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25.04.2023 kl 22:29
Automatisk lukket grunnet trÄdens stÞrrelse. (Beklager.)
Alternus Energy gÄr fra NOTC til EuroNext Growth neste uke, tipper 23/24 Juni 2021.
Alternus er en av de raskest voksende solpark selskaper i Europa med fokus pÄ mellomstore solparker og de har sÄ langt 34 parker og 150MW i Tyskland, Italia, Nederland, Romania, Polen og Irland. Parkene produserer 150MW som gir en inntekt pÄ over NOK 220 Mill og svimlende 80% EBITDA (NOK 176 Mill) for 2021.
Videre sÄ har de sikret ytterligere 1,4GW som de skal ha pÄ plass i lÞpet av 2023 som vil gi en ARR pÄ NOK 1Mrd og 80% EBITDA og sÄ skal de Þke til 3,5GW innen 2025. Blir ikke overrasket om dette skjer raskere og blir nÊrmere 5-6 GW. Dette sier jeg fordi ledelsen her er super dyktige og sultne pÄ suksess.
Den 3. juni sÄ meldte Alternus at de kjÞpte 60% av det Nederlandske selskapet Unisun Energy Holding B.V og blir et vertikalt integrert solpark selskap gjennom hele verdikjeden fra prosjekt utvikling til konstruksjon til operasjon/drift og vedlikehold. Dette gjÞr at Altnerus nÄ kan utvikle og bygge egne solparker, som igjen vil redusere bygge kostnadene, tid og generere langsiktig ARR.
I dag sÄ prises selskapet tll NOK 700mill (NOK 30,00k)
KursmÄl NOK 65,- satt av Artic Securities for en stund tilbake og mye har endret seg siden det ble satt.
Personlig sĂ„ tror jeg dette selskapet kommer til Ă„ bli en mega vinner pĂ„ bĂžrsen de neste 1-3 Ă„rene og gĂ„ 10 gangerân fra dagens nivĂ„
Alternus er en av de raskest voksende solpark selskaper i Europa med fokus pÄ mellomstore solparker og de har sÄ langt 34 parker og 150MW i Tyskland, Italia, Nederland, Romania, Polen og Irland. Parkene produserer 150MW som gir en inntekt pÄ over NOK 220 Mill og svimlende 80% EBITDA (NOK 176 Mill) for 2021.
Videre sÄ har de sikret ytterligere 1,4GW som de skal ha pÄ plass i lÞpet av 2023 som vil gi en ARR pÄ NOK 1Mrd og 80% EBITDA og sÄ skal de Þke til 3,5GW innen 2025. Blir ikke overrasket om dette skjer raskere og blir nÊrmere 5-6 GW. Dette sier jeg fordi ledelsen her er super dyktige og sultne pÄ suksess.
Den 3. juni sÄ meldte Alternus at de kjÞpte 60% av det Nederlandske selskapet Unisun Energy Holding B.V og blir et vertikalt integrert solpark selskap gjennom hele verdikjeden fra prosjekt utvikling til konstruksjon til operasjon/drift og vedlikehold. Dette gjÞr at Altnerus nÄ kan utvikle og bygge egne solparker, som igjen vil redusere bygge kostnadene, tid og generere langsiktig ARR.
I dag sÄ prises selskapet tll NOK 700mill (NOK 30,00k)
KursmÄl NOK 65,- satt av Artic Securities for en stund tilbake og mye har endret seg siden det ble satt.
Personlig sĂ„ tror jeg dette selskapet kommer til Ă„ bli en mega vinner pĂ„ bĂžrsen de neste 1-3 Ă„rene og gĂ„ 10 gangerân fra dagens nivĂ„
Redigert 17.06.2021 kl 17:14
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28.02.2023 kl 23:58
Hva i alle dager skjer i denne aksjen som kunne gÄ 10X pÄ kort tid?
01.03.2023 kl 02:27
Browne, Vincent* (CEO) 16% 4,318,954
Ludvig Lorentzen AS 11% 2,772,487
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC** 10% 2,625,333
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB ** 5% 1,287,938
Telenergia Europe S.R.L 4% 972,108
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC** 3% 826,652
Rosenfonn Invest AS 3% 707,865
Dnb NOR Bank ASA 3% 708,560
Kvantia AS 2% 648,000
Gaia Energy S.R.L. 2% 600,000
Duey, Joseph (CFO) 2% 582,900
T.D. Veen AS 2% 525,000
Thomas, John Paul (Director) 1% 385,500
O'Brien, Jean Marc 1% 374,922
Tolumna Norden AS 1% 350,000
Strawberry Capital AS 1% 324,229
Telinet Energia AS 1% 329,881
Matser, Lyke Frederike 1% 286,707
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. 1% 271,000
ANCH Holdings Ltd. 1% 248,226
Total Top 20 shareholders
Others 28% 7,175,024
Total Shares Issued and Outstanding
as at 23 February 2023
*Through various holdings
** Nominee accounts
Browne, Vincent* (CEO) 16% 4,318,954
Ludvig Lorentzen AS 11% 2,772,487
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC** 10% 2,625,333
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB ** 5% 1,287,938
Telenergia Europe S.R.L 4% 972,108
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC** 3% 826,652
Rosenfonn Invest AS 3% 707,865
Dnb NOR Bank ASA 3% 708,560
Kvantia AS 2% 648,000
Gaia Energy S.R.L. 2% 600,000
Duey, Joseph (CFO) 2% 582,900
T.D. Veen AS 2% 525,000
Thomas, John Paul (Director) 1% 385,500
O'Brien, Jean Marc 1% 374,922
Tolumna Norden AS 1% 350,000
Strawberry Capital AS 1% 324,229
Telinet Energia AS 1% 329,881
Matser, Lyke Frederike 1% 286,707
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. 1% 271,000
ANCH Holdings Ltd. 1% 248,226
Total Top 20 shareholders
Others 28% 7,175,024
Total Shares Issued and Outstanding
as at 23 February 2023
*Through various holdings
** Nominee accounts
01.03.2023 kl 08:09
Har allerede sendt Mail og spurt VB om han har tilleggs informasjon rundt avgangen, men ikke fÄtt noe svar enda.
Hode rulling fordi varslet prod Ăžkning i Polen gikk galt ?
01.03.2023 kl 09:54
Masdal sin avgang kan vĂŠre flere forskjellige Ă„rsaker.
Kanskje etter at CLIN budet kom pÄ bordet sÄ har han ikke noe mer Ä bidra med? = Ingen stor dramatikk for ALT aksjen.
Kanskje Lorentzen familien skal selge seg ut? = Ikke bra for ALT aksjen.
Kanskje Masdal skal slutte i Lorentzen familien? = Da er hans exit av styret helt naturlig.
Kanskje Masdal har oppdaget for mange rÄtne epler til at han kan sitte i styret? = Absolutt ikke bra for ALT aksjen
VB kommer nok heller ikke til Ă„ besvare hendvendelsen din Dopey - Om han svarer kommer sikkert bare en standard frase som ikke gir noen spesifikk pekepinn.
Jeg venter egentlig ingen store nyheter fÞr Q4 / FY22 kommer 31. mars - Men da hÄper jeg pÄ gode nyheter ang. fusjonen, Altnua prosjekter, polen, Þkt prod i Q4, m.m.
Masdal sin avgang kan vĂŠre flere forskjellige Ă„rsaker.
Kanskje etter at CLIN budet kom pÄ bordet sÄ har han ikke noe mer Ä bidra med? = Ingen stor dramatikk for ALT aksjen.
Kanskje Lorentzen familien skal selge seg ut? = Ikke bra for ALT aksjen.
Kanskje Masdal skal slutte i Lorentzen familien? = Da er hans exit av styret helt naturlig.
Kanskje Masdal har oppdaget for mange rÄtne epler til at han kan sitte i styret? = Absolutt ikke bra for ALT aksjen
VB kommer nok heller ikke til Ă„ besvare hendvendelsen din Dopey - Om han svarer kommer sikkert bare en standard frase som ikke gir noen spesifikk pekepinn.
Jeg venter egentlig ingen store nyheter fÞr Q4 / FY22 kommer 31. mars - Men da hÄper jeg pÄ gode nyheter ang. fusjonen, Altnua prosjekter, polen, Þkt prod i Q4, m.m.
01.03.2023 kl 12:52
Komisk. Aksjen handles som den er KONK, mens det ikke er noe tegn til det, og den skal igang medd store prosjekter. 500 mill euro i lÄnegaranti sikret.
01.03.2023 kl 12:53
Green2030 skrev NĂ„ er det billig Ă„ bli aksjonĂŠr
Ikke mange aksjene man fÄr. Bare smÄtullinger som selger nÄ.
01.03.2023 kl 12:57
OSE mÄ stanse handel. Dette er for useriöst. SÄ mÄ selskapet opplyse om Ärsak.
01.03.2023 kl 12:59
I all verden, her er det noen som vil ut, koste hva det koste vil. Ser ut som den skal under 10.
01.03.2023 kl 13:06
RE - KursmÄl NOK 65,- satt av Artic Securities for en stund tilbake og mye har endret seg siden det ble satt.
* Virker som at det manglet et komma her - altsÄ 6,5nok - det nÊrmer seg ....
* Virker som at det manglet et komma her - altsÄ 6,5nok - det nÊrmer seg ....
01.03.2023 kl 13:08
Se hvem som dukket opp. Ikke kom hit og forpeste denne trÄden med oppgulpet ditt.
01.03.2023 kl 13:14
Galskap om denne blir handlet igjen fÞr selskapet kommer med en uttalelse. Uansett mÄ jeg si at selskapets ledelse ikke fremstÄr Ä ha fokus pÄ god CG nÄr de sender ut meldingen om umiddelbar fratredelse fra styret og det i ettertid kan virke som noen enten handler pÄ innsideinfo eller noen er ute etter Ä gruse selskapets aksjekurs og troverdighet.
01.03.2023 kl 13:23
Den ble Äpnet for handel noen minutter - sÄ ny bÞrspause kl. 13:18.
Kan det vĂŠre Lorentzen fam. som dumper aksjer i stor skala...?
Kan det vĂŠre Lorentzen fam. som dumper aksjer i stor skala...?
Redigert 01.03.2023 kl 13:25
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01.03.2023 kl 13:31
Ned 50% pÄ 3,5 millioner kroner i handel. Noe veldig merkelig med dette. Opp fra start idag og deretter sÄ kjÞres den ned uten annet enn en melding om at en som sitter i styret har gÄtt av. Lurer veldig pÄ hvem som sitter og selger pÄ denne mÄten.
01.03.2023 kl 13:36
KjÞp med begge henda. For en mulighet . NÄr Lorenzen er tom er det tilbake til 18-19 Dette mÄ vÊre Ärets mulighet nÄ.
Redigert 01.03.2023 kl 13:37
Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
01.03.2023 kl 13:55
sjefen er sikkert tatt for underslag og mÄ dekke inn med salg av sine aksjer haha.
01.03.2023 kl 13:57
Alltid noen som vet mer enn andre pÄ ose. Her kommer det nok dÄrlig nytt snart for kursen er ned 55% uten nyheter og det henger ikke pÄ greip gitt ikke noen vet noe og selger fÞr det bÞrsmeldes?
01.03.2023 kl 13:58
Er jo pÄ trynet dersom Lorenzen selger sine aksjer i merkedet, uten at der er kjÞpere som tar imot. Er rimelig useriÞst at handelen i aksjen fortsetter uten at hva som foregÄr i selskapet meldes bÞrsen.
01.03.2023 kl 14:02
Her er det bare Ä kjÞpe pÄ, dette er et rent tvangssalg. Hadde det vÊrt noe annet ville det vÊrt stopp i handelen og melding kommet.
Det samme skjedde i Scana da den lÄ i 1,40 og dumpet ned til 0, der viste jeg at det var et tvangssalg og bÞy opp til 1,38 igjen. SÄ hamstre det dere kan nÄ.
Det samme skjedde i Scana da den lÄ i 1,40 og dumpet ned til 0, der viste jeg at det var et tvangssalg og bÞy opp til 1,38 igjen. SÄ hamstre det dere kan nÄ.
01.03.2023 kl 14:09
International Renewable Independent Power Producer (IPP) Alternus Energy Group
Plc (OSE: ALT) ("Alternus" or the "Company") today updates on recent business
activities and following release of its compliance report for its wholly owned
subsidiary, Solis Bond Company DAC ("Solis") for the year ended December 31,
On December 22, 2022 Alternus announced that the preliminary share purchase
agreement ("PSPA") with Projekt Solartechnik Fund Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamkniety
(the "Seller") to acquire 100 % of the shares in 32 Project Companies holding a
portfolio of 184 MW solar farms projects in Poland had been terminated. The
parties had agreed to negotiate new terms suitable to both parties for a sale of
part or all of the portfolio, in good faith, on a non-exclusive best efforts
basis, suitable to both parties for a sale of part or all of the portfolio as
soon as possible. Despite best efforts on both sides since then to consummate a
transaction it has proven too challenging to complete within the timeframes
available to both parties and this transaction will now not continue.
As part of this transaction, Solis entered into a contract to acquire the
operational portion of the Seller's portfolio within the transaction. Under the
terms, and as permitted within the Bond terms, Solis paid deposits to the Seller
and incurred certain legal costs totaling EUR5.1 million.
As a result of the Company's decision not to continue with the transaction, the
Company and certain subsidiaries including Solis will be subject to a claim from
the Seller for a contractual breakup fee to an amount of PLN 25m (approximately
EUR 5 million) under the previously terminated agreement. The Company expects
that the Seller will commence an arbitration process relating to this claim
which the Company intends to defend against.
As a result of the failure to complete the aforementioned Polish acquisition
coupled with some delays to the sale of green certificates and higher power
consumption costs in Romania due to energy market uncertainty during Q4 last
year, Solis is now in breach of all three financial covenants under the Bond
Management clearly takes this position very seriously and had fully expected
that the covenants would already be cured following completion of the above
transaction. The Company is now working to correct the position as soon as
possible. Solis intends to seek temporary waivers of the financial covenants in
its Bond terms to allow Solis to correct the position from existing operational
cashflow within 3-6 months and/or additional equity injection from Alternus.
Solis will continue to meet its payment obligations in full, and nothing in the
proposed waivers will prevent Solis from operating its business as planned,
including servicing its indebtedness going forward.
Notwithstanding the above, Alternus continues to grow and develop its sizable
owned development portfolio, which now equates to 879 MWp across Spain, Italy
and the Netherlands. The first of these projects are anticipated to reach ready
to build status by Q4, 2023 and can be funded from the existing committed and
accordion construction warehouse facility in place.
Forward Looking Statements: Certain information contained in this letter,
including any information on the Company's plans or future financial or
operating performance and other statements that express the Company's
management's expectations or estimates of future performance, constitute
forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, words such as
"anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend,"
"may," "might," "plan," "possible," "potential," "predict," "project," "should,"
"would" and similar expressions, as they relate to us or our management team,
identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based
on the beliefs of management, as well as assumptions made by, and information
currently available to, the Company's management. Such statements are based on a
number of estimates and assumptions that are subject to significant business,
economic and competitive uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of
the Company. The Company cautions that such forward-looking statements involve
known and unknown risks and other factors that may cause the actual financial
results, performance or achievements of the Company could differ materially from
the Company's estimated future results, performance or achievements expressed or
implied by the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation
to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this
release, except as required by law.
Plc (OSE: ALT) ("Alternus" or the "Company") today updates on recent business
activities and following release of its compliance report for its wholly owned
subsidiary, Solis Bond Company DAC ("Solis") for the year ended December 31,
On December 22, 2022 Alternus announced that the preliminary share purchase
agreement ("PSPA") with Projekt Solartechnik Fund Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamkniety
(the "Seller") to acquire 100 % of the shares in 32 Project Companies holding a
portfolio of 184 MW solar farms projects in Poland had been terminated. The
parties had agreed to negotiate new terms suitable to both parties for a sale of
part or all of the portfolio, in good faith, on a non-exclusive best efforts
basis, suitable to both parties for a sale of part or all of the portfolio as
soon as possible. Despite best efforts on both sides since then to consummate a
transaction it has proven too challenging to complete within the timeframes
available to both parties and this transaction will now not continue.
As part of this transaction, Solis entered into a contract to acquire the
operational portion of the Seller's portfolio within the transaction. Under the
terms, and as permitted within the Bond terms, Solis paid deposits to the Seller
and incurred certain legal costs totaling EUR5.1 million.
As a result of the Company's decision not to continue with the transaction, the
Company and certain subsidiaries including Solis will be subject to a claim from
the Seller for a contractual breakup fee to an amount of PLN 25m (approximately
EUR 5 million) under the previously terminated agreement. The Company expects
that the Seller will commence an arbitration process relating to this claim
which the Company intends to defend against.
As a result of the failure to complete the aforementioned Polish acquisition
coupled with some delays to the sale of green certificates and higher power
consumption costs in Romania due to energy market uncertainty during Q4 last
year, Solis is now in breach of all three financial covenants under the Bond
Management clearly takes this position very seriously and had fully expected
that the covenants would already be cured following completion of the above
transaction. The Company is now working to correct the position as soon as
possible. Solis intends to seek temporary waivers of the financial covenants in
its Bond terms to allow Solis to correct the position from existing operational
cashflow within 3-6 months and/or additional equity injection from Alternus.
Solis will continue to meet its payment obligations in full, and nothing in the
proposed waivers will prevent Solis from operating its business as planned,
including servicing its indebtedness going forward.
Notwithstanding the above, Alternus continues to grow and develop its sizable
owned development portfolio, which now equates to 879 MWp across Spain, Italy
and the Netherlands. The first of these projects are anticipated to reach ready
to build status by Q4, 2023 and can be funded from the existing committed and
accordion construction warehouse facility in place.
Forward Looking Statements: Certain information contained in this letter,
including any information on the Company's plans or future financial or
operating performance and other statements that express the Company's
management's expectations or estimates of future performance, constitute
forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, words such as
"anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend,"
"may," "might," "plan," "possible," "potential," "predict," "project," "should,"
"would" and similar expressions, as they relate to us or our management team,
identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based
on the beliefs of management, as well as assumptions made by, and information
currently available to, the Company's management. Such statements are based on a
number of estimates and assumptions that are subject to significant business,
economic and competitive uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of
the Company. The Company cautions that such forward-looking statements involve
known and unknown risks and other factors that may cause the actual financial
results, performance or achievements of the Company could differ materially from
the Company's estimated future results, performance or achievements expressed or
implied by the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation
to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this
release, except as required by law.