Digitala RMB with IDEX
Digitala RMB vinter -OS,bwkx-202108-4737378.htm Central Banks Operation Management Department: Marknadsför det digitala RMB vinter -OS -pilotprogrammet och påskynda pilotarbetet för att uppnå fullständig täckning av scenarier 0 Minska text2021-08-05 22:34:19 Källa: Shanghai Securities News · China Securities Net Författare: Huang Zihao Shanghai Securities News China Securities News (Reporter Huang Zihao) Business Management Department i People"s Bank of China höll en arbetskonferens för andra halvan av 2021 den 5 augusti. Mötet begärde att Vinter -OS i Peking har gått ner till en egentlig strid, och det är nödvändigt att göra allt för att sprinta Vinter -OS: s betalningsmiljö. Vi kommer stadigt att avancera den digitala RMB -vinter -OS -scenpiloten, stärka kommunikationen och samordningen med lokala myndigheter under den övergripande samordningen av huvudkontorets FoU -arbetsgrupp, fortsätta att stärka vertikal och horisontell kommunikation och påskynda främjandet av digitalt RMB -pilotarbete för att uppnå fullständig täckning av scenarier. Mötet krävde en ständig fördjupning av inrättandet av en centralbank under rättsstatsprincipen. Stärka styrningen av finansiella data och statistisk övervakning och analys. Fortsätt att främja genomförandet av politiken för sänkning av betaltjänstavgifter och träda i kraft. Omfattande förbättra effektiviteten av arbetet mot penningtvätt. Främja högkvalitativ utveckling av kreditutredningsindustrin. Fortsätt att marknadsföra pilotprojekt för finansiell teknik och big data -applikationer. Främja omvandlingen av valuta-, guld- och silver- och försvarsverksamhet. Marknadsföra finansiella tjänster och förvaltning på hög nivå. Förbättra skyddsnivån för finansiella konsumenters rättigheter. Effektivt förbättra beslutsnivån för forskningstjänster. Mötet begärde att allvarligt genomföra kraven från huvudkontoret för det gröna finansiella systemet, samarbeta fullt ut för att främja genomförandet av verktyg för att minska koldioxidutsläpp och utforska avslöjandet av information om koldioxidutsläpp. Fördjupad utveckling av "Beijing Green Gold Action Year" -aktiviteterna, främja genomförandet av den gröna ekonomiska utvärderingsplanen och stärka den inriktade tillämpningen av utvärderingsresultat. Planen att främja skapandet av en pilotzon för gröna finansreformer godkändes så snart som möjligt. Stärka utredning och forskning om viktiga frågor om grön finans.,bwkx-202108-4737378.htm Central Banks Operation Management Department: Marknadsför det digitala RMB vinter -OS -pilotprogrammet och påskynda pilotarbetet för att uppnå fullständig täckning av scenarier 0 Minska text2021-08-05 22:34:19 Källa: Shanghai Securities News · China Securities Net Författare: Huang Zihao Shanghai Securities News China Securities News (Reporter Huang Zihao) Business Management Department i People"s Bank of China höll en arbetskonferens för andra halvan av 2021 den 5 augusti. Mötet begärde att Vinter -OS i Peking har gått ner till en egentlig strid, och det är nödvändigt att göra allt för att sprinta Vinter -OS: s betalningsmiljö. Vi kommer stadigt att avancera den digitala RMB -vinter -OS -scenpiloten, stärka kommunikationen och samordningen med lokala myndigheter under den övergripande samordningen av huvudkontorets FoU -arbetsgrupp, fortsätta att stärka vertikal och horisontell kommunikation och påskynda främjandet av digitalt RMB -pilotarbete för att uppnå fullständig täckning av scenarier. Mötet krävde en ständig fördjupning av inrättandet av en centralbank under rättsstatsprincipen. Stärka styrningen av finansiella data och statistisk övervakning och analys. Fortsätt att främja genomförandet av politiken för sänkning av betaltjänstavgifter och träda i kraft. Omfattande förbättra effektiviteten av arbetet mot penningtvätt. Främja högkvalitativ utveckling av kreditutredningsindustrin. Fortsätt att marknadsföra pilotprojekt för finansiell teknik och big data -applikationer. Främja omvandlingen av valuta-, guld- och silver- och försvarsverksamhet. Marknadsföra finansiella tjänster och förvaltning på hög nivå. Förbättra skyddsnivån för finansiella konsumenters rättigheter. Effektivt förbättra beslutsnivån för forskningstjänster. Mötet begärde att allvarligt genomföra kraven från huvudkontoret för det gröna finansiella systemet, samarbeta fullt ut för att främja genomförandet av verktyg för att minska koldioxidutsläpp och utforska avslöjandet av information om koldioxidutsläpp. Fördjupad utveckling av "Beijing Green Gold Action Year" -aktiviteterna, främja genomförandet av den gröna ekonomiska utvärderingsplanen och stärka den inriktade tillämpningen av utvärderingsresultat. Planen att främja skapandet av en pilotzon för gröna finansreformer godkändes så snart som möjligt. Stärka utredning och forskning om viktiga frågor om grön finans.
05.09.2021 kl 17:42
Har du et bilde som ikke er CGI? For den sensoren der ser ikke ut som en Idex sensor, siden den er tegnet mindre enn EMV kontakt plate.
Idex sensorer er større, den i linken liggner mer på en Elan sensor.
Idex sensorer er større, den i linken liggner mer på en Elan sensor.
05.09.2021 kl 15:29
Johnny_81 skrev Fantastisk :-) Har du link?
All in one card som kan användas på flera områden
Det kortet med IDEX finns nånstans både med Digital Wallet och vanlig biometric kort med positionenering
Fanns en bild på twitter 😋
All in one card som kan användas på flera områden
Det kortet med IDEX finns nånstans både med Digital Wallet och vanlig biometric kort med positionenering
Fanns en bild på twitter 😋
Redigert 05.09.2021 kl 15:45
Du må logge inn for å svare
05.09.2021 kl 10:51
Today we are working with over 40 major players as we recognize that embedding biometric technology into smart cards and devices is not simple, so we make it a painless process by having everything already set-up and tried and tested.
Some of our partners include:
CEC Huada Electronic Design Co.,Ltd– HED is the largest Chinese SE company, with a dominant position across several verticals, including national ID, social security, banking cards, and ships more than 1.5 billion pieces annually
Chutian Dragon Co.,Ltd– one of Asia’s largest smart card manufacturers
Dongwoon Anatech– a specialist inlay and biometric algorithm supplier in Asia
Feitian Technologies Co.,Ltd– one of China’s largest smart card integrators and in recent years has established itself as a leading manufacturer of high-volume pre-lam inlays
Goldpac Group Ltd– one of the five largest card integrators globally, and the only secure payment solution provider in China to hold simultaneous certifications by China UnionPay, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, JCB and Diners
Hengbao– one of the biggest card companies based in China, covering the banking, telecoms and security sectors
IDEMIA– the global leader in Augmented Identity, provides a trusted environment enabling citizens and consumers alike to perform their daily critical activities (such as pay, connect and travel), in the physical as well as digital space
Infineon Technologies AG– the global leader in smart card payment solutions
Quest Payment Systems– Australia’s largest full-service payment technology supplier
Shenzhen Excelsecu Data Technology Co.,Ltd– a leading Chinese supplier and solution provider of data security
Sian Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd– a leading Chinese smart card manufacturer, specializing in the development, design, manufacturing and sale of dual-interface smart cards
Silone Cardtech– a leading smart card integrator specializing in the development, design, manufacturing and sale of high quality dual-interface smart cards
Tongxin Microelectronics Co.,Ltd– a major secure element vendor in China focusing on the smart card industry
Visionox– China’s largest OLED display manufacturer
XH Smartcard– the leading provider of solutions on IoT and blockchain technologies which are both data user and data centric
Zwipe – Zwipe is a technology solution provider that enables battery-less, ultra-low-power, self-contained biometric authentication solutions.
Some of our partners include:
CEC Huada Electronic Design Co.,Ltd– HED is the largest Chinese SE company, with a dominant position across several verticals, including national ID, social security, banking cards, and ships more than 1.5 billion pieces annually
Chutian Dragon Co.,Ltd– one of Asia’s largest smart card manufacturers
Dongwoon Anatech– a specialist inlay and biometric algorithm supplier in Asia
Feitian Technologies Co.,Ltd– one of China’s largest smart card integrators and in recent years has established itself as a leading manufacturer of high-volume pre-lam inlays
Goldpac Group Ltd– one of the five largest card integrators globally, and the only secure payment solution provider in China to hold simultaneous certifications by China UnionPay, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, JCB and Diners
Hengbao– one of the biggest card companies based in China, covering the banking, telecoms and security sectors
IDEMIA– the global leader in Augmented Identity, provides a trusted environment enabling citizens and consumers alike to perform their daily critical activities (such as pay, connect and travel), in the physical as well as digital space
Infineon Technologies AG– the global leader in smart card payment solutions
Quest Payment Systems– Australia’s largest full-service payment technology supplier
Shenzhen Excelsecu Data Technology Co.,Ltd– a leading Chinese supplier and solution provider of data security
Sian Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd– a leading Chinese smart card manufacturer, specializing in the development, design, manufacturing and sale of dual-interface smart cards
Silone Cardtech– a leading smart card integrator specializing in the development, design, manufacturing and sale of high quality dual-interface smart cards
Tongxin Microelectronics Co.,Ltd– a major secure element vendor in China focusing on the smart card industry
Visionox– China’s largest OLED display manufacturer
XH Smartcard– the leading provider of solutions on IoT and blockchain technologies which are both data user and data centric
Zwipe – Zwipe is a technology solution provider that enables battery-less, ultra-low-power, self-contained biometric authentication solutions.
007 James Bond
04.09.2021 kl 16:44
Vi får tro at all optimismen som kommer fram her på HO i helga blir lest av pengemafiaen, så vi unngår et dumpingsalg på mandag, etter det absurde aksjesalget utført av Swipes styreformann.
Helt på jordet at en styreformann lemper ut aksjer i et firma som etter alle solemerker skal være på oppløpssiden.
Han sår nå stor tvil om dette er tilfelle. Tvil er gift i aksjemarkedet.
Helt på jordet at en styreformann lemper ut aksjer i et firma som etter alle solemerker skal være på oppløpssiden.
Han sår nå stor tvil om dette er tilfelle. Tvil er gift i aksjemarkedet.
04.09.2021 kl 11:05
The latest technological achievements of the digital renminbi will be unveiled at the 2021 Service Trade Fair
Shanghai Securities News
09-01 07:55
The "black technology" behind the digital renminbi will be showcased at the Service Trade Fair. A reporter from Shanghai Securities News learned yesterday that the 2021 China International Trade in Services Fair Financial Services Exhibition will be held in Beijing Shougang Park from September 3 to 7. , Tencent, JD, Huawei, Ziguang Guowei, Huada Electronics, Hengbao Co., Ltd. and other institutions have joined forces to create a "Digital Finance Demonstration Zone."
It is understood that Hengbao, a representative of a domestic enterprise that provides technical solutions and smart hardware for digital renminbi, will focus on displaying digital renminbi application products and scenario solutions at this service trade fair financial services exhibition. In order to solve the inconvenience caused by the "digital divide" to certain groups of people when paying, Hengbao has developed a series of passive visual wallets, convenient sticker wallets, wearable wallets and other products to meet the differentiated needs of the public. So far, good user experience feedback has been obtained.
Combining the needs of various scenarios, Hengbao has realized the transformation of the digital renminbi application in the smart park in accordance with the technical specifications and requirements of the digital renminbi, and has taken the lead in implementing the digital park all-in-one card solution in Changsha Bank. At the same time, in the rail transit and public transportation application scenarios where the flow of people is huge and the frequency of using digital renminbi is extremely high, Hengbao Co., Ltd. is also actively engaged in in-depth cooperation and technology research and development exploration with multiple public transportation card companies, and develops digital renminbi technology in digital transportation. Feasibility study to reserve solid technical strength for the online hard wallet.
Ziguang Tongxin, a subsidiary of Ziguang Guowei, will also participate in this exhibition, and Ziguang Tongxin's digital RMB solution and its latest technological achievements will be unveiled for the first time. Zou Zhongren, vice president of marketing at Unisex Tongxin, said that since the People’s Bank of China released the digital renminbi project, Ziguang Tongxin has deeply felt the importance of improving innovation capabilities in key digital fields and consolidating the foundation for the development of the digital economy. Therefore, a special R&D team has been formed to undertake digital RMB hardware. Wallet standard construction and security testing laboratory construction work, responsible for the underlying security design and technical support of the security chip of the hardware wallet.
In addition, will showcase its supply chain + scenario + technology service practices in the digital RMB pilot process. According to reports, is the first batch of technology companies to cooperate with the Institute of Digital RMB in the digital renminbi pilot work, and the first batch of technology companies to cooperate with all six major banks. Supplier partners such as Chongqing New Goodaymart paid for the goods in digital RMB.'s payment product "E-Qpay" has also supported the use of digital RMB for inter-enterprise payments.
Shanghai Securities News
09-01 07:55
The "black technology" behind the digital renminbi will be showcased at the Service Trade Fair. A reporter from Shanghai Securities News learned yesterday that the 2021 China International Trade in Services Fair Financial Services Exhibition will be held in Beijing Shougang Park from September 3 to 7. , Tencent, JD, Huawei, Ziguang Guowei, Huada Electronics, Hengbao Co., Ltd. and other institutions have joined forces to create a "Digital Finance Demonstration Zone."
It is understood that Hengbao, a representative of a domestic enterprise that provides technical solutions and smart hardware for digital renminbi, will focus on displaying digital renminbi application products and scenario solutions at this service trade fair financial services exhibition. In order to solve the inconvenience caused by the "digital divide" to certain groups of people when paying, Hengbao has developed a series of passive visual wallets, convenient sticker wallets, wearable wallets and other products to meet the differentiated needs of the public. So far, good user experience feedback has been obtained.
Combining the needs of various scenarios, Hengbao has realized the transformation of the digital renminbi application in the smart park in accordance with the technical specifications and requirements of the digital renminbi, and has taken the lead in implementing the digital park all-in-one card solution in Changsha Bank. At the same time, in the rail transit and public transportation application scenarios where the flow of people is huge and the frequency of using digital renminbi is extremely high, Hengbao Co., Ltd. is also actively engaged in in-depth cooperation and technology research and development exploration with multiple public transportation card companies, and develops digital renminbi technology in digital transportation. Feasibility study to reserve solid technical strength for the online hard wallet.
Ziguang Tongxin, a subsidiary of Ziguang Guowei, will also participate in this exhibition, and Ziguang Tongxin's digital RMB solution and its latest technological achievements will be unveiled for the first time. Zou Zhongren, vice president of marketing at Unisex Tongxin, said that since the People’s Bank of China released the digital renminbi project, Ziguang Tongxin has deeply felt the importance of improving innovation capabilities in key digital fields and consolidating the foundation for the development of the digital economy. Therefore, a special R&D team has been formed to undertake digital RMB hardware. Wallet standard construction and security testing laboratory construction work, responsible for the underlying security design and technical support of the security chip of the hardware wallet.
In addition, will showcase its supply chain + scenario + technology service practices in the digital RMB pilot process. According to reports, is the first batch of technology companies to cooperate with the Institute of Digital RMB in the digital renminbi pilot work, and the first batch of technology companies to cooperate with all six major banks. Supplier partners such as Chongqing New Goodaymart paid for the goods in digital RMB.'s payment product "E-Qpay" has also supported the use of digital RMB for inter-enterprise payments.
07.08.2021 kl 13:51
Patent senaste året Fred Benkley and IDEX Chief Innovation Officer
06.08.2021 kl 08:41
Jul 21, 2021 at 8:00 a.m.
Updated Jul 21, 2021 at 3:38 p.m.
Insurer Pingan Issues Digital Yuan COVID-19 Policies for Medical Staff: Report
Chinese insurance giant Pingan issued insurance policies using the digital yuan in the eastern city of Shenzhen, pushing trials for the central bank digital currency further into the financial services sector.
Pingan's local subsidiary has developed a COVID-19 insurance plan for medical staff in Shenzhen's Nanshan district. Users who pay their premiums in e-CNY can receive discounts, the Shenzhen Special Zone Daily reported.
The policy covers 300,000 yuan ($46,342) for death caused by the coronavirus, 50,000 ($7,723) yuan for a COVID-19 diagnosis and 50,000 yuan for accidental death.
While this is not the first time the digital RMB has been tested in the insurance sector, it is likely the first time an e-CNY insurance trial has been open to the public.
In December, local media reported that some digital yuan trial participants could use the digital yuan to buy insurance on Zhong An's app. That trial was conducted in collaboration with China Construction Bank. Zhong An is an online insurance provider.
Pingan will continue to test the use of the digital yuan in insurance payments and claims settlement, a person familiar with the matter told Shenzhen Special Zone Daily.
China's digital RMB has so far been tested in a variety of retail scenarios, such as merchant payments and metro systems, as well as with payrolls.
As of the end of June, 34.5 billion yuan ($5 billion) had been processed in 70.8 million digital yuan transactions, the People's Bank of China said last week.
Updated Jul 21, 2021 at 3:38 p.m.
Insurer Pingan Issues Digital Yuan COVID-19 Policies for Medical Staff: Report
Chinese insurance giant Pingan issued insurance policies using the digital yuan in the eastern city of Shenzhen, pushing trials for the central bank digital currency further into the financial services sector.
Pingan's local subsidiary has developed a COVID-19 insurance plan for medical staff in Shenzhen's Nanshan district. Users who pay their premiums in e-CNY can receive discounts, the Shenzhen Special Zone Daily reported.
The policy covers 300,000 yuan ($46,342) for death caused by the coronavirus, 50,000 ($7,723) yuan for a COVID-19 diagnosis and 50,000 yuan for accidental death.
While this is not the first time the digital RMB has been tested in the insurance sector, it is likely the first time an e-CNY insurance trial has been open to the public.
In December, local media reported that some digital yuan trial participants could use the digital yuan to buy insurance on Zhong An's app. That trial was conducted in collaboration with China Construction Bank. Zhong An is an online insurance provider.
Pingan will continue to test the use of the digital yuan in insurance payments and claims settlement, a person familiar with the matter told Shenzhen Special Zone Daily.
China's digital RMB has so far been tested in a variety of retail scenarios, such as merchant payments and metro systems, as well as with payrolls.
As of the end of June, 34.5 billion yuan ($5 billion) had been processed in 70.8 million digital yuan transactions, the People's Bank of China said last week.
06.08.2021 kl 08:27
By planning and building an infrastructure for mass digital payments, online or offline, China will be providing a solution for the millions of unbanked and underbanked people in China. The card-based digital wallet initiative is intended to be especially beneficial to the nearly 45% of the Chinese population who do not have access to a smartphone, thereby helping to narrow the digital divide in financial services. China’s six largest banks began multi-city trials of Digital Currency/Electronic Payment in December 2020, with enthusiastic consumer response. A mandate to deploy digital currency in time for the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022 will continue to drive the pace of rapid development.
Redan vid Oct 7, 2020 ( Då läste jag 512000 pilot personer i nån artikel :-)
The trials have expanded to Beijing, the Yangtze River Delta region, the provinces of Tianjin, Hebei and Guangdong, and the cities of Hong Kong and Macau, the country’s Commerce Ministry said in August, and they could roll out to central and western China in the future.
Among the digital yuan’s corporate partners are Alibaba e-commerce competitor, the Tencent-backed Didi Chuxing ride-sharing, Meituan-Dianping food delivery and Bilibili video-streaming apps, and six other state-owned Chinese banks, it has been reported.
Redan vid Oct 7, 2020 ( Då läste jag 512000 pilot personer i nån artikel :-)
The trials have expanded to Beijing, the Yangtze River Delta region, the provinces of Tianjin, Hebei and Guangdong, and the cities of Hong Kong and Macau, the country’s Commerce Ministry said in August, and they could roll out to central and western China in the future.
Among the digital yuan’s corporate partners are Alibaba e-commerce competitor, the Tencent-backed Didi Chuxing ride-sharing, Meituan-Dianping food delivery and Bilibili video-streaming apps, and six other state-owned Chinese banks, it has been reported.
Redigert 06.08.2021 kl 08:37
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