Tomra - BREAKING NEWS. Inngår tungt industrielt partnerskap!
Da tikker det inn en Tomra-nyhet av det gedigne slaget denne helga folkens! :)
Fredag kveld offentliggjorde nemlig Tomra og AVEVO nyheten om at de to selskapene har inngått industrielt partnerskap i Orlando, Florida, under "PMA Fresh Summit" som arrangeres i byen 19. - 20.oktober. I fellesskap skal de to selskapene lede den digitale transformasjonen av produksjonsindustrien for ferskvarer (frukt, grønnsaker, korn, kjøtt m.m.). AVEVA er en global leder innen industrielt software, og selskapets teknologi benyttes blant annet innen olje og gass industrien, gruvedrift og konstruksjon. Partnerskapet med Tomra markerer AVEVAs inngang i industrien for ferskvareproduksjon.
Under Tomras Capital Markets Day 21.september varslet CEO Stefan Ranstrand at Tomra kom til å inngå strategiske partnerskap fremover. Allerede nå bekreftes altså ett slikt partnerskap! De to selskapenes første produkt "Smartline" for pakkhus i alle størrelser er allerede lansert.
TOMRA partners with AVEVA to ‘lead produce industry’s digital transformation’
October 19 , 2018
U.K.-based engineering and industrial software company AVEVA has partnered with Norway-based sorting solutions company TOMRA to integrate new technology in packhouses.
AVEVA’s SCADA technology will be embedded in sensor-based sorting and packhouse solutions for the fresh produce industry, which TOMRA and its New Zealand-based subsidiary Compac say will unlock greater operator performance, visibility, and efficiency.
The deal, which was announced on Friday at PMA Fresh Summit in Orlando, Florida, also marks AVEVA’s first foray into the fresh produce industry. Its technology is currently used by industries including oil and gas, mining and construction.
In a release, TOMRA said today’s global marketplace puts tremendous pressure on those operating within the end-to-end food value chain, and believes that technology investments in automation, control, and data-driven decision support can help overcome these challenges.
“An AVEVA and TOMRA partnership combines the most advanced automation technology and best practices to deliver a step change in next-generation packhouse operations. AVEVA brings vast experience of industrial automation across multiple verticals,” said Mike Riley, head of TOMRA Food Grading.
“AVEVA’s world-class industrial solution portfolio has the technology, scale and performance to meet the growing digital requirements of today’s food and beverage industry,” said Rashesh Mody, Senior Vice President, AVEVA.
“Partnering with TOMRA provides a future proof solution to take advantage of the Industrial IoT to collect all the data necessary to improve performance and efficiency.”
Sam Parnagian, vice president of operations at Fowler Packing, one of the largest packers of citrus in the U.S., said that Compac has decades of global packhouse operational experience which is now being applied to the AVEVA platform.
“Continued success for our company will be influenced by effective use of the latest technology to improve automation, control, and decision-making,” he said.
“It’s a key focus area for us and we’ve seen significant performance and efficiency improvements from recent automation projects. We welcome the partnership between AVEVA and Compac to advance automation in the packhouse.”
The first Compac product resulting from this partnership is Smartline™, which is built on Wonderware by AVEVA. Smartline features an operational dashboard for visualisation of line performance and an intuitive user interface designed to facilitate line control for packhouses of all sizes.
Tomras nye strategiske partner AVEVA:
Definisjon av "produce industry" (Produce - Wikipedia):
Fredag kveld offentliggjorde nemlig Tomra og AVEVO nyheten om at de to selskapene har inngått industrielt partnerskap i Orlando, Florida, under "PMA Fresh Summit" som arrangeres i byen 19. - 20.oktober. I fellesskap skal de to selskapene lede den digitale transformasjonen av produksjonsindustrien for ferskvarer (frukt, grønnsaker, korn, kjøtt m.m.). AVEVA er en global leder innen industrielt software, og selskapets teknologi benyttes blant annet innen olje og gass industrien, gruvedrift og konstruksjon. Partnerskapet med Tomra markerer AVEVAs inngang i industrien for ferskvareproduksjon.
Under Tomras Capital Markets Day 21.september varslet CEO Stefan Ranstrand at Tomra kom til å inngå strategiske partnerskap fremover. Allerede nå bekreftes altså ett slikt partnerskap! De to selskapenes første produkt "Smartline" for pakkhus i alle størrelser er allerede lansert.
TOMRA partners with AVEVA to ‘lead produce industry’s digital transformation’
October 19 , 2018
U.K.-based engineering and industrial software company AVEVA has partnered with Norway-based sorting solutions company TOMRA to integrate new technology in packhouses.
AVEVA’s SCADA technology will be embedded in sensor-based sorting and packhouse solutions for the fresh produce industry, which TOMRA and its New Zealand-based subsidiary Compac say will unlock greater operator performance, visibility, and efficiency.
The deal, which was announced on Friday at PMA Fresh Summit in Orlando, Florida, also marks AVEVA’s first foray into the fresh produce industry. Its technology is currently used by industries including oil and gas, mining and construction.
In a release, TOMRA said today’s global marketplace puts tremendous pressure on those operating within the end-to-end food value chain, and believes that technology investments in automation, control, and data-driven decision support can help overcome these challenges.
“An AVEVA and TOMRA partnership combines the most advanced automation technology and best practices to deliver a step change in next-generation packhouse operations. AVEVA brings vast experience of industrial automation across multiple verticals,” said Mike Riley, head of TOMRA Food Grading.
“AVEVA’s world-class industrial solution portfolio has the technology, scale and performance to meet the growing digital requirements of today’s food and beverage industry,” said Rashesh Mody, Senior Vice President, AVEVA.
“Partnering with TOMRA provides a future proof solution to take advantage of the Industrial IoT to collect all the data necessary to improve performance and efficiency.”
Sam Parnagian, vice president of operations at Fowler Packing, one of the largest packers of citrus in the U.S., said that Compac has decades of global packhouse operational experience which is now being applied to the AVEVA platform.
“Continued success for our company will be influenced by effective use of the latest technology to improve automation, control, and decision-making,” he said.
“It’s a key focus area for us and we’ve seen significant performance and efficiency improvements from recent automation projects. We welcome the partnership between AVEVA and Compac to advance automation in the packhouse.”
The first Compac product resulting from this partnership is Smartline™, which is built on Wonderware by AVEVA. Smartline features an operational dashboard for visualisation of line performance and an intuitive user interface designed to facilitate line control for packhouses of all sizes.
Tomras nye strategiske partner AVEVA:
Definisjon av "produce industry" (Produce - Wikipedia):
Redigert 20.10.2018 kl 16:23
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20.10.2018 kl 19:51
Dette er jo utrolig spennende! Regner med at avtalen blir kommentert litt nærmere på tirsdag. Bra arbeid, kommentatoren!
20.10.2018 kl 20:29
Det blir mer og mer digitalisering over alt. Det er mye å ta tak i generelt i enkelte bransjer. Ser interessant ut!
20.10.2018 kl 20:31
Et par kjappe sitater, uttalelser fra CEO Ranstrand under Capital Markets Day 21.september:
"Until now we've only seen the lab version of Tomra, now it's time for the real Tomra"
"We're hungry here"
Et par kjappe stikkord fra meg:
Den 4.industrielle revolusjon (se eksempel i trådstart)
Sirkulær Økonomi (hvor Tomra, ifølge egne utsagn, er soleklar global markedsleder)
Sier ikke mer. Jo, forresten: "Tenke sjæl"
"Until now we've only seen the lab version of Tomra, now it's time for the real Tomra"
"We're hungry here"
Et par kjappe stikkord fra meg:
Den 4.industrielle revolusjon (se eksempel i trådstart)
Sirkulær Økonomi (hvor Tomra, ifølge egne utsagn, er soleklar global markedsleder)
Sier ikke mer. Jo, forresten: "Tenke sjæl"
Redigert 20.10.2018 kl 23:16
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21.10.2018 kl 15:47
Enda mer gode nyheter :-)
22.10.2018 kl 15:03
Som nevnt i trådstart, er "Smartline" første produkt til markedet som resultat av det inngåtte samarbeidet mellom Tomra og AVEVO. Fresh Plaza skriver i dag at Kaiaponi Farms i New Zealand allerede har tatt i bruk Smartline og er godt fornøyd.
Kaiaponi Farms in New Zealand is a leading grower and post-harvest service provider. General Manager Scott Wilson said, “We pride ourselves on using the latest technology to improve operational performance, so we jumped at the chance to work with TOMRA on this new enhancement. Our line operators were wary of the new system at first, but found it was intuitive and easy to learn. Smartline’s clear visual information and responsive controls help keep the line running at capacity, so we can focus on getting the best results for our growers, our customers, and our business.”
Kaiaponi Farms in New Zealand is a leading grower and post-harvest service provider. General Manager Scott Wilson said, “We pride ourselves on using the latest technology to improve operational performance, so we jumped at the chance to work with TOMRA on this new enhancement. Our line operators were wary of the new system at first, but found it was intuitive and easy to learn. Smartline’s clear visual information and responsive controls help keep the line running at capacity, so we can focus on getting the best results for our growers, our customers, and our business.”
Redigert 22.10.2018 kl 15:05
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