AQUA TP 15kr. To analytikere spår AqualisBraemar LOC opp 67%

AQUA 17.08.2021 kl 10:24 1441

Fra SB1M 11.05.21:
AQUA (Buy, TP NOK 15): We expect solid Q1 figures next week and EBIT growth in 2021-22 – Higher valuation warranted
SB1M med Tommy Johannessen har oppdatert sin analyse av AqualisBraemar LOC "AQUA" 11.05.21, kursmålet står fast på 15kr, opp 65% fra dagens kurs.
"Very low multiples, net cash and attractive dividend. We maintain Buy and NOK 15 target price on AQUA, and highlight the company as one of our top picks."

Fra Nordea 19.03.21:
«Selskapet sikter inn mot å få 50 prosent av sine inntekter fra fornybare energikilder innen 2025. Vi mener dette er en mulighet med tanke på den nåværende posisjonen og markedsveksten», skriver analytikerne i rapporten.
Kursmålet Nordea Markets opererer med gir en selskapsverdi (EV) mot driftsresultat på 11 ganger 2022-estimatene.
19.08.2021 kl 08:36 1354

SB1M ute med oppdater analyse i forkant av Q2 i morgen.

AQUA (Buy, TP NOK 15): Q2 results out tomorrow - We expect continued improvement in revenues and margins
AQUA Q2’21 expectations: (USDm)
Revenues 38,4
EBITDA 3,3 (margin 8,6%)
Net income adj 2,2
20.08.2021 kl 08:56 1243

Overskrift på oppdatering fra SB1M etter dagens tall

Good morning,
AQUA (Buy, TP NOK 15): Results continued to improve in Q2 as expected – LOC cost synergy target raised – EV/EBIT 8x/5x and P/E 12x/8x for 2021-22e is cheap
16.09.2021 kl 10:45 1029

Sitter og ser på porteføljen min av aksjer og vurderer om jeg skal rebalansere. Jeg holder stort sett lange posisjoner (over 1 år), og AQUA har så langt ikke fått forlate porteføljen etter at jeg gikk inn for snart 5 år siden. Har ikke dårlig tid, men lurer fælt på hvorfor denne får så lite oppmerksomhet på forumet og at ikke kursen raskere går til kursmålet på 15 kr (som i mitt hode er for lavt).

Klør meg litt i hodet her...
Black Spread
28.09.2021 kl 13:40 859

Enda en ny kontrakt til AQUA:

Codling Wind Park enlists AqualisBraemar LOC support
AqualisBraemar LOC (ABL) – the energy and marine consultants – have been appointed as Marine Warranty Surveyor (MWS) for the construction of Codling Wind Park – Ireland’s largest Phase One offshore wind project.

Appointed to the project by Codling Wind Park Ltd., ABL will provide MWS for the marine transportation and installation of WTG foundations, offshore support structures, inter-array cables, export cables and wind turbine generators. The size and number of wind turbines to be installed is not yet confirmed but could involve up to 140 WTGs.

Subject to all necessary permits and consents being received, Codling Wind Park could begin construction in 2024/25, with construction expected to take two to three years to complete.

The company has also been appointed to provide consulting services related to the review of early designs and installation methodologies, as well as vessels and equipment.

“We are enormously proud to have the opportunity to work on such a significant project for the Irish energy industry. The Codling Wind Park offshore project represents a decisive step forward in delivering Ireland’s climate action plan targets. It also aims to deliver huge benefits for local businesses and communities, generating around 1,000 jobs in construction for the area.”

Mike McLachlan, ABL Renewables Project Director
“We are delighted to have ABL as part of our team. Bringing their global experience and expertise to bear from an early stage in the project’s lifecycle will help us to develop Codling Wind Park to the highest standards, delivering a project that makes a significant contribution to Ireland’s 2030 Climate Action Plan targets.”

Rob Sheldon, Engineering Manager at Codling Wind Park Ltd.
Codling Wind Park, located in the Irish Sea, represents one of the largest energy infrastructure investments in Ireland this decade, and is set to become the country’s largest offshore wind farm. The project is a 50/50 joint venture between Fred. Olsen Renewables and EDF Renewables.

It has the potential to generate up to 1,500 MW of electricity, allowing it to power 70 percent of Irish homes, saving the equivalent of almost two million tonnes of harmful CO2 emissions annually. Further information can be found at

ABL as a group, including sister companies OWC and Longitude Engineering, has contributed with a range of advisory, marine and engineering consulting services to the offshore wind market in Ireland. The group has recently formalised its presence in the Irish renewable energy market, with the opening of a new OWC office in Cork.