Viktig info om kristendøm å sex

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SEX 21.10.2018 kl 19:03 744 har viktig info alle må lese. F.eks:

"Are you saving yourself for your wedding night? The Devil wants you to fail, that’s why he puts stumbling blocks in your way. But God wants you to succeed, and that’s why he has given us an alternative to intercourse before marriage: anal sex. Through anal sex, you can satisfy your body’s needs, while you avoid the risk of unwanted pregnancy and still keep yourself pure for marriage. "

Artikkelen om fisting anbefales spesielt:

"On a symbolic and sexual level, a wife who is fisted by her husband has the experience of surrendering completely to the divine love and power of the Lord, as embodied by her partner’s hand. The husband in turn has the experience of touching and caressing her inwardly, in such a deep and intimate manner as God touches our own souls with His grace.

Powerful Yet Gentle

In the Song of Solomon, the Bible describes the act of fisting and the profound erotic bliss it induces: It is the voice of my beloved! He knocks, saying, "Open for me, my sister, my love, My dove, my perfect one”…My love thrust his hand through the opening, and my feelings were stirred for him. (Song of Solomon 5:2-4)"

Slettet bruker
21.10.2018 kl 19:25 739

Takk. Je tenker nok religiøn er large roads gett.
Slettet bruker
21.10.2018 kl 19:27 739

Og ordet kålhue blir igjen aktuelt se
Slettet bruker
21.10.2018 kl 23:15 721

Er du ue9 med teologien The He Cat?
Slettet bruker
22.10.2018 kl 00:35 704

Gulle god seksualopplysning se gett.
Slettet bruker
23.10.2018 kl 11:27 663

Je føretrekker dypt relisjøse damer se. Døm har noe ekstatisk over seg gett, akkerat som rem søker et kick.
Je hjelper døm gjerne je med litt håndspålegging m.m.
Slettet bruker
23.10.2018 kl 21:39 646

Når skal bryllupet stå, og hvilken trosretning har hun, metodist eller kanskje babtist. Har sett/hørt en babtist - dame tale i tunger. Ingen skjønte en skit. Men dere forstår sikkert hverandre, for mannen hennes oversatte. Lykke til.