**ZENA - Q&A session uke 25/26**
Nå er det mye sinne og frustrasjon ute å går hos ZENA-aksjonærer, og det er fullt forståelig etter gårdagens n´te melding om utsettelse. Jeg og IR-sjef i London har i dag besluttet at vi vil invitere til en Q&A session i løpet av nærmeste fremtid, mer info om det kommer fortløpende når det er klart. Denne vil bli avholdt på ZOOM, og link vil bli lagt ut her.
I mellomtiden kan dere som har spørsmål, innspill og andre meninger, legge de under her i kommentarfeltet eller sende en mail til norway@zenithenergy.ca.
Disse vil bli besvart fortløpende på mail og på zoom-callen.
Ledelsen vil mer enn gjerne svare på spørsmål og vi forstår at det er en stor frustrasjon blant dagens aksjonærer. Vi skal svare så godt vi kan.
Sigurd Otterå.
I mellomtiden kan dere som har spørsmål, innspill og andre meninger, legge de under her i kommentarfeltet eller sende en mail til norway@zenithenergy.ca.
Disse vil bli besvart fortløpende på mail og på zoom-callen.
Ledelsen vil mer enn gjerne svare på spørsmål og vi forstår at det er en stor frustrasjon blant dagens aksjonærer. Vi skal svare så godt vi kan.
Sigurd Otterå.
30.06.2021 kl 08:39
Herman, Så du linken/teksten jeg publiserte ovenfor? Kanskje noe er i gjære?
30.06.2021 kl 08:42
It took 15 days, only given questions means preferred by them no interactive session like zoom call. Compare to previous IC hope we will get some concrete information not kite flying.
Redigert 30.06.2021 kl 08:46
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30.06.2021 kl 08:44
Barneskirenn skrev Herman, Så du linken/teksten jeg publiserte ovenfor? Kanskje noe er i gjære?
For å være ærlig så har jeg kun fokus på at selskapet skal lande de avtaler de allerede har annonsert at de jobber med. At Zenith kan få en rolle i Congo innen gass til strøm produksjon, det tror jeg, men nå er det Tilapia som gjelder.
La oss håpe det og at folk bruker hode og ikke selgere rett før news som kan sende Zena kraftig opp!
30.06.2021 kl 08:48
15 days was obviously not the original plan. Now they look foolish, but lets see if they will present real achiements or stick to dream selling. Lets also see if they will answer the more difficult questions.
Redigert 30.06.2021 kl 08:49
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30.06.2021 kl 09:13
Bare å knuse sparegrisen og hamstre aksjer i et av fremtidens produsenter
Realisering en gang i 2022 vil være et eventyr fra nå :-)))
30.06.2021 kl 10:42
Dette må da være børsens beste mulighet med tanke på potensiell oppside. Oljeprisen og kommende nyheter kan gi en enorm avkastning. Men som alle vet, risikoen er desto høyere enn andre aksjer. Har noen prosenter av beholdningen her, det gir absolutt litt spenning i hverdagen.
30.06.2021 kl 12:32
Tenkte ikke direkte med gass. Men det at myndighetene tydeligvis jobber i kulissene. Så spørsmålet er hvor langt de har kommet med tilapia.
Det er interessant.
Det er interessant.
30.06.2021 kl 13:24
Som flere har nevnt før: Betingelsene knyttet til PSA ble antagelig ferdigforhandlet før jul. Deretter ble det gjennomført en enquiry of public utility, og så stoppet alt opp pga valget. Nå er ny regjering på plass og parlamentet er i drift. Det bør derfor bare være snakk om hvor høyt denne saken prioriteres av myndighetene.
Ja nå nå må myndighetene få fingen ut!
Da blir det jobber og penger i kassen!!
Da blir det jobber og penger i kassen!!
the parliament session of oral question of debate is postponed from 25th June to 9th July www.assemblee-nationale.cg
I am expecting Tilapia in August now.
I am expecting Tilapia in August now.
Redigert 30.06.2021 kl 14:13
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30.06.2021 kl 14:32
In August the parliament is closed, but they have 2-3 weeks in July where they can formally vote on accumulated issues. Issues that are just formalities can be lumped together and passed quickly. So, I see at least two plausable scenarios: A PSA within two weeks and parlamentary approval shortly after, or… a PSA in August with parlamentary approval in the beginning of September. On the IC we should ask about the status of the West Africa process which also could be a company maker.
Spennende om de kunne ferdigstilt dette de neste 14 dagene!
Fatter ikke hvorfor ting tar slik tid.
Men når det kommer blir det kaos! Alle skal inn i Zena!
Kjøp mer de som kan!
Fatter ikke hvorfor ting tar slik tid.
Men når det kommer blir det kaos! Alle skal inn i Zena!
Kjøp mer de som kan!
Nano Rekyl
30.06.2021 kl 16:38
Hmmmmm noe i luften her nå siden det ble satt litt fart i toget på slutten av dagen?
Det er vel å ta seg en tur på butta å kjøpe inn litt popcorn til å kose seg med på storskjermen etterhvert!
Ha en fortreffelig aften alle og enhver!
Det er vel å ta seg en tur på butta å kjøpe inn litt popcorn til å kose seg med på storskjermen etterhvert!
Ha en fortreffelig aften alle og enhver!
30.06.2021 kl 16:46
Stille i London ihvertfall, få selgere og vipps. Er vell riktig kurs nå så venter vi bare på nyheter
X-43 scramjet
30.06.2021 kl 16:46
Endelig en opptur for Zena. Måtte ta et lite lodd, de har uflaks, men sikrer de den store kontrakten midten av august, så er det sjanse for en trippel her.
30.06.2021 kl 16:47
Hmm dette kan vi da bli vant med. Kommer rette meldingen nå blir det gøy her…
30.06.2021 kl 17:02
På tickeren Zen hausses det med henvisning til følgende artikkel:
Dere som har greie på Zenith Energy - har dette over hodet noe relevans for selskapet?
En annen ting jeg har lurt på: hvorfor har Zenith energy mange forskjellige tickere: Zena / Zena - m / Zen/ ZENTH?
Dere som har greie på Zenith Energy - har dette over hodet noe relevans for selskapet?
En annen ting jeg har lurt på: hvorfor har Zenith energy mange forskjellige tickere: Zena / Zena - m / Zen/ ZENTH?
Redigert 30.06.2021 kl 17:49
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30.06.2021 kl 17:09
Artikkelen om Nigeria er ikke særlig relevant. Store funn gjøres fortsatt in mange geografiske lokasjoner, og de som vinner jackpot kan le hele veien til banken uansett hvor funnet blir gjort.
30.06.2021 kl 17:28
citius skrev Rykker litt i rockefoten + 13,9%
So the investor call is now on July 9th as opposed to the end of this week as Sigurd initially told us…
I am unsure whether or not I think that it is a good idea if company representatives (however junior) post on share discussion forums. There is the good side that it shows that the company is keen to engage with investors but there is also the bad side whereby things can be said in an informal setting that are not subject to the same rigour as formal announcements. I certainly think that if they are going to post on this or any other forums I think that the minimum requirement is that they make sure that the information that they do put up is 100% accurate as anything else makes them look unprofessional.
Still, everybody makes mistakes and at least this error gives me a bit more time to think about more questions to ask over the next week or so. I would be pleased if this kind of mistake did not happen again though…
On the plus side the market does at least seem to have woken up to Zenith’s potential a bit today. opefully the fact that the extension of the KUFPEC acquisition is a good thing has finally started to sink into investors heads. and this will be the beginning of a run like the one that we had over Christmas instead of just a one off rise.
There is certainly plenty to look forwards to here:
1. The granting of the Tilapia license
2. The repayment of the Tilapia $5.7 million
3. The beginning of the Tunisian development drills
4. The (eventual) acquisition of the SLK
5. The sale of all the Tunisian stored oil.
6. The JV with Fleet Oil.
7. The marginal oil licenses in Nigeria.
8. The other prospective Nigerian licenses.
Lets hope it all starts to come to fruition sooner rather than later and that today’s rise is the just the start of a long haul to a complete re-rating of the company. Fingers crossed…
I am unsure whether or not I think that it is a good idea if company representatives (however junior) post on share discussion forums. There is the good side that it shows that the company is keen to engage with investors but there is also the bad side whereby things can be said in an informal setting that are not subject to the same rigour as formal announcements. I certainly think that if they are going to post on this or any other forums I think that the minimum requirement is that they make sure that the information that they do put up is 100% accurate as anything else makes them look unprofessional.
Still, everybody makes mistakes and at least this error gives me a bit more time to think about more questions to ask over the next week or so. I would be pleased if this kind of mistake did not happen again though…
On the plus side the market does at least seem to have woken up to Zenith’s potential a bit today. opefully the fact that the extension of the KUFPEC acquisition is a good thing has finally started to sink into investors heads. and this will be the beginning of a run like the one that we had over Christmas instead of just a one off rise.
There is certainly plenty to look forwards to here:
1. The granting of the Tilapia license
2. The repayment of the Tilapia $5.7 million
3. The beginning of the Tunisian development drills
4. The (eventual) acquisition of the SLK
5. The sale of all the Tunisian stored oil.
6. The JV with Fleet Oil.
7. The marginal oil licenses in Nigeria.
8. The other prospective Nigerian licenses.
Lets hope it all starts to come to fruition sooner rather than later and that today’s rise is the just the start of a long haul to a complete re-rating of the company. Fingers crossed…
01.07.2021 kl 14:12
Herman – I think that both are potentially relevant as it has not been announced that the company is no longer interested in them - but I do think that they are also the least likely out of the 8 on my list.
Nigeria marginal fields: I think that If the right marginal field was offered then the company would not say no but Zenith’s interest in the Nigerian marginal bids has probably been superseded by the other prospective Nigerian licenses that have been talked about. I think we will definitely acquire assets in Nigeria but from the way AC has talked in interviews the marginal fields definitely feel like a back-up option to me.
Fleet JV: The JV with Fleet oil I have no idea about really, so anything I say is just a guess. However, in the past these kind of partnerships for Zenith have never really come to anything so if I had to guess, then I would say that the JV is more likely to come to nothing than to something and that it would take Fleet coming to the table with a really, really good deal for this to go anywhere. I just think that Zenith have enough on their plate with their own projects really – but I would be happy to be proved wrong if the JV delivered something really big.
Nigeria marginal fields: I think that If the right marginal field was offered then the company would not say no but Zenith’s interest in the Nigerian marginal bids has probably been superseded by the other prospective Nigerian licenses that have been talked about. I think we will definitely acquire assets in Nigeria but from the way AC has talked in interviews the marginal fields definitely feel like a back-up option to me.
Fleet JV: The JV with Fleet oil I have no idea about really, so anything I say is just a guess. However, in the past these kind of partnerships for Zenith have never really come to anything so if I had to guess, then I would say that the JV is more likely to come to nothing than to something and that it would take Fleet coming to the table with a really, really good deal for this to go anywhere. I just think that Zenith have enough on their plate with their own projects really – but I would be happy to be proved wrong if the JV delivered something really big.
lets see how many of above these point AC will touch. If AC touched all above points in short and with concrete information I can see company above kr. 0.20.
No 3 is completed and gives rest to speculations of company is only on paper without any production.
No 3 is completed and gives rest to speculations of company is only on paper without any production.
08.07.2021 kl 14:50
The posponded 9th Jul meeting was to ensure ink dried on dotted lines of major news.
If it was any bad news they be obliged to report it, not to extend it.
As one who traded these types of shares before Im stunned the lack of interest and opportunity people forfeith.
If it was any bad news they be obliged to report it, not to extend it.
As one who traded these types of shares before Im stunned the lack of interest and opportunity people forfeith.
08.07.2021 kl 14:51
They sell oil theyv produced....who else those of those expectations compnaies?
08.07.2021 kl 15:54
Nigerian found 600 trillion cbft gas ....by mistake.....I like a fraction of that to happen here and you can all retire tomorrow.
08.07.2021 kl 17:01
These are the questions that I have sent to the company via the norway@zenithenergy.ca address. I hope to get some of them answered tomorrow.
1. How are things progressing with the potential assets in Nigeria? Originally we were looking to go for the marginal fields but from recent interviews I have got the impression that the company is now much more interested in other potential opportunities there. Is this the case? Also:
a. Can you give us an idea of how things are progressing with both sets of potential license acquisitions.
b. For both the marginal fields and the other potential opportunity can you give us an idea of the kind of oil production numbers that we could expect from these licenses?
2. If the first stage of the Tunisian work program is successful how much increased production should we expect and how much should the work program for this cost? When should we expect it to start?
3. How is the acquisition of SLK going – is there any progress in getting the regulatory approval for the transfer of ownership from the Tunisian govt.
4. How are we getting on with the negotiations for the renewal of the Tilapia license? The new country manager was appointed at the end of May – what progress has been made since then?
5. Assuming that we are granted the Tilapia license are we still on track to draw in Q3 2021 and since we are now generating revenue from our Tunisian operations, will we be able to fund this out of debt rather than equity?
6. Andrea has mentioned on a number of occasions that we are also discussing the acquisition of a second , third and maybe even fourth assets in Congo. Are there any updates that you can give on this?
7. Are there any updates on when we can expect repayment of SNPC $5.7 million?
8. When are we likely to get the CPR reserves report covering our new Tunisian assets released?
1. How are things progressing with the potential assets in Nigeria? Originally we were looking to go for the marginal fields but from recent interviews I have got the impression that the company is now much more interested in other potential opportunities there. Is this the case? Also:
a. Can you give us an idea of how things are progressing with both sets of potential license acquisitions.
b. For both the marginal fields and the other potential opportunity can you give us an idea of the kind of oil production numbers that we could expect from these licenses?
2. If the first stage of the Tunisian work program is successful how much increased production should we expect and how much should the work program for this cost? When should we expect it to start?
3. How is the acquisition of SLK going – is there any progress in getting the regulatory approval for the transfer of ownership from the Tunisian govt.
4. How are we getting on with the negotiations for the renewal of the Tilapia license? The new country manager was appointed at the end of May – what progress has been made since then?
5. Assuming that we are granted the Tilapia license are we still on track to draw in Q3 2021 and since we are now generating revenue from our Tunisian operations, will we be able to fund this out of debt rather than equity?
6. Andrea has mentioned on a number of occasions that we are also discussing the acquisition of a second , third and maybe even fourth assets in Congo. Are there any updates that you can give on this?
7. Are there any updates on when we can expect repayment of SNPC $5.7 million?
8. When are we likely to get the CPR reserves report covering our new Tunisian assets released?
08.07.2021 kl 18:23
Very good. I believe several of us have asked some of the same questions. In addition, it would be nice to know the status of the cooperation with Fleet oil and gas.