ContextVision - 2Q

CONTX 22.06.2021 kl 07:38 3076

2Q presentasjon nærmer seg. Hva kan vi vente? Etter det de har meddelt har de 2 store "referanse sentre". Spørsmålet er, når er evalueringen ferdig? Måneder eller år? Når blir det kontrakter?

Siste informasjon fra selskapet var ved 1Q presentasjonen som jeg gjengir her:

Progress in establishing reference centers within digital pathology

STOCKHOLM – April 22, 2021 – ContextVision, a medical technology software company specializing in image processing, image analysis and decision support tools for digital pathology, today reports its first quarter results for 2021.

The quarter saw strong and promising progress within digital pathology and the company’s first product, INIFY Prostate Screening. While the ongoing pandemic slowed sales slightly, solid financials – paired with close dialogues with present and prospective clients – provide a positive outlook.

“Dr. Filippo Fraggetta – one of the leading pathologists in Europe and instrumental in the development of the product – confirms the preliminary results from the ongoing clinical study, indicating that using INIFY Prostate decreases variance between pathologists will benefit referrals and patients in the longer term. This is really great news”, says CEO Fredrik Palm at ContextVision.

European reference centers within digital pathology
The first quarter saw the additions of important reference centers. Installations were carried out at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, as well as Hôpital de Bicêtre in Paris, a fully digitalized, high-throughput laboratory in the forefront of digital pathology in France.

“Installations and evaluations at key reference centers within digital pathology in Europe are of highest importance, adding laboratories like the ones in Paris and Barcelona is certainly in line with our strategy. INIFY Prostate’s state of the art technology, that it is both easy to install and user-friendly, are all important factors when digitalizing laboratories and easing the pathologists’ heavy workload”, says Palm.

In parallel, ContextVision proceeded in the first quarter with development of the next-generation product for prostate, as well as research within colorectal cancer.

Lower sales, but no lack of interest or demand
Sales continue to be affected by the pandemic situation, but the first quarter’s lower level in comparison with the previous quarter is also in part related to quarterly variations.

“What is most important is that there is no lack of interest or demand, nor are there any customer losses within medical imaging, so it is just a matter of persistence until we can return to the sales growth we normally would expect,” says Palm.

The financials are solid, with a cash position of close to SEK 50 million at the end of the quarter, allowing the company to continue its strategic process as planned.
22.07.2021 kl 14:02 2834

Tar med siste livstegn:

ContextVision announces agreement with two renowned US cancer centers for clinical evaluation of INIFY® Prostate

STOCKHOLM – July 6, 2021 – ContextVision, a medical technology software company specializing in image processing, image analysis and decision support tools for digital pathology, today announced that agreements to conduct a multicenter clinical study of ContextVision’s digital pathology product INIFY® Prostate have been signed with the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC – James) in Columbus, OH, and with Tufts Medical Center (Tufts MC), Boston, MA.

Principal investigators for the study are Professor Anil Parwani, M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A at OSUCCC – James and Ming Zhou, MD, PhD, Chair and Pathologist-in-Chief at Tufts MC. The study will evaluate how INIFY Prostate can improve the performance of resident diagnosis when reviewing prostate biopsy samples. Ground truth will be provided by the two principal investigators, world-renowned sub-specialists within prostate cancer.

INIFY is a powerful AI-based software that precisely outlines suspected cancerous areas in prostate biopsies, with unique, detailed pixel-level focus. Based on a patented annotation method used in training of the algorithms – MasterAnnotation – INIFY pre-sorts slides in a worst-first order, and comes with a user-friendly viewer designed for handling prostate biopsies.

“As president of the Digital Pathology Association and one of few sites in the US being fully digitalized, I’m eager to explore how the use of AI-based decision support tools can support prostate diagnosis, and potentially improve workflow,” says Anil Parwani, Director of Pathology Informatics and Director of the Digital Pathology Shared Resource at OSUCCC – James.

“At Tufts Medical Center, we are in the process of digitalizing pathology,” says Dr. Zhou, Chair and Pathologist-in-Chief at Tufts MC. ”Our department certainly would benefit from a tool to support high quality diagnosis and speed up this transition.”

“We are very excited and proud to have the opportunity to cooperate with two of the most respected pathologists within the society, and their clinics, for driving the digitalization process,” says Magnus Aurell, VP Business Unit Digital Pathology at ContextVision.

The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center—Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute strives to create a cancer-free world by integrating scientific research with excellence in education and patient-centered care, a strategy that leads to better methods of prevention, detection and treatment. Ohio State is one of only 51 National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers. As the cancer program’s 356-bed adult patient-care component, The James is one of the top cancer hospitals in the nation as ranked by U.S. News & World Report and has achieved Magnet designation, the highest honor an organization can receive for quality patient care and professional nursing practice. With 21 floors and more than 1.1 million square feet, The James is a transformational facility that fosters collaboration and integration of cancer research and clinical cancer care. To learn more, visit

Tufts Medical Center is an exceptional, not-for-profit, 415 bed academic medical center that is home to both a full-service hospital for adults and Tufts Children’s Hospital. Tufts MC’s renowned research program ranks among the top 10 percent of independent hospitals to receive federal research funding. The Medical Center is the principle teaching hospital for Tufts University School of Medicine. The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine includes more than 200 dedicated pathologists, medical technologists, medical technicians, phlebotomists and administrative staff who provide comprehensive diagnostic testing services in a wide variety of areas within anatomic and clinical pathology. The faculty members are engaged in cutting edge research that aims to translate bench research to bedside patient care.

Tenkte jeg skulle si at 1 aksje omsatt hittil i dag klokken 13:45. Men der kom det inn en stakkar som ikke holdt ut spenningen lenger. Ned 2,14%.
Redigert 22.07.2021 kl 22:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.07.2021 kl 17:03 2748

Etter at vedkommende som har presset kursen ned den siste tiden solgte ut restbeholdning på litt over 8.000 aksjer tok det kort tid til kursen skjøt fart. Godt å se CONTX ha en sluttkurs over kr. 18 igjen og at volumet var tilbake. Har stor tro på at vi i nær fremtid vil få flere kontrakter innen DP og at CONTX igjen vil stabilisere seg på nivå kr. 25 pr aksje. På sikt skal vi nok bevege oss opp mot gamle høyder og forhåpentligvis innfri kursmålet til Sparebanken Markets på kr 35.
25.07.2021 kl 09:33 2549

CONTX fortsatte oppgangen på fredag og endte på 18,40. Investtech har i lengre tid hatt watch eller svakt salg på CONTX, men etter den siste tidens oppgang på høyt volum ( sammenlignet med nedgangen) har de nå snudd til svakt kjøp. Når kursen bryter gjennom 19,40 ( kanskje til uken?), etableres et solid kjøpssignal.
Det er såpass bra kjøpsknteresse i aksjen nå at jeg har stor tro på at vi ser kr 20+ i løpet av neste uke.
02.08.2021 kl 17:13 2200

CONTX fikk en fin start på uken og sluttet på 19,40. Blir spennende å se om oppgangen fortsetter i morgen og at vi endelig kommer opp på 20 tallet igjen. Det ligger litt motstand på 19,40 nivå, men med det trykket det var i aksjen på slutten av dagen ar jeg stor tro på at oppgangen fortsetter.
04.08.2021 kl 12:35 2002

CONTX fortsatte opp i går og var en snartur innom 20,18 og endte på 19,9. Volumet de siste dagene har tatt seg opp og det er et godt tegn, viser at det er økende interesse for selskapet og at det er god korrelasjon mellom volum og økende aksjekurs. Investtech har nå CONTX som en kjøpskandidat etter at motstanden ved 19,4 er brutt. Sist omsatt nå kr. 20 og vi får tro at kursen vil holde seg over kr. 20 fremover.
04.08.2021 kl 15:40 1929

Ja interessant å se hvordan det beveger seg ift Digital Paeologi. Contx har åpenbart hatt utfordringer som følge av Covid og det blir spennende å se hvordan de signaliserer utsiktene for å komme back on track på kurven..
04.08.2021 kl 20:24 1844

På tide å nå fjorårets topp for ett år siden på 24,50. Siden har kursen dalt med bunn på 16,21 16 mai. Foreløpig er det bare DP Prostata (AI). Tiden må snart være inne for EU sertifisering på tarm og så lunge. Det vil få opp interessen for selskapet...
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kreinh, toppen for CONTX i 2020 var kr. 30,9. Dette var intradagkurs, mens sluttkursen lå like under kr. 30.
Jeg har stor tro på at CONTX ved en eller flere kontrakter innen DP allerede i 2021 kan oppnå ny kurstopp.
12.08.2021 kl 08:06 1437

ContextVision: Best ever sales within Medical Imaging and rewarding feedback from INIFY Prostate evaluations

STOCKHOLM – August 12, 2021 - ContextVision, a medical technology software company specializing in image processing, delivered the Company’s best ever second quarter within Medical Imaging. Initial response from the ongoing clinical trials with the Company’s first digital pathology product, INIFY Prostate, are very promising.

Sales in the second quarter reached 24.4 MSEK (20,1), an 20% increase compared with the previous quarter, and an increase of 32% versus last year's corresponding quarter when adjusted for currency exchange effects.

Impressive accuracy – is the feedback from evaluations sites within digital pathology
“INIFY Prostate delivered impressive accuracy in it’s ongoing clinical evaluations. In the second quarter we expanded into the US getting two prestigious medical sites onboard for clinical testing”, says CEO Fredrik Palm in ContextVision.

The company has intensified the interaction with new potential customers as well as deepened the relations with established sites and laboratories.

“It is rewarding to see the positive response we get when we demonstrate how INIFY identifies and outlines cancer areas with an impressive accuracy. We continue to advance our position step by step within digital pathology”, says Palm.

Significant pick up
ContextVision saw a significant pick up in revenue from its image enhancements software resulting in best second quarter ever, partly due to a catch up in the market, but also in a few cases due to timing of customer orders. Most of the increase is seen in ultrasound, mainly in the Asia region.

“Medical Imaging is returning to normal. During the period we have signed new contracts with several key customers, continuing to strengthen and extend our long-term partnerships over multiple markets and product cycles. Our relentless dedication to make progress together with customers under present circumstances is a clear success factor, and I am optimistic that we now have seen the start of a stepwise return to our initial growth plan before Covid”, says Palm.

New chairman elected in the quarter
In the second quarter Olof Sandén was elected as the Company’s new chairman of the board. Sandén brings extensive experience from international business and Medical device industry having had senior positions at Elekta, RISE, Business Sweden, BCG and others. Today he holds several board positions along with his daily work as a partner within an executive search firm.

“Imaging has been and will continue to be a corners stone in developing better healthcare. ContextVision is extremely well positioned to play an important role in this development, from its image enhancement software to ContextVision’s new inroads into image analysis and AI supported decision making, we are uniquely positioned. I am excited to support ContextVision in delivering valuable solutions to the global healthcare market enabling further development of patient care”, says Sandén