Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act (SEMA)

RECSI 22.06.2021 kl 19:22 32515

The United States has an opportunity to catalyze a global economic and environmental shift with significant investments in clean energy that will create jobs, improve our infrastructure, and tackle the climate crisis. Solar energy is the fastest growing and least expensive renewable energy sector, making it a crucial component of a clean energy economy.

Demand for solar energy is skyrocketing as the world transitions away from fossil fuels, but China dominates the solar supply chain. This legislation will boost American solar to create American clean energy jobs, better compete with Chinese manufacturers, and support American energy independence.

Tax Incentives for the Solar Industry:
• This bill would provide tax credits to the solar manufacturing industry at every stage of the supply chain, incentivizing domestic production necessary for producing solar energy technologies and creating tens of thousands of American jobs.

• Currently, entire stages of the supply chain are not produced in the U.S., forcing companies to import from China and other countries.

• This legislation would create tens of thousands of American jobs, help the U.S. become a leader in manufacturing solar technologies, build a resilient, domestic renewable energy resource, and increase American competitiveness in global markets.

• This bill will spur the U.S. solar industry to expand manufacturing capacity, create clean jobs nationally, drive down solar deployment costs, and meet renewable energy objectives to fight climate change.

Benefits to Solar Industry and U.S.:
• Drives down prohibitive costs for solar manufacturing companies

• Brings manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. and creates tens of thousands of American clean energy jobs

• Helps the U.S. become competitive in a solar global market

• Helps to reduce reliance on China to meet clean energy and national security goals

• Helps accelerate a clean energy economy and combat climate change

The legislation is supported by: Q-CELLS America, Hemlock Semiconductors, LG Electronics
USA, REC Silicon ASA, Wacker Polysilicon North America, Sunnova Energy International Inc.,
First Solar, Mission Solar, Leading Edge Equipment Technologies, Auxin Solar, Swift Solar,
1366 Technologies, Silfab Solar, Heliene, and the Ultra Low Carbon Solar Alliance.

Smid endelig links vedr. dette ind!!
Redigert 22.06.2021 kl 19:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.05.2022 kl 09:00 7726

Det har foregått diskusjoner rundt letelisenser og dette gjelder også etter naturgass som er viktig i Manchin sin delstat Vest Virginia. Ser at en del Demokrater er med på å bøye av den linjen man hadde under BBB og er med på Manchin sine krav. Samtidig er Manchin i ferd med å miste oppslutning blandt egne. Han har ikke fått i land avtalen om medisiner som er viktig for arbeidere i kullindustrien og han mister oppslutning blandt den delen av befolkningen som er opptatt av fornybar energi.

Det er som energiminister Granholm sier at de jobber mot tiden. Her trekkes det i ulike retninger, men positivt at begge leirer har likere retorikk.
26.05.2022 kl 14:55 7278

Solar tax credits, other financial incentives deemed critical to regionalised manufacturing growth
MAY 26, 2022
“Some good, long-lasting local incentives would attract capacity into the US,” Qu said, alluding to the proposed Solar Energy Manufacturing for America (SEMA) Act proposed last year by Senator Jon Ossoff and included within President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.

That view has been echoed by Qcells CEO Justin Lee, who in a press conference earlier this month said that direct subsidies for manufacturing were critical for more regionalised solar manufacturing.

“This industry clearly needs some kind of incentive or subsidy,” Lee said, adding that other regulatory levers, such as import tariffs or carbon footprint requirements, are “not good enough”.

Qcells recently unveiled plans to invest US$320 million to expand its solar cell and module manufacturing capacities in Korea and the US respectively, however the company remains enthused by the prospect of SEMA passing and providing direct incentives on a cost-per-unit basis for the manufacture of solar polysilicon, wafers, cells and modules in the US.

Ossoff’s SEMA bill has emerged as a particular favourite of solar manufacturers eyeing expansion plans given, as Lee noted, its cost-per-unit model. The initial proposals tabled last year include tax credits of US$3/kg for polysilicon, US$12/sqm of solar wafers, US$0.04/Wdc for solar cells and US$0.07/Wdc for non-integrated modules and US$0.11/Wdc for integrated modules.
26.05.2022 kl 14:58 7261

“From the cost perspective [outlined in Senator Jon Ossoff’s SEMA proposal], we are satisfied. If that policy support is in place, we may consider [expanding in the US],” he says.

Lee’s full sentiments regarding Qcells’ expansion plans can be read here.

Qcells parent company Hanwha Solutions has, of course, already committed to a broader restart of a solar manufacturing landscape in the US, starting with the purchase of a significant stake in polysilicon producer REC Silicon and a commitment to restart production at the Moses Lake facility REC mothballed in 2019.

But while the SEMA bill has been championed by solar manufacturers – and, in a similar fashion, India’s Production Linked Incentive scheme has also been successful in attracting gigawatts of interest – Europe has offered no such fiscal incentive for solar manufacturers, instead choosing to address issues relating to the availability of finance.
Redigert 26.05.2022 kl 14:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
26.05.2022 kl 16:11 7070

Takk, min favoritt danske ☺️ Jeg klarer ikke forstå dette annerledes, enn at Hanwha vil restarte og finne kunder til Rec Silicon, uavhengig av SEMA. Blir SEMA godkjent, blir det enda bedre bare.
27.05.2022 kl 15:12 6687

Bare hygge, og du var spot on :)

NEWS: Sen. Ossoff Announces 470 New Jobs in Dalton, Ga.
MAY 26, 2022
Dalton, Ga. — Today, U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff announced nearly 500 new jobs are coming to North Georgia.

Dalton-based Qcells will expand its solar module manufacturing facility, investing $171 million and creating nearly 500 local jobs in and around Whitfield County.

“We are proud to announce our new solar module manufacturing plant will be in Dalton, Georgia. Nobody has been a bigger champion for Qcells and domestic solar manufacturing than Senator Ossoff,” said Qcells CEO Justin Lee. “His landmark Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act, if passed, would create a new paradigm in which this would be the first of many such investments made in Georgia and around the United States.”

“I appreciate Qcells’ sustained and growing investment in Georgia and the working relationship we’ve built to create more jobs and opportunities for Georgians. I will continue working to make Georgia a world leader in renewable energy innovation and manufacturing,” Sen. Ossoff said.

Sen. Ossoff met with Qcells’ parent company Hanwha in Seoul last year and has been instrumental in pitching and securing additional clean energy investment in Georgia, also recently helping secure Hyundai’s electric vehicle investment that will create over 8,000 jobs in Bryan County.

Sen. Ossoff also met withThis is an external link
Qcells’ leadership in Dalton last year and has championed Federal legislation to supercharge domestic solar production.

Qcells cites Sen. Ossoff’s Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act as a key reason for the additional investments in the U.S. and has promised additional multi-billion dollar investmentsThis is an external link
in domestic solar manufacturing in Georgia and the United States upon passage of Sen. Ossoff’s legislation.

Sen. Ossoff’s legislation will supercharge domestic solar manufacturing, create tens of thousandsThis is an external link
of good-paying jobs in Georgia and nationwide, help meet the U.S.’ ambitious goal of having solar energy account for 40% of U.S. energy by 2035, and accelerate the transition to clean energy.

The expansion will bring an additional 1.4 gigawatts of new annual module capacity, bringing Qcells’ total production capacity in Georgia to 3.1 gigawatts.
28.05.2022 kl 15:21 6451

U.S. Senator Manchin could back climate provisions in slimmer spending bill, sources say

The lawmakers hope to resolve the talks on the legislation by the end of June before shifting focus to campaigning ahead of the November midterm elections for control of Congress.

Manchin's spokesperson, Sam Runyon, did not confirm the reporting, but said the senator "remains seriously concerned about the financial status of our country and believes fighting inflation by restoring fairness to our tax system and paying down our national debt must be our first priority."

Manchin has said publicly that the only deadline to pass a spending bill is Sept. 30
Mai 27, 2022
14.06.2022 kl 09:26 6021

Hvem sælger i dag? (:

Hanwha Solutions to Benefit from U.S. Solar Energy Promotion Policies
JUNE 14, 2022
Hanwha Solutions is expected to benefit from the U.S. government's latest initiatives to promote the solar energy industry.

The U.S. Department of Commerce recently announced a temporary exemption of up to two years from the application of any new tariffs on solar cells and modules from four Southeast Asian nations — Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The measure will lead to an increase in demand for solar power installations in the United States. U.S. demand for solar power installations for this year is expected to expand the originally projected 22 GW to 30GW.

Such an increase in demand is good news for Hanwha Solutions, which is expanding its business in the United States.

The U.S. government is also expected to pass the Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act or SEMA within this year. It also brightens the outlook for Hanwha Solutions’ business in the United States. The bill is intended to grant tax benefits to solar products produced in the United States, and is currently under review in the Senate after passing the House of Representatives. Hanwha Solutions has a business site in the United States, so the bill can boost its cost competitiveness.
14.06.2022 kl 09:34 5946

Det er de jævla shorterne
14.06.2022 kl 09:40 5880

Godt man har mer peng....og kan handle på billigsalg :)
17.06.2022 kl 16:58 5452

Forsiktig optimisme i forhold til at det kommer til å forhandles fram en avtale. Her har alle parter mye å vinne på å komme frem til et kompromiss til tross for inflasjon og egeninteresse. Noe mer konkret har man fremdeles ikke annet at det ser ut til at det snakkes sammen.

Senate Democrats are preparing for possible summer action on their still-elusive climate, tax reform and prescription drugs bill, grinding behind the scenes on a new version during high-profile gun safety talks.

With much of Washington’s attention on guns, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) met twice this week on a potential party-line package. There’s more afoot: Schumer and his staff are working with the Senate parliamentarian to help tee up a possible July or August vote. And a prominent Democratic pollster has tested how popular major components of a hypothetical bill would be in Senate battleground states.
18.06.2022 kl 00:51 4858

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) huddled with President Joe Biden yesterday afternoon to discuss a host of issues related to inflation that sound a lot like the contours of a potential reconciliation package.

“They discussed their plans for fighting the global problem of inflation that is affecting every major economy, such as bringing down prescription drug and energy costs, and adding to the historic deficit reduction we have accomplished,” the White House said in a readout of the meeting.

Prescription drugs, clean energy and deficit reduction have emerged as central tenets in the new reconciliation push underway by Senate Democrats to attract the support of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), whose opposition killed the House-passed, $1.7 trillion “Build Back Better Act” late last year.
The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) announced that some two dozen solar companies executives are spreading across Congress this week to lobby on the reconciliation bill.

“Solar business leaders are in town to demonstrate to lawmakers the type of investments and economic growth that can come if Congress acts,” SEIA President and CEO Abigail Ross Hopper said in a statement. “As the inflation pinch tightens, these are common-sense steps that can lower energy costs for all Americans.”
23.06.2022 kl 11:57 4033

Dette påvirker vel muligens størrelsen på tax credit i SEMA som REC vil dra nytte av. Slik jeg forstår innholdet i artikkelen vil tax creditten nedjusteres
Utover det, virker det jo som det er fremgang i forhandlingene.

The issue is among the remaining sticking points as Democrats seek to hammer out an agreement on their massive spending package before the midterm campaign season kicks into high gear. Other remaining areas of negotiation include details on a tax credit for electric vehicles including the value and eligibility requirements, one of the people said.

Jeg tror at demokratene vil gå Manchin i møte å gi seg på kravet om å øke tax credit på EV for å få banket dette gjennom. De er nødt til å kunne vise til handlekraft og resultater snart.

Redigert 23.06.2022 kl 12:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.06.2022 kl 12:13 3965

Får håpe dette hjelper litt på forståelse av behov og fremgang i forhandlingene: "The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) announced that some two dozen solar companies executives are spreading across Congress this week to lobby on the reconciliation bill" - Listen carefully I only say this once.....
Redigert 23.06.2022 kl 12:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.06.2022 kl 12:21 3916

Er ingen ekspert på dette, men tok det opp i uke 25-tråden i går. Virker som om direct pay er foreslått ettersom kraftprodusentene ikke tjener nok til å kunne benytte seg fullt ut av tax credits (skattekravet blir mindre enn tax credits). De må derfor bruke banker og meglere til å selge credits i markedet noe som gjør at deler av pengene forsvinner i lommene på finansinstitusjonene istedenfor kraftprodusentene. For REC er det mulig dette ikke blir noe problem, men usikker på hvordan det fremførbare underskuddet påvirker dette her. Noen andre her som har peiling?
Slettet bruker
24.06.2022 kl 13:35 3516

Joe Manchin fremstår mer og mer som denne fossilen i Storebrand reklamen, nekter å se hvordan verden er i ferd med å endre seg.
24.06.2022 kl 13:47 3454

Eller at EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeGolf får mye gratisreklame.
Slettet bruker
24.06.2022 kl 13:47 3452

Machin har stor egen interesse i olje. Han snakker etter sin egen lommebok. Å det gjør vel de fleste av oss
14.07.2022 kl 22:24 2723

Manchin tråkker på bremsen i forhandlingene og skylder på høy inflasjon. Kan ut fra artikkelen se ut som han fremdeles rir flere hester samtidig:

Inflation report makes Manchin ‘very cautious’ on climate bill

West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin sounded a note of caution yesterday on reconciliation talks after another round of high inflation numbers, raising the prospect of a narrow package that only includes drug pricing provisions.

“It depends on if we can look at things and find a pathway forward that’s not [inflationary],” Manchin told reporters. “We know what we can pass. It’s basically the drug pricing on Medicare.”

He added: “Is there any more we can do? I don’t know. But I’m very, very cautious.”

The West Virginia Democrat is still negotiating that section of the potential bill with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). But he has raised various concerns about electric vehicle incentives and a direct pay option for clean energy tax credits.

The reconciliation effort, namely the proposed suite of clean electricity tax credits, likely represents congressional Democrats’ last real chance to pass large-scale climate legislation in the near future and chip away at President Joe Biden’s emissions pledges. The GOP is favored to take back one or both chambers in the midterms.

At the same time, Democrats are attempting to break a blockade from Senate Republicans on a separate competition and innovation bill.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had said he’d sink the bipartisan effort if Democrats continued to pursue reconciliation, but his stance has since softened. The administration is now urging Democrats to break up the innovation bill.

To date, Schumer and Manchin appear to have only fully agreed on the drug pricing aspect of the package, which Schumer sent to the parliamentarian for review last week. Manchin is also supportive of rolling back the 2017 GOP tax cuts, a priority he shares with many in his party.

But he reiterated that he wants to see 50 cents of every dollar raised via tax hikes in the bill go toward deficit reduction.

“I’m going to make sure that I have every input on scrubbing everything humanly possible that could be considered [inflationary],” Manchin said.

The latest Consumer Price Index numbers, released yesterday, showed that inflation accelerated last month to the quickest annual pace in four decades: 9.1 percent.

“No matter what spending aspirations some in Congress may have, it is clear to anyone who visits a grocery store or a gas station that we cannot add any more fuel to this inflation fire,” Manchin said in a separate statement yesterday.

Most Democrats argue that the reconciliation bill would be anti-inflationary, a point Senate Finance Chair Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) reiterated yesterday.

“We’re cutting costs for consumers,” Wyden told reporters. “We’re cutting prescription drug costs. We’re holding down premiums in the Affordable Care Act. We’re cutting energy costs for the long term.”

But Manchin has also been searching for concessions to boost fossil fuels amid concerns about energy prices, which remain high even as they have begun to decline this month.

Manchin is particularly keen to finish the Mountain Valley pipeline, the long-debated shale gas project that would run through his state.

The Washington Post reported yesterday that the White House is weighing whether to greenlight several public lands drilling projects, including Mountain Valley, the Willow Project in Alaska or in the Gulf of Mexico, to help secure his vote on the clean energy provisions in reconciliation.

That could rankle House progressives and environmental groups, who were already upset by the Biden administration’s move to advance the Willow Project over his first two years in office.

“I am really worried that in this rush to get something out we are not dealing with consequences,” House Natural Resources Chair Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said in an interview.

Grijalva said he’s worried that any approvals for energy projects would require carve-outs from the National Environmental Policy Act, which he said could set precedents for other exceptions.

“We make a lot of Faustian deals around here,” said Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), another progressive and member of the House Natural Resources Committee. “I think I am going to try to allow the space for the White House and hopefully some good environmental leaders in the Senate to bring forward a good deal.”

Members of the Alaska delegation have for years advocated for Willow, a ConocoPhillips Co. project that is projected to produce nearly 630 million barrels of crude oil. They remain on watch.

“I pitched the president directly on Willow last year to explain it, and after those guys looked at it, they said they were supportive,” Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) said in an interview. “So the issue, in my view, is that decision was made a year ago.”

House moderates, meanwhile, are beginning to present another reconciliation wrinkle. Some are demanding a potential deal to raise the cap for state and local tax deductions, an idea that does not appear to be in the mix in talks between Manchin and Schumer.

Axios reported yesterday that Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) is considering putting together a group of lawmakers to make a counteroffer to Manchin and Schumer that would exclude new taxes on corporations and individuals and include less revenue.

Either issue has the potential to tank reconciliation talks because Democrats can only afford to lose only a handful of votes in the narrowly divided House and none in the 50-50 Senate.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) neatly summed up the situation in the Senate, as Democrats anxiously wait to find out whether Schumer and Manchin can strike a deal on other aspects of the bill.

“Reconciliation will be whatever we can get 50 votes for, and there’s no escaping that,” Warren told reporters.
Redigert 14.07.2022 kl 22:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
15.07.2022 kl 00:22 2487

Tror vi kan glemme bbb, Manchin er en klovn og kommer aldri å godta noe som helst. De må satse på at noen republikaner evt kan omvendes ..
15.07.2022 kl 22:37 2098

Spennende dager, like greit å få det overstått.
Ulempen er at president ordren kan strykes med ny president.
Nå har Biden 2 år igjen til neste valg, klarer demokratene å vinne neste valg så har man 4 år til med president ordrer. (Total 6 år)
Håper sol sektoren og Hanwha starte med engang for ikke å sløse bort tiden.

Biden seemed to embrace this possible approach in a statement Friday. "So let me be clear: if the Senate will not move to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, I will take strong executive action to meet this moment," he said. "I will not back down: the opportunity to create jobs and build a clean energy future is too important to relent."

Redigert 15.07.2022 kl 23:10 Du må logge inn for å svare