FIVEPG 09.07.2021 kl 07:05 42921

0 suksess er priset inn. Det gir muligheter for hyggelig utvikling.
08.09.2021 kl 08:43 2566

så for at tranche 2 skal utløses så må selskapsverdien oppnå 60mill dollar. Det betyr en kurs på 4 pluss. Og dette kan skje innen 6 måneder. Tipper det skjer lenge før det. Hold på aksjene folkens.
08.09.2021 kl 08:42 2569

Ja, kom også flaggemelding:

This major shareholder announcement regarding 5th Planet Games A/S, Gothersgade 11, DK-1123 Copenhagen K, company reg. no. 33597142 (the “Company”) is made pursuant to section 38 of the Danish Capital Markets Act.

On 7 September 2021, Skybound Game Studios, Inc. ("Skybound") subscribed for 21,677,765 new shares of a nominal value of DKK 0.05 each in the Company, corresponding to 16.94 per cent. of the total share capital and voting rights.

Accordingly, Skybound holds directly 16.94 per cent. of the total share capital and voting rights of the Company. Bumbio LLC holds 70 per cent. of the share capital and voting rights of Skybound. Mr. Mango LLC holds 100 per cent. of the share capital and voting rights of Bumbio LLC.
08.09.2021 kl 08:29 2602

Dette blir spennende, og ting skjer raskt!
08.09.2021 kl 08:25 2619

Formelig hagler med børsmeldinger, nok en i dag:


Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by 5th Planet Games A/S ("5PG", OAX: FIVEPG) on 10 August 2021 regarding the signing of an investment agreement (the "Investment Announcement") pursuant to which Skybound Game Studios, Inc. ("Skybound") principally will make an aggregate cash investment of an amount in USD equivalent to NOK 92,515,500 over approximately two years and divided into four tranches in exchange for in aggregate 151,744,355 shares in 5PG, constituting in aggregate 58.8% of the outstanding shares in 5PG (the "Investment"). Reference is further made to the stock exchange announcements by 5PG on 7 September 2021 on, inter alia, the completion of the first tranche of the Investment. Following completion of the first tranche of the Investment, Skybound holds approximately 17% of the outstanding shares of 5PG and does not control 5PG.

With the first tranche of the Investment completed, Skybound shall under the Investment Agreement complete the second tranche of the Investment. As described in the Investment Announcement, Skybound is set to pass the threshold of one-third of the shares following the completion of the second tranche investment and become obliged to make a mandatory offer to all shareholders in 5PG for all issued shares under the Danish Capital Markets Act at the same price as in the second-tranche subscription (NOK 0.60968 per share of nominal DKK 0.05). Skybound shall subscribe for the shares in the second tranche no later than six months after completion of the first tranche of the investment, alternatively with the addition of 45 business days as further provided for under the Investment Agreement. Provided that Skybound become obliged to make a mandatory offer, complete information about offer and process will be provided as required under applicable law.

This notification is prepared and announced pursuant to the Norwegian act on securities trading section 6-8 first subsection the first and last sentence, that prescribes that an investor that pursuant to an agreement will become subject to an obligation to make a mandatory offer shall immediately notify Oslo Børs and that Oslo Børs shall make this notification public.
08.09.2021 kl 05:57 2639

Kom børsmelding i går kveld også:

COPENHAGEN, September 7, 2021: 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: 5PG) announces the granting of warrants to Henrik Nielsen as well as the company entering into a Strategic Advisor Agreement with Henrik Nielsen.

The warrants are granted under the warrant program covered by the authority pursuant to section 2.6 of 5th Planet Games' Articles of Association adopted at 5th Planet Games' General Meeting on September 7th, 2021.

Henrik Nielsen has been granted a total of 17,531,279 warrants split across "Initial Warrants" and "Milestone Warrants", all with an exercise price of NOK 0.91, corresponding to the average closing price over the latest 10 trading days.

The Initial Warrants comprise 7,069,064 warrants that will vest monthly with 1/36 warrants vesting per month. The Milestone Warrants comprise 10,462,215 warrants that have vested upon grant and will be exercisable in accordance with the following terms:
• 25% Milestone Warrants upon the Company having a market capitalization of USD 60,000,000 or more on a trading day based on the volume-weighted average price on such trading day as announced by Euronext Expand Oslo.
• 25% of the Milestone Warrants upon the Company having a market capitalization of USD 75,000,000 or more on a trading day based on the volume-weighted average price on such trading day as announced by Euronext Expand Oslo.
• 25% of the Milestone Warrants upon the Company having a market capitalization of USD 100,000,000 or more on a trading day based on the volume-weighted average price on such trading day as announced by Euronext Expand Oslo.
• 25% of the Milestone Warrants upon the Company having Market Capitalization of USD 125,000,000 or more on a trading day based on the volume-weighted average price on such trading day as announced by Euronext Expand Oslo.
07.09.2021 kl 16:36 2903

Kan hende, men det blir jo spekulasjoner. Har dog tenkt tanken selv iom at jeg arbeidet innen shipping en del år, men på den annen side er det litt merkverdig om han skulle ha snublet innom 5PG. Eller?
07.09.2021 kl 15:24 2945

Mange eventyr starter faktisk fremdeles med: "Det var en gang, ..." I Legoland startet også den folkekjære H.C. Andersen med noe tilsvarende...Vi får se, ingen kjenner morgendagen, men vi lever i et håp om at den kommer!
07.09.2021 kl 15:19 2926

Hold på aksjene! Dette blir stort
07.09.2021 kl 15:00 2947

Kom til og med en ny børsmelding:

COPENHAGEN, September 7, 2021: Reference is made to previous announcement by 5th
Planet Games A/S (the "Company") on August 10, 2021 and the Extraordinary
General Meeting held today (September 7, 2021) in 5th Planet Games A/S.

Further to the Extraordinary General Meeting resolutions earlier today, all
conditions to the investment agreement between the Company and Skybound Game
Studios, Inc. have now been satisfied and the tranche 1 capital-increase in the
Company equivalent to NOK 13,216,500, as described in the previous announcement,
has now been completed. Furthermore, Skybound has subscribed for the Investment
Warrants, the Milestone Warrants and the Indemnification warrants.
07.09.2021 kl 14:35 2929

Det var interessant lesning ja, får bruke litt tid på å se på endringene, men de fire største (bankene, i regi av depot muligens) har solgt seg noe ned, og UBS Switzerland har kjøpt seg noe opp. Dyvi, Østern og en del andre private aksjonærer (norske) har kjøpt seg ganske mye (eller en del) opp.

Og kanskje de som våkner i USA etter hvert, setter pris på det.
Redigert 07.09.2021 kl 14:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
Piggvar 2
07.09.2021 kl 13:51 2863

Nå kom også ny aksjonær-liste - for dem som synes den er en hyggelig lesning :)
Det kommer til å skje mye bra fremoer her - trenger ikke å være synsk en gang.....
07.09.2021 kl 13:34 2841

Dagens EGM var (som dere sikkert har forstått selv) bare en formalitet som måtte gjennomføres. Nå er det bare å vente på nyheter relatert til samarbeidet med Skybound :)
07.09.2021 kl 12:51 2870

Tror (håper) at det kan være hendelser av interesse her fremover. Regner nok ikke med at nye eiere sitter stille i båten uten å ta tak i selskapet fremover. Håper også at dette kan gi markedet en større interesse, kanskje også mer fokus over dammen for 5PG?? Uansett så tror jeg jeg dette vil gi en positiv spinn-off for aksjonærer. Du viser til Lego, som selvfølgelig er bra i seg selv, men eierne kommer nok inn med interessante ting selv etter hvert. Vi får krysse fingrene.
07.09.2021 kl 12:42 2857

Vel, de får en rimelig inngangsbillett - men tror du har rett i tankegangen bak. Selv kan jeg overhodet ingen ting om gaming, men merkevaret Lego har jeg litt sans for. Kanskje ikke Walt Disney, men sannelig ikke langt unna. Så dersom de to selskapene kan få dette til å klaffe om et Legospill (eller mange), så kan jeg ikke annet enn se at det vil ha noe (mye) for seg fremover. Men jeg har tatt feil før (ofte), og kommer sikkert til å gjøre det igjen! Jeg satser på Sareptas krukke, men frykter Pandoras eske.

PS. Og takk for ref.
Redigert 07.09.2021 kl 12:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.09.2021 kl 12:27 2855

Tror de er veldig interessert i 5th, og tror de vil helt klart kjøpe de opp etterhvert
07.09.2021 kl 12:24 2861

Søk gjerne på Greycroft, og Alpert er CEO i skybound
07.09.2021 kl 12:10 2863

Har du noe du kan dele mht info om vedkommende?
07.09.2021 kl 12:01 2883

Store ting skjer, Goldman og Albert i styret!
Piggvar 2
07.09.2021 kl 11:42 2902

Nå er også endelig Vikings fjernet fra nettsiden deres også - positve ting skjer også der :)
07.09.2021 kl 11:05 2942

Det har du muligens rett i, men det hadde (min oppfatning) sett relativt mørkt ut om det hadde blitt stemt nord og ned. Og 100% i favør er ganske unisont, for å si det mildt!
Redigert 07.09.2021 kl 11:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.09.2021 kl 10:42 2962

Stemmer det. Men tror ikke det kommer noe anna enn at den kom gjennom. Antar at kursen ikke blir påvirka.
07.09.2021 kl 10:36 2067

Da gikk stemmene våre i gjennom:

Decisions of Extraordinary General Meeting on September 7, 2021
COPENHAGEN, September 7, 2021: At the Extraordinary General Meeting held today
in 5th Planet Games A/S (the "Company"), it was decided to approve all

1. Proposal to increase the capital by a directed issue of shares (Tranche 1)
2. Proposal to increase the capital by a directed issue of shares (Tranche 2)
3. Proposal to increase the capital by a directed issue of shares (Tranche 3)
4. Proposal to issue certain warrants (Investment Warrants)
5. Proposal to issue certain warrants (Milestone Warrants)
6. Proposal to issue certain warrants (Indemnification Warrants)
7. Proposal to authorize the board of directors to issue certain warrants
8. Proposal to elect new members of the board of directors
9. Proposal to amend the articles of association

All proposals were approved with 100% of the votes present.
Full minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting are attached to this
publication and will be made available on the Company's website
07.09.2021 kl 10:30 2086

Nei, han har ikke vært i nærheten en gang...........
07.09.2021 kl 09:57 2135

loffen, har du noen gang hatt med post her med "aksjonær informativ verdi"? :)
07.09.2021 kl 09:41 2139

Tror du din stemme har noe å si...😁
07.09.2021 kl 09:32 2145

Når folk selger store alsjeposter er det en grunn...
.....eller hva...
07.09.2021 kl 09:27 2154

Det er all grunn for å være bekymret...Andre som deler dette synspunktet..
07.09.2021 kl 09:25 2159

Enig. Det er best når det er stille her på forumet. og ikke noe svada støy.

Kan man ikke joine EGM online?

07.09.2021 kl 09:24 2158

Har du noen gode argumenter da for at det er stille leken på forumet.
07.09.2021 kl 09:18 2165

Tror nok det er deg de/vi har gitt opp. Trenger ikke å bekymre deg for oss.