oslo, the Company develops, constructs, owns, and operates utility scale solar PV projects in multiple countries. The Company also has offices in Rotterdam and America.
Forward Looking Statements: Certain information contained in this letter, including any information on the Company’s plans or future financial or operating performance and other statements that express the Company’s management’s expectations or estimates of future performance, constitute forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “possible,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “would” and similar expressions, as they relate to us or our management team, identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of management, as well as assumptions made by, and information currently available to, the Company’s management. Such statements are based on a number of estimates and assumptions that are subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The Company cautions that such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and other factors that may cause the actual financial results, performance or achievements of the Company could differ materially from the Company’s estimated future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this
15.02.2022 kl 08:32
Fantastisk utvikling i selskapet, her er kun en ting som gjelder, hold på aksjene og akkumuler! På norsk: Løp og kjøp!!
Single Malt
15.02.2022 kl 08:58
Blowout revenue in Q4 (EUR 7.5m vs. ARCe 4.9m) due to higher realized prices
Higher revenue more than offsets the impact of higher opex and SG&A in Q4, leading to a EBITDA beat (EUR 3.5m vs. ARCe EUR 1.8m)
Net debt marginally higher (EUR 133.3m vs. ARCe 129m), driven by phasing of investments
Entered the Spanish market with first 35MW park owned and in development
Key catalysts going forward: i) 14 MW Rotterdam airport project reaching CoD (Q1/22), ii) 120 MW of RtB assets set to reach construction start in Q1/22, iii) 200 MW of RtB assets set to reach construction start in Q2/22
Blowout revenue in Q4 (EUR 7.5m vs. ARCe 4.9m) due to higher realized prices
Higher revenue more than offsets the impact of higher opex and SG&A in Q4, leading to a EBITDA beat (EUR 3.5m vs. ARCe EUR 1.8m)
Net debt marginally higher (EUR 133.3m vs. ARCe 129m), driven by phasing of investments
Entered the Spanish market with first 35MW park owned and in development
Key catalysts going forward: i) 14 MW Rotterdam airport project reaching CoD (Q1/22), ii) 120 MW of RtB assets set to reach construction start in Q1/22, iii) 200 MW of RtB assets set to reach construction start in Q2/22
Redigert 15.02.2022 kl 09:13
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15.02.2022 kl 09:08
Joda, selskapet utvikler seg i riktig retning, det er godt å se:) God ledelse! Fremdeles blir nok dette en "ørkenvandring" enn så lenge. For min del blir disse puttet i skuffen og tatt frem om noen år.
Selskapet gjør det bra og beveger seg i riktig retning .
Tviler på om det blir rush etter disse aksjene med det første ...
De er priset omtrent som MPC og der fikk jeg ett saftig utbytte.
Alternus aksjene ligger i skuffen for "langtidslagring".
Tviler på om det blir rush etter disse aksjene med det første ...
De er priset omtrent som MPC og der fikk jeg ett saftig utbytte.
Alternus aksjene ligger i skuffen for "langtidslagring".
18.02.2022 kl 03:46