08.11.2021 kl 05:43 8034

oppgang er startet slik som det ser ut nå, alt skjer på relativt greit volum, og XRP klatrer sakte oppover. 75 mil dollar omsatt på Binance i siste 24 timer,
09.11.2021 kl 20:19 7837

Da er i enda en steg videre👏
Fintech firm Ripple has announced plans to launch ‘Liquidity Hub,’ a product that will enable enterprise clients to access cryptocurrencies from global exchanges, market makers, and over-the-counter (OTC) platforms.
12.11.2021 kl 18:27 7524

XRP passer bra til formålet😀😀
14.11.2021 kl 13:46 7361

«The Ripple price analysis suggests that the midterm indicators are bullish and gives an indication for improvement over time, but the short-term indications are bearish and hint at the downwards trend to continue for the coming hours, as the bullish efforts for breaking through the current price level have failed, and the coin needs more consolidation for a further move higher.»

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21.11.2021 kl 09:38 7130

«The ledger has increased the volume of its daily active addresses from about 11.3 thousand daily to the recent peak high at 142.7 thousand, an over 11x increase in activity during this time.«helt utrolig at XRP prises slik som han prises idag
Slettet bruker
22.11.2021 kl 01:36 6948

Får håpe det snart skjer noe. Må innrømme jeg begynner å bli litt lei av å se verdien i xrp stadig krympe. Fortsatt all inn xrp
22.11.2021 kl 08:03 6866

Rettssaken skal vel avgjøres i Mars 2022 hvis ikle de kommer til enighet før.
22.11.2021 kl 10:06 6800

Det er bare et tidsspørsmål før dette eksploderer. Om det tar en uke eller to-tre måneder er ikke lett å si, men det kommer.
Det er så mye positivt som skjer rundt Ripple og XRP, til og med JP Morgan er positive til XRP. Det har jeg aldri hørt før.

Det kommer.......
22.11.2021 kl 20:25 6733

En med litt større lommebok som er blitt utålmodig, går noe dager vis denne skal ut i markedet….jeg sitter rolig, siste kjøp ble gjort på 1,17 nå venter med par ordrer vis den kommer under 1 tilfeldig😀
«Last Friday, the Whale Alert transaction tracking service detected a large transaction made by an anonymous wallet. The transaction carried $100 million worth of XRP to centralized exchange Bithumb. The fate of the transacted coins is undisclosed. However, the market has not reacted to the massive transaction, leaving the price of the coin unchanged. According to CoinMarketCap, XRP is trading at around $1.05.»
25.11.2021 kl 21:30 6535

Over the year, Ripple executives shared insights on the case and its impact on business. Garlinghouse stated that Ripple’s expansion to the Asia-Pacific region was undamaged by the SEC lawsuit. The CEO also mentioned that the company is looking at a possible initial public offering as soon as the case is settled.
29.11.2021 kl 02:24 6370
The lawsuit that began last December could soon come to an end, according to Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse.
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse told CNBC this week that his crypto company’s legal contest with regulators could soon come to a close.

Garlinghouse said that the case is “seeing pretty good progress despite a slow-moving judicial process” and said that proceedings could end in 2022.
02.12.2021 kl 21:34 6236

til syden med XRP🍺🍺

Konzum, the largest supermarket chain in Croatia, which was founded all the way back in 1957, has begun accepting cryptocurrencies in its online store, according to a Dec. 1 report by Zagreb-based newspaper 24sata.
03.12.2021 kl 14:34 6080

In a much-anticipated announcement, Kinesis Money, the monetary system based 1:1 on fully allocated physical gold and silver, introduces XRP coin (XRP) to the Kinesis Exchange, further enriching Kinesis’ selection of the most in-demand cryptocurrencies, globally.
The highly competitive XRP coin, ranked among the top 10 cryptocurrencies based on market capitalisation, is designed to facilitate secure, instantaneous conversion between multiple currencies and networks.
Distinguished by its exceptional scalability levels, XRP is focused on transforming global cross-border transactions, ensuring instant settlement, lower exchange fees and more efficient use of investors’ capital within the Kinesis Monetary system.
Kinesis is already home to the world’s most traded allocated digitalised gold currency, with $10B traded in 2021 alone. The milestone addition of XRP coin allows system users to further diversify their portfolios and optimise their crypto trading experience.
Commenting on this milestone, Jai Bifulco, CCO of Kinesis, says:

“The addition of XRP to the Kinesis Exchange marks another decisive step forward in the Kinesis Money offering, allowing users to connect their day-to-day banking with cryptocurrency and precious metals trading. As more digital coins get successively introduced to the Kinesis ecosystem, the platform’s unlimited potential as a highly specialised, yet easy to use, asset management tool, gets amplified.
Kinesis’s vision is not just about enabling gold and silver as currencies, but providing our users with an alternative monetary solution that promotes their financial empowerment and protects their wealth.”
Kinesis continues to drive rapid expansion on a global scale, with over 80,000 clients amassed across 151 countries.
The powerful market response to the subsequent token listings on the Kinesis Exchange is not only encouraging but will also lead to further expansion of the ever-widening range of cryptocurrencies.
05.12.2021 kl 17:43 5985

litt lesestoff og oppdatering av SEC saken…som jeg og sikkert alle andre håper at den ender neste år..

“Clearly we’re seeing good questions asked by the judge. And I think the judge realizes this is not just about Ripple, this will have broader implications.”
05.12.2021 kl 18:04 5990

SEC ødelegger mye for prisen, men gjett om jeg fikk snittet godt ned i går da BTC gikk pladask nok en gang. Nå kommer jeg mye raskere ut av XRP med relativ god avkastning også vil jeg tro så lenge BTC klatrer opp igjen.

SEC casen vil fortsatt ta sin tid før den er over neste år en gang, men jeg vil være ute lenge før den tid, da jeg heller vil plassere pengene i mer ferske og spennende prosjekter.

Kanskje jeg investerer i XRP igjen i neste bearmarked når de endelig har lagt SEC casen bak seg som forhåpentligvis ender med et forlik. Da vil nok XRP gå som det suser i neste bullmarked.
05.12.2021 kl 23:29 5948

Det kommer nok flere bull og bear markeder uansett hvilket valuta sitter man med, de sterkeste kommer alltid fortere opp etter nedgangen…Mange er blitt overrasket med den siste fallet, fikk selv kjøpt mange nye coins til ganske rabattert pris…det er kanskje bra å få flyttet på seg litt, velger å sitte med mine men trader andre valuta innimellom. Binance har ganske bra utvalg og det er lett å finne de som er volatile 😀 Ta en titt på DAR eller WIN vis du vil
06.12.2021 kl 00:37 5950

Dere skriver som at dette bullmarkedet er over, det er jeg ikke så sikker på. Jeg tror at bullrunnet fortsatt er inntakt og at det vil vare langt inn i 22. For XRP så tror jeg det løsner før SEC casen har fått endelig avklaring. Skulle den fulgt de andre hadde vi vært på 10kr nå. Den henger etter, og vil hente dette inn igjen på et eller annet tidspunkt.
06.12.2021 kl 12:15 5910

"Det kommer nok flere bull og bear markeder uansett hvilket valuta sitter man med"

Det sier jo seg selv? Var du full når du skrev den posten?

Foretrekker Binance selv og kommer til å investere en del i BNB i neste bear marked.
06.12.2021 kl 12:23 5975

Håper ikke du mener meg fordi jeg vet at bullsyklusen er langt ifra over. BTC kan oppnå en ny ATH nå om ikke så lenge etter å ha falt ned til 40K. So pay attention.

Løsner seg hvordan da egentlig? XRP vil ikke oppnå den rettmessige prisen den i realiteten er verdt før SEC casen er over, det er helt sikkert. XRP følger uansett BTC slavisk, så når BTC går opp til 60K+ igjen, er den godt over dollaren igjen.

Det beste du kan håpe på nå, er hvis SEC casen dras inn i et bear marked, slik at du får aller mest for pengene i neste bull marked.
12.12.2021 kl 13:11 5939

“XRP price risks a drop towards $0.60 once this key support caves in“
-Ripple bears back in the game after Saturday’s temporary rebound.
-XRP price could fall further if the critical daily support line at $0.79 is eroded.
-RSI is pointing lower towards the oversold region while below 50.00.
12.12.2021 kl 13:15 6010

Ripple’s Co-Founder Comes Up With A Genius Way To Solve Bitcoin’s Energy Consumption Process
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12.12.2021 kl 13:34 6005

her er gårsdagens artikkel fra Charles Gasparino som jobber for Fox Business Network som Senior Correspondent

SEC case against Ripple Labs for XRP crypto sale a ‘Bit’ of a double standard

During last week’s snoozer of a congressional hearing on the $2.5 trillion crypto-blockchain business, we got just a small glimpse into just how little the government knows about a technology that could transform the way we do business.
12.12.2021 kl 17:48 5973

BlackPearl skrev Nei, drikker sjelden
Bra, der er vi to ;-)
16.12.2021 kl 05:29 5843

Flere har benyttet seg av lav XRP pris i siste perioden og økt beholdningen sin

“XRP price has established a good support zone near the $0.80 value area. Since the flash crash on December 5th, XRP has shown some resilience and stability by forming a somewhat stable floor.

«Santiment reported that XRP price addresses that hold between one million to ten million XRP had increased their holdings by 6% over the past six months. Suppose the adage of following what institutional money does is true. In that case, entities with significant capital and risk management procedures are highly bullish on XRP despite clouds of uncertainty with the SEC.«
16.12.2021 kl 13:28 5767

Meg inkludert. Har faktisk veldig lyst å snitte mer ned før BTC tar med seg XRP opp igjen mot $2.

Og ja, hadde det ikke vært for SEC, så hadde vi kanskje heller snakket $5-10. Men den saken blir ikke avsluttet før neste år. Spillet for galleriet må fortsette dessverre.
18.12.2021 kl 21:24 5606

om amerikanere og delvis kanadiere vil ikke ha den så er flere flere andre som inkluderer XRP fra dag til dag, saken er nok avsluttet på nye året…flere dipp kan komme før vi når nye høyder så da er det bare å så klar

Japanese financial services company SBI Holdings has announced the launch of Japan's first cryptocurrency fund for retail investors that will invest in seven major crypto assets.
These assets include the top two cryptos, Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), which are trading under $47k and $4k respectively, along with Polkadot (DOT), Chainlink (LINK), XRP, Litecoin (LTC), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
21.12.2021 kl 22:23 5361

Visa Completes Acquisition Of Currencycloud
Announced on Tuesday, the Currencycloud acquisition has set Visa back £700 million (equivalent to $930 million). Visa’s purchase of Currencycloud is intended to improve transparency, flexibility, and speed when making cross-border transfers or conducting foreign exchange business for the clients of the two companies.
24.12.2021 kl 17:52 5237

Data shared by Whale Alert blockchain tracking service shows that over the past 20 hours, a jaw-dropping amount of Ripple-affiliated XRP has been shifted by multiple players in the crypto space. These include Ripple tech monster, several of its ODL corridors and popular exchanges like Binance.
1.18 billion XRP shifted in massive lumps
27.12.2021 kl 15:02 4846

Dette er en av grunnene til at jeg skrev og publiserte artikkelen "Er neste bear marked siste sjanse?", dvs. siste sjanse for å gjøre et megakupp i kryptomarkedet før neste byllsyklus starter og BTC kanskje oppnår en pris på opptil $500K - $1M.

Kunnne vært en ide å ta noen lodd før det skjer til de som ennå ikke har kommet seg inn i gamet ;-)
27.12.2021 kl 16:20 4810

Definitivt her lønner det seg å komme inn tidlig som mulig. Det ble sluppet ut mange nye coins uten at det resulterte stør prisnedgang, fleste valgte å sende dem vekk fra salgsmarkedet, slik at xrp er funnet ny bunn rundt 0,9$…om del av dem velger å selge så blir det nok en lite prisnedgang igjen og da bør man gripe sjansen.
Nok en bra artikkel om Riple

2021 was one of the strongest years for Ripple as its On-demand liquidity platform witnessed 25x growth in transactions.
The spike in on-chain activity and increase in the number of partner countries on the ODL network points to Ripple’s growth.
XRP price increased in double-digits over the Christmas holidays, fueling a bullish narrative among investors.
27.01.2022 kl 02:22 4372

Saken mot SEC går nok mot slutten og Riple vill forsikre seg at dem har kontroll over aksjene sine …så de kjøpte tilbake det som ble utsted i 2019….bra tiltak uansett hvordan saken ender.

Ripple has bought back shares from its Series C funding round, which raised the company’s valuation to $15 billion, according to CEO Brad Garlinghouse. He added that despite the lawsuit by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over the status of XRP cryptocurrency, Ripple had the best year on record.
27.01.2022 kl 15:42 4260

Satser på XRP! - Men spennende med retssak!

Hilsen Steffen - &
Redigert 23.08.2023 kl 12:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.01.2022 kl 16:43 4232

Samme hær å !
29.01.2022 kl 19:06 4134

Ripple publishes the quarterly XRP Markets Report to voluntarily provide transparency and regular updates on the company’s views on the state of crypto markets such as quarterly XRP sales, relevant XRP-related announcements and commentary on market developments over the previous quarter.

As an XRP holder, Ripple believes proactive communication and transparency are part of being a responsible stakeholder. Moreover, Ripple urges others in the industry to build trust, foster open communication and raise the bar, industry-wide.