BWO - pengemaskinen ingen vil ha
Dette begynner smått å bli komisk.. Jeg kan per dags dato ikke finne et eneste selskap på børsen som er mer underpriset enn BWO. Til og med Jinhui må se seg slått her.. med oljepris på 70dollar skulle BWO glatt ha stått i 80. hvor er det frykten hviler blant folk der ute?
Redigert 03.08.2021 kl 16:05
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21.05.2022 kl 15:26
Er på vei til å våkne nå. Forserte 29, og nå kom godnyhet så da ser vi nok snart 35. (minst) Q-rapp 27. mai!
21.05.2022 kl 15:34
Det er vel helt klart forventet at disse opsjonene calles fortløpende gitt dagens oljepriser.
21.05.2022 kl 16:33
Tydeligvis ikke hvis man ser på kursen. Denne bekreftelse vil muligens medføre noe økt oppmerksomhet rundt selskapet
21.05.2022 kl 17:41
Er det noen som vet hvor man kan finne betingelsene for forlengelsesperioden? Antar det er bedre betalt enn for ett år siden... 🙂
23.05.2022 kl 14:39
Selskapet tjener formye! Det er bare selskaper innen oljeservice med store underskudd som stiger. Dess mindre solid selskapet er, dess bedre!
23.05.2022 kl 17:05
Er BWO blandt tilbyderne?
Upstream; " Petrobras eyes awarding trio of large Buzios FPSOs in single shot
Brazilian oil giant hopeful on signing major contracts for the P-80, P-82 and P-83 floaters
Brazilian state-controlled oil company Petrobras hopes to take advantage of a single bidding process to award multi-billion-dollar contracts for up to three large floating production, storage and offloading vessels destined for the giant Buzios field in the Santos basin.
After postponing the deadline by a couple of weeks, Petrobras is due to receive commercial bids on 30 May for the P-80 FPSO — the ninth of 12 planned units designed to develop massive recoverable volumes of pre-salt oil and gas in Buzios."
Upstream; " Petrobras eyes awarding trio of large Buzios FPSOs in single shot
Brazilian oil giant hopeful on signing major contracts for the P-80, P-82 and P-83 floaters
Brazilian state-controlled oil company Petrobras hopes to take advantage of a single bidding process to award multi-billion-dollar contracts for up to three large floating production, storage and offloading vessels destined for the giant Buzios field in the Santos basin.
After postponing the deadline by a couple of weeks, Petrobras is due to receive commercial bids on 30 May for the P-80 FPSO — the ninth of 12 planned units designed to develop massive recoverable volumes of pre-salt oil and gas in Buzios."
23.05.2022 kl 17:54
Det er mitt inntrykk også. Denne er ikke for risikoperverse. Og de er det mange av på OB.
23.05.2022 kl 18:14
Har den siste mnd vært usikker på om jeg skal sette pengene i andre aksjer siden dette har vært en prøvelse:) Har ikke funnet mye med bedre potensiale og derfor blitt så muligens fremover kan dette bli en bra aksje med stor oppside:) får håpe at vi får en sterk utvikling de nermeste ukene:)
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 18:15
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25.05.2022 kl 09:54
Fasten seatbelts , her vil det bli gode tider fremover, og god drahjelp fra BWE
25.05.2022 kl 10:12
Ikke hver dag dette tunge selskapet er på vinnerlista, hvem har sett morgendagens PPP ? Her blir kan det bli bonanza nyheter fra Brasil, sammen med BWE
25.05.2022 kl 11:02
Mener vi kan passere 50 før sommeren er forbi. Vi får se hva kvartalsrapporten sier om 2 dager
25.05.2022 kl 18:40
GF er torsdag kl. 1300, så de vil vell røpe litt på 1q på den. Godt å være ombord før himmelferden starter :)
25.05.2022 kl 18:44
Jeg har fridag på fredag så håper å få tatt en tidlig skål om rapporten er bra 🍷🍷
Har forøvrig knalltro på bwo, så jeg økte på min posisjon idag.
Har forøvrig knalltro på bwo, så jeg økte på min posisjon idag.
25.05.2022 kl 21:19
Samme her. Doblet innsatsen som var rel bra fra før. Er styrket i troen etter siste meglerhus oppdatering. Men Kursmål på 42 er nok alt for beskjedent.
Redigert 25.05.2022 kl 21:19
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26.05.2022 kl 14:58
Selskapet selv har som mål ikke å ha høyere gjeld enn 5,5 x ebitda. Dette tilsvarer pt 400 MUSD x 5,5 = 2200 MUSD. For øyeblikket er NIBD 550 MUSD, hvilken gir en differanse på 1650 MUSD. Denne differansen kunne tenkes å skulle reflekteres i kursen. 1650 MUSD tilsvarer 16 mrd NOK. Legger man på verdien av BW Ideol og BW Energy så er vi på 18 mrd, hvilket tilsvarer 100 kr per aksje. Litt avhengig av utviklingen i BWI og BWE mener jeg kursen bør stå nærmere 100 enn 50 før jeg selger en eneste av mine drøyt 100k aksjer.
26.05.2022 kl 17:56
BW Offshore: Awarded limited notice to proceed for Shell's Gato do Mato development in Brazil
= Pengemaskinen nå snart alle vil ha....
Awarded limited notice to proceed for Shell's Gato do Mato development in Brazil
BW Offshore is pleased to announce the award of a limited notice to proceed
(LNTP) by Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda (Shell) and its partners for early-stage
engineering and supplier reservations for the supply of an FPSO for the Gato do
Mato oil and gas field offshore Brazil.
The LNTP is valued up to USD 50 million. Upon completion of the LNTP, Shell and
its partners target to award a lease and operate contract to a consortium
comprising BW Offshore and Saipem S.p.A., which will be jointly responsible for
the engineering, procurement, construction, and installation (EPCI) of the FPSO
with expected delivery in 2026. The award is subject to the parties finalising
the commercial and pricing terms of the contract in view of the current
inflationary supply chain market and a final investment decision to proceed by
Shell and its partners.
The FPSO lease and operate contract will have a firm period of 18 years with
seven years of options.
"We have a clear strategy of developing and operating infrastructure type
floating production solutions with long-term contracts and investment grade
counterparties. Gato do Mato is a robust project meeting all our requirements,"
said Marco Beenen, the CEO of BW Offshore. "We will replicate the Barossa
project model, bringing in equity partners, and take it one step further by
partnering with Saipem for the EPCI phase to add execution capacity and
capabilities. We are very pleased to team up with Saipem and look forward to
building a long-term relationship with Shell and its partners in Brazil."
= Pengemaskinen nå snart alle vil ha....
Awarded limited notice to proceed for Shell's Gato do Mato development in Brazil
BW Offshore is pleased to announce the award of a limited notice to proceed
(LNTP) by Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda (Shell) and its partners for early-stage
engineering and supplier reservations for the supply of an FPSO for the Gato do
Mato oil and gas field offshore Brazil.
The LNTP is valued up to USD 50 million. Upon completion of the LNTP, Shell and
its partners target to award a lease and operate contract to a consortium
comprising BW Offshore and Saipem S.p.A., which will be jointly responsible for
the engineering, procurement, construction, and installation (EPCI) of the FPSO
with expected delivery in 2026. The award is subject to the parties finalising
the commercial and pricing terms of the contract in view of the current
inflationary supply chain market and a final investment decision to proceed by
Shell and its partners.
The FPSO lease and operate contract will have a firm period of 18 years with
seven years of options.
"We have a clear strategy of developing and operating infrastructure type
floating production solutions with long-term contracts and investment grade
counterparties. Gato do Mato is a robust project meeting all our requirements,"
said Marco Beenen, the CEO of BW Offshore. "We will replicate the Barossa
project model, bringing in equity partners, and take it one step further by
partnering with Saipem for the EPCI phase to add execution capacity and
capabilities. We are very pleased to team up with Saipem and look forward to
building a long-term relationship with Shell and its partners in Brazil."
Redigert 26.05.2022 kl 17:57
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26.05.2022 kl 18:05
Les gjerne dette sitatet noen ganger før børsåpning i morgen;
"We will replicate the Barossa project model, bringing in equity partners, and take it one step further by
partnering with Saipem for the EPCI phase to add execution capacity and capabilities. We are very pleased to team up with Saipem and look forward to
building a long-term relationship with Shell and its partners in Brazil."
Her blir det elleville år i Brazil.
Hva kommer next fra BWE? Kommer små drypp fra kjøpesenteret i Hamilton.
"We will replicate the Barossa project model, bringing in equity partners, and take it one step further by
partnering with Saipem for the EPCI phase to add execution capacity and capabilities. We are very pleased to team up with Saipem and look forward to
building a long-term relationship with Shell and its partners in Brazil."
Her blir det elleville år i Brazil.
Hva kommer next fra BWE? Kommer små drypp fra kjøpesenteret i Hamilton.
26.05.2022 kl 20:23
Det må vel kunne sies at er på grensen ja… noen som spår kurs i morgen,? Fart i oljeprisen også, men er vel begrenset hva den går på noen dager etter hverandre
26.05.2022 kl 20:42
USA går rett opp (2-3% opp), oljepris på 117 ( 3% opp) BWO får også god drahjelp fra BWE i morgen. Blir en ellevill fredda. 9% oppgang onsdag, ja PPP var ferdig redigert, men Saipem gikk 8,7%. Gode selskaper som leverer, har stor fremtid innen olje/offshore. Vår kjære næringsminster kastet vekk 300k på sponing(kjøpte seg fritt leide) av Extinction Rebellion...Heldigvis er BWO på kjøpesenter i Bermuda :)
26.05.2022 kl 20:54
Liker meget godt dagens overskrift til FA ;
"Rykker nærmere gigantisk avtale
BW Offshore er gitt klarsignal til å starte innledende forberedelser for et gigantisk FPSO-prosjekt i Brasil."
Kommer ikke nærmere en wake up call fra Bermuda....
"Rykker nærmere gigantisk avtale
BW Offshore er gitt klarsignal til å starte innledende forberedelser for et gigantisk FPSO-prosjekt i Brasil."
Kommer ikke nærmere en wake up call fra Bermuda....
26.05.2022 kl 21:14
BWO har lagt "død" lenge og har mye å ta igjen. Kan gå noe sinnsykt fremover. Ganske rask dobling etter mitt skjønn. Om nyhetene som forventes slåt til...
26.05.2022 kl 21:37
Ja, blir spennende.. men var forholdsvis sikker på at når Barossa kom at det skulle bli bevegelse, men det ble nok en skuffelse derfor tar jeg ingenting for gitt som BWO aksjonær…
26.05.2022 kl 21:43
BWO går videre på Shells Gato do Mato-utvikling i Brasil
BW Offshore er tildelt en begrenset avtale for å gå videre , en såkalt LNTP, for Shells Gato do Mato-prosjekt i Brasil. Det opplyser selskapet i en børsmelding.
Avtalen innebærer tidligfase ingeniørarbeid og reservasjoner hos leverandører for en flytende produksjons- og forsyningsenhet (FPSO) til olje- og gassfeltet på brasilianske sokkel. Kontrakten har en verdi på opptil 50 millioner dollar.
Etter at man er ferdig med LNTP-fasen er planen å gå videre med en drift- og leasingavtalen med et konsortium bestående av BW Offshore og Saipem for FPSO-en som har en ventet leveringsdato i 2026.
Redigert 26.05.2022 kl 21:44
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27.05.2022 kl 06:53
No livnar det i lunder, no lauvast det i li, og BWO'en e virkelig på gli...
27.05.2022 kl 07:35
BW Offshore: First quarter results 2022
First quarter results 2022
* EBITDA of USD 84.8 million
* Operating cashflow USD 147.9 million
* Equity ratio 35.9% and USD 409.1 million in available liquidity
* Annual dividend increased to include USD 20 million of BW Energy shares as
in-kind distribution
* Barossa FPSO project progressing as planned
* Awarded limited notice to proceed for Shell's Gato do Mato development in
* Agreement to divest the FPSO Polvo to BW Energy
* Contract extensions signed for BW Joko Tole and Espoir Ivoirien
* Recycling of FPSO Umuroa in compliance with Hong Kong convention
In the first quarter, BW Offshore continued to execute the Barossa FPSO project
according to plan. The gas and condensate FPSO project is approximately one-
third completed in line with schedule. BW Offshore has proactively locked in key
subcontractors for the Barossa FPSO to reduce risk, maintain schedule and
mitigate cost inflation as much as possible. The Company is in close dialogue
with its subcontractors and equipment providers to ensure early identification
and mitigation of potential challenges considering the further pressure on
global supply chains in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the
continued Covid-19 lockdowns in China.
"Our focus is on the safe and efficient execution of the Barossa project, we are
delivering on divestments on non-core units and we maintain good performance
from our core assets," said Marco Beenen, CEO of BW Offshore. "We are therefore
pleased to announce an increase in shareholder distributions as well as an
agreement to proceed with preparatory work for the supply of an FPSO for the
Gato do Mato development, a new infrastructure project which meets our
investment requirements of a long-term contract, investment grade counterparties
and an attractive partnership model."
Based on the Company's financial position and current business and liquidity
outlook, the Board of Directors of BW Offshore has decided to increase the
annual dividend to include USD 20 million of in-kind distribution of BW Energy
shares in addition to the annual USD 25 million cash dividend, both to be paid
on quarterly basis.
This equates to a quarterly cash dividend of USD 6.25 million, or USD 0.035 per
share, and an in-kind distribution of USD 5 million of BW Energy shares, equal
to 0.00890114228042 shares in BW Energy per share in BW Offshore based on a five
days volume weighted average price (VWAP) of NOK 29.94 leading up to 25 May
2022 and the currently outstanding 180,814,883 shares in BW Offshore. Shares in
BW Offshore will trade ex-dividend from and including 8 June 2022. Shareholders
recorded in VPS following the close of trading on Oslo Børs on 9 June 2022 will
be entitled to the cash and share distribution payable on or around 17 June
On 26 May, the Company announced the award of a limited notice to proceed (LNTP)
by Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda (Shell) and its partners for early-stage
engineering and supplier reservations for the supply of an FPSO for the Gato do
Mato oil and gas field offshore Brazil. Shell and its partners target to award a
lease and operate contract to a consortium comprising BW Offshore and Saipem
S.p.A., which will be jointly responsible for the engineering, procurement,
construction, and installation (EPCI) of the FPSO with expected delivery in
2026.The award is subject to the parties finalising the commercial and pricing
terms of the contract in view of the current inflationary supply chain situation
and a final investment decision to proceed by Shell and its partners. The FPSO
lease and operate contract will have a firm period of 18 years with seven years
of options.
EBITDA for the first quarter of 2022 was USD 84.8 million (USD 102.3 million in
Q4 2021). The reduction was mainly related to the announced sale of BW Joko
Tole. Although the sales transaction has not been closed, the agreement
stipulates that economic impact from and including first quarter would be for
the benefit of the buyer, and profit impact from BW Joko Tole has been
eliminated from the accounts.
EBIT for the first quarter was USD 30.4 million (negative USD 50.9 million in Q4
2021). Q4 2021 was impacted by impairment of USD 86.3 million, which has
resulted in lower depreciation of USD 12.6 million in the first quarter of 2022.
Net financial items were positive by USD 14.2 million. This is mainly driven by
significant positive mark to market (MTM) changes in interest rate hedges as
long-term interest rates have increased significantly during first quarter. BW
Offshore is well hedged on interest rates under all debt facilities.
Net contribution from BW Offshore's 27.5% ownership in BW Energy was USD 9.5
million (USD 23.7 million in Q4 2021). The company completed one lifting in the
quarter at USD 120 per barrel.
Net profit for first quarter was USD 46.3 million.
Total equity at 31 March 2022 was USD 1,079.3 million (USD 1021.4 million in Q4
2021). The equity ratio was 35.9% at the end of the quarter (33.9% in Q4 2021).
Net interest-bearing debt was USD 607.3 million (USD 653.4 million in Q4 2021).
Available liquidity was USD 409.1 million, excluding consolidated cash from BW
Ideol and including USD 175 million available to draw under the corporate loan
The FPSO fleet continued to deliver stable uptime in the quarter with a weighted
average fleet uptime of 94.9% (96.2% in Q4 2021).
In January, a one-year extension was signed for the lease and operation of ABO
FPSO until end of Q4 2022.
In March, BW Offshore received a one-year contract extension for the lease and
operation of the FPSO BW Joko Tole. The closing of the transaction to divest the
FPSO, previously announced, is expected shortly with handover to its new owners.
In March, Umuroa was sold for recycling in compliance with the Hong Kong
Convention at Baijnath Melaram shipyard in India. The sale generated USD 13.5
million in net liquidity. Grieg Green has been nominated as representative on
site at the yard to monitor progress, compliance with environmental and safety
regulations as well as proper application of the ship recycling plan. The FPSO
BW Cidade de São Vicente was sold for recycling in early February.
BW Energy announced in April that the Company will proceed with the Maromba
development project offshore Brazil. As part of this BW Offshore has signed an
agreement for the sale of the FPSO Polvo to BW Energy for a total consideration
of USD 50 million. The sale will be completed no later than 24 July 2023. BW
Energy has the option to complete the transaction before that date. If the
transaction is completed early, BW Energy will pay USD 30 million upon the
vessel transfer date, with the remaining USD 20 million provided as a seller's
credit by BW Offshore until settlement on 24 July 2023 at the latest. An
independent third-party valuation of the FPSO concluded that the sales price is
within a fair market value range.
In May, the contract for Espoir Ivoirien was extended until end of March 2023.
BW Offshore is actively pursuing opportunities in the energy transition. The
Company's primary investment is in offshore floating wind through the 53.2%
ownership of BW Ideol, a global market leader with more than ten years of
experience from design, execution and development of floating wind projects
based on proprietary and patented Damping Pool® technology and engineering
In January 2022, BW Ideol secured the rights to develop a floating offshore wind
farm with an approximate capacity of 1GW off the northeast coast of Scotland in
the ScotWind leasing round, as part of the partnership Floating Energy Allyance
(FEA). In April, FEA signed the formal option agreement for the development
according to plan, with site investigations and environmental studies as the
next major milestones before consent application.
In May, the EolMed partnership comprising Qair, TotalEnergies and BW Ideol, made
the final investment decision (FID) for its 30MW offshore floating wind
development. The Mediterranean Sea pilot wind farm is set to become one of the
first three floating offshore wind farms in France when it is commissioned in
mid-2024. It comprises three 10MW wind turbines, each mounted on BW Ideol's
patented floating steel foundations and connected to the Electricity
Transmission Network by a subsea cable. BW Ideol and Qair have cooperated on the
project since 2016 with Total joining the development consortium as 20% owner in
BW Offshore expects the core FPSO fleet to generate significant cash flow in the
time ahead. The firm contract backlog at end of March 2022 amounted to USD 6.3
billion, including the Barossa contract. With probable options, the backlog was
USD 7.5 billion at the end of the quarter.
The war in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic continue to affect global markets
through supply chain disruptions and inflation across a wide range of
commodities. The direct impact on operations from the pandemic has however
started to decrease. The higher energy prices from late 2021 and into 2022
reflect both improved market fundamentals as more nations normalise activity
levels in the wake of Covid-19, as well as concerns related to the security of
energy due to the war in Ukraine.
BW Offshore: First quarter results 2022
First quarter results 2022
* EBITDA of USD 84.8 million
* Operating cashflow USD 147.9 million
* Equity ratio 35.9% and USD 409.1 million in available liquidity
* Annual dividend increased to include USD 20 million of BW Energy shares as
in-kind distribution
* Barossa FPSO project progressing as planned
* Awarded limited notice to proceed for Shell's Gato do Mato development in
* Agreement to divest the FPSO Polvo to BW Energy
* Contract extensions signed for BW Joko Tole and Espoir Ivoirien
* Recycling of FPSO Umuroa in compliance with Hong Kong convention
In the first quarter, BW Offshore continued to execute the Barossa FPSO project
according to plan. The gas and condensate FPSO project is approximately one-
third completed in line with schedule. BW Offshore has proactively locked in key
subcontractors for the Barossa FPSO to reduce risk, maintain schedule and
mitigate cost inflation as much as possible. The Company is in close dialogue
with its subcontractors and equipment providers to ensure early identification
and mitigation of potential challenges considering the further pressure on
global supply chains in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the
continued Covid-19 lockdowns in China.
"Our focus is on the safe and efficient execution of the Barossa project, we are
delivering on divestments on non-core units and we maintain good performance
from our core assets," said Marco Beenen, CEO of BW Offshore. "We are therefore
pleased to announce an increase in shareholder distributions as well as an
agreement to proceed with preparatory work for the supply of an FPSO for the
Gato do Mato development, a new infrastructure project which meets our
investment requirements of a long-term contract, investment grade counterparties
and an attractive partnership model."
Based on the Company's financial position and current business and liquidity
outlook, the Board of Directors of BW Offshore has decided to increase the
annual dividend to include USD 20 million of in-kind distribution of BW Energy
shares in addition to the annual USD 25 million cash dividend, both to be paid
on quarterly basis.
This equates to a quarterly cash dividend of USD 6.25 million, or USD 0.035 per
share, and an in-kind distribution of USD 5 million of BW Energy shares, equal
to 0.00890114228042 shares in BW Energy per share in BW Offshore based on a five
days volume weighted average price (VWAP) of NOK 29.94 leading up to 25 May
2022 and the currently outstanding 180,814,883 shares in BW Offshore. Shares in
BW Offshore will trade ex-dividend from and including 8 June 2022. Shareholders
recorded in VPS following the close of trading on Oslo Børs on 9 June 2022 will
be entitled to the cash and share distribution payable on or around 17 June
On 26 May, the Company announced the award of a limited notice to proceed (LNTP)
by Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda (Shell) and its partners for early-stage
engineering and supplier reservations for the supply of an FPSO for the Gato do
Mato oil and gas field offshore Brazil. Shell and its partners target to award a
lease and operate contract to a consortium comprising BW Offshore and Saipem
S.p.A., which will be jointly responsible for the engineering, procurement,
construction, and installation (EPCI) of the FPSO with expected delivery in
2026.The award is subject to the parties finalising the commercial and pricing
terms of the contract in view of the current inflationary supply chain situation
and a final investment decision to proceed by Shell and its partners. The FPSO
lease and operate contract will have a firm period of 18 years with seven years
of options.
EBITDA for the first quarter of 2022 was USD 84.8 million (USD 102.3 million in
Q4 2021). The reduction was mainly related to the announced sale of BW Joko
Tole. Although the sales transaction has not been closed, the agreement
stipulates that economic impact from and including first quarter would be for
the benefit of the buyer, and profit impact from BW Joko Tole has been
eliminated from the accounts.
EBIT for the first quarter was USD 30.4 million (negative USD 50.9 million in Q4
2021). Q4 2021 was impacted by impairment of USD 86.3 million, which has
resulted in lower depreciation of USD 12.6 million in the first quarter of 2022.
Net financial items were positive by USD 14.2 million. This is mainly driven by
significant positive mark to market (MTM) changes in interest rate hedges as
long-term interest rates have increased significantly during first quarter. BW
Offshore is well hedged on interest rates under all debt facilities.
Net contribution from BW Offshore's 27.5% ownership in BW Energy was USD 9.5
million (USD 23.7 million in Q4 2021). The company completed one lifting in the
quarter at USD 120 per barrel.
Net profit for first quarter was USD 46.3 million.
Total equity at 31 March 2022 was USD 1,079.3 million (USD 1021.4 million in Q4
2021). The equity ratio was 35.9% at the end of the quarter (33.9% in Q4 2021).
Net interest-bearing debt was USD 607.3 million (USD 653.4 million in Q4 2021).
Available liquidity was USD 409.1 million, excluding consolidated cash from BW
Ideol and including USD 175 million available to draw under the corporate loan
The FPSO fleet continued to deliver stable uptime in the quarter with a weighted
average fleet uptime of 94.9% (96.2% in Q4 2021).
In January, a one-year extension was signed for the lease and operation of ABO
FPSO until end of Q4 2022.
In March, BW Offshore received a one-year contract extension for the lease and
operation of the FPSO BW Joko Tole. The closing of the transaction to divest the
FPSO, previously announced, is expected shortly with handover to its new owners.
In March, Umuroa was sold for recycling in compliance with the Hong Kong
Convention at Baijnath Melaram shipyard in India. The sale generated USD 13.5
million in net liquidity. Grieg Green has been nominated as representative on
site at the yard to monitor progress, compliance with environmental and safety
regulations as well as proper application of the ship recycling plan. The FPSO
BW Cidade de São Vicente was sold for recycling in early February.
BW Energy announced in April that the Company will proceed with the Maromba
development project offshore Brazil. As part of this BW Offshore has signed an
agreement for the sale of the FPSO Polvo to BW Energy for a total consideration
of USD 50 million. The sale will be completed no later than 24 July 2023. BW
Energy has the option to complete the transaction before that date. If the
transaction is completed early, BW Energy will pay USD 30 million upon the
vessel transfer date, with the remaining USD 20 million provided as a seller's
credit by BW Offshore until settlement on 24 July 2023 at the latest. An
independent third-party valuation of the FPSO concluded that the sales price is
within a fair market value range.
In May, the contract for Espoir Ivoirien was extended until end of March 2023.
BW Offshore is actively pursuing opportunities in the energy transition. The
Company's primary investment is in offshore floating wind through the 53.2%
ownership of BW Ideol, a global market leader with more than ten years of
experience from design, execution and development of floating wind projects
based on proprietary and patented Damping Pool® technology and engineering
In January 2022, BW Ideol secured the rights to develop a floating offshore wind
farm with an approximate capacity of 1GW off the northeast coast of Scotland in
the ScotWind leasing round, as part of the partnership Floating Energy Allyance
(FEA). In April, FEA signed the formal option agreement for the development
according to plan, with site investigations and environmental studies as the
next major milestones before consent application.
In May, the EolMed partnership comprising Qair, TotalEnergies and BW Ideol, made
the final investment decision (FID) for its 30MW offshore floating wind
development. The Mediterranean Sea pilot wind farm is set to become one of the
first three floating offshore wind farms in France when it is commissioned in
mid-2024. It comprises three 10MW wind turbines, each mounted on BW Ideol's
patented floating steel foundations and connected to the Electricity
Transmission Network by a subsea cable. BW Ideol and Qair have cooperated on the
project since 2016 with Total joining the development consortium as 20% owner in
BW Offshore expects the core FPSO fleet to generate significant cash flow in the
time ahead. The firm contract backlog at end of March 2022 amounted to USD 6.3
billion, including the Barossa contract. With probable options, the backlog was
USD 7.5 billion at the end of the quarter.
The war in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic continue to affect global markets
through supply chain disruptions and inflation across a wide range of
commodities. The direct impact on operations from the pandemic has however
started to decrease. The higher energy prices from late 2021 and into 2022
reflect both improved market fundamentals as more nations normalise activity
levels in the wake of Covid-19, as well as concerns related to the security of
energy due to the war in Ukraine.
27.05.2022 kl 07:36
The current high oil and gas prices have led the oil and gas industry to become
more active in progressing new field development projects. The Company expects
continued focus on long-term large field development initiatives with low break-
even costs and low carbon emissions. The Company maintains a selective approach
to such opportunities, progressing discussions on only a few high-end projects
which can be developed in partnership with global infrastructure investors. In
addition, activity tied to potential re-deployments has also increased, with a
particular focus on BW Opportunity.
BW Ideol is BW Offshore's vehicle for investment in floating offshore wind. The
company is progressing multiple projects supported by the funding from the
private placement in 2021.
BW Offshore seeks to optimise the asset portfolio and overall cost base. This
may include further divestments or recycling of FPSOs without contracts if
redeployment opportunities do not materialise. The recent asset divestments have
strengthened the Company's financial position and support growth into accretive
offshore energy projects and long-term value creation.
The current high oil and gas prices have led the oil and gas industry to become
more active in progressing new field development projects. The Company expects
continued focus on long-term large field development initiatives with low break-
even costs and low carbon emissions. The Company maintains a selective approach
to such opportunities, progressing discussions on only a few high-end projects
which can be developed in partnership with global infrastructure investors. In
addition, activity tied to potential re-deployments has also increased, with a
particular focus on BW Opportunity.
BW Ideol is BW Offshore's vehicle for investment in floating offshore wind. The
company is progressing multiple projects supported by the funding from the
private placement in 2021.
BW Offshore seeks to optimise the asset portfolio and overall cost base. This
may include further divestments or recycling of FPSOs without contracts if
redeployment opportunities do not materialise. The recent asset divestments have
strengthened the Company's financial position and support growth into accretive
offshore energy projects and long-term value creation.
27.05.2022 kl 07:53
Da tror jeg timingen for inngang er perfekt. Snudde opp 8% på bra volum på onsdag. Idag får vi godt resultat krydret med good News. Momentumet endelig på plass i BWO
27.05.2022 kl 08:02
Hyggelig å få seg noen Bwe aksjer, men hvorfor solgte Arnet?
Går jo glipp av mye penger han nå
Går jo glipp av mye penger han nå
27.05.2022 kl 08:53
Nå begynner det å trekke seg til her... :-)
Dersom posten i BWE bare skal deles ut til aksjonærene, så sitter alle aksjonærer på et forventet utbytte i BWE aksjer der hvor 2,5 aksjer i BWO gir rett til 1 aksje i BWE, grovt utregnet. Jeg er enig i styrets beslutning om å begynne å dele ut BWE-aksjer til aksjonærene da det er helt åpenbart at kursverdien i BWO ikke tar høyde for at selskapet sitter på 70 millioner aksjer i BWE. Bare å pøse de ut - jeg skal ta i mot.
Forøvrig så ser vi at nettogjelden er redusert ytterligere 46 MUSD dette kvartalet, noe som var forventet, men samtidig understreker den enormt solide finansielle posisjonen vi sitter i og som stadig styrkes med nesten en halv milliard hvert eneste kvartal. Samme takt har vedvart i flere år, og kan forventes med svært høy sannsynlighetsgrad i årene fremover.
Inntjening på 0,26 USD. Fortsetter det slik blir årets inntjening på en tikroning året sett under ett - og det er FØR Barossa er oppe, og FØR Gato do Mato. Bare å ta frem den store multiplikasjonstabellen når kursmålene skal settes fremover.
Summen er så bull som du kan få det.
Dersom posten i BWE bare skal deles ut til aksjonærene, så sitter alle aksjonærer på et forventet utbytte i BWE aksjer der hvor 2,5 aksjer i BWO gir rett til 1 aksje i BWE, grovt utregnet. Jeg er enig i styrets beslutning om å begynne å dele ut BWE-aksjer til aksjonærene da det er helt åpenbart at kursverdien i BWO ikke tar høyde for at selskapet sitter på 70 millioner aksjer i BWE. Bare å pøse de ut - jeg skal ta i mot.
Forøvrig så ser vi at nettogjelden er redusert ytterligere 46 MUSD dette kvartalet, noe som var forventet, men samtidig understreker den enormt solide finansielle posisjonen vi sitter i og som stadig styrkes med nesten en halv milliard hvert eneste kvartal. Samme takt har vedvart i flere år, og kan forventes med svært høy sannsynlighetsgrad i årene fremover.
Inntjening på 0,26 USD. Fortsetter det slik blir årets inntjening på en tikroning året sett under ett - og det er FØR Barossa er oppe, og FØR Gato do Mato. Bare å ta frem den store multiplikasjonstabellen når kursmålene skal settes fremover.
Summen er så bull som du kan få det.
27.05.2022 kl 09:12
Tallene er som ventet. De har masse cash, og enda mer er på vei gjennom salg av "non-core" enheter (husk at i kontantstrømmen ligger det USD76m i netto betaling / investering til Barossa). Økt utbytte gjennom å dele ut BWE-aksjer er meget smart. Da får de ut verdien, UTEN at det må tas hensyn til en rabatt. Mer fornøyde aksjonærer får de også.
De er MYE tydeligere i sin kommunikasjon, og man må være rimelig blind hvis man ikke ser at dette selskapet nå skal starte himmelferden. Jeg skulle fortsatt gjerne sett at de satt av litt penger til tilbakekjøp, men i sum gir jeg de klart bestått denne gangen - i motsetning til tidligere hvor jeg synes de har fremstått som grå og kjedelige (og der har nok markedet vært enig, ref svark utvikling i aksjekurs).
De er MYE tydeligere i sin kommunikasjon, og man må være rimelig blind hvis man ikke ser at dette selskapet nå skal starte himmelferden. Jeg skulle fortsatt gjerne sett at de satt av litt penger til tilbakekjøp, men i sum gir jeg de klart bestått denne gangen - i motsetning til tidligere hvor jeg synes de har fremstått som grå og kjedelige (og der har nok markedet vært enig, ref svark utvikling i aksjekurs).
Redigert 27.05.2022 kl 09:15
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27.05.2022 kl 09:33
Jeg har fulgt bwo LENGE, men dette er by far den beste rapporten jeg har sett. Q1 er en ting, men fremtidsutsiktene da! Ingen skjær i sjøen. De dobler i praksis utbytte (direkteavkastning på 8% med dagens kurs), vasser i cash, har kontroll på utgiftene og ser høy inntjening fremover!
Kanskje har aktørene som har presset kurs de siste to årene klart å skape en utålmodighet blant noen aksjonærer som selger i dag etter et par fine uker - men de kommer til å gråte blod i ukene og månedene som kommer.
Her blir snart meglerhusenes kursmål oppjustert, det er jeg rimelig sikker på!
Gratulerer til BWOere.
Kanskje har aktørene som har presset kurs de siste to årene klart å skape en utålmodighet blant noen aksjonærer som selger i dag etter et par fine uker - men de kommer til å gråte blod i ukene og månedene som kommer.
Her blir snart meglerhusenes kursmål oppjustert, det er jeg rimelig sikker på!
Gratulerer til BWOere.
27.05.2022 kl 11:20
Dagens fra Investtech/e24;
"BW Offshore har gått sidelengs lenge. Onsdag presset imidlertid positive investorer ekstra på, og kursen brøt over den tidligere motstanden ved 30 kroner i en stor rektangelformasjon.
Slike formasjoner varsler et positivt skifte i investormassen og tilsier en videre kursoppgang.
Ved reaksjoner tilbake har BW Offshore støtte fra 30 kroner og nedover."
Dette før dagens gladmelding....Tidligere kursmål på 42? Blir snart flyttet opp til 50-tallet.
Dette blir "pengemskinen ALLE vil ha" (overskriften må endres)
"BW Offshore har gått sidelengs lenge. Onsdag presset imidlertid positive investorer ekstra på, og kursen brøt over den tidligere motstanden ved 30 kroner i en stor rektangelformasjon.
Slike formasjoner varsler et positivt skifte i investormassen og tilsier en videre kursoppgang.
Ved reaksjoner tilbake har BW Offshore støtte fra 30 kroner og nedover."
Dette før dagens gladmelding....Tidligere kursmål på 42? Blir snart flyttet opp til 50-tallet.
Dette blir "pengemskinen ALLE vil ha" (overskriften må endres)
Redigert 27.05.2022 kl 11:21
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27.05.2022 kl 11:23
Bullfight skrev Pinlig at noen selger her nede.
Ja, jeg lurer på hvor de ser nedside nå... Rett og slett rart.
27.05.2022 kl 12:35
Bare fortsett og selg dere:
27.5.2022 07:46 • TDN Finans •
Kopier link
Oslo (TDN Direkt): BW Offshore venter at selskapets kjerneenheter i den eksisterende flåten vil fortsette å generere betydelig kontantstrøm i tiden fremover.
Det fremgår av selskapets kvartalsrapport fredag.
Selskapet hadde en FPSO-ordrereserve på 6,3 milliarder dollar inkludert Barossa-kontrakten ved utgangen av kvartalet. Med sannsynlige opsjoner var ordrereserven på 7,5 milliarder dollaren ved utgangen av kvartalet.
TDN Direkt Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
27.5.2022 07:46 • TDN Finans •
Kopier link
Oslo (TDN Direkt): BW Offshore venter at selskapets kjerneenheter i den eksisterende flåten vil fortsette å generere betydelig kontantstrøm i tiden fremover.
Det fremgår av selskapets kvartalsrapport fredag.
Selskapet hadde en FPSO-ordrereserve på 6,3 milliarder dollar inkludert Barossa-kontrakten ved utgangen av kvartalet. Med sannsynlige opsjoner var ordrereserven på 7,5 milliarder dollaren ved utgangen av kvartalet.
TDN Direkt Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
27.05.2022 kl 12:42
Har jeg forstått det riktig at BWO deler ut kvartalsvis 5mil BWE-aksjer, totalt 20mil BWE-aksjer i utbytte eller er det 20m usd?, ? BWO har nå 70mil aksjer i BWE ( 27%), mens BW Group har 96m (37%). BW Group vil da øke sin eierandeli BWE med totalt ca. 7,5m aksjer ? mens resten blir utbytte til oss øvrige?
Redigert 27.05.2022 kl 12:48
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27.05.2022 kl 13:06
Nei, de deler kvartalsvis ut aksjer verdt 5 MUSD. Det utgjør drøyt 1,6 mill aksjer per kvartal tror jeg (regnet litt kjapt ut før boarding her)
27.05.2022 kl 15:36
Ja det kan stemme, 1,65 mil aksjer pr.kvartal. Omsetning i dag, på stigende kurs ( 15% opp på to dager....) tilsier at Brazil-nyheten, og utbytteaksjene ble meget godt tatt imot av allmuen. I tillegg er det ganske gunstig for BWE, som vil få økt omsetning, og kanskje noen nye eiere. Spesielt Carnegie har spådd, og vil spå ny himmelferd med disse tallene. (Brazil er ikke helt i box enda, men du verden, carnegie spådde aksjekurs på 100kr etter Barosso)
Redigert 27.05.2022 kl 15:38
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27.05.2022 kl 18:06
Gode fremtidsutsikter for olje/offshore....
"Rystad: Oil And Gas Investment To Rise 20% In 2022
Rystad: Global oil and gas investment is set to rise by 20% this year.
In the United States, investment in shale is set to increase by 35%.
Oil frontiers like Guyana, Brazil, West-Africa and Australia are also expected to see a major uptick in investment."
BWO/FPSO har banket store kontrakter i Australia og Brazil... say no more...
"Rystad: Oil And Gas Investment To Rise 20% In 2022
Rystad: Global oil and gas investment is set to rise by 20% this year.
In the United States, investment in shale is set to increase by 35%.
Oil frontiers like Guyana, Brazil, West-Africa and Australia are also expected to see a major uptick in investment."
BWO/FPSO har banket store kontrakter i Australia og Brazil... say no more...
27.05.2022 kl 18:23
klimaxtremistene (XR) får passet påskrevet av oljesjæfen( Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, fra lykkelandet Qatar, kan bli spennende om Vestre-sponesede XR våger seg ned dit);
"For years, Western countries have been pushing for an end to oil and gas, and now they are reaping what they sow"
"There was a build-up of countries pushing for the [energy] transition in a hard way,"
Olje/offshore vil gå som det suser de kommende år :)
"For years, Western countries have been pushing for an end to oil and gas, and now they are reaping what they sow"
"There was a build-up of countries pushing for the [energy] transition in a hard way,"
Olje/offshore vil gå som det suser de kommende år :)
28.05.2022 kl 08:42
TS, kansje endre headingen til :BWO en pengemaskin alle vil ha ):
28.05.2022 kl 13:20
Hei, ja jeg ser det er mange som mener at tittel bør endres. Man er ikke så godt vant som BWO aksjonær så når den stiger et par dager så er det lett å miste fotfeste ;)
Saken er den at selskapet drar inn så mye penger at de ikke helt vet hvordan de skal håndtere det. Riktignok har BWO steget et par dager nå, dette både pga sektor og pga potensielt særdeles lukrativ avtale, men tatt i betraktning at kursen på aksjen på langt nær gjenspeiler verdien så er det etter mitt syn ingen grunn til å endre heading før vi ser en dobling av kurs :)
Saken er den at selskapet drar inn så mye penger at de ikke helt vet hvordan de skal håndtere det. Riktignok har BWO steget et par dager nå, dette både pga sektor og pga potensielt særdeles lukrativ avtale, men tatt i betraktning at kursen på aksjen på langt nær gjenspeiler verdien så er det etter mitt syn ingen grunn til å endre heading før vi ser en dobling av kurs :)
28.05.2022 kl 14:48
Noen andre som la merke til at Arnet stod oppført som proxy holder representing 1 310 000 shares på generalforsamlingen?