Mass Deployment 2021 :-)
Nu mass deployment :-) 2021
EPS to pilot Zwipe Pay ONE Biometric Cards with key executives at multiple Financial Institutions in Levant
OSLO, NORWAY and AMMAN, JORDAN – 16 August 2021 – Middle East Payment Services (MEPS) and Zwipe are pleased to announce the launch of a pilot of Biometric Payment Cards based on the Zwipe Pay ONE platform to top-level executives and key decision makers at up to 20 banks and issuers in the Levant region. MEPS is a key regional player in card issuing, payment processing and merchant acquiring services in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Zwipe is a biometric fintech pioneering next generation contactless payment globally.
2020 MENA
Press Release
Beirut, Lebanon: Biometric fintech company Zwipe and Inkript, a digital security provider in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region and a subsidiary of Resource Group, announce that they have launched a joint project to deliver the next generation contactless payments experience, Zwipe Pay ONE, to banks across the Middle East.
“Since we announced our partnership with Zwipe, and as a result of the surge in contactless payments, our customers are increasingly demanding safer and more secure payment options; more so today with the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on people’s actions towards the nature of cash. It is undoubtedly that security, convenience and contactless are the future of payments, and banks are ready to dive into new technologies that support consumers’ changing behaviors towards money, hygiene, comfort, and overall wellbeing”, says Riad Itani, Managing Director at Inkript.
He added: “Biometric payment cards powered by the Zwipe Pay ONE platform are the most compelling way to address this demand, in terms of both performance and cost. We are enthusiastic to take this next step with Zwipe.”
Inkript has placed an order to Zwipe, commencing small scale manufacturing of biometric payment cards based on the Zwipe Pay ONE platform with the goal of launching pilots, followed by mass-volume deployments with multiple banks in 2021.
“Inkript is a distinguished provider of smartcards and value-added services to some of the largest banks in the MEA. We are excited and proud that Inkript has selected Zwipe Pay ONE as its preferred biometric payment card platform and are now taking action together with us to provide secure payments solutions in the Middle East region,” says André Løvestam, CEO of Zwipe.
Send us your press releases to
© Press Release 2020
Nu mass deployment :-) 2021
EPS to pilot Zwipe Pay ONE Biometric Cards with key executives at multiple Financial Institutions in Levant
OSLO, NORWAY and AMMAN, JORDAN – 16 August 2021 – Middle East Payment Services (MEPS) and Zwipe are pleased to announce the launch of a pilot of Biometric Payment Cards based on the Zwipe Pay ONE platform to top-level executives and key decision makers at up to 20 banks and issuers in the Levant region. MEPS is a key regional player in card issuing, payment processing and merchant acquiring services in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Zwipe is a biometric fintech pioneering next generation contactless payment globally.
2020 MENA
Press Release
Beirut, Lebanon: Biometric fintech company Zwipe and Inkript, a digital security provider in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region and a subsidiary of Resource Group, announce that they have launched a joint project to deliver the next generation contactless payments experience, Zwipe Pay ONE, to banks across the Middle East.
“Since we announced our partnership with Zwipe, and as a result of the surge in contactless payments, our customers are increasingly demanding safer and more secure payment options; more so today with the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on people’s actions towards the nature of cash. It is undoubtedly that security, convenience and contactless are the future of payments, and banks are ready to dive into new technologies that support consumers’ changing behaviors towards money, hygiene, comfort, and overall wellbeing”, says Riad Itani, Managing Director at Inkript.
He added: “Biometric payment cards powered by the Zwipe Pay ONE platform are the most compelling way to address this demand, in terms of both performance and cost. We are enthusiastic to take this next step with Zwipe.”
Inkript has placed an order to Zwipe, commencing small scale manufacturing of biometric payment cards based on the Zwipe Pay ONE platform with the goal of launching pilots, followed by mass-volume deployments with multiple banks in 2021.
“Inkript is a distinguished provider of smartcards and value-added services to some of the largest banks in the MEA. We are excited and proud that Inkript has selected Zwipe Pay ONE as its preferred biometric payment card platform and are now taking action together with us to provide secure payments solutions in the Middle East region,” says André Løvestam, CEO of Zwipe.
Send us your press releases to
© Press Release 2020
kan fort gå mot første motstand på 3,20 ledelsen har vel indikert mer eller mindre at det kan komme masse ordre i q3 - og kun 30 dager igjen av kvartalet.Blir nok en bra høst dette for idex aksjonærer.
007 James Bond
01.09.2021 kl 12:35
Fortsatt sterk interesse for aksjen. I morgen ser vi 3-tallet.
01.09.2021 kl 18:16
Ikke lang tid igjen til komersialisering, fint trespann Idemia, Idex og Zwipe. Tror de kan ta store deler av markedet. Vedlagt link fra 2020 forteller om masse produskjon i 2021, pilot og test perioden er snart over og det er ingenting som tyder på forsinkelser.
02.09.2021 kl 05:22
IDEX Biometrics: Employee Share Purchase Plan Share Issue – 1 September 2021
The board of directors of IDEX Biometrics ASA has resolved to issue 913,198 ordinary shares at NOK 2.10 per share to employees who participate in the company’s 2020 Employee Share Purchase Plan (2020 ESPP), which plan was approved by the annual general meeting on 15 May 2020.
53 employees participated in the 2020 ESPP in this cycle. The participating employees have elected to invest a part of the base salary in ordinary shares in the company. Purchase takes place every three months. The shares are restricted for three months.
Following the issue, the Company’s share capital will be NOK 137,926,078.20 divided into 919,507,188 shares each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15.
Primary insiders
IDEX discloses transactions by the following primary insiders in IDEX shares ISIN NO0003070609:
– CEO Vince Graziani acquired 20,490 ordinary shares at NOK 2.10 per share.
– CTO Anthony Eaton acquired 8,029 ordinary shares at NOK 2.10 per share.
The 2020 ESPP was approved at the annual general meeting on 15 May 2020. Reference is made to the notice of said meeting where the plan document in connection with the 2020 ESPP is attached.
The board of directors of IDEX Biometrics ASA has resolved to issue 913,198 ordinary shares at NOK 2.10 per share to employees who participate in the company’s 2020 Employee Share Purchase Plan (2020 ESPP), which plan was approved by the annual general meeting on 15 May 2020.
53 employees participated in the 2020 ESPP in this cycle. The participating employees have elected to invest a part of the base salary in ordinary shares in the company. Purchase takes place every three months. The shares are restricted for three months.
Following the issue, the Company’s share capital will be NOK 137,926,078.20 divided into 919,507,188 shares each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15.
Primary insiders
IDEX discloses transactions by the following primary insiders in IDEX shares ISIN NO0003070609:
– CEO Vince Graziani acquired 20,490 ordinary shares at NOK 2.10 per share.
– CTO Anthony Eaton acquired 8,029 ordinary shares at NOK 2.10 per share.
The 2020 ESPP was approved at the annual general meeting on 15 May 2020. Reference is made to the notice of said meeting where the plan document in connection with the 2020 ESPP is attached.
02.09.2021 kl 19:32
IDEX Biometrics ASA American Depositary Shares (IDBA)
Nasdaq Listed
+2.17 (+9.6%)
SEP 2, 2021 13:17
Nasdaq Listed
+2.17 (+9.6%)
SEP 2, 2021 13:17
Redigert 02.09.2021 kl 19:33
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007 James Bond
03.09.2021 kl 10:05
Ser ut som markedet fortsatt ser for seg at ting tar tid. Eller er det jobbtallene i USA som kommer 14.30 som skremmer børsene? Denne gangen er gode tall dårlige nyheter. Spennende tider.
Kan bli litt kjøp i denne mot slutten av dagen, i påvente av melding om masseordre når som helst, er nok idex en aksje mange ønsker å eier over helgen.
Mulig den går over 3 kr før stengetid, da ser vi 3,20 mandag. Tror den kan gå mot 4 kr nå på forventninger om masseordre.
Mulig den går over 3 kr før stengetid, da ser vi 3,20 mandag. Tror den kan gå mot 4 kr nå på forventninger om masseordre.
03.09.2021 kl 15:18
IDEX har bakat in GPS positionering i deras Biometric Kort :-) som kommer med Digital Curruncy Wallet :-) då kunde kortet parat med när ligande andra delar typ betalning mm
03.09.2021 kl 17:13
Ja det var da en god dag 6,75% op. Det bliver spændende i næste uge. Om der er nogle short så begynder at blive nervøs. God weekend 🥃🥃🥃🥃
03.09.2021 kl 18:31
Oslo Børs' mest shortede aksjer
Utsteder Andel (%) Antall Oppdatert
NEL 8,47 123 916 582 27.08.2021
PGS 5,69 22 480 879 23.08.2021
Subsea 7 2,84 8 585 319 02.09.2021
XXL 2,14 4 775 000 27.04.2021
Idex Biometrics 1,76 16 310 587 19.08.2021
Frontline 1,59 3 158 860 02.09.2021
Zaptec 1,5 1 133 594 31.08.2021
Nordic Nanovector 1,39 1 377 032 01.09.2021
Scatec 1,39 2 223 469 26.08.2021
BW Offshore Limited 1,34 2 502 034 27.08.2021
REC Silicon 1,32 4 940 157 31.08.2021
Utsteder Andel (%) Antall Oppdatert
NEL 8,47 123 916 582 27.08.2021
PGS 5,69 22 480 879 23.08.2021
Subsea 7 2,84 8 585 319 02.09.2021
XXL 2,14 4 775 000 27.04.2021
Idex Biometrics 1,76 16 310 587 19.08.2021
Frontline 1,59 3 158 860 02.09.2021
Zaptec 1,5 1 133 594 31.08.2021
Nordic Nanovector 1,39 1 377 032 01.09.2021
Scatec 1,39 2 223 469 26.08.2021
BW Offshore Limited 1,34 2 502 034 27.08.2021
REC Silicon 1,32 4 940 157 31.08.2021
03.09.2021 kl 20:11
Ja - bare ser den er oppdatert 19.8. Vet vi om de kan være solgt etter det?
007 James Bond
03.09.2021 kl 21:06
Styremedlem selger unna Zwipe-aksjer for 3,4 mill.
Styremedlem Johan Biehl i Zwipe har solgt 92.883 av sine Zwipe-aksjer til kurs 37,03 svenske kroner.
Det tilsvarer et aksjesalg på over 3,4 millioner norske kroner.
Det skriver Zwipe i en børsmelding fredag kveld.
Hva er det han vet, som tilsier at han selger?
Dagens oppgang i Idex kan knyttes til salg fra Zwipe.
Hvorfor har ikke styreformannen tid til å vente på større avkastning? Har han ikke trua?
Kan det få følger for Idex på mandag?
Styremedlem Johan Biehl i Zwipe har solgt 92.883 av sine Zwipe-aksjer til kurs 37,03 svenske kroner.
Det tilsvarer et aksjesalg på over 3,4 millioner norske kroner.
Det skriver Zwipe i en børsmelding fredag kveld.
Hva er det han vet, som tilsier at han selger?
Dagens oppgang i Idex kan knyttes til salg fra Zwipe.
Hvorfor har ikke styreformannen tid til å vente på større avkastning? Har han ikke trua?
Kan det få følger for Idex på mandag?
Redigert 03.09.2021 kl 21:34
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04.09.2021 kl 07:26
11.09.2021 kl 07:17
30 million IDEX sensors med IDEMIA och MasterCard
IDEX Sochi Infenion in Government ID 😛
IDEX Sochi Infenion in Government ID 😛
Redigert 11.09.2021 kl 07:19
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11.09.2021 kl 07:45
Disse kortene lagrer biometrisk data på kortet, men ansiktet og finger sjekkes med en tablet, ikke egen sensor på kortet...
Redigert 11.09.2021 kl 07:46
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11.09.2021 kl 08:36
Korrekt. Det er det eneste som henger på greip økonomisk. Spesielt for fattige land. USD 5 er "store penger" for mottaker av disse kortene og det har ingen mening å bruke de på dyre kort. Omtrent samme vurdering som Kina gjorde når de innførte biometriske ID kort.
Forøvrig har Paycode et partnership med Thales (Gemalto) så det var vel FPC som skulle juble om de hadde vært gale nok til å bruke fingersensorkort.
Men, Poki leser idex så snart han ser ord som mastercard, idemia, digital currency osv
Forøvrig har Paycode et partnership med Thales (Gemalto) så det var vel FPC som skulle juble om de hadde vært gale nok til å bruke fingersensorkort.
Men, Poki leser idex så snart han ser ord som mastercard, idemia, digital currency osv
Redigert 11.09.2021 kl 08:42
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11.09.2021 kl 10:01
"Det er det eneste som henger på greip økonomisk" ...for ID kort.
For betalingkort som brukes langt oftere og betales av kunden så er det mer logisk med sensor i kortet. :)
Enig, Poki burde virkelig lese og tenke mer kritisk om hva hen legger ut.
For betalingkort som brukes langt oftere og betales av kunden så er det mer logisk med sensor i kortet. :)
Enig, Poki burde virkelig lese og tenke mer kritisk om hva hen legger ut.
11.09.2021 kl 11:38
Denne meldingen kom ut 4.september. Hele uken etter har aksjekursen gått i minus hver eneste dag!
11.09.2021 kl 19:43
Det är mycket som händer med Idemia , Infenion från 2020
Idemia and Mastercard launch converged card solution
Idemia has launched a new converged card solution developed in partnership with Mastercard to provide financial inclusion to people in the U.S.
The ‘Converged Card’ is a government-issued ID like a driver’s license with an integrated payment credential. The card or digital application supports state-subsidized programs like unemployment benefits, housing and utility assistance, according to the announcement, allowing the government an automated means of reaching people in need of public sector assistance faster than with a paper check.
Mastercard and Idemia have also partnered recently on biometric card solutions, though fingerprint biometrics are not mentioned in relation to the Converged Card.
“This card will address the foundational issues of financial inclusion, allowing all citizens to have access to financial services via a prepaid card, in an affordable and timely way, which will create a new and improved process to disburse state government funds,” comments Megan Heinze, president of Financial Institutions for North America at Idemia. Heinze announced the Converged Card in a keynote address at the MoneyFest virtual event.
The companies established their partnership in 2018 through the City Possible global network for urban co-development, and Mastercard EVP for Global Cities and Enterprise Partnerships Miguel Gamiño Jr. says they have worked together since to develop solution to enable financial inclusion around the world.
“With IDEMIA and Mastercard in partnership, we believe the capabilities of a multi-functional card with combined payment and identifications will increase in importance due to the demand to get funds into consumers’ hands quickly and easily without compromising security,” says Matt Thompson, senior vice president, Civil Identity for North America, IDEMIA. “We’re talking to multiple state leaders interested in the opportunity to provide this type of solution to their residents.”
Idemia already works with more than three-quarters of U.S. states to provide physical driver’s licenses, and is currently working with several on digital driver’s licenses with the same features as the Converged Card.
Idemia and Mastercard launch converged card solution
Idemia has launched a new converged card solution developed in partnership with Mastercard to provide financial inclusion to people in the U.S.
The ‘Converged Card’ is a government-issued ID like a driver’s license with an integrated payment credential. The card or digital application supports state-subsidized programs like unemployment benefits, housing and utility assistance, according to the announcement, allowing the government an automated means of reaching people in need of public sector assistance faster than with a paper check.
Mastercard and Idemia have also partnered recently on biometric card solutions, though fingerprint biometrics are not mentioned in relation to the Converged Card.
“This card will address the foundational issues of financial inclusion, allowing all citizens to have access to financial services via a prepaid card, in an affordable and timely way, which will create a new and improved process to disburse state government funds,” comments Megan Heinze, president of Financial Institutions for North America at Idemia. Heinze announced the Converged Card in a keynote address at the MoneyFest virtual event.
The companies established their partnership in 2018 through the City Possible global network for urban co-development, and Mastercard EVP for Global Cities and Enterprise Partnerships Miguel Gamiño Jr. says they have worked together since to develop solution to enable financial inclusion around the world.
“With IDEMIA and Mastercard in partnership, we believe the capabilities of a multi-functional card with combined payment and identifications will increase in importance due to the demand to get funds into consumers’ hands quickly and easily without compromising security,” says Matt Thompson, senior vice president, Civil Identity for North America, IDEMIA. “We’re talking to multiple state leaders interested in the opportunity to provide this type of solution to their residents.”
Idemia already works with more than three-quarters of U.S. states to provide physical driver’s licenses, and is currently working with several on digital driver’s licenses with the same features as the Converged Card.
Redigert 11.09.2021 kl 19:44
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12.09.2021 kl 07:41
Idemia og Mastercard. Da leser Poki "Idex".
Dette har ingen ting med Idex å gjøre. Det er et vanlig ID kort med biometri (lagret i kortet) som også kan enables for betaling.
Og for å spare Poki en posting, denne har heller ingen ting med idex å gjøre:
Selv om det nevnes både biometri, ID og financial inclusion. Med 220 millioner mennesker i Pakistan kunne jo dette vært bra å hausse idex med.
Dette har ingen ting med Idex å gjøre. Det er et vanlig ID kort med biometri (lagret i kortet) som også kan enables for betaling.
Og for å spare Poki en posting, denne har heller ingen ting med idex å gjøre:
Selv om det nevnes både biometri, ID og financial inclusion. Med 220 millioner mennesker i Pakistan kunne jo dette vært bra å hausse idex med.
Redigert 12.09.2021 kl 08:27
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15.09.2021 kl 10:23
Hver dag går vi nedover..
Ingen salg blir meldt..
Idex er bare drømmer og tomme ord..
Skjer ikke en dritt.
Ingen salg blir meldt..
Idex er bare drømmer og tomme ord..
Skjer ikke en dritt.
15.09.2021 kl 20:32
Det sägs lite om Biometric, vet inte om INVESTBANK lanserat biometriska kort
Det sägs lite om Biometric, vet inte om INVESTBANK lanserat biometriska kort
16.09.2021 kl 09:59
Redigert 16.09.2021 kl 10:00
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16.09.2021 kl 10:57
Så Vopy, som tidligere ville bruke Zwipe for kort tjenester, går nå til FSS? Eller skal Vopy samarbeide med begge?
"Vopy and FSS will collaborate closely, offering greater value to customers by combining FSS’s Unified Card Issuance Platform"
Eller kanskje det er kun det tekniske biten av kortet, som kommunikasjon mellom bank og terminal som dette samarbeidet gjelder?
"Vopy and FSS will collaborate closely, offering greater value to customers by combining FSS’s Unified Card Issuance Platform"
Eller kanskje det er kun det tekniske biten av kortet, som kommunikasjon mellom bank og terminal som dette samarbeidet gjelder?
Vedlagt melding fra aug 2020. Ett år siden, avslutningsvis sier de at se skal kjøre pilot tester i 2020 og komersialisering i 2021. Vincent (CEO Idex) kunne forelle på q2 presentasjon at de ville være klar for masseproduksjon i q3 2021, det er bare noen få dager igjen av q3. Idex leverer sensorer til Idemia sine kort. Dette er stort og vil bli milliardbutikk - for de som er i tvil vil jeg og anbefale å lese seg opp på
IDEMIA, ZWIPE and IDEX achieve key milestone towards next generation biometric card platform
POSTED ON 04.08.20
IDEMIA, the global leader in Augmented Identity, and ZWIPE, a leading biometric fintech company, announce today, as per plan1, the arrival of the first engineering samples of the next generation of the biometric secure element.
This device will be the heart of the F.CODE next generation biometric card that IDEMIA will sell to Financial Institutions.
ZWIPE, the holder of worldwide and exclusive rights to distribute this technology, will benefit from early availability of this new platform for their customers2.
IDEMIA has selected IDEX Biometrics, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, as the supplier of the biometric sensor for the new platform.
The three companies will be piloting in the second half of 2020, with commercial rollout planned from 2021 and onwards.
IDEMIA, ZWIPE and IDEX achieve key milestone towards next generation biometric card platform
POSTED ON 04.08.20
IDEMIA, the global leader in Augmented Identity, and ZWIPE, a leading biometric fintech company, announce today, as per plan1, the arrival of the first engineering samples of the next generation of the biometric secure element.
This device will be the heart of the F.CODE next generation biometric card that IDEMIA will sell to Financial Institutions.
ZWIPE, the holder of worldwide and exclusive rights to distribute this technology, will benefit from early availability of this new platform for their customers2.
IDEMIA has selected IDEX Biometrics, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, as the supplier of the biometric sensor for the new platform.
The three companies will be piloting in the second half of 2020, with commercial rollout planned from 2021 and onwards.
16.09.2021 kl 19:45
Høres bra ut. Satser på at volumordrer starter å rulle inn utover høsten.
16.09.2021 kl 20:31
Tror du på det selv at det kommer masseordre innen q3 siden de sa det ifjor????
Ja det nærmer seg men ro ned litt, dette er bare hausing som skaper falske forventninger.
Ja det nærmer seg men ro ned litt, dette er bare hausing som skaper falske forventninger.
Redigert 16.09.2021 kl 20:41
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16.09.2021 kl 21:37
Det er nok misforståelser fra hauserene som skyldes dette med Q3.
Idex har sagt masse produksjon er mulig i Q3, de har aldri garantert det.
Senest i TrustedBio Max annonseringen.
"Samples of the TrustedBio Max are available now from IDEX Biometrics, with mass production by the end of the third quarter of 2021."
Prøver er tilgjengelige nå, og masseproduksjon er tilgjengelig i slutten av Q3...
Idex har sagt masse produksjon er mulig i Q3, de har aldri garantert det.
Senest i TrustedBio Max annonseringen.
"Samples of the TrustedBio Max are available now from IDEX Biometrics, with mass production by the end of the third quarter of 2021."
Prøver er tilgjengelige nå, og masseproduksjon er tilgjengelig i slutten av Q3...
Redigert 16.09.2021 kl 21:38
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Klarer dere ikke å lese ordteksten i Idemia meldingen aug 2020 som omhandler Idemia, Zwipe og Idex som skal levere sensorer til Idemia sine kort kunder(bla Visa)? Masseproduksjon i 2021 sier Idemia😊 når ceo i Idex nevner masseproduksjon i q3 2021 så er jo dette 2+2, i tillegg så sier Artic i sin analyse september 2021 at det kommer en emisjon på 3-3,5 kr ila 4 de kvartal 2021 eller q1 2022, dvs de forventer kursen skal være minimum 4 kr på dette tidspunktet. Her er det mange som blir overasket når Idemia melding kommer.
16.09.2021 kl 21:57
De kan ta i mot ordre når som helst med lovnad om å kunne levere når masseproduksjon er mulig.
Men hvor realistisk er det med store ordre på et produkt som ikke enda er sertifisert mot noen betalingsnetverk?
Det er den nyheten som bør få fokus, alle ordre før sertifisering er relativt små.
Men hvor realistisk er det med store ordre på et produkt som ikke enda er sertifisert mot noen betalingsnetverk?
Det er den nyheten som bør få fokus, alle ordre før sertifisering er relativt små.
16.09.2021 kl 22:20
Dette er tullete, du kan ikke komme dragende på en 1 år gammel melding og lese den så firkantet og bokstavtro. Så enkel er ikke dette markedet å predikere. Det vet de som sa det og det vet/burde vite vi som leser det.
Redigert 16.09.2021 kl 22:21
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Etter 25 år med ca 200 samarbeidspartnere, mange "ordrer", lite men stigende salg og inntekter, begynner realismen å synke inn.
Brudene FEITIAN og China UnionPay er ikke like hotte som for 2 år siden.
Brudene FEITIAN og China UnionPay er ikke like hotte som for 2 år siden.
Redigert 16.09.2021 kl 23:41
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